< Filipljanima 3 >
1 A dalje, braæo moja, radujte se u Gospodu. Jer sve jedno da vam pišem meni nije dosadno, a vama je potrebno.
For the rest, my brethren—rejoice in the Lord. To be writing, the same things, unto you, to me, is not irksome, while, for you, is safe: —
2 Èuvajte se od pasa, èuvajte se od zlijeh poslenika, èuvajte se od sijeèenja.
Beware of the dogs, beware of mischievous workers, beware of the mutilation;
3 Jer mi smo obrezanje koji duhom Bogu služimo i hvalimo se Hristom Isusom, a ne uzdamo se u tijelo.
For, we, are the circumcision, who in the Spirit of God, are doing divine service, and are boasting in Christ Jesus, and, not in flesh, having confidence, —
4 Premda bih se i ja mogao uzdati u tijelo. Ako ko drugi misli da se može uzdati u tijelo, ja još veæma,
Although, indeed, I, might have confidence even in flesh. If any other thinketh to have confidence in flesh, I, more: —
5 Koji sam obrezan osmi dan, od roda Izrailjeva, koljena Venijaminova, Jevrejin od Jevreja, po zakonu farisej.
Circumcised, the eighth day, of the race of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, —regarding law, a Pharisee,
6 Po revnosti gonih crkvu Božiju, po pravdi zakonskoj bih bez mane.
Regarding zeal, persecuting the assembly, regarding the righteousness that is in law, having become blameless.
7 No što mi bješe dobitak ono primih za štetu Hrista radi.
But, whatever things, unto me, were gain, the same, have I accounted, for the Christ’s sake, loss;
8 Jer sve držim za štetu prema prevažnome poznanju Hrista Isusa Gospoda svojega, kojega radi sve ostavih, i držim sve da su trice, samo da Hrista dobijem,
Yea, doubtless! and I account all things to be, loss, because of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for the sake of whom, the loss, of all things, have I suffered, and do account them refuse, in order that, Christ, I may win,
9 I da se naðem u njemu, ne imajuæi svoje pravde koja je od zakona, nego koja je od vjere Isusa Hrista, pravdu koja je od Boga u vjeri;
And be found in him—not having a righteousness of my own, that which is by law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is, of God, upon my faith, —
10 Da poznam njega i silu vaskrsenija njegova i zajednicu njegovijeh muka, da budem nalik na smrt njegovu,
To get to know him, and the power of his resurrection and fellowship of his sufferings, becoming conformed unto his death, —
11 Da bih kako dostigao u vaskrsenije mrtvijeh;
If by any means I may advance to the earlier resurrection, which is from among the dead:
12 Ne kao da veæ dostigoh ili se veæ savrših, nego tjeram ne bih li dostigao kao što me dostiže Hristos Isus.
Not that I have, already, received, or have, already, reached perfection, but I am pressing on—if I may even lay hold of that for which I have also been laid hold of by Christ [Jesus]: —
13 Braæo! ja još ne mislim da sam dostigao; jedno pak velim: što je ostrag zaboravljam, a za onijem što je naprijed sežem se,
Brethren! I, as to myself, reckon that I have, not yet, laid hold; one thing, however, —the things behind, forgetting, and, unto the things before, eagerly reaching out,
14 I trèim k biljezi, k daru gornjega zvanja Božijega u Hristu Isusu.
With the goal in view, I press on for the prize of the upward calling of God in Christ Jesus.
15 Koji smo god dakle savršeni ovako da mislimo; ako li što drugo mislite, i ovo æe vam Bog otkriti.
As many, therefore, as are full-grown, let, this, be our resolve; and, if, somewhat differently, ye are resolved, this, also, shall, God, unto you reveal.
16 Ali šta dostigosmo u onome jednako da mislimo, i po onome pravilu da živimo.
Nevertheless, whereunto we have advanced, in the same rank, stepping along.
17 Ugledajte se na mene, braæo, i gledajte na one koji tako žive kao što nas imate za ugled.
Imitators together of me, become ye, brethren, and keep an eye on them who, thus, are walking, —even as ye have, us, for, an ensample.
18 Jer mnogi hode, za koje vam mnogo puta govorih, a sad i plaèuæi govorim, neprijatelji krsta Hristova;
For, many, are walking—of whom I have often been telling you, and, now, even weeping, am telling, —the enemies of the cross of the Christ;
19 Kojima je svršetak pogibao, kojima je Bog trbuh, i slava u sramu njihovu, koji zemaljski misle.
Whose, end, is destruction, whose, God, is the belly, and [whose], glory, is in their shame, who, upon the earthly things, are resolved.
20 Jer je naše življenje na nebesima, otkuda i spasitelja oèekujemo Gospoda svojega Isusa Hrista,
For, our citizenship, in the heavens, hath its rise; wherefore, a Saviour also, do we ardently await, —The Lord Jesus Christ, —
21 Koji æe preobraziti naše poniženo tijelo da bude jednako tijelu slave njegove, po sili da može sve sebi pokoriti.
Who will transfigure our humbled body, into conformity with his glorified body, according to the energy wherewith he is able even to subdue, unto himself, all things.