< Postanak 35 >
1 A Bog reèe Jakovu: ustani, idi gore u Vetilj i ondje stani; i naèini ondje žrtvenik Bogu, koji ti se javio kad si bježao od Isava brata svojega.
[Some time later] God said to Jacob, “Go up to Bethel, and live there. Build an altar to worship me, God, who appeared to you when you were fleeing from your older brother Esau.”
2 I Jakov reèe porodici svojoj i svijema koji bijahu s njim: bacite tuðe bogove što su u vas, i oèistite se i preobucite se;
So Jacob said to his household and to all the others who were with him, “Get rid of the idols you brought from Mesopotamia. Also, bathe yourselves and put on clean clothes.
3 Pa da se dignemo i idemo gore u Vetilj, da naèinim ondje žrtvenik Bogu, koji me je èuo u dan nevolje moje i bio sa mnom na putu kojim sam išao.
Then we will get ready and go up to Bethel. There I will make an altar to worship God. He is the one who helped me at the time when I was greatly distressed and afraid, and he has been with me wherever I have gone.”
4 I dadoše Jakovu sve bogove tuðe koji bijahu u njihovijem rukama, i oboce, koje imahu u ušima; i Jakov ih zakopa pod hrastom kod Sihema.
So they gave to Jacob all the idols that they had brought, and all their earrings. Jacob buried them in the ground under the big oak tree that was near Shechem [town].
5 Potom otidoše. A strah Božji doðe na gradove koji bijahu oko njih, te se ne digoše u potjeru za sinovima Izrailjevijem.
As they prepared to leave there, God caused the people who lived in the cities around them to be extremely afraid of Jacob’s family [PRS], so that they did not pursue and attack them.
6 I Jakov i sva èeljad što bijaše s njim doðoše u Luz u zemlji Hananskoj, a to je Vetilj.
Jacob and all those who were with him came to Luz, which is now called Bethel, in the Canaan region.
7 I ondje naèini žrtvenik, i nazva ono mjesto: Bog Vetiljski, jer mu se ondje javi Bog, kad je bježao od brata svojega.
There he built an altar. He named the place El-Bethel, [which means ‘God of Bethel]’, because it was there that God revealed himself to Jacob when he was fleeing from his older brother Esau.
8 Tada umrije Devora dojkinja Reveèina, i pogreboše je ispod Vetilja pod hrastom, koji nazva Jakov Alon-Vakut.
Deborah, who had taken care of Isaac’s wife Rebekah when Rebekah was a small girl, was now very old. She died and was buried under an oak tree south of Bethel. So they named that place Allon-Bacuth, [which means ‘oak of weeping’].
9 I javi se Bog Jakovu opet, pošto izide iz Padan-Arama, i blagoslovi ga,
After Jacob and his family returned from Paddan-Aram/Mesopotamia, while they were still at Bethel, God appeared to Jacob again and blessed him.
10 I reèe mu Bog: ime ti je Jakov; ali se otsele neæeš zvati Jakov, nego æe ti ime biti Izrailj. I nadjede mu ime Izrailj.
God said to him again, “Your name will no longer be Jacob. It will be Israel.” So Jacob was then called ‘Israel’.
11 I još mu reèe Bog: ja sam Bog svemoguæi; rasti i množi se; narod i mnogi æe narodi postati od tebe, i carevi æe izaæi iz bedara tvojih.
Then God said to him, “I am God Almighty. Produce many children. Your descendants will become many nations, and some of your descendants will be kings.
12 I daæu ti zemlju koju sam dao Avramu i Isaku, i nakon tebe sjemenu tvojemu daæu zemlju ovu.
The land that I promised to give to [your grandfather] Abraham and [your father] Isaac, I will give to you. I will also give it to your descendants.”
13 Potom otide od njega Bog s mjesta gdje mu govori.
When God finished talking there with Jacob, he left him.
14 A Jakov metnu spomenik na istom mjestu gdje mu Bog govori; spomenik od kamena, i pokropi ga kropljenjem, i preli ga uljem.
Jacob set up a large stone at the place where God had talked with him. He poured some wine and some [olive] oil on it to dedicate it to God.
15 I Jakov prozva mjesto gdje mu govori Bog Vetilj.
Jacob named that place Bethel, [which means ‘house of God]’, because God had spoken to him there.
16 I otidoše od Vetilja. A kad im osta još malo puta do Efrate, porodi se Rahilja, i bješe joj težak poroðaj.
Jacob and his family left Bethel and traveled south toward Ephrath [town]. When they were still some distance from Ephrath, Rachel began to have severe childbirth pains.
17 I kad se veoma muèaše, reèe joj babica: ne boj se, imaæeš još jednoga sina.
When her pain was the most severe, the (midwife/woman who helped her to give birth) said to Rachel, “Do not be afraid, because now you have given birth to another son!”
18 A kad se rastavljaše s dušom te umiraše, nazva ga Venonija; ali mu otac nadjede ime Venijamin.
But she was dying, and with her last breath she said, “Name him Benoni,” [which means ‘son of my sorrow]’, but his father named him Benjamin, [which means ‘son of my right hand]’.
19 I umrije Rahilja, i pogreboše je na putu koji ide u Efratu, a to je Vitlejem.
After Rachel died, she was buried alongside the road to Ephrath, which is [now called] Bethlehem.
20 I metnu Jakov spomenik na grob njezin. To je spomenik na grobu Rahiljinu do današnjega dana.
Jacob set up a large stone over her grave, and it is still there, showing where Rachel’s grave is.
21 Odatle otišav Izrailj razape šator svoj iza kule Migdolederske.
Jacob, whose new name was Israel, continued traveling with his family, and he set up his tents on the south side of the watchtower at Eder [town].
22 I kad Izrailj življaše u onoj zemlji, otide Ruvim i leže s Valom inoèom oca svojega. I to doèu Izrailj. A imaše Jakov dvanaest sinova.
While they were living in that area, Jacob’s son Reuben had sex [EUP] with Bilhah, one of his father’s (concubines/female slaves whom he had taken as a secondary wife). Someone told Jacob about it, and it made him very angry. (I will now give you/Here is) a list of Jacob’s twelve sons.
23 Sinovi Lijini bjehu: Ruvim prvenac Jakovljev, i Simeun i Levije i Juda i Isahar i Zavulon;
The sons of Leah were Reuben, who was Jacob’s oldest son, then Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulon.
24 A sinovi Rahiljini: Josif i Venijamin;
The sons of Rachel were Joseph and Benjamin.
25 A sinovi Vale robinje Rahiljine: Dan i Neftalim;
The sons of Rachel’s female slave Bilhah were Dan and Naphtali.
26 A sinovi Zelfe robinje Lijine: Gad i Asir. To su sinovi Jakovljevi, koji mu se rodiše u Padan-Aramu.
The sons of Leah’s female slave Zilpah were Gad and Asher. All those sons of Jacob, except Benjamin, were born while he was living in Paddan-Aram/Mesopotamia.
27 I Jakov doðe k Isaku ocu svojemu u Mamriju u Kirijat-Arvu, koje je Hevron, gdje Avram i Isak bijahu došljaci.
Jacob had returned back home to see his father Isaac at Mamre, which is also named Kiriath-Arba, and which is now named Hebron. Isaac’s father Abraham had also lived there.
28 A Isaku bješe sto i osamdeset godina;
Isaac lived until he was 180 years old.
29 I onemoæav umrije Isak, i bi pribran k rodu svojemu star i sit života; i pogreboše ga Isav i Jakov sinovi njegovi.
He was very old when he died, joining his ancestors who had died previously. His sons Esau and Jacob buried his body.