< Postanak 22 >
1 Poslije toga šæaše Bog okušati Avrama, pa mu reèe: Avrame! A on odgovori: evo me.
Some time later God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he answered.
2 I reèe mu Bog: uzmi sada sina svojega, jedinca svojega miloga, Isaka, pa idi u zemlju Moriju, i spali ga na žrtvu tamo na brdu gdje æu ti kazati.
“Take your son,” God said, “your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah. Offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.”
3 I sjutradan rano ustavši Avram osamari magarca svojega, i uze sa sobom dva momka i Isaka sina svojega; i nacijepavši drva za žrtvu podiže se i poðe na mjesto koje mu kaza Bog.
So Abraham got up early the next morning, saddled his donkey, and took along two of his servants and his son Isaac. He split the wood for a burnt offering and set out for the place God had designated.
4 Treæi dan podigavši oèi svoje Avram ugleda mjesto izdaleka.
On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance.
5 I reèe Avram momcima svojim: ostanite vi ovdje s magarcem, a ja i dijete idemo onamo, pa kad se pomolimo Bogu, vratiæemo se k vama.
“Stay here with the donkey,” Abraham told his servants. “The boy and I will go over there to worship, and then we will return to you.”
6 I uzevši Avram drva za žrtvu naprti Isaku sinu svojemu, a sam uze u svoje ruke ognja i nož; pa otidoše obojica zajedno.
Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac. He himself carried the fire and the sacrificial knife, and the two of them walked on together.
7 Tada reèe Isak Avramu ocu svojemu: oèe! A on reèe: što, sine! I reèe Isak: eto ognja i drva, a gdje je jagnje za žrtvu?
Then Isaac said to his father Abraham, “My father!” “Here I am, my son,” he replied. “The fire and the wood are here,” said Isaac, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”
8 A Avram odgovori: Bog æe se, sinko, postarati za jagnje sebi na žrtvu. I iðahu obojica zajedno.
Abraham answered, “God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two walked on together.
9 A kad doðoše na mjesto koje mu Bog kaza, Avram naèini ondje žrtvenik, i metnu drva na nj, i svezavši Isaka sina svojega metnu ga na žrtvenik vrh drva;
When they arrived at the place God had designated, Abraham built the altar there and arranged the wood. He bound his son Isaac and placed him on the altar, atop the wood.
10 I izmahnu Avram rukom svojom i uze nož da zakolje sina svojega.
Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son.
11 Ali anðeo Gospodnji viknu ga s neba, i reèe: Avrame! Avrame! A on reèe: evo me.
Just then the angel of the LORD called out to him from heaven, “Abraham, Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied.
12 A anðeo reèe: ne diži ruke svoje na dijete, i ne èini mu ništa; jer sada poznah da se bojiš Boga, kad nijesi požalio sina svojega, jedinca svojega, mene radi.
“Do not lay a hand on the boy or do anything to him,” said the angel, “for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your only son from me.”
13 I Avram podigavši oèi svoje pogleda; i gle, ovan iza njega zapleo se u èesti rogovima; i otišavši Avram uze ovna i spali ga na žrtvu mjesto sina svojega.
Then Abraham looked up and saw behind him a ram in a thicket, caught by its horns. So he went and took the ram and offered it as a burnt offering in place of his son.
14 I nazva Avram ono mjesto: Gospod æe se postarati. Zato se i danas kaže: na brdu, gdje æe se Gospod postarati.
And Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. So to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.”
15 I anðeo Gospodnji opet viknu s neba Avrama.
And the angel of the LORD called to Abraham from heaven a second time,
16 I reèe: sobom se zakleh, veli Gospod: kad si tako uèinio, i nijesi požalio sina svojega, jedinca svojega,
saying, “By Myself I have sworn, declares the LORD, that because you have done this and have not withheld your only son,
17 Zaista æu te blagosloviti i sjeme tvoje veoma umnožiti, da ga bude kao zvijezda na nebu i kao pijeska na brijegu morskom; i naslijediæe sjeme tvoje vrata neprijatelja svojih.
I will surely bless you, and I will multiply your descendants like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will possess the gates of their enemies.
18 I blagosloviæe se u sjemenu tvojem svi narodi na zemlji, kad si poslušao glas moj.
And through your offspring all nations of the earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”
19 Tada se Avram vrati k momcima svojim, te se digoše, i otidoše zajedno u Virsaveju, jer Avram življaše u Virsaveji.
Abraham went back to his servants, and they got up and set out together for Beersheba. And Abraham settled in Beersheba.
20 Poslije toga javiše Avramu govoreæi: gle, i Melha rodi sinove bratu tvojemu Nahoru:
Some time later, Abraham was told, “Milcah has also borne sons to your brother Nahor:
21 Uza prvenca i Vuza brata mu, i Kamuila, oca Avramova,
Uz the firstborn, his brother Buz, Kemuel (the father of Aram),
22 I Hazada i Azava i Faldesa i Jeldafa i Vatuila.
Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph, and Bethuel.”
23 A Vatuilo rodi Reveku. Osam ih rodi Melha Nahoru bratu Avramovu.
And Bethuel became the father of Rebekah. Milcah bore these eight sons to Abraham’s brother Nahor.
24 A inoèa njegova, po imenu Revma, rodi i ona Taveka i Gama i Tohosa i Moha.
Moreover, Nahor’s concubine, whose name was Reumah, bore Tebah, Gaham, Tahash, and Maacah.