< Ponovljeni Zakon 29 >

1 Ovo su rijeèi zavjeta koji zapovjedi Gospod Mojsiju da uèini sa sinovima Izrailjevijem u zemlji Moavskoj, osim zavjeta koji je uèinio s njima na Horivu.
These are the words of the covenant that the LORD commanded Moses to make with the Israelites in the land of Moab, in addition to the covenant He had made with them at Horeb.
2 I sazva Mojsije sve sinove Izrailjeve i reèe im: vidjeli ste sve što uèini Gospod na vaše oèi u zemlji Misirskoj Faraonu i svijem slugama njegovijem i svoj zemlji njegovoj,
Moses summoned all Israel and proclaimed to them, “You have seen with your own eyes everything the LORD did in Egypt to Pharaoh, to all his officials, and to all his land.
3 Kušanja velika, koja vidješe oèi tvoje, one znake i èudesa velika.
You saw with your own eyes the great trials, and those miraculous signs and wonders.
4 Ali vam ne dade Gospod srca, da razumijete, ni oèiju, da vidite, ni ušiju, da èujete do ovoga dana.
Yet to this day the LORD has not given you a mind to understand, eyes to see, or ears to hear.
5 I vodih vas èetrdeset godina po pustinji; ne ovetšaše haljine vaše na vama, niti obuæa tvoja ovetša na nogama tvojima.
For forty years I led you in the wilderness, yet your clothes and sandals did not wear out.
6 Hljeba ne jedoste, ni piste vina i silovita piæa, da biste poznali da sam ja Gospod Bog vaš.
You ate no bread and drank no wine or strong drink, so that you might know that I am the LORD your God.
7 I kad doðoste na ovo mjesto, izide Sion car Esevonski i Og car Vasanski pred nas u boj; i pobismo ih.
When you reached this place, Sihon king of Heshbon and Og king of Bashan came out against us in battle, but we defeated them.
8 I uzesmo zemlju njihovu, i dadosmo je u našljedstvo plemenu Ruvimovu i plemenu Gadovu i polovini plemena Manasijina.
We took their land and gave it as an inheritance to the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.
9 Zato držite rijeèi ovoga zavjeta i tvorite ih, da biste napredovali u svemu što radite.
So keep and follow the words of this covenant, that you may prosper in all you do.
10 Vi stojite danas svi pred Gospodom Bogom svojim, glavari od plemena vaših, starješine vaše i upravitelji vaši, svi ljudi Izrailjci,
All of you are standing today before the LORD your God—you leaders of tribes, elders, officials, and all the men of Israel,
11 Djeca vaša, žene vaše, i došljak koji je u vašem okolu, i onaj koji ti drva sijeèe, i onaj koji ti vodu nosi.
your children and wives, and the foreigners in your camps who cut your wood and draw your water—
12 Da pristaneš na zavjet Gospoda Boga svojega i na kletvu njegovu, koju uèini s tobom danas Gospod Bog tvoj,
so that you may enter into the covenant of the LORD your God, which He is making with you today, and into His oath,
13 Da te danas postavi sebi za narod i da ti on bude Bog, kao što ti je rekao i kao što se zakleo ocima tvojim, Avramu, Isaku i Jakovu.
and so that He may establish you today as His people, and He may be your God as He promised you and as He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
14 I ne s vama samima èinim ovaj zavjet i ovu kletvu;
I am making this covenant and this oath not only with you,
15 Nego sa svakim koji danas stoji ovdje s nama pred Gospodom Bogom našim, i sa svakim koji nije danas ovdje s nama.
but also with those who are standing here with us today in the presence of the LORD our God, as well as with those who are not here today.
16 Jer vi znate kako smo živjeli u zemlji Misirskoj, i kako smo prošli kroz narode kroz koje smo prošli.
For you yourselves know how we lived in the land of Egypt and how we passed through the nations on the way here.
17 I vidjeli ste gadove njihove i idole njihove od drveta i od kamena, od srebra i od zlata, koji su kod njih.
You saw the abominations and idols among them made of wood and stone, of silver and gold.
18 Neka ne bude meðu vama èovjeka ni žene ni porodice ni plemena, kojemu bi se srce odvratilo danas od Gospoda Boga našega da ide da služi bogovima onijeh naroda; neka ne bude meðu vama korijena na kom bi rastao otrov ili pelen,
Make sure there is no man or woman, clan or tribe among you today whose heart turns away from the LORD our God to go and worship the gods of those nations. Make sure there is no root among you that bears such poisonous and bitter fruit,
19 I èuvši rijeèi ove kletve da se ne pohvali u srcu svom govoreæi: biæu miran ako uzidem za onijem što u srcu svom smislim, dodajuæi pijanstvo žeði.
because when such a person hears the words of this oath, he invokes a blessing on himself, saying, ‘I will have peace, even though I walk in the stubbornness of my own heart.’ This will bring disaster on the watered land as well as the dry.
20 Neæe Gospod oprostiti takome, nego æe se onda raspaliti gnjev Gospodnji i revnost njegova na takoga èovjeka, i pašæe na nj sva kletva koja je napisana u ovoj knjizi, i istrijebiæe Gospod ime njegovo pod nebom.
The LORD will never be willing to forgive him. Instead, His anger and jealousy will burn against that man, and every curse written in this book will fall upon him. The LORD will blot out his name from under heaven
21 I odluèiæe ga Gospod na zlo od svijeh plemena Izrailjevijeh po svijem kletvama zavjeta napisanoga u knjizi ovoga zakona.
and single him out from all the tribes of Israel for disaster, according to all the curses of the covenant written in this Book of the Law.
22 Tada æe govoriti potonji naraštaj, sinovi vaši koji nastanu iza vas, i došljak koji doðe iz daleke zemlje, kad vide zla u zemlji ovoj i bolesti, koje æe Gospod pustiti na nju,
Then the generation to come—your sons who follow you and the foreigner who comes from a distant land—will see the plagues of the land and the sicknesses the LORD has inflicted on it.
23 Zemlju ovu opaljenu sumporom i solju, gdje se ne sije niti što nièe niti na njoj raste kaka biljka, kao gdje je propao Sodom i Gomor, Adama i Sevojim, koje zatr Gospod u gnjevu svojemu i u jarosti svojoj,
All its soil will be a burning waste of sulfur and salt, unsown and unproductive, with no plant growing on it, just like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, which the LORD overthrew in His fierce anger.
24 Govoriæe svi narodi: zašto uèini ovo Gospod od ove zemlje? kakva je to žestina velikoga gnjeva?
So all the nations will ask, ‘Why has the LORD done such a thing to this land? Why this great outburst of anger?’
25 I odgovaraæe se: jer odustaviše zavjet Gospoda Boga otaca svojih, koji uèini s njima kad ih izvede iz zemlje Misirske.
And the people will answer, ‘It is because they abandoned the covenant of the LORD, the God of their fathers, which He made with them when He brought them out of the land of Egypt.
26 Jer idoše i služiše drugim bogovima i poklanjaše im se, bogovima kojih ne znaše i koji im ništa ne dadoše.
They went and served other gods, and they worshiped gods they had not known—gods that the LORD had not given to them.
27 Zato se Gospod razgnjevi na tu zemlju, i pusti na nju sva prokletstva zapisana u ovoj knjizi.
Therefore the anger of the LORD burned against this land, and He brought upon it every curse written in this book.
28 I istrijebi ih Gospod Bog iz zemlje njihove u gnjevu i u jarosti i u ljutini velikoj, i izbaci ih u drugu zemlju, kao što se vidi danas.
The LORD uprooted them from their land in His anger, rage, and great wrath, and He cast them into another land, where they are today.’
29 Što je tajno ono je Gospoda Boga našega, a javno je naše i sinova naših dovijeka, da bismo izvršivali sve rijeèi ovoga zakona.
The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, so that we may follow all the words of this law.

< Ponovljeni Zakon 29 >