< luuka.h 24 >

1 atha saptaahaprathamadine. atipratyuu. se taa yo. sita. h sampaadita. m sugandhidravya. m g. rhiitvaa tadanyaabhi. h kiyatiibhi. h striibhi. h saha "sma"saana. m yayu. h|
And on the first [day] of the weeks, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, carrying the spices they made ready, and certain [others] with them,
2 kintu "sma"saanadvaaraat paa. saa. namapasaarita. m d. r.s. tvaa
and they found the stone having been rolled away from the tomb,
3 taa. h pravi"sya prabho rdehamapraapya
and having gone in, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
4 vyaakulaa bhavanti etarhi tejomayavastraanvitau dvau puru. sau taasaa. m samiipe samupasthitau
And it came to pass, while they are perplexed about this, that behold, two men stood by them in clothing—flashing [with light];
5 tasmaattaa. h "sa"nkaayuktaa bhuumaavadhomukhyasyasthu. h| tadaa tau taa uucatu rm. rtaanaa. m madhye jiivanta. m kuto m. rgayatha?
and on their having become afraid, and having inclined the face to the earth, they said to them, “Why do you seek the living with the dead?
6 sotra naasti sa udasthaat|
He is not here, but was raised; remember how He spoke to you, being yet in Galilee,
7 paapinaa. m kare. su samarpitena kru"se hatena ca manu. syaputre. na t. rtiiyadivase "sma"saanaadutthaatavyam iti kathaa. m sa galiili ti. s.than yu. smabhya. m kathitavaan taa. m smarata|
saying, It is necessary for the Son of Man to be delivered up into the hands of sinful men, and to be crucified, and to rise again [on] the third day.”
8 tadaa tasya saa kathaa taasaa. m mana. hsu jaataa|
And they remembered His sayings,
9 anantara. m "sma"saanaad gatvaa taa ekaada"sa"si. syaadibhya. h sarvvebhyastaa. m vaarttaa. m kathayaamaasu. h|
and having turned back from the tomb, told all these things to the Eleven, and to all the rest.
10 magdaliiniimariyam, yohanaa, yaakuubo maataa mariyam tadanyaa. h sa"nginyo yo. sita"sca preritebhya etaa. h sarvvaa vaarttaa. h kathayaamaasu. h
And it was Mary the Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary of James, and the other women with them, who told these things to the apostles,
11 kintu taasaa. m kathaam anarthakaakhyaanamaatra. m buddhvaa kopi na pratyait|
and their sayings appeared before them as idle talk, and they were not believing them.
12 tadaa pitara utthaaya "sma"saanaantika. m dadhaava, tatra ca prahvo bhuutvaa paar"svaikasthaapita. m kevala. m vastra. m dadar"sa; tasmaadaa"scaryya. m manyamaano yadagha. tata tanmanasi vicaarayan pratasthe|
And Peter having risen, ran to the tomb, and having stooped down he sees the linen clothes lying alone, and he went away to his own home, wondering at that having come to pass.
13 tasminneva dine dvau "siyyau yiruu"saalama"scatu. skro"saantaritam immaayugraama. m gacchantau
And behold, two of them were going on during that day to a village, being sixty stadia distant from Jerusalem, the name of which [is] Emmaus,
14 taasaa. m gha. tanaanaa. m kathaamakathayataa. m
and they were conversing with one another about all these things that have happened.
15 tayoraalaapavicaarayo. h kaale yii"suraagatya taabhyaa. m saha jagaama
And it came to pass in their conversing and reasoning together, that Jesus Himself, having come near, was going on with them,
16 kintu yathaa tau ta. m na paricinutastadartha. m tayo rd. r.s. ti. h sa. mruddhaa|
and their eyes were restrained so as not to know Him,
17 sa tau p. r.s. tavaan yuvaa. m vi. sa. n.nau ki. m vicaarayantau gacchatha. h?
and He said to them, “What [are] these words that you exchange with one another, walking, and you are sad?”
18 tatastayo. h kliyapaanaamaa pratyuvaaca yiruu"saalamapure. adhunaa yaanyagha. tanta tva. m kevalavide"sii ki. m tadv. rttaanta. m na jaanaasi?
And one, whose name was Cleopas, answering, said to Him, “Are You alone visiting Jerusalem and have not known the things having come to pass in it in these days?”
19 sa papraccha kaa gha. tanaa. h? tadaa tau vaktumaarebhaate yii"sunaamaa yo naasaratiiyo bhavi. syadvaadii ii"svarasya maanu. saa. naa nca saak. saat vaakye karmma. ni ca "saktimaanaasiit
And He said to them, “What things?” And they said to Him, “The things about Jesus of Nazareth, who became a man—a prophet—powerful in deed and word, before God and all the people,
20 tam asmaaka. m pradhaanayaajakaa vicaarakaa"sca kenaapi prakaare. na kru"se viddhvaa tasya praa. naananaa"sayan tadiiyaa gha. tanaa. h;
how also the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him up to a judgment of death, and crucified Him;
21 kintu ya israayeliiyalokaan uddhaarayi. syati sa evaayam ityaa"saasmaabhi. h k. rtaa|tadyathaa tathaastu tasyaa gha. tanaayaa adya dinatraya. m gata. m|
and we were hoping that it is He who is about to redeem Israel, and also with all these things, this third day is passing today since these things happened.
22 adhikantvasmaaka. m sa"nginiinaa. m kiyatstrii. naa. m mukhebhyo. asambhavavaakyamida. m "sruta. m;
And certain of our women also astonished us, coming early to the tomb,
23 taa. h pratyuu. se "sma"saana. m gatvaa tatra tasya deham apraapya vyaaghu. tyetvaa proktavatya. h svargiisaduutau d. r.s. taavasmaabhistau caavaadi. s.taa. m sa jiivitavaan|
and having not found His body, they came, saying to have also seen an apparition of messengers who say He is alive,
24 tatosmaaka. m kai"scit "sma"saanamagamyata te. api strii. naa. m vaakyaanuruupa. m d. r.s. tavanta. h kintu ta. m naapa"syan|
and certain of those with us went away to the tomb, and found [it] so, even as the women said, and they did not see Him.”
25 tadaa sa taavuvaaca, he abodhau he bhavi. syadvaadibhiruktavaakya. m pratyetu. m vilambamaanau;
And He said to them, “O inconsiderate and slow in heart to believe on all that the prophets spoke!
26 etatsarvvadu. hkha. m bhuktvaa svabhuutipraapti. h ki. m khrii. s.tasya na nyaayyaa?
Was it not necessary [for] the Christ to suffer these things, and to enter into His glory?”
27 tata. h sa muusaagranthamaarabhya sarvvabhavi. syadvaadinaa. m sarvva"saastre svasmin likhitaakhyaanaabhipraaya. m bodhayaamaasa|
And having begun from Moses, and from all the Prophets, He was expounding to them in all the Writings the things about Himself.
28 atha gamyagraamaabhyar. na. m praapya tenaagre gamanalak. sa. ne dar"site
And they came near to the village to where they were going, and He made an appearance of going on further,
29 tau saadhayitvaavadataa. m sahaavaabhyaa. m ti. s.tha dine gate sati raatrirabhuut; tata. h sa taabhyaa. m saarddha. m sthaatu. m g. rha. m yayau|
and they constrained Him, saying, “Remain with us, for it is toward evening,” and the day declined, and He went in to remain with them.
30 pa"scaadbhojanopave"sakaale sa puupa. m g. rhiitvaa ii"svaragu. naan jagaada ta nca bha. mktvaa taabhyaa. m dadau|
And it came to pass, in His reclining with them, having taken the bread, He blessed, and having broken, He was giving to them,
31 tadaa tayo rd. r.s. tau prasannaayaa. m ta. m pratyabhij natu. h kintu sa tayo. h saak. saadantardadhe|
and their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him, and He became unseen by them.
32 tatastau mithobhidhaatum aarabdhavantau gamanakaale yadaa kathaamakathayat "saastraartha ncabodhayat tadaavayo rbuddhi. h ki. m na praajvalat?
And they said to one another, “Was our heart not burning within us as He was speaking to us in the way, and as He was opening the Writings up to us?”
33 tau tatk. sa. naadutthaaya yiruu"saalamapura. m pratyaayayatu. h, tatsthaane "si. syaa. naam ekaada"saanaa. m sa"nginaa nca dar"sana. m jaata. m|
And they, having risen up the same hour, turned back to Jerusalem, and found the Eleven gathered together, and those with them,
34 te procu. h prabhurudati. s.thad iti satya. m "simone dar"sanamadaacca|
saying, “The Lord was indeed raised, and was seen by Simon”;
35 tata. h patha. h sarvvagha. tanaayaa. h puupabha njanena tatparicayasya ca sarvvav. rttaanta. m tau vaktumaarebhaate|
and they were expounding the things in the way, and how He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread,
36 ittha. m te paraspara. m vadanti tatkaale yii"su. h svaya. m te. saa. m madhya protthaya yu. smaaka. m kalyaa. na. m bhuuyaad ityuvaaca,
and as they are speaking these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and says to them, “Peace to you”;
37 kintu bhuuta. m pa"syaama ityanumaaya te samudvivijire tre. su"sca|
and being amazed, and becoming frightened, they were thinking themselves to see a spirit.
38 sa uvaaca, kuto du. hkhitaa bhavatha? yu. smaaka. m mana. hsu sandeha udeti ca kuta. h?
And He said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do reasonings come up in your hearts?
39 e. soha. m, mama karau pa"syata vara. m sp. r.s. tvaa pa"syata, mama yaad. r"saani pa"syatha taad. r"saani bhuutasya maa. msaasthiini na santi|
See My hands and My feet, that I am He; handle Me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see Me having.”
40 ityuktvaa sa hastapaadaan dar"sayaamaasa|
And having said this, He showed the hands and the feet to them,
41 te. asambhava. m j naatvaa saanandaa na pratyayan| tata. h sa taan papraccha, atra yu. smaaka. m samiipe khaadya. m ki ncidasti?
and while they are not believing from the joy, and wondering, He said to them, “Do you have anything here to eat?”
42 tataste kiyaddagdhamatsya. m madhu ca dadu. h
And they gave to Him part of a broiled fish, and of a honeycomb,
43 sa tadaadaaya te. saa. m saak. saad bubhuje
and having taken, He ate before them,
44 kathayaamaasa ca muusaavyavasthaayaa. m bhavi. syadvaadinaa. m granthe. su giitapustake ca mayi yaani sarvvaa. ni vacanaani likhitaani tadanuruupaa. ni gha. ti. syante yu. smaabhi. h saarddha. m sthitvaaha. m yadetadvaakyam avada. m tadidaanii. m pratyak. samabhuut|
and He said to them, “These [are] the words that I spoke to you, being yet with you, that it is necessary to be fulfilled all the things that are written in the Law of Moses, and the Prophets, and the Psalms, about Me.”
45 atha tebhya. h "saastrabodhaadhikaara. m datvaavadat,
Then He opened up their understanding to understand the Writings,
46 khrii. s.tenettha. m m. rtiyaatanaa bhoktavyaa t. rtiiyadine ca "sma"saanaadutthaatavya nceti lipirasti;
and He said to them, “Thus it has been written, and thus it was necessary [for] the Christ to suffer, and to rise out of the dead [on] the third day,
47 tannaamnaa yiruu"saalamamaarabhya sarvvade"se mana. hparaavarttanasya paapamocanasya ca susa. mvaada. h pracaarayitavya. h,
and conversion and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His Name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem:
48 e. su sarvve. su yuuya. m saak. si. na. h|
and you are witnesses of these things.
49 apara nca pa"syata pitraa yat pratij naata. m tat pre. sayi. syaami, ataeva yaavatkaala. m yuuya. m svargiiyaa. m "sakti. m na praapsyatha taavatkaala. m yiruu"saalamnagare ti. s.thata|
And behold, I send the promise of My Father on you, but you—abide in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high.”
50 atha sa taan baithaniiyaaparyyanta. m niitvaa hastaavuttolya aa"si. sa vaktumaarebhe
And He led them forth outside—to Bethany, and having lifted up His hands He blessed them,
51 aa"si. sa. m vadanneva ca tebhya. h p. rthag bhuutvaa svargaaya niito. abhavat|
and it came to pass, in His blessing them, He was parted from them, and was carried up into Heaven;
52 tadaa te ta. m bhajamaanaa mahaanandena yiruu"saalama. m pratyaajagmu. h|
and they, having worshiped Him, turned back to Jerusalem with great joy,
53 tato nirantara. m mandire ti. s.thanta ii"svarasya pra"sa. msaa. m dhanyavaada nca karttam aarebhire| iti||
and were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.

< luuka.h 24 >