< Psalmi 75 >

1 Hvalimo te, Bože, hvalimo; blizu je ime tvoje. Za tebe kazuju èudesa tvoja.
To the Overseer. — 'Destroy not.' — A Psalm of Asaph. — A Song. We have given thanks to Thee, O God, We have given thanks, and near [is] Thy name, They have recounted Thy wonders.
2 “Kad vidim da je vrijeme, sudiæu pravo.
When I receive an appointment, I — I do judge uprightly.
3 Njiha se zemlja sa svijema koji žive na njoj, ja utvrðujem stupove njezine.”
Melted is the earth and all its inhabitants, I — I have pondered its pillars. (Selah)
4 Kažem hvališama: ne hvalite se, i bezakonicima: ne dižite roga.
I have said to the boastful, 'Be not boastful,' And to the wicked, 'Raise not up a horn.'
5 Ne dižite u vis roga svojega, ne govorite tvrdoglavo.
Raise not up on high your horn, (Ye speak with a stiff neck.)
6 Jer uzvišivanje ne dolazi ni od istoka ni od zapada ni od pustinje;
For not from the east, or from the west, Nor from the wilderness — [is] elevation.
7 Nego je Bog sudija, jednoga ponižuje a drugoga uzvišuje.
But God [is] judge, This He maketh low — and this He lifteth up.
8 Jer je èaša u ruci Gospodu, vino vri, natoèio je punu, i razdaje iz nje. I talog æe njezin progutati, ispiæe svi bezbožnici na zemlji.
For a cup [is] in the hand of Jehovah, And the wine hath foamed, It is full of mixture, and He poureth out of it, Only its dregs wring out, and drink, Do all the wicked of the earth,
9 A ja æu kazivati dovijeka, pjevaæu Bogu Jakovljevu.
And I — I declare [it] to the age, I sing praise to the God of Jacob.
10 “Sve æu rogove bezbožnicima polomiti, a rogovi pravednikovi uzvisiæe se.”
And all horns of the wicked I cut off, Exalted are the horns of the righteous!

< Psalmi 75 >