< Izlazak 4 >
1 A Mojsije odgovori i reèe: ali neæe mi vjerovati ni poslušati glasa mojega; jer æe reæi: nije ti se Gospod javio.
And Moses answers and says, “And if they do not give credence to me, nor listen to my voice, and say, YHWH has not appeared to you?”
2 A Gospod mu reèe: šta ti je to u ruci? A on odgovori: štap.
And YHWH says to him, “What [is] this in your hand?” And he says, “A rod”;
3 A Bog mu reèe: baci ga na zemlju. I baci ga na zemlju, a on posta zmija. I Mojsije pobježe od nje.
and He says, “Cast it to the earth”; and he casts it to the earth, and it becomes a serpent—and Moses flees from its presence.
4 A Gospod reèe Mojsiju: pruži ruku svoju, pa je uhvati za rep. I pruži ruku svoju, i uhvati je, i opet posta štap u ruci njegovoj.
And YHWH says to Moses, “Put forth your hand, and lay hold on the tail of it”; and he puts forth his hand, and lays hold on it, and it becomes a rod in his hand—
5 To uèini, reèe Bog, da vjeruju da ti se javio Gospod Bog otaca njihovijeh, Bog Avramov, Bog Isakov i Bog Jakovljev.
“so that they believe that YHWH, God of their fathers, has appeared to you, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob.”
6 I opet mu reèe Gospod: turi sada ruku svoju u njedra svoja. I on turi ruku svoju u njedra svoja; a kad je izvadi iz njedara, a to ruka mu gubava, bijela kao snijeg.
And YHWH says to him again, “Now put your hand into your bosom”; and he puts his hand into his bosom, and he brings it out, and behold, his hand [is] leprous as snow;
7 A Bog mu reèe: turi opet ruku svoju u njedra svoja. I opet turi ruku svoju u njedra svoja; a kad je izvadi iz njedara, a to opet postala kao i ostalo tijelo njegovo.
and He says, “Put your hand back into your bosom”; and he puts his hand back into his bosom, and he brings it out from his bosom, and behold, it has turned back as his flesh—
8 Tako, reèe Bog, ako ti ne uzvjeruju i ne poslušaju glasa tvojega za prvi znak, poslušaæe za drugi znak.
“and it has come to pass, if they do not give credence to you, and do not listen to the voice of the first sign, that they have given credence to the voice of the latter sign.
9 Ako li ne uzvjeruju ni za ta dva znaka i ne poslušaju glasa tvojega, a ti zahvati vode iz rijeke, i prolij na zemlju, i pretvoriæe se voda koju zahvatiš iz rijeke, i provræi æe se u krv na zemlji.
And it has come to pass, if they do not give credence even to these two signs, nor listen to your voice, that you have taken of the waters of the River, and have poured [it] on the dry land, and the waters which you take from the River have been, indeed, they have become blood on the dry land.”
10 A Mojsije reèe Gospodu: molim ti se, Gospode, nijesam rjeèit èovjek, niti sam prije bio niti sam otkako si progovorio sa slugom svojim, nego sam sporijeh usta i spora jezika.
And Moses says to YHWH, “O my Lord, I [am] not a man of words, either yesterday, or before, or since Your speaking to Your servant, for I [am] slow of mouth, and slow of tongue.”
11 A Gospod mu reèe: ko je dao usta èovjeku? ili ko može stvoriti nijema ili gluha ili okata ili slijepa? zar ne ja, Gospod?
And YHWH says to him, “Who appointed a mouth for man? Or who appoints the mute, or deaf, or open, or blind? Is it not I, YHWH?
12 Idi dakle, ja æu biti s ustima tvojim, i uèiæu te šta æeš govoriti.
And now, go, and I am with your mouth, and have directed you that which you speak”;
13 A Mojsije reèe: molim te, Gospode, pošlji onoga koga treba da pošlješ.
and he says, “O my Lord, please send by the hand [of another that] You send.”
14 I razgnjevi se Gospod na Mojsija, i reèe mu: nije li ti brat Aron Levit? znam da je on rjeèit; i evo on æe te sresti, i kad te vidi obradovaæe se u srcu svojem.
And the anger of YHWH burns against Moses, and He says, “Is Aaron the Levite not your brother? I have known that he speaks well, and also, behold, he is coming out to meet you; when he has seen you, then he has rejoiced in his heart,
15 Njemu æeš kazati i metnuæeš ove rijeèi u usta njegova, i ja æu biti s tvojim ustima i s njegovijem ustima, i uèiæu vas šta æete èiniti.
and you have spoken to him, and have set the words in his mouth, and I am with your mouth, and with his mouth, and have directed you that which you do;
16 I on æe mjesto tebe govoriti narodu, i on æe biti tebi mjesto usta a ti æeš biti njemu mjesto Boga.
and he, he has spoken to the people for you, and it has come to pass, he is to you for a mouth, and you are to him for God;
17 A taj štap uzmi u ruku svoju, njim æeš èiniti èudesa.
and you take this rod in your hand, with which you do the signs.”
18 I otide Mojsije, i vrati se k Jotoru tastu svojemu, i reèe mu: pusti me da idem, da se vratim k braæi svojoj u Misiru, da vidim jesu li jošte u životu. I reèe Jotor Mojsiju: idi s mirom.
And Moses goes and turns back to his father-in-law Jethro, and says to him, “Please let me go, and I return to my brothers who [are] in Egypt, and I see whether they are yet alive.” And Jethro says to Moses, “Go in peace.”
19 I reèe Gospod Mojsiju u zemlji Madijamskoj: idi, vrati se u Misir, jer su pomrli svi koji su tražili dušu tvoju.
And YHWH says to Moses in Midian, “Go, return to Egypt, for all the men who seek your life have died”;
20 I uze Mojsije ženu svoju i sinove svoje, i posadi ih na magarca, i poðe natrag u zemlju Misirsku. I uze Mojsije štap Božji u ruku svoju.
and Moses takes his wife, and his sons, and causes them to ride on the donkey, and turns back to the land of Egypt, and Moses takes the rod of God in his hand.
21 I reèe Gospod Mojsiju: kad otideš i vratiš se u Misir, gledaj da uèiniš pred Faraonom sva èudesa koja ti metnuh u ruku: a ja æu uèiniti da mu otvrdne srce i ne pusti naroda.
And YHWH says to Moses, “In your going to return to Egypt, see—all the wonders which I have put in your hand—that you have done them before Pharaoh, and I strengthen his heart, and he does not send the people away;
22 A ti æeš reæi Faraonu: ovako kaže Gospod: Izrailj je sin moj, prvenac moj.
and you have said to Pharaoh, Thus said YHWH: My son, My firstborn [is] Israel,
23 I kazah ti: pusti sina mojega da mi posluži. A ti ga ne htje pustiti; evo ja æu ubiti sina tvojega, prvenca tvojega.
and I say to you, send My son away, and he serves Me; and [if] you refuse to send him away, behold, I am slaying your son, your firstborn.”
24 I kad bijaše na putu u gostionici, doðe k njemu Gospod i šæaše da ga ubije.
And it comes to pass in the way, in a lodging place, that YHWH meets him, and seeks to put him to death;
25 A Sefora uze oštar nož, i obreza sina svojega, i okrajak baci k nogama njegovijem govoreæi: ti si mi krvav zaruènik.
and Zipporah takes a flint, and cuts off the foreskin of her son, and causes [it] to touch his feet, and says, “You [are] surely a bridegroom of blood to me”;
26 Tada ga ostavi Gospod; a ona radi obrezanja reèe: krvav zaruènik.
and He desists from him. Then she said, “A bridegroom of blood,” in reference to the circumcision.
27 A Gospod reèe Aronu: izidi u pustinju na susret Mojsiju. I otide i srete ga na gori Božijoj, i poljubi ga.
And YHWH says to Aaron, “Go into the wilderness to meet Moses”; and he goes, and meets him on the mountain of God, and kisses him,
28 I Mojsije kaza Aronu sve rijeèi Gospodnje, za koje ga posla, i sve znake koje mu zapovjedi.
and Moses declares to Aaron all the words of YHWH with which He has sent him, and all the signs with which He has charged him.
29 I otidoše Mojsije i Aron, i skupiše sve starješine sinova Izrailjevijeh.
And Moses goes—Aaron also—and they gather all the elderly of the sons of Israel,
30 I Aron kaza sve rijeèi, koje bješe rekao Gospod Mojsiju, a Mojsije uèini znake pred narodom.
and Aaron speaks all the words which YHWH has spoken to Moses, and does the signs before the eyes of the people;
31 I narod vjerova; i razumješe da je Gospod pohodio sinove Izrailjeve i vidio nevolju njihovu; i savivši se pokloniše se.
and the people believe when they hear that YHWH has looked after the sons of Israel, and that He has seen their affliction; and they bow and pay respect.