< 2 Књига дневника 30 >
1 Потом посла Језекија к свему Израиљу и Јуди, и написа књиге синовима Јефремовим и Манасијиним да дођу у дом Господњи у Јерусалим да прославе пасху Господу Богу Израиљевом.
Also, Hezekiah sent to all of Israel and Judah. And he wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasseh, so that they would come to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, and so that they would keep the Passover to the Lord, the God of Israel.
2 Јер цар и кнезови његови и сав збор свећаше у Јерусалиму да славе пасху другог месеца.
Therefore, having taken counsel, the king and the rulers, and the entire assembly of Jerusalem, resolved that they would keep the Passover, in the second month.
3 Јер је не могаше славити у то време, јер не беше доста свештеника посвећених и народ се не беше скупио у Јерусалим.
For they had not been able to keep it at its proper time. For the priests, who were unable to suffice, had not been sanctified. And the people had not yet been gathered together in Jerusalem.
4 И то би по вољи цару и свему збору.
And the word was pleasing to the king, and to the entire multitude.
5 И одредише да огласе по свему Израиљу од Вирсавеје до Дана да дођу у Јерусалим да прославе пасху Господу Богу Израиљевом, јер је одавна не беху славили како је написано.
And they resolved that they would send messengers to all of Israel, from Beersheba even to Dan, so that they might come and keep the Passover to the Lord, the God of Israel, at Jerusalem. For many had not kept it, just as it was prescribed by the law.
6 И тако отидоше гласници с књигама од цара и од кнезова по свему Израиљу и Јуди, и по заповести царевој говораху: Синови Израиљеви, обратите се ка Господу Богу Аврамовом, Исаковом и Израиљевом, па ће се и Он обратити к остатку који сте остали од руку царева асирских.
And carriers traveled with the letters, by order of the king and his rulers, to all of Israel and Judah, proclaiming, in accord with what the king had ordered: “O sons of Israel, return to the Lord, the God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Israel. And he will return to the remnant who escaped from the hand of the king of the Assyrians.
7 Не будите као оци ваши и као браћа ваша што грешише Господу Богу отаца својих, те их даде да буду чудо, како видите.
Do not choose to be like your fathers and brothers, who withdrew from the Lord, the God of their fathers. And so he delivered them over to destruction, as you yourselves discern.
8 Не будите дакле тврдоврати као оци ваши, дајте руку Господу и ходите у светињу Његову коју је осветио навек, и служите Господу Богу свом, па ће се одвратити од вас жестина гнева Његовог.
Do not choose to harden your necks, as your fathers did. Surrender to the hands of the Lord. And go to his Sanctuary, which he has sanctified unto eternity. Serve the Lord, the God of your fathers, and the fury of his wrath will be turned away from you.
9 Јер ако се обратите ка Господу, браћа ће ваша и синови ваши стећи милост у оних који их заробише, те ће се вратити у ову земљу; јер је Господ Бог ваш милостив и жалостив, и неће одвратити лица од вас, ако се обратите к Њему.
For if you will return to the Lord, your brothers and sons will find mercy before their masters, who led them away as captives, and they will be returned to this land. For the Lord your God is compassionate and lenient, and he will not avert his face from you, if you will return to him.”
10 А кад ти гласници иђаху од града до града по земљи Јефремовој и Манасијиној дори до Завулона, подсмеваху им се и ругаху им се.
And so, the carriers were traveling quickly from city to city, throughout the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, as far as Zebulun, though they were ridiculing and mocking them.
11 Али неки од Асира и од Манасије и од Завулона покоривши се дођоше у Јерусалим.
Even so, certain men from Asher, and from Manasseh, and from Zebulun, acquiescing to this counsel, went to Jerusalem.
12 И над Јуду дође рука Господња, те им даде једно срце да учине шта беше заповедио цар и кнезови по речи Господњој.
Truly, the hand of God was working in Judah, to give them one heart, so that they would accomplish the word of the Lord, according to the precept of the king and of the rulers.
13 И скупи се у Јерусалим мноштво народа да празнују празник пресних хлебова другог месеца, и би сабор веома велик.
And many people gathered together in Jerusalem, so that they could keep the solemnity of unleavened bread, in the second month.
14 Тада се подигоше, и оборише олтаре што беху у Јерусалиму, и све олтаре кадионе оборише и бацише у поток Кисон.
And rising up, they destroyed the altars which were in Jerusalem, and all the things in which incense was burned to idols. Overturning these things, they cast them into the torrent Kidron.
15 Потом заклаше пасху четрнаестог дана другог месеца; а свештеници и Левити постидевши се освешташе се, и унесоше жртве паљенице у дом Господњи.
Then they immolated the Passover on the fourteenth day of the second month. Also, the priests and Levites, at length having been sanctified, offered the holocausts in the house of the Lord.
16 И стадоше својим редом како треба по закону Мојсија слуге Божијег; и свештеници кропише крвљу примајући из руке Левитима.
And they stood in their order, according to the disposition and law of Moses, the man of God. Yet truly, the priests took up the blood, which was to be poured out, from the hands of the Levites,
17 И јер их много беше у збору који се не беху освештали; зато Левити клаху пасху за сваког који не беше чист да би их посветили Господу.
because a great number were not sanctified. And therefore, the Levites immolated the Passover for those who had not been sanctified to the Lord in time.
18 Јер мноштво народа, многи од Јефрема и од Манасије и од Исахара и од Завулона не очистише се, него једоше пасху не како је написано. Али се за њих помоли Језекија говорећи: Господ благи нека очисти сваког,
And now a great portion of the people from Ephraim, and Manasseh, and Issachar, and Zebulun, who had not been sanctified, ate the Passover, which is not in accord with what was written. And Hezekiah prayed for them, saying: “The good Lord will be forgiving
19 Ко је управио срце своје да тражи Бога Господа, Бога отаца својих, ако и не би био чист према светом очишћењу.
to all who, with their whole heart, seek the Lord, the God of their fathers. And he will not impute it to them, though they have not been sanctified.”
20 И услиши Господ Језекију, и сачува народ.
And the Lord heeded him, and was reconciled to the people.
21 И тако синови Израиљеви који беху у Јерусалиму празноваше празник пресних хлебова седам дана у великом весељу, и хваљаху Господа сваки дан Левити и свештеници уз оруђа за славу Господњу.
And the sons of Israel who were found at Jerusalem kept the solemnity of unleavened bread for seven days with great rejoicing, praising the Lord throughout each day, with the Levites and the priests, accompanied by the musical instruments corresponding to their office.
22 И Језекија говори љубазно са свим Левитима који вешти беху служби Господњој; и једоше о празнику седам дана приносећи жртве захвалне и славећи Господа Бога отаца својих.
And Hezekiah spoke to the heart of all the Levites, who had a good understanding concerning the Lord. And they ate during the seven days of the solemnity, immolating victims of peace offerings, and praising the Lord, the God of their fathers.
23 И сав збор договори се да празнује још седам дана; и празноваше још седам дана у весељу.
And it pleased the entire multitude that they should celebrate, even for another seven days. And they did this with enormous gladness.
24 Јер Језекија, цар Јудин, даде збору хиљаду јунаца и седам хиљада оваца; а кнезови дадоше збору хиљаду јунаца и десет хиљада оваца; и освешта се много свештеника.
For Hezekiah, the king of Judah, had offered to the multitude one thousand bulls and seven thousand sheep. Truly, the rulers had given the people one thousand bulls and ten thousand sheep. Then a great multitude of priests was sanctified.
25 И тако се провесели сав збор Јудин и свештеници и Левити, и сав збор што беше дошао од Израиља, и дошљаци што беху дошли из земље Израиљеве и који живљаху у земљи Јудиној.
And the whole multitude of Judah, as much the priests and Levites as the entire crowd that had arrived from Israel, and also the converts from the land of Israel, and those with a habitation in Judah, was overflowing with cheerfulness.
26 И би весеље велико у Јерусалиму; јер од времена Соломуна сина Давидовог цара Израиљевог не би тако у Јерусалиму.
And there was a great celebration in Jerusalem, to such an extent as had not been in that city since the days of Solomon, the son of David, the king of Israel.
27 Потом усташе свештеници и Левити и благословише народ; и услишен би глас њихов, и молитва њихова дође у стан светиње Господње на небо.
Then the priests and Levites rose up and blessed the people. And their voice was heeded. And their prayer reached the holy habitation of heaven.