< 2 Књига дневника 17 >

1 Тада се зацари Јосафат, син његов, на његово место, и укрепи се на Израиља.
And he became king Jehoshaphat son his in place of him and he strengthened himself on Israel.
2 И понамешта војску по свим тврдим градовима Јудиним, и понамешта страже по земљи Јудиној и по градовима Јефремовим, које задоби Аса, отац његов.
And he put an army in all [the] cities of Judah fortified and he put garrisons in [the] land of Judah and in [the] cities of Ephraim which he had captured Asa father his.
3 И беше Господ с Јосафатом, јер хођаше првим путевима Давида оца свог и не тражаше Вала.
And he was Yahweh with Jehoshaphat for he walked in [the] ways of David ancestor his former and not he sought the Baals.
4 Него Бога оца свог тражаше и по заповестима Његовим хођаше, и не чињаше као синови Израиљеви.
For [the] God of father his he sought and in commandments his he walked and not according to [the] deed[s] of Israel.
5 Зато утврди Господ царство у руци његовој, и сав народ Јудин даваше даре Јосафату, те имаше велико благо и славу.
And he established Yahweh the kingdom in hand his and they gave all Judah tribute to Jehoshaphat and it belonged to him wealth and honor to abundance.
6 И срце се његово ослободи на путевима Господњим, те још обори висине и лугове у Јудеји.
And it was high heart his in [the] ways of Yahweh and again he removed the high places and the Asherah poles from Judah.
7 И треће године свог царовања посла кнезове своје Вен-Аила и Овадију и Захарију и Натанаила и Михеју да уче по градовима Јудиним;
And in year three of reigning his he sent officials his Ben-Hail and Obadiah and Zechariah and Nethanel and Micaiah to teach in [the] cities of Judah.
8 И с њима Левите: Семају и Натанију и Зевадију и Асаила и Семирамота и Јонатана и Адонију и Товију и Тов-Адонију, Левите, и с њима Елисаму и Јорама свештенике.
And [were] with them the Levites Shemaiah and Nethaniah and Zebadiah and Asahel (and Shemiramoth *Q(K)*) and Jonathan and Adonijah and Tobijah and Tob-Adonijah the Levites and [were] with them Elishama and Jehoram the priests.
9 И учаху по Јудеји имајући при себи књигу закона Господњег, и прохођаху све градове Јудине учећи народ.
And they taught in Judah and [was] with them [the] book of [the] law of Yahweh and they went round in all [the] cities of Judah and they taught among the people.
10 И дође страх Господњи на сва царства по земљама око Јуде, те не војеваше на Јосафата.
And it was - [the] dread of Yahweh on all [the] kingdoms of the lands which [were] around Judah and not they waged war with Jehoshaphat.
11 И сами Филистеји доношаху Јосафату даре и данак у новцу; и Арапи догоњаху му стоку, по седам хиљада и седам стотина овнова и по седам хиљада и седам стотина јараца.
And some of [the] Philistines [were] bringing to Jehoshaphat tribute and silver a load also the Arabs [were] bringing to him flock[s] rams seven thousand and seven hundred and male goats seven thousand and seven hundred.
12 Тако напредоваше Јосафат и подиже се веома; и сазида у Јудеји куле и градове за житнице.
And it was Jehoshaphat [was] going and [was] becoming great to upwards and he built in Judah fortresses and cities of storage.
13 И имаше много добра по градовима Јудиним, и војника, храбрих јунака у Јерусалиму.
And property much it belonged to him in [the] cities of Judah and men of war mighty [men] of strength [were] in Jerusalem.
14 А ово је број њихов по домовима отаца њихових; од Јуде хиљадници: Адна војвода, с којим беше три стотине хиљада храбрих јунака.
And these [were] group[s] their to [the] house of ancestors their of Judah commanders of thousands Adnah [was] the commander and [were] with him mighty [men] of strength three hundred thousand.
15 А за њим Јоанам војвода, с којим беше двеста осамдесет хиљада;
And on hand his Jehohanan the commander and with him two hundred and eighty thousand.
16 А за њим Амасија син Зихријев, који се драговољно даде Господу, и с ким беше двеста хиљада храбрих јунака.
And on hand his Amasiah [the] son of Zikri who volunteered to Yahweh and with him two hundred thousand mighty [man] of strength.
17 А од Венијамина: храбри јунак Елијада, с којим беше двеста хиљада наоружаних луком и штитом;
And from Benjamin a mighty [man] of strength Eliada and with him [men] equipped of bow and shield two hundred thousand.
18 А за њим Јозавад, с којим беше сто и осамдесет хиљада наоружаних за бој.
And on hand his Jehozabad and with him one hundred and eighty thousand [men] equipped of war.
19 Ови служаху цару осим оних које понамешта цар по тврдим градовима у свој земљи Јудиној.
These [were] the [ones who] served the king besides [those] whom he put the king in [the] cities of fortification in all Judah.

< 2 Књига дневника 17 >