< Jevrejima 2 >

1 Toga radi valja nam veæma paziti na rijeèi koje slušamo, da kako ne otpadnemo.
Therefore we must give still more heed to what we were taught, so we do not drift away.
2 Jer ako je ono što je govoreno preko anðela utvrðeno, i svaki prestupak i oglušak pravednu platu primio:
For, if the message which was delivered by angels had its authority confirmed, so that every offence against it, or neglect of it, met with a fitting requital,
3 Kako æemo pobjeæi na marivši za toliko spasenije? koje poèe Gospod propovijedati, i oni koji su èuli potvrdiše meðu nama,
how can we, of all people, expect to escape, if we disregard so great a salvation? It was the Master who at the outset spoke of this salvation, and its authority was confirmed for us by those who heard him,
4 Kad i Bog posvjedoèi i znacima i èudesima i razliènijem silama, i Duha svetoga razdjeljivanjem po svojoj volji.
while God himself added his testimony to it by signs, and marvels, and many different miracles, as well as by imparting the Holy Spirit as he saw fit.
5 Jer Bog ne pokori anðelima vasionoga svijeta, koji ide i o kome govorimo.
God has not given to angels the control of that future world of which we are speaking!
6 Ali neko posvjedoèi negdje govoreæi: šta je èovjek da ga se opomeneš, ili sin èovjeèij da ga obiðeš?
No; a writer has declared somewhere – “What are mere mortals that you should remember them? Or human beings that you should care for them?
7 Umalio si ga malijem neèim od anðela, slavom i èasti vjenèao si ga, i postavio si ga nad djelima ruku svojijeh:
You have made them, for a while, lower than angels; with glory and honour you have crowned them; you have set them over all that your hands have made;
8 Sve si pokorio pod noge njegove. A kad mu pokori sve, ništa ne ostavi njemu nepokoreno; ali sad još ne vidimo da mu je sve pokoreno.
you have placed all things beneath their feet.” This “placing of everything” under humanity means that there was nothing which was not placed under them. As yet, however, we do not see everything placed under humanity.
9 A umaljenoga malijem èim od anðela vidimo Isusa, koji je za smrt što podnese vjenèan slavom i èasti, da bi po blagodati Božijoj za sve okusio smrt.
What our eyes do see is Jesus, who was made for a while lower than angels, now, because of his sufferings and death, crowned with glory and honour; so that his tasting the bitterness of death should, in God’s loving kindness, be on behalf of all humanity.
10 Jer prilikovaše njemu za kojega je sve i kroz kojega je sve, koji dovede mnoge sinove u slavu, da dovrši poglavara spasenija njihova stradanjem.
It was, indeed, fitting that God, for whom and through whom all things exist, should, when leading many children to glory, make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering.
11 Jer i onaj koji osveæuje, i oni koji se osveæuju, svi su od jednoga; zaradi toga uzroka ne stidi se nazvati ih braæom
For he who purifies, and those whom he purifies, all spring from One; and therefore he is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters.
12 Govoreæi: objaviæu ime tvoje braæi svojoj, i posred crkve zapjevaæu te.
He says – “I will tell of your name to my brothers and sisters, in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise.”
13 I opet: ja æu se u njega uzdati. I opet: evo ja i djeca moja koju mi je dao Bog.
And again – “As for me, I will put my trust in God.” And yet again – “See, here am I and the children whom God gave me.”
14 Buduæi pak da djeca imaju tijelo i krv, tako i on uze dijel u tome, da smræu satre onoga koji ima državu smrti, to jest ðavola;
Therefore, since human nature is the common heritage of the children, Jesus also shared it, in order that by death he might render powerless him whose power lies in death – that is, the devil –
15 I da izbavi one koji god od straha smrti u svemu životu biše robovi.
and so might deliver all those who, from fear of death, had all their lives been living in slavery.
16 Jer se zaista ne prima anðela, nego se prima sjemena Avraamova.
It was not, surely, to the help of the angels that Jesus came, but to the help of the descendants of Abraham.
17 Zato bješe dužan u svemu da bude kao braæa, da bude milostiv i vjeran poglavar sveštenièki pred Bogom, da oèisti grijehe narodne.
And consequently it was necessary that he should in all points be made like his brothers and sisters, in order that he might prove a merciful as well as a faithful high priest in humanity’s relations with God, for the purpose of expiating the sins of his people.
18 Jer u èemu postrada i iskušan bi u onome može pomoæi i onima koji se iskušavaju.
The fact that he himself suffered under temptation enables him to help those who are tempted.

< Jevrejima 2 >