< 1 Samuelova 25 >

1 U tom umrije Samuilo i sabra se sav Izrailj, i plakaše za njim, i pogreboše ga u domu njegovu u Rami. A David usta i siðe u pustinju Faransku.
Samuel died. Everyone in Israel gathered to mourn for him, and they buried him at his home in Ramah. David left and went to the Desert of Paran.
2 A bijaše jedan èovjek u Maonu, a stoka mu bijaše na Karmilu; i bijaše èovjek vrlo bogat, jer imaše tri tisuæe ovaca i tisuæu koza, i tada strizijaše ovce svoje na Karmilu.
A man from Maon was very wealthy. He had property in Carmel and owned one thousand goats and three thousand sheep. He was in Carmel shearing them.
3 I bješe ime tomu èovjeku Naval, a ženi mu ime Avigeja; i ona bijaše žena razumna i lijepa, a on bijaše tvrda srca i opak, a bijaše od roda Halevova.
The man's name was Nabal, and his wife's name was Abigail. She was a wise and beautiful woman, but her husband was cruel and treated people badly. He was a descendant of Caleb.
4 I David èu u pustinji da Naval striže ovce.
David was in the wilderness, and he heard that Nabal was shearing sheep.
5 I posla David deset momaka, i reèe David momcima: idite na Karmil, i otidite k Navalu, i pozdravite ga od mene.
So David sent ten of his young men and told them, “Go and see Nabal at Carmel. Greet him in my name, and say hello from me.
6 I recite mu: zdravo! i mir da ti je, i domu tvojemu da je mir, i svemu što imaš da je mir!
Tell him, ‘I wish you a long life! Peace to you and your family, and may everything you do prosper.
7 Èuo sam da strižeš ovce; pastiri su tvoji bivali kod nas, i ne uèinismo im nepravde, i ništa im nije nestalo dokle god bijahu na Karmilu.
Now I've heard that you are busy shearing. When your shepherds were with us, we didn't mistreat them, and nothing belonging to them was stolen all the time they were in Carmel.
8 Pitaj sluge svoje, i kazaæe ti. Neka ovi momci naðu milost pred tobom, jer doðosmo u dobar dan. Daj slugama svojim i Davidu sinu svojemu što ti doðe do ruke.
Check with your men and they'll confirm it. Please be kind to my men, especially since we've come on this day of celebration. Please give whatever food you can to us and to your good friend David.’”
9 I doðoše momci Davidovi, i kazaše Navalu u ime Davidovo sve ove rijeèi, i umuèaše.
David's young men arrived, gave Nabal this message from David, and waited for his reply.
10 A Naval odgovori slugama Davidovijem i reèe: ko je David? i ko je sin Jesejev? Danas ima mnogo sluga koje bježe od svojih gospodara.
“Who does this ‘David, son of Jesse’ think he is?” Nabal replied. “Nowadays there are many servants on the run from their masters!
11 Eda li æu uzeti hljeb svoj i vodu svoju i meso što sam poklao za ljude koji mi strigu ovce, pa dati ljudima kojih ne znam odakle su?
Why should I take the bread and water I've supplied, and the meat I've slaughtered for my shearers, and hand it over to these strangers? I don't even know where they're from!”
12 Tada se vratiše momci Davidovi svojim putem, vratiše se, i došavši kazaše mu sve ove rijeèi.
So David's men turned around and went back the way they came. When they got back they told David everything Nabal had said.
13 A David reèe svojim ljudima: pripašite svaki svoj maè. I pripasaše svaki svoj maè, i David pripasa svoj maè; i poðe za Davidom do èetiri stotine ljudi, a dvjesta ostaše kod prtljaga.
“Everyone, put on your swords!” David ordered. They all put on their swords, and David did too. About four hundred followed David, while two hundred remained behind to guard their gear.
14 Ali Avigeji ženi Navalovoj kaza jedan izmeðu sluga njegovijeh govoreæi: evo, David posla iz pustinje poslanike da pozdravi gospodara našega, a on ih otjera.
In the meantime one of Nabal's men told Abigail, Nabal's wife, “David sent some messengers from the wilderness to bring greetings to our master, but he only insulted them.
15 A ti su nam ljudi bili vrlo dobri, niti nam uèiniše krivo, niti nam èega nesta dokle god bijasmo kod njih u polju.
David's men were always very good to us and they never mistreated us. All the time we were out in the fields with them nothing was stolen from us.
16 Nego nam bijahu zidovi i noæu i danju, dokle god bijasmo kod njih pasuæi ovce.
They were like a protective wall to us, both day and night, during the whole time we were with them looking after the sheep.
17 Zato sada gledaj i promisli šta æeš èiniti, jer je gotovo zlo gospodaru našemu i svemu domu njegovu; a on je zao èovjek, da mu se ne može govoriti.
You should know what happened and consider what you should do about it. Disaster is about to strike our master and his whole family, but he's so obnoxious no one can talk sense into him!”
18 Tada Avigeja brže uze dvjesta hljebova i dvije mješine vina i pet ovaca zgotovljenijeh i pet mjerica pržena žita, i sto grozdova suhoga grožða i dvjesta gruda suhih smokava, i metnu na magarce.
Abigail quickly gathered together two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five sheep already slaughtered, five seahs of roasted grain, a hundred raisin cakes, and two hundred fig cakes, and then loaded everything on donkeys.
19 I reèe momcima svojim: hajdete naprijed, a ja æu iæi za vama. A mužu svojemu Navalu ništa ne reèe.
She told her men, “Go on ahead. I'll follow you.” But she didn't say anything to her husband Nabal.
20 I sjedavši na magarca iðaše ispod gore, a gle, David i ljudi njegovi slažahu pred nju, i sukobi se s njima.
As Abigail was riding her donkey through a mountain valley, she saw David and his men descending towards her, and she met them.
21 A David govoraše: ele sam zaludu èuvao sve što je taj imao u pustinji da mu ništa ne bješe nestalo od svega što ima; jer mi vrati zlo za dobro.
David had just been complaining, “So much for my protecting everything that belonged to this man in the wilderness! Nothing at all was stolen from him, and yet what does he do? Pay me back evil for good!
22 To neka uèini Bog neprijateljima Davidovijem i to neka doda, ako mu do zore od svega što ima ostavim i ono što mokri uza zid.
May God punish me very severely if I leave even a single one of his men alive by morning!”
23 A kad Avigeja ugleda Davida, brže siðe s magarca, i pade pred Davidom na lice svoje i pokloni se do zemlje;
When Abigail saw David, she quickly got off the donkey, and bowed before him, her face to the ground.
24 I padnuvši mu k nogama reèe: na meni, gospodaru, neka bude ta krivica; ali da progovori sluškinja tvoja tebi, i èuj rijeèi sluškinje svoje.
Falling at his feet in respect, she said, “Sir, I accept full responsibility for what's happened. Please listen to what I, your servant, have to say.
25 Neka gospodar moj ne gleda na toga nevaljaloga èovjeka, Navala, jer je kao ime što mu je; Naval mu je ime, i bezumlje je kod njega. A ja sluškinja tvoja nijesam vidjela momaka gospodara svojega, koje si slao.
Please don't concern yourself with this worthless man Nabal. His name means ‘fool,’ and he is really foolish! As for me, your servant, I didn't even see the men you sent.
26 Zato sada, gospodaru, tako živ bio Gospod i tako živa bila duša tvoja, Gospod ti ne da da ideš na krv i da se osvetiš svojom rukom. Zato sada neka bude neprijateljima tvojim kao Navalu i svjema koji traže zla gospodaru mojemu.
Now, sir, as the Lord lives and as you live, the Lord has kept you from shedding blood and from taking your own revenge. Sir, may your enemies and those who want to do you harm be like Nabal.
27 Evo dar što je donijela sluškinja gospodaru svojemu, da se da momcima koji idu za gospodarom mojim.
Please accept this present that I, your servant, have brought to you, sir, and give it to your men.
28 Oprosti sluškinji svojoj krivicu; jer æe Gospod zacijelo naèiniti tvrdu kuæu gospodaru mojemu; jer ratove Gospodnje vodi gospodar moj i nije se našlo zlo na tebi nikad tvoga vijeka.
Please forgive any offense that I, your servant, have committed, for the Lord is sure to set up a dynasty for you that will last for a long time, because you, sir, fight the battles of the Lord. Wickedness should not be found in you as long as you live.
29 I da ustane èovjek da te goni i traži dušu tvoju, duša æe gospodara mojega biti vezana u svežnju živijeh kod Gospoda Boga tvojega, a duše æe neprijatelja tvojih baciti kao iz praæe.
If anyone pursues you and tries to kill you, then your life will remain bound up with those the Lord your God looks after, safe in his care. But he will throw away the lives of your enemies like stones from a sling.
30 I kad Gospod uèini gospodaru mojemu svako dobro koje ti je obrekao, i postavi te voðem Izrailju,
So when the Lord has done for you, sir, everything good he promised, and has made you ruler over Israel,
31 Neæe ti biti spoticanja ni sablazni srcu gospodara mojega da je prolio krv ni za što i da se sam osvetio gospodar moj. I kad uèini Gospod dobro gospodaru mojemu, opomenuæeš se sluškinje svoje.
you won't have feelings of remorse or a guilty conscience over unnecessary bloodshed or of taking your own revenge. And when the Lord has done these good things for you, sir, please remember me, your maidservant.”
32 Tada reèe David Avigeji: da je blagosloven Gospod Bog Izrailjev, koji te danas posla meni na susret!
Then David said to Abigail, “Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, who sent you to meet me today!
33 I da su blagoslovene rijeèi tvoje, i ti da si blagoslovena, koja me odvrati danas da ne idem na krv i osvetim se svojom rukom.
May you be rewarded for your wise decisions, for preventing me from shedding blood today and taking my own revenge.
34 Doista, tako živ bio Gospod Bog Izrailjev, koji mi ne dade da ti uèinim zlo, da mi nijesi brže izašla na susret, ne bi ostalo Navalu do zore ni ono što uza zid mokri.
On the contrary, as the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, who has kept me from harming you, if you hadn't rushed to meet me, then definitely not a single one of Nabal's men would have been left alive by dawn.”
35 I primi David iz ruke njezine što mu bješe donijela, i reèe joj: idi s mirom kuæi svojoj; eto, poslušah te, i pogledah na te.
David accepted from Abigail what she had brought him, and told her, “You may go home in peace, because I agree with your advice and grant your request.”
36 Potom se Avigeja vrati k Navalu; a gle, kod njega gozba u kuæi, kao carska gozba, i srce Navalu bješe veselo, i bijaše pijan vrlo. Zato mu ona ne reèe ništa do jutra.
When Abigail got back home to Nabal, he was in the house, partying like a king. He was feeling very merry, and he was very drunk. So she didn't tell him anything until the morning.
37 A ujutru, kad se Naval otrijezni, kaza mu žena sve ovo; a u njemu obamrije srce njegovo, i on posta kao kamen.
When Nabal had sobered up the next morning, his wife told him what had happened. When he heard what she had to say he had a heart attack and was paralyzed.
38 A kad proðe do deset dana, udari Gospod Navala, te umrije.
About ten days later the Lord struck Nabal down and he died.
39 A kad David èu da je umro Naval, reèe: da je blagosloven Gospod, koji osveti sramotu moju od Navala, i zadrža slugu svojega oda zla, a obrati Gospod Navalu na glavu zloæu njegovu. Potom posla David i poruèi Avigeji da æe je uzeti za ženu.
When David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, “Praise the Lord who has supported me against Nabal's insult and has kept me from doing evil. For the Lord made Nabal's wickedness fall back on himself.” Then David sent a message to Abigail, asking for her to marry him.
40 I sluge Davidove doðoše k Avigeji na Karmil, i rekoše joj govoreæi: David nas posla k tebi da te uzme za ženu.
When David's men arrived at Carmel, they said to Abigail, “David has sent us to you to bring you back to become his wife.”
41 A ona usta i pokloni se licem do zemlje, i reèe: evo sluškinje tvoje, da služi i da pere noge slugama gospodara svojega.
She stood up, then bowed down low, and said, “I am David's maidservant. I am prepared to serve and to wash the feet of my master's servants.”
42 Potom brže usta Avigeja, i sjede na magarca, i pet djevojaka njezinijeh poðe za njom, i otide za poslanicima Davidovijem, i posta mu žena.
Abigail quickly got on a donkey and, with her five female servants, went back with David's men and became his wife.
43 A David uze i Ahinoamu iz Jezraela, i obje mu bjehu žene.
David had also married Ahinoam of Jezreel. So they both were his wives.
44 Jer Saul dade Mihalu kæer svoju, ženu Davidovu, Faltiju sinu Laisovu iz Galima.
However, Saul had given his daughter Michal, David's wife, to Paltiel, son of Laish. He was from Gallim.

< 1 Samuelova 25 >