< Psalmi 46 >
1 Bog nam je utoèište i (sila) pomoænik, koji se u nevoljama brzo nalazi.
TO THE OVERSEER. BY SONS OF KORAH. FOR GIRLS’ [VOICES]. A SONG. God [is] our refuge and strength, A most sure help in adversities.
2 Zato se neæemo bojati, da bi se zemlja pomjestila, i gore se prevalile u srce morima.
Therefore we do not fear in the changing of earth, And in the slipping of mountains Into the heart of the seas.
3 Neka buèi i kipi voda njihova, nek se planine tresu od vala njihovijeh;
Roar—troubled are its waters, Mountains shake in its pride. (Selah)
4 Potoci vesele grad Božji, sveti stan višnjega.
A river—its streams make glad the city of God, Your holy place of the dwelling places of the Most High.
5 Bog je usred njega, neæe se pomjestiti, Bog mu pomaže od zore.
God [is] in her midst—she is not moved, God helps her at the turn of the morning!
6 Uzbuèaše narodi, zadrmaše se carstva; ali on pusti glas svoj i zemlja se rastapaše.
Nations have been troubled, Kingdoms have been moved, He has given forth with His voice—earth melts.
7 Gospod nad vojskama s nama je, braniè je naš Bog Jakovljev.
YHWH of Hosts [is] with us, The God of Jacob [is] a tower for us. (Selah)
8 Hodite i vidite djela Gospoda, koji uèini èudesa na zemlji,
Come, see the works of YHWH, Who has done astonishing things in the earth,
9 Prekide ratove do kraja zemlje, luk prebi, koplje slomi, i kola sažeže ognjem.
Causing wars to cease, To the end of the earth, He shatters the bow, And He has cut apart the spear, He burns chariots with fire.
10 Utolite i poznajte da sam ja Bog; ja sam uzvišen po narodima, uzvišen na zemlji.
Desist, and know that I [am] God, I am exalted among nations, I am exalted in the earth.
11 Gospod nad vojskama s nama je, braniè je naš bog Jakovljev.
YHWH of hosts [is] with us, The God of Jacob [is] a tower for us! (Selah)