< prakaasita.m 4 >

1 tata. h para. m mayaa d. r.s. tipaata. m k. rtvaa svarge mukta. m dvaaram eka. m d. r.s. ta. m mayaa sahabhaa. samaa. nasya ca yasya tuuriivaadyatulyo rava. h puurvva. m "sruta. h sa maam avocat sthaanametad aarohaya, ita. h para. m yena yena bhavitavya. m tadaha. m tvaa. m dar"sayi. sye|
After these things I saw, and behold, a door opened in the sky, and the first voice that I heard—as of a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you what must come to pass after these things”;
2 tenaaha. m tatk. sa. naad aatmaavi. s.to bhuutvaa. apa"sya. m svarge si. mhaasanameka. m sthaapita. m tatra si. mhaasane eko jana upavi. s.to. asti|
and immediately I was in [the] Spirit, and behold, a throne was set in Heaven, and on the throne is [One] sitting,
3 si. mhaasane upavi. s.tasya tasya janasya ruupa. m suuryyakaantama. ne. h pravaalasya ca tulya. m tat si. mhaasana nca marakatama. nivadruupavi"si. s.tena meghadhanu. saa ve. s.tita. m|
and He who is sitting was in appearance like a stone, jasper and sardine: and a rainbow was around the throne in appearance like an emerald.
4 tasya si. mhaasane caturdik. su caturvi. m"satisi. mhaasanaani ti. s.thanti te. su si. mhaasane. su caturvi. m"sati praaciinalokaa upavi. s.taaste "subhravaasa. hparihitaaste. saa. m "siraa. msi ca suvar. nakirii. tai rbhuu. sitaani|
And around the throne [are] twenty-four thrones, and sitting on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders, having been clothed in white garments, and on their heads golden garlands;
5 tasya si. mhaasanasya madhyaat ta. dito ravaa. h stanitaani ca nirgacchanti si. mhaasanasyaantike ca sapta diipaa jvalanti ta ii"svarasya saptaatmaana. h|
and out of the throne proceed lightnings, and thunders, and voices; and seven lamps of fire are burning before the throne, which are the Seven Spirits of God,
6 apara. m si. mhaasanasyaantike spha. tikatulya. h kaacamayo jalaa"sayo vidyate, aparam agrata. h pa"scaacca bahucak. su. smanta"scatvaara. h praa. nina. h si. mhasanasya madhye caturdik. su ca vidyante|
and before the throne—a sea of glass like to crystal, and in the midst of the throne, and around the throne—four living creatures, full of eyes before and behind;
7 te. saa. m prathama. h praa. nii si. mhaakaaro dvitiiya. h praa. nii govaatsaakaarast. rtiiya. h praa. nii manu. syavadvadanavi"si. s.ta"scaturtha"sca praa. nii u. d.diiyamaanakuraropama. h|
and the first living creature—like a lion; and the second living creature—like a calf; and the third living creature has the face as a man; and the fourth living creature—like an eagle flying.
8 te. saa. m catur. naam ekaikasya praa. nina. h.sa. t pak. saa. h santi te ca sarvvaa"nge. svabhyantare ca bahucak. survi"si. s.taa. h, te divaani"sa. m na vi"sraamya gadanti pavitra. h pavitra. h pavitra. h sarvva"saktimaan varttamaano bhuuto bhavi. sya. m"sca prabhu. h parame"svara. h|
And the four living creatures, one by one of them had six wings respectively, around and within [are] full of eyes, and they have no rest day and night, saying, “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, the LORD God, the Almighty, who was, and who is, and who is coming”;
9 ittha. m tai. h praa. nibhistasyaanantajiivina. h si. mhaasanopavi. s.tasya janasya prabhaave gaurave dhanyavaade ca prakiirttite (aiōn g165)
and when the living creatures give glory, and honor, and thanksgiving, to the [One] sitting on the throne, the [One] living through the ages of the ages, (aiōn g165)
10 te caturvi. m"satipraaciinaa api tasya si. mhaasanopavi. s.tasyaantike pra. ninatya tam anantajiivina. m pra. namanti sviiyakirii. taa. m"sca si. mhaasanasyaantike nik. sipya vadanti, (aiōn g165)
the twenty-four elders will fall down before the [One] sitting on the throne, and worship the [One] living through the ages of the ages, and they will cast their garlands before the throne, saying, (aiōn g165)
11 he prabho ii"svaraasmaaka. m prabhaava. m gaurava. m bala. m| tvamevaarhasi sampraaptu. m yat sarvva. m sas. rje tvayaa| tavaabhilaa. sata"scaiva sarvva. m sambhuuya nirmmame||
“Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory, and the honor, and the power, because You created all things, and because of Your will they existed and were created.”

< prakaasita.m 4 >