< Marku 5 >
1 I doðoše preko mora u okolinu Gadarinsku.
And they came unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes.
2 I kad iziðe iz laðe, odmah ga srete èovjek s duhom neèistijem,
And, when he went forth out of the boat, [straightway], there met him, from amongst the tombs, a man, in an impure spirit:
3 Koji življaše u grobovima i niko ga ne mogaše svezati ni verigama;
who had his dwelling among the tombs, and, not even with a chain, any longer, was anyone able to bind him, —
4 Jer je mnogo puta bio metnut u puta i u verige, pa je iskidao verige i puta izlomio; i niko ga ne mogaše ukrotiti.
because of his having been, many times, with fetters and chains, bound, and the chains having been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters smashed, and no one was mighty enough to tame him;
5 I jednako dan i noæ bavljaše se u grobovima i u gorama vièuæi i bijuæi se kamenjem.
and, continually, night and day, in the tombs and in the mountains, was he crying aloud, and cutting himself in pieces with stones.
6 A kad vidje Isusa izdaleka, poteèe i pokloni mu se.
And, seeing Jesus from afar, he ran and bowed down to him;
7 I povikavši iza glasa reèe: šta je tebi do mene, Isuse sine Boga višnjega? Zaklinjem te Bogom, ne muèi me.
and, crying out with a loud voice, saith—What have in common with thee? O Jesus, Son of God Most High? I adjure thee by God, —Do not torment me!
8 Jer mu govoraše: iziði, duše neèisti, iz èovjeka.
For he was saying to him—Go forth thou impure spirit, out of the man;
9 I pitaše ga: kako ti je ime? I odgovori mu: legeon mi je ime; jer nas je mnogo.
and he was questioning him—What is thy name? and he saith to him—Legion, is my name, because we are, many;
10 I moliše ga mnogo da ih ne šalje iz one okoline.
and he was beseeching him much that he would not send them forth outside the country.
11 A ondje po brijegu pasijaše veliki krd svinja.
Now there was there, near the mountain, a large herd of swine, feeding;
12 I moliše ga svi ðavoli govoreæi: pošlji nas u svinje da u njih uðemo.
and they besought him, saying—Send us into the swine, that, into them, we may enter;
13 I dopusti im Isus odmah. I izišavši duhovi neèisti uðoše u svinje; i navali krd s brijega u more; a bijaše ih oko dvije hiljade: i potopiše se u moru.
and he suffered them. And the impure spirits, going out, entered into the swine, and the herd rushed down the cliff into the sea, about two thousand, and were choked in the sea.
14 A svinjari pobjegoše, i javiše u gradu i po selima. I iziðoše ljudi da vide šta je bilo.
And, they who had been feeding them, fled, and bare tidings into the city and into the fields, —and they came to see what it was that had happened.
15 I doðoše k Isusu, i vidješe bijesnoga u kome je bio legeon gdje sjedi obuèen i pametan; i uplašiše se.
And they come unto Jesus, and view the demonized man, clothed and of sound mind, him who had had the legion, —and they were struck with fear.
16 A oni što su vidjeli kazaše im šta bi od bijesnoga i od svinja.
And the beholders narrated to them, how it happened to the demonized man, and concerning the swine.
17 I poèeše ga moliti da ide iz njihovijeh krajeva.
And they began to beseech him, to depart from their bounds.
18 I kad uðe u laðu, moljaše ga onaj što je bio bijesan da bude s njim.
And, as he was entering into the boat, he who had been demonized was beseeching him, that, with him, he might be.
19 A Isus ne dade mu, veæ mu reèe: idi kuæi svojoj k svojima i kaži im šta ti Gospod uèini, i kako te pomilova.
And he suffered him not, but saith unto him—Withdraw into thy house, unto thine own, and bear tidings unto them, how many things the Lord for thee hath done, and hath had mercy on thee.
20 I otide i poèe pripovijedati u Deset Gradova šta mu uèini Isus; i svi se divljahu.
And he departed, and began proclaiming, in the Decapolis, how many things Jesus had done for him, —and, all, were marvelling.
21 I kad prijeðe Isus u laði opet na onu stranu, skupi se narod mnogi oko njega; i bješe kraj mora.
And, Jesus crossing over in the boat again unto the other side, there was gathered a large multitude unto him, and he was by the lake.
22 I gle, doðe jedan od starješina zbornièkijeh po imenu Jair; i vidjevši ga pade pred noge njegove.
And there cometh one of the synagogue-rulers, by name Jairus, and, seeing him, falleth at his feet,
23 I moljaše ga vrlo govoreæi: kæi je moja na smrti; da doðeš i da metneš na nju ruke da ozdravi i živi.
and beseecheth him much, saying—My little daughter is at her last!—that, coming, thou wouldest lay thy hands upon her, that she may be made well, and live;
24 I poðe s njim; i za njim iðaše naroda mnogo i turkahu ga.
and he departed with him. And there was following him a large multitude, and they were pressing upon him.
25 I žena nekakva koja je dvanaest godina bolovala od teèenja krvi
And, a woman, who had had a flow of blood twelve years,
26 I veliku muku podnijela od mnogijeh ljekara, i potrošila sve što je imala, i ništa joj nijesu pomogli, nego još gore naèinili,
and suffered much from many physicians, and spent all her means, and profited, nothing, —but had, rather, become worse,
27 Kad je èula za Isusa, doðe u narodu sastrag, i dotaèe se haljine njegove.
hearing the things about Jesus, came in the crowd from behind, and touched his mantle;
28 Jer govoraše: ako se samo dotaknem haljina njegovijeh ozdraviæu.
for she was saying—If I can touch so much as his mantle, I shall be made well;
29 I odmah presahnu izvor krvi njezine, i osjeti u tijelu da ozdravi od bolesti.
and, straightway, the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she knew, in her body, that she was healed from the plague.
30 I odmah Isus osjeti u sebi silu što iziðe iz njega, i obazrevši se na narod reèe: ko se to dotaèe mojijeh haljina?
And, straightway, Jesus, taking note in himself of the power which, out of him, went forth, turning round in the crowd, was saying—Who hath touched my garments?
31 I rekoše mu uèenici njegovi: vidiš narod gdje te turka, pa pitaš: ko se dotaèe mene?
and his disciples were saying to him—Thou seest the crowd pressing upon thee, —and sayest thou—Who hath touched me?
32 I on se obziraše da vidi onu koja to uèini.
and he was looking round to see her who, this thing had done.
33 A žena uplašivši se drktaše, i znajuæi što joj se dogodi, doðe i kleèe pred njim, i kaza mu svu istinu.
And, the woman, overcome with fear, and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came, and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
34 A on reèe joj: kæeri! vjera tvoja pomože ti; idi s mirom, i budi zdrava od bolesti svoje.
And, he, said to her—Daughter! thy faith hath made thee well; withdraw into peace, and be whole from thy plague.
35 Još on govoraše, a doðoše od starješine zbornièkoga govoreæi: kæi tvoja umrije; šta veæ trudiš uèitelja?
While yet he is speaking, they come from the synagogue-ruler’s, saying—Thy daughter, is dead! Why, further, annoy the teacher?
36 A Isus odmah èuvši rijeè što rekoše reèe starješini: ne boj se, samo vjeruj.
But, Jesus, overhearing the word being spoken, saith unto the synagogue-ruler—Do not fear, only have faith!
37 I ne dade za sobom iæi nikome osim Petra i Jakova i Jovana brata Jakovljeva.
And he suffered no one to follow with him, save Peter and James and John the brother of James.
38 I doðe u kuæu starješine zbornièkoga, i vidje vrevu i plaè i jauk veliki.
And they come into the house of the synagogue-ruler, and he observeth a tumult, and persons weeping and wailing greatly;
39 I ušavši reèe im: šta ste uzavreli te plaèete? Djevojka nije umrla, nego spava.
and, entering, he saith unto them—Why are ye making a tumult, and weeping? The child, is, not dead, but, is sleeping;
40 I potsmijevahu mu se. A on istjeravši sve uze oca djevojèina i mater i koji bijahu s njim, i uðe gdje ležaše djevojka.
and they were deriding him. But, he, thrusting all forth, taketh with him the father of the child, and the mother, and them who were with him, —and entereth where the child was;
41 I uzevši djevojku za ruku reèe joj: Talita kumi, koje znaèi: djevojko, tebi govorim, ustani.
and, grasping the hand of the child, he saith unto her—Talitha, koum! which is, when translated—O damsel! to thee, I say, Arise!
42 I odmah usta djevojka i hoðaše; a bješe od dvanaest godina. I zaèudiše se èudom velikijem.
And, straightway, the damsel arose, and was walking about; for she was twelve years of age. And they were beside themselves, straightway, with a great transport;
43 I zaprijeti im vrlo da niko ne dozna za to, i reèe: podajte joj nek jede.
and he commanded them, again and again, that, no one, should get to know this thing, —and bade that food should be given her to eat.