< Zaharija 9 >

1 Breme rijeèi Gospodnje zemlji Adrahu i Damasku, gdje æe poèinuti, jer je Gospodnje oko na ljudima i na svijem plemenima Izrailjevijem.
An oracle: The message of the Lord concerns the land of Hadrach, it rests upon Damascus. For the capital of Aram belongs to the Lord, as the tribes of Israel do,
2 I Emat æe zahvatiti, i Tir i Sidon, ako i jesu veoma mudri,
and also Hamath which borders on it. Tyre and Sidon, for all their wisdom.
3 I Tir sagradi sebi grad, i sabra srebra kao praha, i zlata kao kala po putu.
Tyre built for herself a fortress. Heaped up silver as dust, and gold like the dirt of the streets.
4 Gle, Gospod æe ga otjerati, i vræi æe u more silu njegovu, i on æe ognjem izgorjeti.
But now the Lord will dispossess her, cast down her rampart into the sea. She will be consumed in fire.
5 Askalon æe vidjeti i uplašiæe se, i Gaza æe se vrlo uzmuèiti, i Akaron, što ga osramoti nadanje njegovo, i poginuæe car u Gazi; i Askalon se neæe naseliti.
Ashkelon will see and fear, and Gaza writhe in anguish, Ekron, also for her hope will be put to shame. The king will perish from Gaza, Ashkelon will remain uninhabited.
6 I u Azotu æe sjedjeti tuðin, i ponos æu Filistejski zatrti.
A foreign people will settle in Ashdod, and I will humble the pride of the Philistines.
7 I ukloniæu krv njihovu od usta njihovijeh, i gadove njihove iz zuba njihovijeh, i ko ostane biæe i on Boga našega, i biæe kao poglavar u Judi, a Akaron kao Jevusejac.
I will take their blood from their mouth, and their abominations from between their teeth. They also will be a remnant for our God, like a clan in Judah, and Ekron will be like the Jebusites.
8 I postaviæu oko kod doma svojega suprot vojsci, suprot onima koji odlaze i dolaze, i nastojnik neæe više prolaziti kroz njih, jer sada pogledah svojim oèima.
But I will encamp as a guard about my house, so that none will pass through or return, and no oppressor will pass through them again, for now I have seen with my own eyes.
9 Raduj se mnogo, kæeri Sionska, podvikuj, kæeri Jerusalimska; evo, car tvoj ide k tebi, pravedan je i spasava, krotak i jaše na magarcu, i na magaretu, mladetu magarièinu.
Rejoice greatly, daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, daughter of Jerusalem! Look, your king comes to you. Vindicated and victorious is he, humble, and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
10 Jer æu istrijebiti iz Jefrema kola i iz Jerusalima konje; i istrijebiæe se luk ubojiti; i on æe kazivati mir narodima, i vlast æe mu biti od mora do mora i od rijeke do krajeva zemaljskih.
He will cut off chariots from Ephraim, and war horses from Jerusalem. The battle bow will be cut off, and he will speak peace to the nations. His rule will be from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth.
11 A ti, za krv zavjeta tvojega pustih sužnje tvoje iz jame, gdje nema vode.
And you, too – because of your blood covenant, I have set free your prisoners from the waterless pit.
12 Vratite se ka gradu, sužnji, koji se nadate, još ti i danas javljam da æu ti platiti dvojinom.
To the stronghold will the prisoners of hope return. This day I declare, I will restore double to you.
13 Jer zapeh sebi Judu kao luk, i napunih Jefrema, i podigoh sinove tvoje, Sione, na sinove tvoje, Javane, i uèinih te da si kao maè junaèki.
For I have bent Judah to me, like a bow which I have filled with Ephraim like an arrow. I will urge your sons, Zion, against the sons of Greece, I will make you like the sword of a hero.
14 I Gospod æe se pokazati nad njima, i strijela æe njegova izaæi kao munja, i Gospod æe Gospod zatrubiti u trubu i poæi æe s vihorima južnijem.
Then the Lord will be seen above them and his arrow will go forth like lightning. The Lord will blow a blast upon a trumpet, and travel on the whirlwinds of the south.
15 Gospod nad vojskama zaklanjaæe ih, i oni æe jesti pogazivši kamenje iz praæe, i piæe podvikujuæi kao od vina, i biæe puni kao èaša, kao uglovi od oltara.
The Lord of hosts will defend them. They will devour and tread down the slingstones, they will drink their blood like wine, they will be full like a bowl, like the crevices of the altar.
16 I Gospod Bog njihov izbaviæe ih u taj dan kao stado svojega naroda, jer æe se kamenje u vijencu podignuti u zemlji njegovoj.
And the Lord their God will save them on that day, as the flock of his people, as the jewel of a crown shining in his land.
17 Jer koliko æe biti dobro njegovo i kolika ljepota njegova! od žita æe rasti momci a od slatkoga vina djevojke.
How good and how beautiful will it be! Corn will make the young men flourish and new wine the young women!

< Zaharija 9 >