< Psalmi 50 >

1 Bog nad bogovima, Gospod, govori, i doziva zemlju od istoka sunèanoga do zapada.
A psalm of Asaph. The Lord God has spoken: He summons the earth from sunrise to sunset.
2 Sa Siona, koji je vrh krasote, javlja se Bog.
From Zion, perfection of beauty, God’s glory shines forth.
3 Ide Bog naš, i ne muèi; pred njim je oganj koji proždire, oko njega je bura velika.
Our God comes, he cannot keep silence, devouring fire is before him, and furious tempest around him.
4 Doziva nebo ozgo i zemlju, da sudi narodu svojemu:
He summons the heavens above and the earth to judge his people.
5 “Skupite mi svece moje, koji su uèinili sa mnom zavjet na žrtvi.
Gather to him his saints by covenant-sacrifice bound to him;
6 I nebesa oglasiše pravdu njegovu, jer je taj sudija Bog.)
that the heavens may declare his justice, for a God of justice is he. (Selah)
7 Slušaj, narode moj, što æu ti kazati, Izrailju, što æu ti javiti. Ja sam Bog, Bog tvoj.
“Hear, O my people, and I will speak, and protest to you, O Israel: I am the Lord, your God.
8 Neæu te za žrtve tvoje karati; tvoje žrtve paljenice svagda su preda mnom.
Not for your sacrifices will I reprove you your burnt-offerings are ever before me
9 Ne treba mi uzimati teleta iz doma tvojega, ni jariæa iz torova tvojih.
Not a bullock will I take from your house, nor male goats out of your folds;
10 Jer je moje sve gorsko zvijerje, i stoka po planinama na tisuæe.
for all beasts of the forest are mine, and the kine on a thousand hills.
11 Znam sve ptice po gorama, i krasota poljska preda mnom je.
I know all the birds of the air, all that moves on the fields is mine.
12 Da ogladnim, ne bih tebi rekao, jer je moja vasiljena i sve što je u njoj.
Were I hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and its fulness are mine.
13 Zar ja jedem meso volujsko, ili krv jareæu pijem?
Am I such as to eat bulls’ flesh, or drink the blood of goats?
14 Prinesi Bogu hvalu na žrtvu, i izvršuj višnjemu zavjete svoje.
Offer to God a thank-offering, pay the Most High your vows.
15 Prizovi me u nevolji svojoj, izbaviæu te, i ti me proslavi.”
Summon me in the day of distress, I will rescue you, so will you honor me.”
16 A bezbožniku reèe Bog: zašto kazuješ uredbe moje i nosiš zavjet moj u ustima svojima?
But to the wicked God says: “What right have you to talk of my statutes, or take my covenant into your mouth
17 A sam mrziš na nauku, i rijeèi moje bacaš za leða.
while you yourself hate correction, and cast my words behind you?
18 Kad vidiš lupeža, pristaješ s njim, i s preljuboèincima imaš dijel.
When you see a thief, you run with them; with adulterers you keep company.
19 Usta si svoja pustio da govore zlo, i jezik tvoj plete prijevare.
You let your mouth loose for evil, your tongue contrives deceit.
20 Sjediš i govoriš na brata svojega, sina matere svoje opadaš.
You shamefully speak of your kin, and slander your own mother’s son.
21 Ti si to èinio, ja muèah, a ti pomisli da sam ja kao ti. Oblièiæu te, metnuæu ti pred oèi grijehe tvoje.
And because I kept silence at this, you did take me for one like yourself. But I will convict you and show you plainly.
22 Razumijte ovo koji zaboravljate Boga! inaèe æu zgrabiti, pa neæe niko izbaviti.
“Now you who forget God, mark this, lest I rend you, past hope of deliverance.
23 Onaj mene poštuje koji prinosi hvalu na žrtvu i koji je putem na opazu. Ja æu mu pokazati spasenje Božije.
Those who bring a thank-offering honor me; but to those: who follows my way, I will show the salvation of God.”

< Psalmi 50 >