< Psalmi 92 >

1 Lijepo je hvaliti Gospoda, i pjevati imenu tvojemu, višnji,
A Psalm of a Song for the Sabbath-day. It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to thy name, O thou Most High;
2 Javljati jutrom milost tvoju, i istinu tvoju noæu,
to proclaim thy mercy in the morning, and thy truth by night,
3 Uz deset žica i uz psaltir, i uz jasne gusle!
on a psaltery of ten strings, with a song on the harp.
4 Jer si me razveselio, Gospode, djelima svojim, s djela ruku tvojih radujem se.
For thou, O Lord, hast made me glad with thy work: and in the operations of thy hands will I exult.
5 Kako su velika djela tvoja, Gospode! Veoma su duboke pomisli tvoje.
How have thy works been magnified, O Lord! thy thoughts are very deep.
6 Bezumnik ne zna, i neznalica ne razumije toga.
A foolish man will not know, and a senseless man will not understand this.
7 Kad bezbožnici nièu kao trava i cvjetaju svi koji èine bezakonje, to biva zato da bi se istrijebili dovijeka.
When the sinners spring up as the grass, and all the workers of iniquity have watched; [it is] that they may be utterly destroyed for ever.
8 A ti si, Gospode, visok uvijek.
But thou, O Lord, art most high for ever.
9 Jer evo neprijatelji tvoji, Gospode, jer evo neprijatelji tvoji ginu, i rasipaju se svi koji èine bezakonje;
For, behold, thine enemies shall perish; and all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.
10 A moj rog ti uzvišuješ kao rog u jednoroga, ja sam pomazan novijem uljem.
But my horn shall be exalted [as the horn] of a unicorn; and mine old age with rich mercy.
11 I oko moje vidi neprijatelje moje, i o bezakonicima, koji ustaju na mene, slušaju uši moje.
And mine eye has seen mine enemies, and mine ear shall hear the wicked that rise up against me.
12 Pravednik se zeleni kao finik, kao kedar na Livanu uzvišuje se.
The righteous shall flourish as a palm-tree: he shall be increased as the cedar in Libanus.
13 Koji su zasaðeni u domu Gospodnjem, zelene se u dvorovima Boga našega;
They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.
14 Rodni su i u starosti, jedri i zeleni,
Then shall they be increased in a fine old age; and they shall be prosperous; that they may declare
15 Javljajuæi da je pravedan Gospod, braniè moj, i da nema u njemu nepravde.
that the Lord my God is righteous, and there is no iniquity in him.

< Psalmi 92 >