< luuka.h 12 >

1 tadaanii. m lokaa. h sahasra. m sahasram aagatya samupasthitaastata ekaiko. anye. saamupari patitum upacakrame; tadaa yii"su. h "si. syaan babhaa. se, yuuya. m phiruu"sinaa. m ki. nvaruupakaapa. tye vi"se. se. na saavadhaanaasti. s.thata|
At which time the myriads of the multitude having been gathered together, so as to tread on one another, He began to say to His disciples, first, “Take heed to yourselves of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy;
2 yato yanna prakaa"sayi. syate tadaacchanna. m vastu kimapi naasti; tathaa yanna j naasyate tad gupta. m vastu kimapi naasti|
and there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hid that will not be known;
3 andhakaare ti. s.thanato yaa. h kathaa akathayata taa. h sarvvaa. h kathaa diiptau "sro. syante nirjane kar. ne ca yadakathayata g. rhap. r.s. thaat tat pracaarayi. syate|
because whatever you said in the darkness will be heard in the light, and what you spoke to the ear in the inner-chambers will be proclaimed on the housetops.
4 he bandhavo yu. smaanaha. m vadaami, ye "sariirasya naa"sa. m vinaa kimapyapara. m karttu. m na "sakruvanti tebhyo maa bhai. s.ta|
And I say to you, my friends, do not be afraid of those killing the body, and after these things are not having anything more to do;
5 tarhi kasmaad bhetavyam ityaha. m vadaami, ya. h "sariira. m naa"sayitvaa naraka. m nik. septu. m "saknoti tasmaadeva bhaya. m kuruta, punarapi vadaami tasmaadeva bhaya. m kuruta| (Geenna g1067)
but I will show to you whom you may fear: fear Him who, after the killing, is having authority to cast into Gehenna; yes, I say to you, fear Him. (Geenna g1067)
6 pa nca ca. takapak. si. na. h ki. m dvaabhyaa. m taamrakha. n.daabhyaa. m na vikriiyante? tathaapii"svaraste. saam ekamapi na vismarati|
Are not five sparrows sold for two assaria? And one of them is not forgotten before God,
7 yu. smaaka. m "sira. hke"saa api ga. nitaa. h santi tasmaat maa vibhiita bahuca. takapak. sibhyopi yuuya. m bahumuulyaa. h|
but even the hairs of your head have all been numbered; therefore do not fear, you are of more value than many sparrows.
8 apara. m yu. smabhya. m kathayaami ya. h ka"scin maanu. saa. naa. m saak. saan maa. m sviikaroti manu. syaputra ii"svaraduutaanaa. m saak. saat ta. m sviikari. syati|
And I say to you, everyone who may confess in Me before men, the Son of Man will also confess in him before the messengers of God,
9 kintu ya. h ka"scinmaanu. saa. naa. m saak. saanmaam asviikaroti tam ii"svarasya duutaanaa. m saak. saad aham asviikari. syaami|
and he who has denied Me before men, will be denied before the messengers of God,
10 anyacca ya. h ka"scin manujasutasya nindaabhaavena kaa ncit kathaa. m kathayati tasya tatpaapasya mocana. m bhavi. syati kintu yadi ka"scit pavitram aatmaana. m nindati tarhi tasya tatpaapasya mocana. m na bhavi. syati|
and everyone who will say a word to the Son of Man, it will be forgiven to him, but the [one] having slandered to the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.
11 yadaa lokaa yu. smaan bhajanageha. m vicaarakart. rraajyakart. r.naa. m sammukha nca ne. syanti tadaa kena prakaare. na kimuttara. m vadi. syatha ki. m kathayi. syatha cetyatra maa cintayata;
And when they bring you before the synagogues, and the rulers, and the authorities, do not be anxious how or what you may reply, or what you may say,
12 yato yu. smaabhiryad yad vaktavya. m tat tasmin samayaeva pavitra aatmaa yu. smaan "sik. sayi. syati|
for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that hour what [you] should say.”
13 tata. h para. m janataamadhyastha. h ka"scijjanasta. m jagaada he guro mayaa saha pait. rka. m dhana. m vibhaktu. m mama bhraataramaaj naapayatu bhavaan|
And a certain one out of the multitude said to Him, “Teacher, say to my brother to divide with me the inheritance.”
14 kintu sa tamavadat he manu. sya yuvayo rvicaara. m vibhaaga nca karttu. m maa. m ko niyuktavaan?
And He said to him, “Man, who set Me a judge or a divider over you?”
15 anantara. m sa lokaanavadat lobhe saavadhaanaa. h satarkaa"sca ti. s.thata, yato bahusampattipraaptyaa manu. syasyaayu rna bhavati|
And He said to them, “Observe, and beware of the covetousness, because his life is not in the abundance of one’s goods.”
16 pa"scaad d. r.s. taantakathaamutthaapya kathayaamaasa, ekasya dhanino bhuumau bahuuni "sasyaani jaataani|
And He spoke an allegory to them, saying, “Of a certain rich man the field brought forth well;
17 tata. h sa manasaa cintayitvaa kathayaambabhuuva mamaitaani samutpannaani dravyaa. ni sthaapayitu. m sthaana. m naasti ki. m kari. syaami?
and he was reasoning within himself, saying, What will I do, because I have nowhere I will gather together my fruits?
18 tatovadad ittha. m kari. syaami, mama sarvvabhaa. n.daagaaraa. ni bha"nktvaa b. rhadbhaa. n.daagaaraa. ni nirmmaaya tanmadhye sarvvaphalaani dravyaa. ni ca sthaapayi. syaami|
And he said, This I will do, I will take down my storehouses, and I will build greater ones, and I will gather together there all my products and my good things,
19 apara. m nijamano vadi. syaami, he mano bahuvatsaraartha. m naanaadravyaa. ni sa ncitaani santi vi"sraama. m kuru bhuktvaa piitvaa kautuka nca kuru| kintvii"svarastam avadat,
and I will say to my soul, Soul, you have many good things laid up for many years, be resting, eat, drink, be merry.
20 re nirbodha adya raatrau tava praa. naastvatto ne. syante tata etaani yaani dravyaa. ni tvayaasaaditaani taani kasya bhavi. syanti?
And God said to him, Unthinking [one]! This night your life is required of you, and what things you prepared—to whom will they be [given]?
21 ataeva ya. h ka"scid ii"svarasya samiipe dhanasa ncayamak. rtvaa kevala. m svanika. te sa ncaya. m karoti sopi taad. r"sa. h|
So [is] he who is treasuring up to himself, and is not rich toward God.”
22 atha sa "si. syebhya. h kathayaamaasa, yu. smaanaha. m vadaami, ki. m khaadi. syaama. h? ki. m paridhaasyaama. h? ityuktvaa jiivanasya "sariirasya caartha. m cintaa. m maa kaar. s.ta|
And He said to His disciples, “Because of this, to you I say, do not be anxious for your life, what you may eat; nor for the body, what you may put on;
23 bhak. syaajjiivana. m bhuu. sa. naacchariira nca "sre. s.tha. m bhavati|
life is more than nourishment, and the body than clothing.
24 kaakapak. si. naa. m kaaryya. m vicaarayata, te na vapanti "sasyaani ca na chindanti, te. saa. m bhaa. n.daagaaraa. ni na santi ko. saa"sca na santi, tathaapii"svarastebhyo bhak. syaa. ni dadaati, yuuya. m pak. sibhya. h "sre. s.thataraa na ki. m?
Consider the ravens, that they do not sow, nor reap, to which there is no barn nor storehouse, and God nourishes them; how much better are you than the birds?
25 apara nca bhaavayitvaa nijaayu. sa. h k. sa. namaatra. m varddhayitu. m "saknoti, etaad. r"so laako yu. smaaka. m madhye kosti?
And who of you, being anxious, is able to add to his age one cubit?
26 ataeva k. sudra. m kaaryya. m saadhayitum asamarthaa yuuyam anyasmin kaaryye kuto bhaavayatha?
If, then, you are not able for the least—why are you anxious for the rest?
27 anyacca kaampilapu. spa. m katha. m varddhate tadaapi vicaarayata, tat ka ncana "srama. m na karoti tantuu. m"sca na janayati kintu yu. smabhya. m yathaartha. m kathayaami sulemaan bahvai"svaryyaanvitopi pu. spasyaasya sad. r"so vibhuu. sito naasiit|
Consider the lilies, how do they grow? They do not labor, nor do they spin, and I say to you, not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed as one of these;
28 adya k. setre varttamaana. m "sva"scuullyaa. m k. sepsyamaana. m yat t. r.na. m, tasmai yadii"svara ittha. m bhuu. sayati tarhi he alpapratyayino yu. smaana ki. m na paridhaapayi. syati?
and if the herbage in the field, that today is, and tomorrow is cast into an oven, God so clothes, how much more you of little faith?
29 ataeva ki. m khaadi. syaama. h? ki. m paridhaasyaama. h? etadartha. m maa ce. s.tadhva. m maa sa. mdigdhva nca|
And you—do not seek what you may eat, or what you may drink, and do not be in suspense,
30 jagato devaarccakaa etaani sarvvaa. ni ce. s.tanate; e. su vastu. su yu. smaaka. m prayojanamaaste iti yu. smaaka. m pitaa jaanaati|
for the nations of the world seek after all these things, and your Father has known that you have need of these things;
31 ataeve"svarasya raajyaartha. m sace. s.taa bhavata tathaa k. rte sarvvaa. nyetaani dravyaa. ni yu. smabhya. m pradaayi. syante|
but seek the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you.
32 he k. sudrame. savraja yuuya. m maa bhai. s.ta yu. smabhya. m raajya. m daatu. m yu. smaaka. m pitu. h sammatirasti|
Do not fear, little flock, because your Father delighted to give you the kingdom;
33 ataeva yu. smaaka. m yaa yaa sampattirasti taa. m taa. m vikriiya vitarata, yat sthaana. m cauraa naagacchanti, kii. taa"sca na k. saayayanti taad. r"se svarge nijaartham ajare sampu. take. ak. saya. m dhana. m sa ncinuta ca;
sell your goods, and give alms, make to yourselves bags that do not become old, a treasure unfailing in the heavens, where thief does not come near, nor moth destroy;
34 yato yatra yu. smaaka. m dhana. m varttate tatreva yu. smaaka. m mana. h|
for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
35 apara nca yuuya. m pradiipa. m jvaalayitvaa baddhaka. tayasti. s.thata;
Let your loins be girded, and the lamps burning,
36 prabhu rvivaahaadaagatya yadaiva dvaaramaahanti tadaiva dvaara. m mocayitu. m yathaa bh. rtyaa apek. sya ti. s.thanti tathaa yuuyamapi ti. s.thata|
and you [be] like to men waiting for their lord when he will return out of the wedding feasts, that he having come and knocked, immediately they may open to him.
37 yata. h prabhuraagatya yaan daasaan sacetanaan ti. s.thato drak. syati taeva dhanyaa. h; aha. m yu. smaan yathaartha. m vadaami prabhustaan bhojanaartham upave"sya svaya. m baddhaka. ti. h samiipametya parive. sayi. syati|
Blessed those servants, whom the lord, having come, will find watching; truly I say to you that he will gird himself, and will cause them to recline, and having come near, will minister to them;
38 yadi dvitiiye t. rtiiye vaa prahare samaagatya tathaiva pa"syati, tarhi taeva daasaa dhanyaa. h|
and if he may come in the second watch, and in the third watch he may come, and may find [it] so, blessed are those servants.
39 apara nca kasmin k. sa. ne cauraa aagami. syanti iti yadi g. rhapati rj naatu. m "saknoti tadaava"sya. m jaagran nijag. rhe sandhi. m karttayitu. m vaarayati yuuyametad vitta|
And know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief comes, he would have watched, and would not have permitted his house to be broken through;
40 ataeva yuuyamapi sajjamaanaasti. s.thata yato yasmin k. sa. ne ta. m naaprek. sadhve tasminneva k. sa. ne manu. syaputra aagami. syati|
and you, then, become ready, because at the hour you do not think, the Son of Man comes.”
41 tadaa pitara. h papraccha, he prabho bhavaan kimasmaan uddi"sya ki. m sarvvaan uddi"sya d. r.s. taantakathaamimaa. m vadati?
And Peter said to Him, “Lord, do You speak this allegory to us, or also to all?”
42 tata. h prabhu. h provaaca, prabhu. h samucitakaale nijaparivaaraartha. m bhojyaparive. sa. naaya ya. m tatpade niyok. syati taad. r"so vi"svaasyo boddhaa karmmaadhii"sa. h kosti?
And the LORD said, “Who, then, is the faithful and prudent steward whom the lord will set over his household, to give in season the wheat measure?
43 prabhuraagatya yam etaad. r"se karmma. ni prav. rtta. m drak. syati saeva daaso dhanya. h|
Blessed that servant, whom his lord, having come, will find doing so;
44 aha. m yu. smaan yathaartha. m vadaami sa ta. m nijasarvvasvasyaadhipati. m kari. syati|
truly I say to you that he will set him over all his goods.
45 kintu prabhurvilambenaagami. syati, iti vicintya sa daaso yadi tadanyadaasiidaasaan praharttum bhoktu. m paatu. m maditu nca praarabhate,
And if that servant may say in his heart, My lord delays to come, and may begin to beat the menservants and the maidservants, to eat also, and to drink, and to be drunken,
46 tarhi yadaa prabhu. m naapek. si. syate yasmin k. sa. ne so. acetana"sca sthaasyati tasminneva k. sa. ne tasya prabhuraagatya ta. m padabhra. s.ta. m k. rtvaa vi"svaasahiinai. h saha tasya a. m"sa. m niruupayi. syati|
the lord of that servant will come in a day in which he does not look for [him], and in an hour that he does not know, and will cut him off, and he will appoint his portion with the unfaithful.
47 yo daasa. h prabheraaj naa. m j naatvaapi sajjito na ti. s.thati tadaaj naanusaare. na ca kaaryya. m na karoti sonekaan prahaaraan praapsyati;
And that servant, who having known his lord’s will, and having not prepared, nor having gone according to his will, will be beaten with many stripes,
48 kintu yo jano. aj naatvaa prahaaraarha. m karmma karoti solpaprahaaraan praapsyati| yato yasmai baahulyena datta. m tasmaadeva baahulyena grahii. syate, maanu. saa yasya nika. te bahu samarpayanti tasmaad bahu yaacante|
and he who, not having known, and having done things worthy of stripes, will be beaten with few; and to everyone to whom much was given, much will be required from him; and to whom they committed much, more abundantly they will ask of him.
49 aha. m p. rthivyaam anaikyaruupa. m vahni nik. septum aagatosmi, sa ced idaaniimeva prajvalati tatra mama kaa cintaa?
I came to cast fire to the earth, and what I wish [is] if it were already kindled!
50 kintu yena majjanenaaha. m magno bhavi. syaami yaavatkaala. m tasya siddhi rna bhavi. syati taavadaha. m katika. s.ta. m praapsyaami|
But I have an immersion to be immersed with, and how I am pressed until it may be accomplished!
51 melana. m karttu. m jagad aagatosmi yuuya. m kimittha. m bodhadhve? yu. smaan vadaami na tathaa, kintvaha. m melanaabhaava. m karttu. mm aagatosmi|
Do you think that I came to give peace in the earth? No, I say to you, but rather division;
52 yasmaadetatkaalamaarabhya ekatrasthaparijanaanaa. m madhye pa ncajanaa. h p. rthag bhuutvaa trayo janaa dvayorjanayo. h pratikuulaa dvau janau ca trayaa. naa. m janaanaa. m pratikuulau bhavi. syanti|
for there will be from now on five in one house divided—three against two, and two against three;
53 pitaa putrasya vipak. sa. h putra"sca pitu rvipak. so bhavi. syati maataa kanyaayaa vipak. saa kanyaa ca maatu rvipak. saa bhavi. syati, tathaa "sva"sruurbadhvaa vipak. saa badhuu"sca "sva"srvaa vipak. saa bhavi. syati|
a father will be divided against a son, and a son against a father, a mother against a daughter, and a daughter against a mother, a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”
54 sa lokebhyoparamapi kathayaamaasa, pa"scimadi"si meghodgama. m d. r.s. tvaa yuuya. m ha. thaad vadatha v. r.s. ti rbhavi. syati tatastathaiva jaayate|
And He also said to the multitudes, “When you may see the cloud rising from the west, immediately you say, A shower comes, and it is so;
55 apara. m dak. si. nato vaayau vaati sati vadatha nidaagho bhavi. syati tata. h sopi jaayate|
and when a south wind is blowing, you say that there will be heat, and it is;
56 re re kapa. tina aakaa"sasya bhuumyaa"sca lak. sa. na. m boddhu. m "saknutha,
hypocrites! You have known to discern the face of the earth and of the sky, but how do you not discern this time?
57 kintu kaalasyaasya lak. sa. na. m kuto boddhu. m na "saknutha? yuuya nca svaya. m kuto na nyaa. sya. m vicaarayatha?
And why, also, of yourselves, do you not judge what is righteous?
58 apara nca vivaadinaa saarddha. m vicaarayitu. h samiipa. m gacchan pathi tasmaaduddhaara. m praaptu. m yatasva nocet sa tvaa. m dh. rtvaa vicaarayitu. h samiipa. m nayati| vicaarayitaa yadi tvaa. m praharttu. h samiipa. m samarpayati praharttaa tvaa. m kaaraayaa. m badhnaati
For as you are going away with your opponent to the ruler, in the way give diligence to be released from him, lest he may drag you to the judge, and the judge may deliver you to the officer, and the officer may cast you into prison;
59 tarhi tvaamaha. m vadaami tvayaa ni. h"se. sa. m kapardake. su na pari"sodhite. su tva. m tato mukti. m praaptu. m na "sak. syasi|
I say to you, you may not come forth from there until even the last mite you may give back.”

< luuka.h 12 >