< Psalmi 73 >
1 Ta dobar je Bog Izrailju, onima koji su èista srca.
A Psalm. Of Asaph. Truly, God is good to Israel, even to such as are clean in heart.
2 A noge moje umalo ne zaðoše, umalo ne popuznuše stopala moja,
But as for me, my feet had almost gone from under me; I was near to slipping;
3 Jer se rasrdih na bezumnike videæi kako bezbožnici dobro žive.
Because of my envy of the men of pride, when I saw the well-being of the wrongdoers.
4 Jer ne znaju za nevolju do same smrti, i tijelo je njihovo pretilo.
For they have no pain; their bodies are fat and strong.
5 Na poslovima èovjeèijim nema ih, i ne muèe se s drugim ljudima.
They are not in trouble as others are; they have no part in the unhappy fate of men.
6 Toga radi optoèeni su ohološæu kao ogrlicom, i obuèeni u obijest kao u stajaæe ruho.
For this reason pride is round them like a chain; they are clothed with violent behaviour as with a robe.
7 Od debljine izbuljeno im je oko, srce puno klape.
Their eyes are bursting with fat; they have more than their heart's desire.
8 Potsmijevaju se, pakosno govore o nasilju, oholo govore.
Their thoughts are deep with evil designs; their talk from their seats of power is of cruel acts.
9 Usta svoja dižu u nebo, i zemlju prolazi jezik njihov.
Their mouth goes up to heaven; their tongues go walking through the earth.
10 I zato se onamo navraæaju neki iz naroda njegova, i piju vodu iz puna izvora.
For this reason they are full of bread; and water is ever flowing for them.
11 I govore: kako æe razabrati Bog? zar višnji zna?
And they say, How will the Lord see this? is there knowledge in the Most High?
12 Pa eto, ovi bezbožnici sreæni na svijetu umnožavaju bogatstvo.
Truly, such are the sinners; they do well at all times, and their wealth is increased.
13 Zar dakle uzalud èistim srce svoje, i umivam bezazlenošæu ruke svoje,
As for me, I have made my heart clean to no purpose, washing my hands in righteousness;
14 Dopadam rana svaki dan, i muke svako jutro?
For I have been troubled all the day; every morning have I undergone punishment.
15 Kad bih kazao: govoriæu kao i oni, iznevjerio bih rod sinova tvojih.
If I would make clear what it is like, I would say, You are false to the generation of your children.
16 I tako stadoh razmišljati da bih ovo razumio; ali to bješe teško u oèima mojima.
When my thoughts were turned to see the reason of this, it was a weariness in my eyes;
17 Dok najposlije uðoh u svetinju Božiju, i doznah kraj njihov.
Till I went into God's holy place, and saw the end of the evil-doers.
18 Ta na klizavom mjestu postavio si ih, i bacaš ih u propast!
You put their feet where there was danger of slipping, so that they go down into destruction.
19 Kako zaèas propadaju, ginu, nestaje ih od nenadne strahote!
How suddenly are they wasted! fears are the cause of their destruction.
20 Kao san, kad se èovjek probudi, tako probudivši ih, Gospode, u ništa obraæaš utvaru njihovu.
As a dream when one is awake, they are ended; they are like an image gone out of mind when sleep is over.
21 Kad kipljaše srce moje i rastrzah se u sebi,
My heart was made bitter, and I was pained by the bite of grief:
22 Tada bijah neznalica i ne razumijevah; kao živinèe bijah pred tobom.
As for me, I was foolish, and without knowledge; I was like a beast before you.
23 Ali sam svagda kod tebe, ti me držiš za desnu ruku.
But still I am ever with you; you have taken me by my right hand.
24 Po svojoj volji vodiš me, i poslije æeš me odvesti u slavu.
Your wisdom will be my guide, and later you will put me in a place of honour.
25 Koga imam na nebu? i s tobom nièega neæu na zemlji.
Whom have I in heaven but you? and having you I have no desire for anything on earth.
26 Èezne za tobom tijelo moje i srce moje; Bog je grad srca mojega i dio moj dovijeka.
My flesh and my heart are wasting away: but God is the Rock of my heart and my eternal heritage.
27 Jer evo koji otstupiše od tebe, ginu; ti istrebljavaš svakoga koji èini preljubu ostavljajuæi tebe.
For those who are far away from you will come to destruction: you will put an end to all those who have not kept faith with you.
28 A meni je dobro biti blizu Boga. Na Gospoda polažem nadanje svoje, i kazivaæu sva èudesa tvoja.
But it is good for me to come near to God: I have put my faith in the Lord God, so that I may make clear all his works.