< Psalmi 106 >

1 Hvalite Gospoda, jer je dobar, jer je dovijeka milost njegova.
Hallelujah! Give thanks to the Lord for his goodness, for his kindness endures forever.
2 Ko æe iskazati silu Gospodnju? isprièati svu slavu njegovu?
Who can describe his heroic deeds, or publish all his praise?
3 Blago onima koji drže istinu i tvore pravo svagda!
Happy they who act justly, and do righteousness evermore.
4 Opomeni me se, Gospode, po svojoj milosti k narodu svojemu; pohodi me pomoæu svojom,
Remember me, Lord, as you remember your people, and visit me with your gracious help.
5 Da bih vidio u dobru izbrane tvoje, veselio se u veselju naroda tvojega, hvalio se zajedno s našljedstvom tvojim.
May I see the good fortune of your elect, may I share in the joy of your nation, and in the pride of your heritage.
6 Zgriješismo s ocima svojim, postasmo krivci, bezakonici.
We, like our fathers, have sinned, we have done perversely and wickedly
7 Oci naši u Misiru ne razumješe èudesa tvojih, ne opominjaše se velikih milosti tvojih, i vikaše kraj mora, kraj Crvenoga Mora.
In the land of Egypt our fathers, all heedless of your wonders, and unmindful of your great kindness, at the Red Sea defied the Most High.
8 Ali im on pomože imena svojega radi, da bi pokazao silu svoju.
But true to his name he saved them, in order to show his might.
9 Zaprijeti Crvenom Moru, i presahnu; i prevede ih preko bezdane kao preko pustinje;
He rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried; they marched through the depths as through desert,
10 I saèuva ih od ruke nenavidnikove, i izbavi ih iz ruke neprijateljeve.
saved from the hand of the hostile, redeemed from the hand of the foe.
11 Pokri voda neprijatelje njihove, nijedan od njih ne osta.
The waters covered their enemies: not one of them was left.
12 Tada vjerovaše rijeèima njegovijem, i pjevaše mu hvalu.
So then they believed in his words, and began to sing his praise.
13 Ali brzo zaboraviše djela njegova, i ne poèekaše volje njegove.
But soon they forgot his deeds: they did not wait for his counsel.
14 Polakomiše se u pustinji, i stadoše kušati Boga u zemlji gdje se ne živi.
Their greed was ravenous in the desert; they put God to the test in the wilderness.
15 On ispuni molbu njihovu, ali posla pogibao na dušu njihovu.
He gave them the thing they had asked for, but sent wasting disease among them.
16 Pozavidješe Mojsiju i Aronu, kojega bješe Gospod osvetio.
The camp grew jealous of Moses and of Aaron, holy one of the Lord.
17 Rasjede se zemlja, i proždrije Datana i zatrpa èetu Avironovu.
The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and covered Abiram’s company.
18 I spali oganj èetu njihovu, i plamen sažeže bezbožnike.
Fire broke out on their company, flame kindled upon the wicked.
19 Naèiniše tele kod Horiva, i klanjahu se kipu.
They made a calf in Horeb, and bowed to the molten image.
20 Mijenjahu slavu svoju na priliku vola, koji jede travu.
They exchanged their glorious God for the image of ox that eats grass.
21 Zaboraviše Boga, spasitelja svojega, koji je uèinio velika djela u Misiru,
They forgot the God who had saved them by mighty deeds in Egypt
22 Divna u zemlji Hamovoj, strašna na Crvenom Moru.
Wonders in the land of Ham, terrors by the Red Sea.
23 I šæaše ih istrijebiti, da Mojsije izbranik njegov ne stade kao u rasjelini pred njim, i ne odvrati jarost njegovu da ih ne istrijebi.
So he vowed, and would have destroyed them, but for Moses his elect, who stepped into the breach before him, to divert his deadly wrath.
24 Poslije ne mariše za zemlju željenu, ne vjerovaše rijeèi njegovoj.
They spurned the delightsome land, they refused to believe in his word.
25 Pobuniše se u šatorima svojim, ne slušaše glasa Gospodnjega.
They grumbled in their tents, would not listen to the voice of the Lord.
26 I on podiže ruku svoju na njih, da ih pobije u pustinji,
So he swore with uplifted hand to lay them low in the wilderness;
27 Da pobije pleme njihovo meðu narodima, i rasije ih po zemljama.
to disperse their seed among heathen, to scatter them over the world.
28 I pristaše za Velfegorom, i jedoše prineseno na žrtvu mrtvima.
Then they joined them to Baal of Peor, and ate what was offered the dead.
29 I rasrdiše Boga djelima svojim, i udari u njih pogibao.
They provoked him to wrath by their deeds, and plague broke out among them.
30 I ustade Fines, i umilostivi, i prestade pogibao.
Then Phinehas stood between, and so the plague was stayed;
31 I to mu se primi u pravdu, od koljena do koljena dovijeka.
and it was counted to him for righteousness unto all generations forever.
32 I razgnjeviše Boga na vodi Merivi, i Mojsije postrada njih radi;
They angered him at the waters of Meribah, through them it went ill with Moses.
33 Jer dotužiše duhu njegovu, i pogriješi ustima svojima.
They rebelled against his spirit, and he uttered speech that was rash.
34 Ne istrijebiše naroda, za koje im je Gospod rekao;
They did not destroy the nations, as the Lord had commanded them;
35 Nego se pomiješaše s neznabošcima, i nauèiše djela njihova.
but they mingled with the heathen, and learned to do as they did.
36 Stadoše služiti idolima njihovijem, i oni im biše zamka.
Their idol gods they worshipped, and they were ensnared by them.
37 Sinove svoje i kæeri svoje prinosiše na žrtvu ðavolima.
They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons.
38 Prolivaše krv pravu, krv sinova svojih i kæeri svojih, koje prinošahu na žrtvu idolima Hananskim, i oskvrni se zemlja krvnijem djelima.
They poured out innocent blood the blood of their sons and daughters whom they offered to Canaan’s idols, and the land was polluted with blood.
39 Oskvrniše sebe djelima svojim, i èiniše preljubu postupanjem svojim.
They became unclean by their works, and adulterous in their deeds.
40 I planu gnjev Gospodnji na narod njegov, i omrznu mu dio njegov.
Then the Lord’s fury was on his people, filled with horror at his inheritance.
41 I predade ih u ruke neznabožaèke, i nenavidnici njihovi stadoše gospodariti nad njima.
He delivered them to the heathen, to the sway of those who hated them.
42 Dosaðivaše im neprijatelji njihovi, i oni biše pokoreni pod vlast njihovu.
Their enemies oppressed them, and subdued them under their hand.
43 Mnogo ih je puta izbavljao, ali ga oni srdiše namjerama svojim, i biše poništeni za bezakonje svoje.
Many a time he saved them, but they rebelled at his counsel, and were brought low by their wrongdoing.
44 Ali on pogleda na nevolju njihovu, èuvši tužnjavu njihovu,
Yet he looked upon their distress, when he heard their cry.
45 I opomenu se zavjeta svojega s njima, i pokaja se po velikoj milosti svojoj;
He remembered his covenant, and, in his great kindness, relented.
46 I uèini, te ih stadoše žaliti svi koji ih bjehu zarobili.
He caused them to be pitied by all who carried them captive.
47 Spasi nas, Gospode Bože naš, i pokupi nas iz neznabožaca, da slavimo sveto ime tvoje, da se hvalimo tvojom slavom!
Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us out of the nations, to give thanks to your holy name, and to make our boast of your praise.
48 Blagosloven Gospod Bog Izrailjev od vijeka i do vijeka! I sav narod neka kaže: amin! Aliluja!
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. And let all the people say ‘Amen.’ Praise the Lord.

< Psalmi 106 >