< Psalmi 35 >

1 Gospode! budi suparnik suparnicima mojim; udri one koji udaraju na me.
Of David - contend! O Yahweh with opponents my fight with [those who] fight with me.
2 Uzmi oružje i štit, i digni se meni u pomoæ.
Take hold of shield and body shield and arise! help my.
3 Potegni koplje, i presijeci put onima koji me gone, reci duši mojoj: ja sam spasenje tvoje.
And draw out a spear and lance to meet pursuers my say to self my [am] salvation your I.
4 Neka se postide i posrame koji traže dušu moju; neka se odbiju natrag i postide koji mi zlo hoæe.
May they be ashamed and they may be humiliated [those who] seek life my may they be turned back backwards and may they be abashed [those who] plot harm my.
5 Neka budu kao prah pred vjetrom, i anðeo Gospodnji neka ih progoni.
May they be like chaff before a wind and [the] angel of Yahweh pushing.
6 Neka bude put njihov taman i klizav, i anðeo Gospodnji neka ih tjera.
May it be way their darkness and slippery places and [the] angel of Yahweh pursuing them.
7 Jer ni za što zastriješe mrežom jamu za mene, ni za što iskopaše jamu duši mojoj.
For without cause they have hidden for me [the] pit of net their without cause they have dug for life my.
8 Neka doðe na njega pogibao nenadna, i mreža koju je namjestio neka ulovi njega, neka on u nju padne na pogibao.
May it come to him destruction [which] not he knows and net his which he hid may it catch him in destruction may he fall in it.
9 A duša æe se moja radovati o Gospodu, i veseliæe se za pomoæ njegovu.
And self my it will rejoice in Yahweh it will exult in salvation his.
10 Sve æe kosti moje reæi: Gospode! ko je kao ti, koji izbavljaš stradalca od onoga koji mu dosaðuje, i ništega i ubogoga od onoga koji ga upropašæuje?
All bones my - they will say O Yahweh who? [is] like you [one who] delivers a poor [person] from a person [too] strong for him and [the] poor and [the] needy from [one who] robs him.
11 Ustaše na me lažni svjedoci; što ne znam, za ono me pitaju.
They rise up! witnesses of violence [that] which not I know they ask me.
12 Plaæaju mi zlo za dobro, i sirotovanje duši mojoj.
They repay me harm in place of good bereavement [belongs] to self my.
13 Ja se u bolesti njihovoj oblaèih u vreæu, muèih postom dušu svoju, i molitva se moja vraæaše u prsima mojima.
And I - when were sick they clothing my [was] sackcloth I humbled with fasting self my and prayer my to bosom my it returned.
14 Kao prijatelj, kao brat postupah; bijah sjetan i s oborenom glavom kao onaj koji za materom žali.
Like a friend like a brother of me I went about like a mourner of a mother mourning I bowed.
15 A oni se raduju kad se ja spotaknem, i kupe se, kupe se na me, zadaju rane, ne znam zašto, èupaju i ne prestaju.
And at stumbling my they rejoiced and they gathered they gathered on me smitten [people] and not I knew they tore and not they were still.
16 S nevaljalijem i podrugljivijem besposlièarima škrguæu na me zubima svojima.
Godless [ones] of mockers of cake they gnashed towards me teeth their.
17 Gospode! hoæeš li dugo gledati? Otmi dušu moju od napadanja njihova, od ovijeh lavova jedinicu moju.
O Lord how long? will you look bring back! life my from ravages their from young lions only [life] my.
18 Priznavaæu te u saboru velikom, usred mnogoga naroda hvaliæu te:
I will give thanks to you in [the] assembly great among a people numerous I will praise you.
19 Da mi se ne bi svetili koji mi zlobe nepravedno, i namigivali oèima koji mrze na me ni za što.
May not they rejoice to me enemies my falsehood [those who] hate me without cause let them wink an eye.
20 Jer oni ne govore o miru, nego na mirne na zemlji izmišljaju lažne stvari.
For not peace they speak and on [the] quiet [people] of [the] land words of deceit they plan!
21 Razvaljuju na me usta svoja, i govore: dobro! dobro! vidi oko naše.
And they have opened wide on me mouth their they have said aha! - aha! it has seen eyes our.
22 Vidiš, Gospode! nemoj muèati; Gospode! nemoj otstupiti od mene.
You have seen O Yahweh may not you be silent O Lord may not you be distant from me.
23 Probudi se, ustani na sud moj, Bože moj i Gospode, i na parnicu moju.
Wake up! and awake! for judgment my O God my and O Lord for cause my.
24 Sudi mi po pravdi svojoj, Gospode, Bože moj, da mi se ne svete.
Vindicate me according to righteousness your O Yahweh God my and may not they rejoice to me.
25 Ne daj da govore u srcu svojem: dobro! to smo htjeli! Ne daj da govore: proždrijesmo ga.
May not they say in heart their aha! desire our may not they say we have swallowed him.
26 Nek se postide i posrame svi koji se raduju zlu mojemu, nek se obuku u stid i u sram koji se razmeæu nada mnom.
May they be ashamed and they may be abashed - altogether [the] [people] joyful of distress my may they be clothed shame and ignominy who magnify themselves on me.
27 Neka se raduju i vesele koji mi žele pravdu, i govore jednako: velik Gospod, koji želi mira sluzi svojemu!
May they shout for joy and they may rejoice [the] [people] desirous of righteousness my and may they say continually may he be great Yahweh desiring [the] welfare of servant his.
28 I moj æe jezik kazivati pravdu tvoju, i hvalu tebi svaki dan.
And tongue my it will utter righteousness your all the day praise your.

< Psalmi 35 >