< Isus Navin 22 >

1 Tada sazva Isus sinove Ruvimove i sinove Gadove i polovinu plemena Manasijina,
Then Joshua called together the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse,
2 I reèe im: vi držaste sve što vam je zapovjedio Mojsije sluga Gospodnji, i slušaste glas moj u svemu što sam vam zapovijedao.
and said to them, Ye have heard all that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, and ye have hearkened to my voice in all that he commanded you.
3 Ne ostaviste braæe svoje dugo vremena, do ovoga dana, i dobro èuvaste zapovijest Gospoda Boga svojega.
Ye have not deserted your brethren these many days: until this day ye have kept the commandment of the Lord your God.
4 A sada Gospod je Bog vaš smirio braæu vašu, kako im je rekao; sada dakle vratite se i idite u šatore svoje u zemlju našljedstva svojega, koju vam je dao Mojsije sluga Gospodnji s onu stranu Jordana.
And now the Lord our God has given our brethren rest, as he told them: now then return and depart to your homes, and to the land of your possession, which Moses gave you on the other side Jordan.
5 Samo pazite dobro da vršite zapovijest i zakon, što vam je zapovjedio Mojsije sluga Gospodnji, da ljubite Gospoda Boga svojega i da hodite svijem putovima njegovijem, i èuvate zapovijesti njegove i držite ih se, i da mu služite svijem srcem svojim i svom dušom svojom.
But take great heed to do the commands and the law, which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you to do; to love the Lord our God, to walk in all his ways, to keep his commands, and to cleave to him, and serve him with all your mind, and with all your soul.
6 I blagoslovi ih Isus, i otpusti ih da idu u svoje šatore.
And Joshua blessed them, and dismissed them; and they went to their homes.
7 A polovini plemena Manasijina bješe dao Mojsije našljedstvo u Vasanu, a drugoj polovini dade Isus s braæom njihovom s ovu stranu Jordana k zapadu. I otpuštajuæi ih Isus u šatore njihove blagoslovi ih,
And to [one] half the tribe of Manasse Moses gave a portion in the land of Basan, and to [the other] half Joshua gave a portion with his brethren on the other side of Jordan westward: and when Joshua sent them away to their homes, then he blessed them.
8 I reèe im govoreæi: s velikim blagom vraæate se u šatore svoje, sa stokom vrlo mnogom; sa srebrom i zlatom i mjeðu i gvožðem i odijelom vrlo mnogim; podijelite plijen od neprijatelja svojih s braæom svojom.
And they departed with much wealth to their houses, and they divided the spoil of their enemies with their brethren; very much cattle, and silver, and gold, and iron, and much raiment.
9 I vrativši se sinovi Ruvimovi i sinovi Gadovi i polovina plemena Manasijina otidoše od sinova Izrailjevijeh iz Siloma, koji je u zemlji Hananskoj, iduæi u zemlju Galadsku, u zemlju našljedstva svojega, koju naslijediše, kako bješe Gospod zapovjedio preko Mojsija.
So the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse, departed from the children of Israel in Selo in the land of Chanaan, to go away into Galaad, into the land of their possession, which they inherited by the command of the Lord, by the hand of Moses.
10 A kad doðoše na meðu Jordansku u zemlji Hananskoj, naèiniše sinovi Ruvimovi i sinovi Gadovi i polovina plemena Manasijina oltar ondje na Jordanu, oltar velik i naoèit.
And they came to Galaad of Jordan, which is in the land of Chanaan: and the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse built there an altar by Jordan, a great altar to look at.
11 I èuše sinovi Izrailjevi gdje se govori: gle, sinovi Ruvimovi i sinovi Gadovi i polovina plemena Manasijina naèiniše oltar prema zemlji Hananskoj na meði Jordanskoj, pokraj sinova Izrailjevijeh.
And the children of Israel heard say, Behold, the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse have built an altar at the borders of the land of Chanaan at Galaad of Jordan, on the opposite side to the children of Israel.
12 A kad èuše sinovi Izrailjevi, skupi se sav zbor sinova Izrailjevijeh u Silom da idu da se biju s njima.
And all the children of Israel gathered together to Selo, so as to go up and fight against them.
13 I poslaše sinovi Izrailjevi k sinovima Ruvimovijem i sinovima Gadovijem i polovini plemena Manasijina u zemlju Galadsku Finesa sina Eleazara sveštenika,
And the children of Israel sent to the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and to the sons of the half tribe of Manasse into the land of Galaad, both Phinees the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest,
14 I s njim deset knezova, po jednoga kneza od doma otaèkoga od svijeh plemena Izrailjevijeh, a svaki ih bješe poglavar u domu otaca svojih u tisuæama Izrailjevijem.
and ten of the chiefs with him; [there was] one chief of every household out of all the tribes of Israel; (the heads of families are the captains of thousands in Israel.)
15 A oni doðoše k sinovima Ruvimovijem i sinovima Gadovijem i polovini plemena Manasijina u zemlju Galadsku, i rekoše im govoreæi:
And they came to the sons of Ruben, and to the sons of Gad, and to the half tribe of Manasse into the land of Galaad; and they spoke to them, saying,
16 Ovako veli sav zbor Gospodnji: kakav je to grijeh kojim se ogriješiste Bogu Izrailjevu odvrativši se danas od Gospoda naèinivši oltar da se odmetnete danas od Gospoda?
Thus says the whole congregation of the Lord, What [is] this transgression that ye have transgressed before the God of Israel, to turn away today from the Lord, in that ye have built for yourselves an altar, so that ye should be apostates from the Lord?
17 Malo li nam je grijeha Fegorova, od kojega se još nijesmo oèistili do danas i s kojega doðe pogibao na zbor Gospodnji,
Is the sin of Phogor too little for you, whereas we have not been cleansed from it until this day, though there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord?
18 Te se danas odvraæate od Gospoda, i odmeæete se danas od Gospoda, da se sjutra razgnjevi na sav zbor Izrailjev?
And ye have this day revolted from the Lord; and it shall come to pass if ye revolt this day from the Lord, that to-morrow there shall be wrath upon all Israel.
19 Ako je zemlja našljedstva vašega neèista, prijeðite u zemlju našljedstva Gospodnjega, u kojoj stoji šator Gospodnji, i uzmite našljedstvo meðu nama; samo se ne odmeæite od Gospoda i ne odmeæite se od nas gradeæi sebi oltar mimo oltar Gospoda Boga našega.
And now if the land of your possession [be too] little, cross over to the land of the possession of the Lord, where the tabernacle of the Lord dwells, and receive ye an inheritance among us; and do not become apostates from God, neither do ye apostatize from the Lord, because of your having built an altar apart from the altar of the Lord our God.
20 Nije li se Ahan sin Zarin ogriješio o stvari proklete, te doðe gnjev na sav zbor Izrailjev? i on ne pogibe sam za grijeh svoj.
Lo! did not Achar the [son] of Zara commit a trespass [taking] of the accursed thing, and there was wrath on the whole congregation of Israel? and he himself died alone in his own sin.
21 A sinovi Ruvimovi i sinovi Gadovi i polovina plemena Manasijina odgovoriše i rekoše poglavarima tisuæa Izrailjevih:
And the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse answered, and spoke to the captains of the thousands of Israel, saying,
22 Gospod Bog nad bogovima, Gospod Bog nad bogovima, on zna, i Izrailj neka zna. Ako smo radi odmetati se i griješiti Gospodu, neka nas ne saèuva danas.
God [even] God is the Lord, and God [even] God himself knows, and Israel he shall know; if we have transgressed before the Lord by apostasy, let him not deliver us this day.
23 Ako smo naèinili oltar da se odvratimo od Gospoda ili da prinosimo na njemu žrtve paljenice ili dare ili da prinosimo na njemu žrtve zahvalne, Gospod neka traži.
And if we have built to ourselves an altar, so as to apostatize from the Lord our God, so as to offer upon it a sacrifice of whole-burnt-offerings, so as to offer upon it a sacrifice of peace-offering, —the Lord shall require it.
24 Nego to uèinismo bojeæi se ovoga: rekosmo: sjutra æe reæi sinovi vaši sinovima našim govoreæi: šta vi imate s Gospodom Bogom Izrailjevim?
But we have done this for the sake of precaution [concerning this] thing, saying, Lest hereafter your sons should say to our sons, What have ye to do with the Lord God of Israel?
25 Meðu je postavio Gospod izmeðu nas i vas, sinovi Ruvimovi i Gadovi, Jordan; vi nemate dijela u Gospoda. Te æe sinovi vaši odbiti sinove naše da se ne boje Gospoda.
Whereas the Lord has set boundaries between us and you, even Jordan, and ye have no portion in the Lord: so your sons shall alienate our sons, that they should not worship the Lord.
26 Zato rekosmo: uèinimo tako, i naèinimo oltar, ne za žrtvu paljenicu ni za drugu žrtvu,
And we gave orders to do thus, to build this altar, not for burnt-offerings, nor for meat-offerings;
27 Nego da bude svjedok meðu nama i vama, i meðu natražjem našim nakon nas, da bismo služili Gospodu pred njim žrtvama svojim paljenicama i prinosima svojim, i žrtvama svojim zahvalnim, i da ne bi rekli kadgod sinovi vaši sinovima našim: vi nemate dijela u Gospoda.
but that this may be a witness between you and us, and between our posterity after us, that we may do service to the Lord before him, with our burnt-offerings and our meat-offerings and our peace-offerings: so your sons shall not say to our sons, hereafter, Ye have no portion in the Lord.
28 Jer rekosmo: ako kad reku tako nama ili natražju našemu, tada æemo im kazati: vidite sliku od oltara Gospodnjega koju naèiniše oci naši ne za žrtvu paljenicu ni za drugu žrtvu, nego da je svjedoèanstvo meðu nama i vama.
And we said, If ever it should come to pass that they should speak [so] to us, or to our posterity hereafter; then shall they say, Behold the likeness of the altar of the Lord, which our fathers made, not for the sake of burnt-offerings, nor for the sake of meat-offerings, but it is a witness between you and us, and between our sons.
29 Ne daj Bože da se odmeæemo Gospodu i da se danas odvraæamo od Gospoda naèinivši oltar za žrtvu paljenicu, za dar ili za prinos, mimo oltar Gospoda Boga našega, koji je pred šatorom njegovijem.
Far be it from us therefore that we should turn away from the Lord this day so as to apostatize from the Lord, so as that we should build an altar for burnt-offerings, and for peace-offerings, besides the altar of the Lord which is before his tabernacle.
30 A kad èu Fines sveštenik i knezovi od zbora, poglavari od tisuæa Izrailjevih koji bijahu s njim, rijeèi koje im rekoše sinovi Ruvimovi i sinovi Gadovi i sinovi Manasijini, bi im po volji.
And Phinees the priest and all the chiefs of the congregation of Israel who were with him heard the words which the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse spoke; and it pleased them.
31 I reèe Fines sin Eleazara sveštenika sinovima Ruvimovijem i sinovima Gadovijem i sinovima Manasijinim: danas poznasmo da je meðu nama Gospod kad se ne ogriješiste Gospodu tijem grijehom, i saèuvaste sinove Izrailjeve od ruku Gospodnjih.
And Phinees the priest said to the sons of Ruben, and to the sons of Gad, and to the half of the tribe of Manasse, To-day we know that the Lord [is] with us, because ye have not trespassed grievously against the Lord, and because ye have delivered the children of Israel out of the hand of the Lord.
32 I Fines sin Eleazara sveštenika i oni knezovi vratiše se od sinova Ruvimovijeh i od sinova Gadovijeh iz zemlje Galadske u zemlju Hanansku k sinovima Izrailjevijem, i javiše im stvar.
So Phinees the priest and the princes departed from the children of Ruben, and from the children of Gad, and from the half tribe of Manasse out of Galaad into the land of Chanaan to the children of Israel; and reported the words to them.
33 I bi po volji sinovima Izrailjevijem; i hvališe Boga sinovi Izrailjevi, i ne govoriše više da idu da se biju s njima da potru zemlju, u kojoj žive sinovi Ruvimovi i sinovi Gadovi.
And it pleased the children of Israel; and they spoke to the children of Israel, and blessed the God of the children of Israel, and told them to go up no more to war against the others to destroy the land of the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse: so they dwelt upon it.
34 I prozvaše sinovi Ruvimovi i sinovi Gadovi onaj oltar Ed govoreæi: svjedok je meðu nama da je Gospod Bog.
And Joshua gave a name to the altar of the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse; and said, It is a testimony in the midst of them, that the Lord is their God.

< Isus Navin 22 >