< 1 Dnevnika 12 >

1 A ovo su koji doðoše k Davidu u Siklag dok se još krijaše od Saula sina Kisova, i bijahu meðu junacima pomažuæi u ratu,
And these [are] they that came to Sikelag, when he yet kept himself close because of Saul the son of Kis; and these [were] among the mighty, aiding [him] in war,
2 Naoružani lukom, iz desne ruke i iz lijeve gaðahu kamenjem i iz luka strijelama, izmeðu braæe Saulove, od plemena Venijaminova:
and [using] the bow with the right hand and with the left, and slingers with stones, and [shooters] with bows. Of the brethren of Saul of Benjamin,
3 Poglavar Ahijezer i Joas sinovi Semaje iz Gavaje, Jezilo i Felet sinovi Azmavetovi, i Veraha i Juj iz Anatota,
the chief [was] Achiezer, and Joas son of Asma the Gabathite, and Joel and Jophalet, sons of Asmoth, and Berchia, and Jeul of Anathoth,
4 I Ismaja Gavaonjanin, junak meðu tridesetoricom i nad tridesetoricom, i Jeremija i Jazilo i Joanan i Jozavad od Gedirota,
and Samaias the Gabaonite a mighty man among the thirty, and over the thirty; [and] Jeremia, and Jeziel, and Joanan, and Jozabath of Gadarathiim,
5 Eluzaj i Jerimot i Valija i Semarija i Sefatija od Arufa,
Azai and Arimuth, and Baalia, and Samaraia, and Saphatias of Charaephiel,
6 Elkana i Jesija i Azareilo i Joezer i Jasoveam Korijani,
Helcana, and Jesuni, and Ozriel, and Jozara, and Sobocam, and the Corites,
7 I Joila i Zevadija sinovi Jeroamovi iz Gedora.
and Jelia and Zabadia, sons of Iroam, and the [men] of Gedor.
8 I od plemena Gadova prebjegoše k Davidu u grad u pustinju hrabri junaci, vješti boju, naoružani štitom i kopljem, kojima lice bijaše kao lice lavovsko, i bijahu brzi kao srne po gorama:
And from Gad these separated themselves to David from the wilderness, strong mighty men of war, bearing shields and spears, and their faces [were as] the face of a lion, and they were nimble as roes upon the mountains in speed.
9 Eser prvi, Ovadija drugi, Elijav treæi,
Aza the chief, Abdia the second, Eliab the third,
10 Mismana èetvrti, Jeremija peti,
Masmana the fourth, Jeremias the fifth,
11 Ataj šesti, Elilo sedmi,
Jethi the sixth, Eliab the seventh,
12 Joanan osmi, Elzaval deveti,
Joanan the eighth, Eleazer the ninth,
13 Jeremija deseti, Mohvanaj jedanaesti.
Jeremia the tenth, Melchabanai the eleventh.
14 To bijahu izmeðu sinova Gadovijeh poglavari u vojsci, najmanji nad stotinom a najveæi nad tisuæom.
These [were] chiefs of the army of the sons of Gad, the least one commander of a hundred, and the greatest one of a thousand.
15 Oni prijeðoše preko Jordana prvoga mjeseca kad se razli preko svijeh bregova svojih, i otjeraše sve iz dolina na istok i na zapad.
These [are] the [men] that crossed over Jordan in the first month, and it had overflowed all its banks; and they drove out all the inhabitants of the valleys, from the east to the west.
16 A doðoše i od sinova Venijaminovijeh i Judinijeh k Davidu u grad.
And there came [some] of the sons of Benjamin and Juda to the assistance of David.
17 I izide im David na susret, i govoreæi reèe im: ako mira radi idete k meni, da mi pomožete, srce æe se moje združiti s vama; ako li ste došli da me izdate neprijateljima mojim, nepravde nema na meni, neka vidi Gospod otaca naših i neka sudi.
And David went out to meet them, and said to them, If ye are come peaceably to me, let my heart be at peace with you: but if [ye are come] to betray me to my enemies unfaithfully, the God of your fathers look upon it, and reprove it.
18 Tada duh doðe na Amasaja poglavara meðu vojvodama, te reèe: tvoji smo, Davide, i s tobom æemo biti, sine Jesejev; mir, mir tebi i pomagaèima tvojim, jer ti pomaže Bog tvoj. Tako ih primi David, i postavi ih meðu poglavare nad èetama.
And the Spirit came upon Amasai, a captain of the thirty, and he said, Go, David, son of Jesse, thou and thy people, peace, peace be to thee, and peace to thy helpers, for thy God has helped thee. And David received them, and made them captains of the forces.
19 I od sinova Manasijinih neki prebjegoše Davidu kad iðaše s Filistejima na Saula u boj, ali im ne pomogoše; jer knezovi Filistejski dogovorivši se vratiše ga govoreæi: na pogibao našu prebjegnuæe gospodaru svojemu Saulu.
And [some] came to David from Manasse, when the Philistines came against Saul to war: and he helped them not, because the captains of the Philistines took counsel, saying, With the heads of those men will he return to his master Saul.
20 Kad se vraæaše u Siklag, prebjegoše k njemu iz plemena Manasijina: Adna i Jozavad i Jediailo i Mihailo i Jozavad i Eliuj i Saltaj, tisuænici u plemenu Manasijinu.
When David was going to Sikelag, there came to him of Manasse, Edna and Jozabath, and Rodiel, and Michael, and Josabaith, and Elimuth, and Semathi: [these] are the captains of thousands of Manasse.
21 I oni pomagahu Davidu protivu èeti, jer hrabri junaci bjehu svi, te postaše vojvode u njegovoj vojsci.
And they fought on the side of David against a troop, for they [were] all men of might; and they were commanders in the army, [because] of [their] might.
22 Jer svaki dan dolažahu k Davidu u pomoæ, dokle posta velika vojska kao vojska Božija.
For daily men came to David, [till they amounted] to a great force, as the force of God.
23 A ovo je broj ljudi naoružanijeh za vojsku koji doðoše k Davidu u Hevron da prenesu carstvo Saulovo na nj po rijeèi Gospodnjoj:
And these [are] the names of the commanders of the army, who came to David to Chebron, to turn the kingdom of Saul to him according to the word of the Lord.
24 Sinova Judinijeh koji nošahu štit i koplje šest tisuæa i osam stotina naoružanijeh za vojsku;
The sons of Juda, bearing shields and spears, six thousand and eight hundred mighty in war.
25 Sinova Simeunovijeh hrabrijeh vojnika sedam tisuæa i sto;
Of the sons of Symeon mighty for battle, seven thousand and a hundred.
26 Sinova Levijevih èetiri tisuæe i šest stotina;
Of the sons of Levi, four thousand and six hundred.
27 I Jodaj poglavar izmeðu sinova Aronovijeh i s njim tri tisuæe i sedam stotina;
And Joadas the chief [of the family] of Aaron, and with him three thousand and seven hundred.
28 I Sadok mladiæ, hrabar junak, i od doma oca njegova dvadeset i dva kneza;
And Sadoc, a young [man] mighty in strength, and [there were] twenty-two leaders of his father's house.
29 I sinova Venijaminovih, braæe Saulove, tri tisuæe; jer ih se mnogi još držahu doma Saulova;
And of the sons of Benjamin, the brethren of Saul, three thousand: and still the greater part of them kept the guard of the house of Saul.
30 I sinova Jefremovijeh dvadeset tisuæa i osam stotina hrabrijeh junaka, ljudi na glasu u porodicama otaca svojih;
And of the sons of Ephraim, twenty thousand and eight hundred mighty men, famous in the houses of their fathers.
31 A od polovine plemena Manasijina osamnaest tisuæa, koji biše imenovani poimence da doðu da postave Davida carem;
And of the half-tribe of Manasse, eighteen thousand, even [those] who were named by name, to make David king.
32 I sinova Isaharovijeh, koji dobro razumijevahu vremena da bi znali šta æe èiniti Izrailj, knezova njihovijeh dvjesta, i sva braæa njihova slušahu ih;
And of the sons of Issachar having wisdom with regard to the times, knowing what Israel should do, two hundred; and all their brethren with them.
33 Sinova Zavulonovijeh, koji iðahu na vojsku i naoružani bijahu za boj svakojakim oružjem, pedeset tisuæa, koji se postavljahu u vrste pouzdana srca;
And of Zabulon they that went out to battle, with all weapons of war, [were] fifty thousand to help David, not weak-handed.
34 A od plemena Neftalimova tisuæa poglavara i s njima trideset i sedam tisuæa sa štitovima i kopljima;
And of Nephthali a thousand captains, and with them [men] with shields and spears, thirty-seven thousand.
35 A od plemena Danova dvadeset i osam tisuæa i šest stotina naoružanijeh za boj;
And of the Danites [men] ready for war twenty-eight thousand and eight hundred.
36 A od plemena Asirova èetrdeset tisuæa vojnika vještijeh postaviti se za boj;
And of Aser, they that went out to give aid in war, forty thousand.
37 A onijeh ispreko Jordana, od plemena Ruvimova i Gadova i od polovine plemena Manasijina, sto i dvadeset tisuæa sa svakojakim oružjem ubojitijem.
And from the country beyond Jordan, from Ruben, and the Gadites, and from the half-tribe of Manasse, a hundred and twenty thousand, with all weapons of war.
38 Svi ovi vojnici u vojnièkom redu doðoše cijela srca u Hevron da postave Davida carem nad svijem Izrailjem. A i ostali svi Izrailjci bijahu složni da carem postave Davida.
All these [were] men of war, setting [the army] in battle array, with a peaceful mind [towards him], and they came to Chebron to make David king over all Israel: and the rest of Israel [were of] one mind to make David king.
39 I bijahu ondje s Davidom tri dana jeduæi i pijuæi, jer im braæa bijahu pripravila.
And they were there three days eating and drinking, for their brethren [had] made preparations.
40 A i oni koji bijahu blizu njih, dori do Isahara i Zavulona i Neftalima, donošahu hljeba na magarcima i na kamilama i na mazgama i na volovima, jela, brašna, smokava i suhoga grožða i vina i ulja, volova, ovaca izobila; jer bijaše radost u Izrailju.
And their neighbours, as far as Issachar and Zabulon and Nephthali, brought to them upon camels, and asses, and mules, and upon calves, victuals, meal, cakes of figs, raisins, wine, and oil, calves and sheep abundantly: for [there was] joy in Israel.

< 1 Dnevnika 12 >