< maarka.h 11 >

1 anantara. m te. su yiruu"saalama. h samiipasthayo rbaitphagiibaithaniiyapurayorantikastha. m jaitunanaamaadrimaagate. su yii"su. h pre. sa. nakaale dvau "si. syaavida. m vaakya. m jagaada,
And when they came near to Jerusalem, even to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, He sendeth two of his disciples,
2 yuvaamamu. m sammukhastha. m graama. m yaata. m, tatra pravi"sya yo nara. m naavahat ta. m garddabha"saavaka. m drak. syathasta. m mocayitvaanayata. m|
and saith to them, Go into the village over against you, and as soon as ye enter into it, ye will find a colt tied, on which no man hath yet sat; loose him, and bring him to me.
3 kintu yuvaa. m karmmeda. m kuta. h kurutha. h? kathaamimaa. m yadi kopi p. rcchati tarhi prabhoratra prayojanamastiiti kathite sa "siighra. m tamatra pre. sayi. syati|
And if any one say to you, Why do ye so? tell him, that the Lord hath need of it, and he will immediately send it hither.
4 tatastau gatvaa dvimaargamelane kasyacid dvaarasya paar"sve ta. m garddabha"saavaka. m praapya mocayata. h,
And they went and found the colt tied at a door abroad, where two ways met, and they untied it.
5 etarhi tatropasthitalokaanaa. m ka"scid ap. rcchat, garddabha"si"su. m kuto mocayatha. h?
And some of the people that stood there, said to them, What do ye mean by untying the colt?
6 tadaa yii"soraaj naanusaare. na tebhya. h pratyudite tatk. sa. na. m tamaadaatu. m te. anujaj nu. h|
And they answered them as Jesus had ordered, and they permitted them.
7 atha tau yii"so. h sannidhi. m garddabha"si"sum aaniiya tadupari svavastraa. ni paatayaamaasatu. h; tata. h sa tadupari samupavi. s.ta. h|
So they brought the colt to Jesus, and laid their garments on it, and He sat upon it.
8 tadaaneke pathi svavaasaa. msi paatayaamaasu. h, parai"sca taru"saakhaa"schitavaa maarge vikiir. naa. h|
And many spread their clothes in the way; and others cut off branches from the trees, and strewed them in the way.
9 apara nca pa"scaadgaamino. agragaamina"sca sarvve janaa ucai. hsvare. na vaktumaarebhire, jaya jaya ya. h parame"svarasya naamnaagacchati sa dhanya iti|
And they that went before, and they that followed, cried out, saying, Hosanna, blessed be He that cometh in the name of the Lord:
10 tathaasmaakama. m puurvvapuru. sasya daayuudo yadraajya. m parame"svaranaamnaayaati tadapi dhanya. m, sarvvasmaaducchraaye svarge ii"svarasya jayo bhavet|
blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that is coming in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.
11 ittha. m yii"su ryiruu"saalami mandira. m pravi"sya caturdiksthaani sarvvaa. ni vastuuni d. r.s. tavaan; atha saaya. mkaala upasthite dvaada"sa"si. syasahito baithaniya. m jagaama|
And Jesus went into Jerusalem, and into the temple; and when He had looked round upon every thing, it being now late in the day, He went out to Bethany with the twelve.
12 aparehani baithaniyaad aagamanasamaye k. sudhaartto babhuuva|
And on the morrow, as they came from Bethany, He was hungry:
13 tato duure sapatramu. dumbarapaadapa. m vilokya tatra ki ncit phala. m praaptu. m tasya sannik. r.s. ta. m yayau, tadaanii. m phalapaatanasya samayo naagacchati| tatastatropasthita. h patraa. ni vinaa kimapyapara. m na praapya sa kathitavaan,
and seeing a fig-tree at a distance, with leaves, He went to see if He might find any thing upon it; and when He came to it, He found nothing but leaves; (for the time of gathering figs was not yet come: ) And Jesus spake and said unto it,
14 adyaarabhya kopi maanavastvatta. h phala. m na bhu njiita; imaa. m kathaa. m tasya "si. syaa. h "su"sruvu. h| (aiōn g165)
Let no one ever eat fruit of thee hereafter. And his disciples heard it. (aiōn g165)
15 tadanantara. m te. su yiruu"saalamamaayaate. su yii"su rmandira. m gatvaa tatrasthaanaa. m ba. nijaa. m mudraasanaani paaraavatavikret. r.naam aasanaani ca nyubjayaa ncakaara sarvvaan kret. rn vikret. r.m"sca bahi"scakaara|
Then they came to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to turn out those that sold and bought in the court of the temple, and threw down the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of them that sold doves:
16 apara. m mandiramadhyena kimapi paatra. m vo. dhu. m sarvvajana. m nivaarayaamaasa|
and suffered not any one to carry a burthen through the courts of the temple.
17 lokaanupadi"san jagaada, mama g. rha. m sarvvajaatiiyaanaa. m praarthanaag. rham iti naamnaa prathita. m bhavi. syati etat ki. m "saastre likhita. m naasti? kintu yuuya. m tadeva coraa. naa. m gahvara. m kurutha|
And He taught them, saying, Is it not written, my house shall be called an house of prayer for all nations? But ye have made it a den of thieves.
18 imaa. m vaa. nii. m "srutvaadhyaapakaa. h pradhaanayaajakaa"sca ta. m yathaa naa"sayitu. m "saknuvanti tathopaaya. m m. rgayaamaasu. h, kintu tasyopade"saat sarvve lokaa vismaya. m gataa ataste tasmaad bibhyu. h|
And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how to destroy Him; for they feared Him, because all the people were struck with his doctrine.
19 atha saaya. msamaya upasthite yii"surnagaraad bahirvavraaja|
And when it was evening, He went out of the city.
20 anantara. m praata. hkaale te tena maarge. na gacchantastamu. dumbaramahiiruha. m samuula. m "su. ska. m dad. r"su. h|
And in the morning, as they were passing by it, they saw the fig-tree withered from the roots.
21 tata. h pitara. h puurvvavaakya. m smaran yii"su. m babhaa. sa. m, he guro pa"syatu ya u. dumbaravi. tapii bhavataa "sapta. h sa "su. sko babhuuva|
And Peter remembring the tree, saith unto Him, Master, behold, the fig-tree which thou cursedst, is withered.
22 tato yii"su. h pratyavaadiit, yuuyamii"svare vi"svasita|
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God: for verily I tell you,
23 yu. smaanaha. m yathaartha. m vadaami kopi yadyetadgiri. m vadati, tvamutthaaya gatvaa jaladhau pata, proktamida. m vaakyamava"sya. m gha. ti. syate, manasaa kimapi na sandihya cedida. m vi"svaset tarhi tasya vaakyaanusaare. na tad gha. ti. syate|
that whosoever shall say to this mountain, "Be thou removed and cast into the sea," and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he saith shall be done, he shall have whatsoever he saith.
24 ato hetoraha. m yu. smaan vacmi, praarthanaakaale yadyadaakaa. mk. si. syadhve tattadava"sya. m praapsyatha, ittha. m vi"svasita, tata. h praapsyatha|
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye ask in prayer, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
25 apara nca yu. smaasu praarthayitu. m samutthite. su yadi kopi yu. smaakam aparaadhii ti. s.thati, tarhi ta. m k. samadhva. m, tathaa k. rte yu. smaaka. m svargastha. h pitaapi yu. smaakamaagaa. mmi k. sami. syate|
But when ye pray, forgive, if ye have any thing against any one, that your heavenly Father may also forgive you your trespasses:
26 kintu yadi na k. samadhve tarhi va. h svargastha. h pitaapi yu. smaakamaagaa. msi na k. sami. syate|
but if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive you your trespasses.
27 anantara. m te puna ryiruu"saalama. m pravivi"su. h, yii"su ryadaa madhyemandiram itastato gacchati, tadaanii. m pradhaanayaajakaa upaadhyaayaa. h praa nca"sca tadantikametya kathaamimaa. m papracchu. h,
And they come again to Jerusalem, and as He was walking in the temple, the chief priests, and scribes, and elders come to Him,
28 tva. m kenaade"sena karmmaa. nyetaani karo. si? tathaitaani karmmaa. ni karttaa. m kenaadi. s.tosi?
and ask Him, By what authority dost thou these things, and who gave thee this authority, to do thus?
29 tato yii"su. h pratigaditavaan ahamapi yu. smaan ekakathaa. m p. rcchaami, yadi yuuya. m tasyaa uttara. m kurutha, tarhi kayaaj nayaaha. m karmmaa. nyetaani karomi tad yu. smabhya. m kathayi. syaami|
But Jesus said to them, I also will ask you one question; answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.
30 yohano majjanam ii"svaraat jaata. m ki. m maanavaat? tanmahya. m kathayata|
The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or from men? answer me.
31 te paraspara. m vivektu. m praarebhire, tad ii"svaraad babhuuveti ced vadaamastarhi kutasta. m na pratyaita? kathametaa. m kathayi. syati|
And they reasoned among themselves, saying, If we say, from heaven; He will say, why then did ye not believe him?
32 maanavaad abhavaditi ced vadaamastarhi lokebhyo bhayamasti yato heto. h sarvve yohana. m satya. m bhavi. syadvaadina. m manyante|
but if we should say, from men --- they feared the people: (for they they all thought that John was a prophet indeed: )
33 ataeva te yii"su. m pratyavaadi. su rvaya. m tad vaktu. m na "saknuma. h| yii"suruvaaca, tarhi yenaade"sena karmmaa. nyetaani karomi, ahamapi yu. smabhya. m tanna kathayi. syaami|
and they answered and said unto Jesus, We cannot tell. And Jesus replied and said unto them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.

< maarka.h 11 >