< Jov 30 >

1 A sada smiju mi se mlaði od mene, kojima otaca ne bih bio htio metnuti sa psima stada svojega.
But now the youngest have laughed me to scorn, now they reprove me in [their] turn, whose fathers I set at nought; whom I did not deem worthy [to be with] my shepherd dogs.
2 A na što bi mi i bila sila ruku njihovijeh? u njima bješe propala starost.
Yea, why had I the strength of their hands? for them the full term [of life] was lost.
3 Od siromaštva i gladi samoæovahu bježeæi na suha, mraèna, pusta i opustošena mjesta;
[One is] childless in want and famine, [such as] they that fled but lately the distress and misery of drought.
4 Koji brahu lobodu po èestama, i smrekovo korijenje bješe im hrana.
Who compass the salt places on the sounding [shore], who had salt [herbs] for their food, and were dishonorable and of no repute, in want of every good thing; who also ate roots of trees by reason of great hunger.
5 Izmeðu ljudi bijahu izgonjeni i vikaše se za njima kao za lupežem.
Thieves have risen up against me,
6 Življahu po strašnijem uvalama, po jamama u zemlji i u kamenu.
whose houses were the caves of the rocks, who lived under the wild shrubs.
7 Po grmovima rikahu, pod trnjem se skupljahu.
They will cry out among the rustling [bushes].
8 Bijahu ljudi nikakvi i bez imena, manje vrijedni nego zemlja.
[They are] sons of fools and vile men, [whose] name and glory [are] quenched from off the earth.
9 I njima sam sada pjesma, i postah im prièa.
But now I am their music, and they have me for a by-word.
10 Gade se na me, idu daleko od mene i ne ustežu se pljuvati mi u lice.
And they stood aloof and abhorred me, and spared not to spit in my face.
11 Jer je Bog odapeo moju tetivu i muke mi zadao te zbaciše uzdu preda mnom.
For he has opened his quiver and afflicted me: they also have cast off the restraint of my presence.
12 S desne strane ustaju momci, potkidaju mi noge, i nasipaju put k meni da me upropaste.
They have risen up against [me] on the right hand of [their] offspring; they have stretched out their foot, and directed against me the ways of their destruction.
13 Raskopaše moju stazu, umnožiše mi muke, ne treba niko da im pomaže.
My paths are ruined; for they have stripped off my raiment: he has shot at me with his weapons.
14 Kao širokim prolomom naviru, i navaljuju preko razvalina.
And he has pleaded against me as he will: I am overwhelmed with pains.
15 Strahote navališe na me, i kao vjetar tjeraju dušu moju, i kao oblak proðe sreæa moja.
My pains return upon [me]; my hope is gone like the wind, and my safety as a cloud.
16 I sada se duša moja ražljeva u meni, stigoše me dani muèni.
Even now my life shall be poured forth upon me; and days of anguish seize me.
17 Noæu probada mi kosti u meni, i žile moje ne odmaraju se.
And by night my bones are confounded; and my sinews are relaxed.
18 Od teške sile promijenilo se odijelo moje, i kao ogrlica u košulje moje steže me.
With great force [my disease] has taken hold of my garment: it has compassed me as the collar of my coat.
19 Bacio me je u blato, te sam kao prah i pepeo.
And thou hast counted me as clay; my portion in dust and ashes.
20 Vièem k tebi, a ti me ne slušaš; stojim pred tobom, a ti ne gledaš na me.
And I have cried to thee, but thou hearest me not: but they stood still, and observed me.
21 Pretvorio si mi se u ljuta neprijatelja; silom ruke svoje suprotiš mi se.
They attacked me also without mercy: thou hast scourged me with a strong hand.
22 Podižeš me u vjetar, posaðuješ me na nj, i rastapaš u meni sve dobro.
And thou hast put me to grief, and hast cast me away from safety.
23 Jer znam da æeš me odvesti na smrt i u dom odreðeni svjema živima.
For I know that death will destroy me: for the earth is the house [appointed] for every mortal.
24 Ali neæe pružiti ruke svoje u grob; kad ih stane potirati, oni neæe vikati.
Oh then that I might lay hands upon myself, or at least ask another, and he should do this for me.
25 Nijesam li plakao radi onoga koji bijaše u zlu? nije li duša moja žalosna bivala radi ubogoga?
Yet I wept over every helpless man; I groaned when I saw a man in distress.
26 Kad se dobru nadah, doðe mi zlo; i kad se nadah svjetlosti, doðe mrak.
But I, when I waited for good things, behold, days of evils came the more upon me.
27 Utroba je moja uzavrela, i ne može da se umiri, zadesiše me dani muèni.
My belly boiled, and would not cease: the days of poverty prevented me.
28 Hodim crn, ne od sunca, ustajem i vièem u zboru.
I went mourning without restraint: and I have stood and cried out in the assembly.
29 Brat postah zmajevima i drug sovama.
I am become a brother of monsters, and a companion of ostriches.
30 Pocrnjela je koža na meni i kosti moje posahnuše od žege.
And my skin has been greatly blackened, and my bones are burned with heat.
31 Gusle se moje pretvoriše u zapijevku, i svirala moja u plaè.
My harp also has been turned into mourning, and my song into my weeping.

< Jov 30 >