< luuka.h 1 >

1 prathamato ye saak. si. no vaakyapracaarakaa"scaasan te. asmaaka. m madhye yadyat sapramaa. na. m vaakyamarpayanti sma
since much to attempt to compile narrative about the/this/who to fulfill in/on/among me thing
2 tadanusaarato. anyepi bahavastadv. rttaanta. m racayitu. m prav. rttaa. h|
as/just as to deliver me the/this/who away from beginning eyewitness and servant to be the/this/who word
3 ataeva he mahaamahimathiyaphil tva. m yaa yaa. h kathaa a"sik. syathaastaasaa. m d. r.dhapramaa. naani yathaa praapno. si
to think I/we and to follow from above/again all exactly in order you to write excellent Theophilus
4 tadartha. m prathamamaarabhya taani sarvvaa. ni j naatvaahamapi anukramaat sarvvav. rttaantaan tubhya. m lekhitu. m matimakaar. sam|
in order that/to to come to know about which to instruct word the/this/who security
5 yihuudaade"siiyaherodnaamake raajatva. m kurvvati abiiyayaajakasya paryyaayaadhikaarii sikhariyanaamaka eko yaajako haaro. nava. m"sodbhavaa ilii"sevaakhyaa
to be in/on/among the/this/who day Herod (the/this/who *k*) king the/this/who Judea priest one name Zechariah out from division Abijah and (the/this/who *k*) woman: wife (it/s/he *N(k)O*) out from the/this/who daughter Aaron and the/this/who name it/s/he Elizabeth
6 tasya jaayaa dvaavimau nirdo. sau prabho. h sarvvaaj naa vyavasthaa"sca sa. mmanya ii"svarad. r.s. tau dhaarmmikaavaastaam|
to be then just both (in front of *N(k)O*) the/this/who God to travel in/on/among all the/this/who commandment and righteous act the/this/who lord: God blameless
7 tayo. h santaana ekopi naasiit, yata ilii"sevaa bandhyaa tau dvaaveva v. rddhaavabhavataam|
and no to be it/s/he child as/just as to be the/this/who Elizabeth barren and both to advance in/on/among the/this/who day it/s/he to be
8 yadaa svaparyyaanukrame. na sikhariya ii"svaasya samak. sa. m yaajakiiya. m karmma karoti
to be then in/on/among the/this/who to serve as priest it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who order the/this/who division it/s/he before the/this/who God
9 tadaa yaj nasya dinaparipaayyaa parame"svarasya mandire prave"sakaale dhuupajvaalana. m karmma tasya kara. niiyamaasiit|
according to the/this/who custom the/this/who priesthood to choose by lot the/this/who to burn incense to enter toward the/this/who temple the/this/who lord: God
10 taddhuupajvaalanakaale lokanivahe praarthanaa. m kartu. m bahisti. s.thati
and all the/this/who multitude to be the/this/who a people to pray out/outside(r) the/this/who hour the/this/who incense
11 sati sikhariyo yasyaa. m vedyaa. m dhuupa. m jvaalayati taddak. si. napaar"sve parame"svarasya duuta eka upasthito dar"sana. m dadau|
to appear then it/s/he angel lord: God to stand out from right the/this/who altar the/this/who incense
12 ta. m d. r.s. tvaa sikhariya udvivije "sa"sa"nke ca|
and to trouble Zechariah to perceive: see and fear to fall/press upon upon/to/against it/s/he
13 tadaa sa duutasta. m babhaa. se he sikhariya maa bhaistava praarthanaa graahyaa jaataa tava bhaaryyaa ilii"sevaa putra. m praso. syate tasya naama yohan iti kari. syasi|
to say then to/with it/s/he the/this/who angel not to fear Zechariah because to listen to the/this/who petition you and the/this/who woman: wife you Elizabeth to beget son you and to call: call the/this/who name it/s/he John
14 ki nca tva. m saananda. h sahar. sa"sca bhavi. syasi tasya janmani bahava aanandi. syanti ca|
and to be joy you and joy and much upon/to/against the/this/who (origin *N(k)O*) it/s/he to rejoice
15 yato heto. h sa parame"svarasya gocare mahaan bhavi. syati tathaa draak. saarasa. m suraa. m vaa kimapi na paasyati, apara. m janmaarabhya pavitre. naatmanaa paripuur. na. h
to be for great before the/this/who lord: God and wine and alcoholic drink no not to drink and spirit/breath: spirit holy to fill still out from belly/womb/stomach mother it/s/he
16 san israayelva. m"siiyaan anekaan prabho. h parame"svarasya maargamaane. syati|
and much the/this/who son Israel to turn upon/to/against lord: God the/this/who God it/s/he
17 santaanaan prati pit. r.naa. m manaa. msi dharmmaj naana. m pratyanaaj naagraahi. na"sca paraavarttayitu. m, prabho. h parame"svarasya sevaartham ekaa. m sajjitajaati. m vidhaatu nca sa eliyaruupaatma"saktipraaptastasyaagre gami. syati|
and it/s/he to go before before it/s/he in/on/among spirit/breath: spirit and power Elijah to turn heart father upon/to/against child and disobedient in/on/among understanding just to make ready lord: God a people to prepare
18 tadaa sikhariyo duutamavaadiit kathametad vetsyaami? yatoha. m v. rddho mama bhaaryyaa ca v. rddhaa|
and to say Zechariah to/with the/this/who angel according to which? to know this/he/she/it I/we for to be old man and the/this/who woman: wife me to advance in/on/among the/this/who day it/s/he
19 tato duuta. h pratyuvaaca pa"sye"svarasya saak. saadvarttii jibraayelnaamaa duutoha. m tvayaa saha kathaa. m gaditu. m tubhyamimaa. m "subhavaarttaa. m daatu nca pre. sita. h|
and to answer the/this/who angel to say it/s/he I/we to be Gabriel the/this/who to stand by before the/this/who God and to send to speak to/with you and to speak good news you this/he/she/it
20 kintu madiiya. m vaakya. m kaale phali. syati tat tvayaa na pratiitam ata. h kaara. naad yaavadeva taani na setsyanti taavat tva. m vaktu. mma"sakto muuko bhava|
and look! to be be quiet and not be able to speak until which day to be this/he/she/it for which no to trust (in) the/this/who word me who/which to fulfill toward the/this/who time/right time it/s/he
21 tadaanii. m ye ye lokaa. h sikhariyamapaik. santa te madhyemandira. m tasya bahuvilambaad aa"scaryya. m menire|
and to be the/this/who a people to look for the/this/who Zechariah and to marvel in/on/among the/this/who to delay in/on/among the/this/who temple it/s/he
22 sa bahiraagato yadaa kimapi vaakya. m vaktuma"sakta. h sa"nketa. m k. rtvaa ni. h"sabdastasyau tadaa madhyemandira. m kasyacid dar"sana. m tena praaptam iti sarvve bubudhire|
to go out then no be able to speak it/s/he and to come to know that/since: that vision to see: see in/on/among the/this/who temple and it/s/he to be to signify it/s/he and to remain deaf/mute
23 anantara. m tasya sevanaparyyaaye sampuur. ne sati sa nijageha. m jagaama|
and to be as/when to fill the/this/who day the/this/who ministry it/s/he to go away toward the/this/who house: home it/s/he
24 katipayadine. su gate. su tasya bhaaryyaa ilii"sevaa garbbhavatii babhuuva
with/after then this/he/she/it the/this/who day to seize/conceive/help Elizabeth the/this/who woman: wife it/s/he and to hide themself month five to say
25 pa"scaat saa pa ncamaasaan sa. mgopyaakathayat lokaanaa. m samak. sa. m mamaapamaana. m kha. n.dayitu. m parame"svaro mayi d. r.s. ti. m paatayitvaa karmmed. r"sa. m k. rtavaan|
that/since: that thus(-ly) me to do/make: do (the/this/who *k*) lord: God in/on/among day which to look upon to remove (the/this/who *k*) disgrace me in/on/among a human
26 apara nca tasyaa garbbhasya. sa. s.the maase jaate gaaliilprade"siiyanaasaratpure
in/on/among then the/this/who month the/this/who sixth to send the/this/who angel Gabriel (away from *N(k)O*) the/this/who God toward city the/this/who Galilee which name Nazareth
27 daayuudo va. m"siiyaaya yuu. saphnaamne puru. saaya yaa mariyamnaamakumaarii vaagdattaasiit tasyaa. h samiipa. m jibraayel duuta ii"svare. na prahita. h|
to/with virgin to betroth man which name Joseph out from house: household David and the/this/who name the/this/who virgin Mary
28 sa gatvaa jagaada he ii"svaraanug. rhiitakanye tava "subha. m bhuuyaat prabhu. h parame"svarastava sahaayosti naarii. naa. m madhye tvameva dhanyaa|
and to enter (the/this/who *ko*) (angel *KO*) to/with it/s/he to say to rejoice to favor the/this/who lord: God with/after you (to praise/bless you in/on/among woman *KO*)
29 tadaanii. m saa ta. m d. r.s. tvaa tasya vaakyata udvijya kiid. r"sa. m bhaa. sa. namidam iti manasaa cintayaamaasa|
the/this/who then (to perceive: see *K*) upon/to/against the/this/who word to trouble (it/s/he *k*) and to discuss of what kind? to be the/this/who salutation this/he/she/it
30 tato duuto. avadat he mariyam bhaya. m maakaar. sii. h, tvayi parame"svarasyaanugrahosti|
and to say the/this/who angel it/s/he not to fear Mary to find/meet for grace from/with/beside the/this/who God
31 pa"sya tva. m garbbha. m dh. rtvaa putra. m praso. syase tasya naama yii"suriti kari. syasi|
and look! to seize/conceive/help in/on/among belly and to give birth to son and to call: call the/this/who name it/s/he Jesus
32 sa mahaan bhavi. syati tathaa sarvvebhya. h "sre. s.thasya putra iti khyaasyati; apara. m prabhu. h parame"svarastasya piturdaayuuda. h si. mhaasana. m tasmai daasyati;
this/he/she/it to be great and son Highest to call: call and to give it/s/he lord: God the/this/who God the/this/who throne David the/this/who father it/s/he
33 tathaa sa yaakuubo va. m"sopari sarvvadaa raajatva. m kari. syati, tasya raajatvasyaanto na bhavi. syati| (aiōn g165)
and to reign upon/to/against the/this/who house: household Jacob toward the/this/who an age: eternity and the/this/who kingdom it/s/he no to be goal/tax (aiōn g165)
34 tadaa mariyam ta. m duuta. m babhaa. se naaha. m puru. sasa"nga. m karomi tarhi kathametat sambhavi. syati?
to say then Mary to/with the/this/who angel how! to be this/he/she/it since man no to know
35 tato duuto. akathayat pavitra aatmaa tvaamaa"sraayi. syati tathaa sarvva"sre. s.thasya "saktistavopari chaayaa. m kari. syati tato hetostava garbbhaad ya. h pavitrabaalako jani. syate sa ii"svaraputra iti khyaati. m praapsyati|
and to answer the/this/who angel to say it/s/he spirit/breath: spirit holy to arrive/invade upon/to/against you and power Highest to overshadow you therefore and the/this/who to beget holy to call: call son God
36 apara nca pa"sya tava j naatirilii"sevaa yaa. m sarvve bandhyaamavadan idaanii. m saa vaarddhakye santaanameka. m garbbhe. adhaarayat tasya. sa. s.thamaasobhuut|
and look! Elizabeth the/this/who (relative *N(k)O*) you and it/s/he (to seize/conceive/help *N(k)O*) son in/on/among old age it/s/he and this/he/she/it month sixth to be it/s/he the/this/who to call: call barren
37 kimapi karmma naasaadhyam ii"svarasya|
that/since: since no be impossible from/with/beside (the/this/who God *N(k)O*) all declaration
38 tadaa mariyam jagaada, pa"sya prabheraha. m daasii mahya. m tava vaakyaanusaare. na sarvvametad gha. tataam; ananatara. m duutastasyaa. h samiipaat pratasthe|
to say then Mary look! the/this/who slave lord: God to be me according to the/this/who declaration you and to go away away from it/s/he the/this/who angel
39 atha katipayadinaat para. m mariyam tasmaat parvvatamayaprade"siiyayihuudaayaa nagarameka. m "siighra. m gatvaa
to arise then Mary in/on/among the/this/who day this/he/she/it to travel toward the/this/who hilly with/after diligence toward city Judah
40 sikhariyayaajakasya g. rha. m pravi"sya tasya jaayaam ilii"sevaa. m sambodhyaavadat|
and to enter toward the/this/who house: home Zechariah and to pay respects to the/this/who Elizabeth
41 tato mariyama. h sambodhanavaakye ilii"sevaayaa. h kar. nayo. h pravi. s.tamaatre sati tasyaa garbbhasthabaalako nanartta| tata ilii"sevaa pavitre. naatmanaa paripuur. naa satii
and to be as/when to hear the/this/who salutation the/this/who Mary the/this/who Elizabeth to leap the/this/who infant in/on/among the/this/who belly/womb/stomach it/s/he and to fill spirit/breath: spirit holy the/this/who Elizabeth
42 proccairgaditumaarebhe, yo. sitaa. m madhye tvameva dhanyaa, tava garbbhastha. h "si"su"sca dhanya. h|
and to exclaim (shouting *N(k)O*) great and to say to praise/bless you in/on/among woman and to praise/bless the/this/who fruit the/this/who belly/womb/stomach you
43 tva. m prabhormaataa, mama nive"sane tvayaa cara. naavarpitau, mamaadya saubhaagyametat|
and whence me this/he/she/it in order that/to to come/go the/this/who mother the/this/who lord: God me to/with I/we
44 pa"sya tava vaakye mama kar. nayo. h pravi. s.tamaatre sati mamodarastha. h "si"suraanandaan nanartta|
look! for as/when to be the/this/who voice/sound: noise the/this/who salutation you toward the/this/who ear me to leap in/on/among joy the/this/who infant in/on/among the/this/who belly/womb/stomach me
45 yaa strii vya"svasiit saa dhanyaa, yato hetostaa. m prati parame"svarokta. m vaakya. m sarvva. m siddha. m bhavi. syati|
and blessed the/this/who to trust (in) that/since: that to be perfection the/this/who to speak it/s/he from/with/beside lord: God
46 tadaanii. m mariyam jagaada| dhanyavaada. m pare"sasya karoti maamaka. m mana. h|
and to say Mary to magnify the/this/who soul: myself me the/this/who lord: God
47 mamaatmaa taarake"se ca samullaasa. m pragacchati|
and to rejoice the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit me upon/to/against the/this/who God the/this/who savior me
48 akarot sa prabhu rdu. s.ti. m svadaasyaa durgati. m prati| pa"syaadyaarabhya maa. m dhanyaa. m vak. syanti puru. saa. h sadaa|
that/since: since to look upon/at upon/to/against the/this/who lowliness the/this/who slave it/s/he look! for away from the/this/who now to bless me all the/this/who generation
49 ya. h sarvva"saktimaan yasya naamaapi ca pavitraka. m| sa eva sumahatkarmma k. rtavaan mannimittaka. m|
that/since: since to do/make: do me (great *N(k)O*) the/this/who able and holy the/this/who name it/s/he
50 ye bibhyati janaastasmaat te. saa. m santaanapa. mkti. su| anukampaa tadiiyaa ca sarvvadaiva suti. s.thati|
and the/this/who mercy it/s/he toward generation (and *no*) (generation *N(k)O*) the/this/who to fear it/s/he
51 svabaahubalatastena praakaa"syata paraakrama. h| mana. hkumantra. naasaarddha. m vikiiryyante. abhimaanina. h|
to do/make: do power in/on/among arm it/s/he to scatter arrogant mind heart it/s/he
52 si. mhaasanagataallokaan balina"scaavarohya sa. h| pade. suucce. su lokaa. mstu k. sudraan sa. msthaapayatyapi|
to take down ruler away from throne and to lift up lowly
53 k. sudhitaan maanavaan dravyairuttamai. h paritarpya sa. h| sakalaan dhanino lokaan vis. rjed riktahastakaan|
to hunger to fill up good and be rich to send out/away empty
54 ibraahiimi ca tadva. m"se yaa dayaasti sadaiva taa. m| sm. rtvaa puraa pit. r.naa. m no yathaa saak. saat prati"sruta. m| (aiōn g165)
to help Israel child it/s/he to remember mercy
55 israayelsevakastena tathopakriyate svaya. m||
as/just as to speak to/with the/this/who father me the/this/who Abraham and the/this/who seed: offspring it/s/he toward the/this/who an age: eternity (aiōn g165)
56 anantara. m mariyam praaye. na maasatrayam ilii"sevayaa saho. sitvaa vyaaghuyya nijanive"sana. m yayau|
to stay then Mary with it/s/he (as/when *N(k)O*) month Three and to return toward the/this/who house: home it/s/he
57 tadanantaram ilii"sevaayaa. h prasavakaala upasthite sati saa putra. m praaso. s.ta|
the/this/who then Elizabeth to fill the/this/who time the/this/who to give birth to it/s/he and to beget son
58 tata. h parame"svarastasyaa. m mahaanugraha. m k. rtavaan etat "srutvaa samiipavaasina. h ku. tumbaa"scaagatya tayaa saha mumudire|
and to hear the/this/who neighboring and the/this/who kindred it/s/he that/since: that to magnify lord: God the/this/who mercy it/s/he with/after it/s/he and to rejoice with it/s/he
59 tathaa. s.tame dine te baalakasya tvaca. m chettum etya tasya pit. rnaamaanuruupa. m tannaama sikhariya iti karttumii. su. h|
and to be in/on/among the/this/who day the/this/who eighth to come/go to circumcise the/this/who child and to call: call it/s/he upon/to/against the/this/who name the/this/who father it/s/he Zechariah
60 kintu tasya maataakathayat tanna, naamaasya yohan iti karttavyam|
and to answer the/this/who mother it/s/he to say not! but to call: call John
61 tadaa te vyaaharan tava va. m"samadhye naamed. r"sa. m kasyaapi naasti|
and to say to/with it/s/he that/since: that none to be (out from the/this/who kindred *N(k)O*) you which to call: call the/this/who name this/he/she/it
62 tata. h para. m tasya pitara. m sikhariya. m prati sa"nketya papracchu. h "si"so. h ki. m naama kaari. syate?
to signify then the/this/who father it/s/he the/this/who which? if to will/desire to call: call (it/s/he *N(k)O*)
63 tata. h sa phalakameka. m yaacitvaa lilekha tasya naama yohan bhavi. syati| tasmaat sarvve aa"scaryya. m menire|
and to ask little tablet to write to say John to be (the/this/who *ko*) name it/s/he and to marvel all
64 tatk. sa. na. m sikhariyasya jihvaajaa. dye. apagate sa mukha. m vyaadaaya spa. s.tavar. namuccaaryya ii"svarasya gu. naanuvaada. m cakaara|
to open then the/this/who mouth it/s/he instantly and the/this/who tongue it/s/he and to speak to praise/bless the/this/who God
65 tasmaaccaturdiksthaa. h samiipavaasilokaa bhiitaa evametaa. h sarvvaa. h kathaa yihuudaayaa. h parvvatamayaprade"sasya sarvvatra pracaaritaa. h|
and to be upon/to/against all fear the/this/who to dwell around it/s/he and in/on/among all the/this/who hilly the/this/who Judea to discuss all the/this/who declaration this/he/she/it
66 tasmaat "srotaaro mana. hsu sthaapayitvaa kathayaambabhuuvu. h kiid. r"soya. m baalo bhavi. syati? atha parame"svarastasya sahaayobhuut|
and to place all the/this/who to hear in/on/among the/this/who heart it/s/he to say which? therefore the/this/who child this/he/she/it to be and (for *no*) hand lord: God to be with/after it/s/he
67 tadaa yohana. h pitaa sikhariya. h pavitre. naatmanaa paripuur. na. h san etaad. r"sa. m bhavi. syadvaakya. m kathayaamaasa|
and Zechariah the/this/who father it/s/he to fill spirit/breath: spirit holy and to prophesy to say
68 israayela. h prabhu ryastu sa dhanya. h parame"svara. h| anug. rhya nijaallokaan sa eva parimocayet|
praiseworthy lord: God the/this/who God the/this/who Israel that/since: since to visit/care for and to do/make: do redemption the/this/who a people it/s/he
69 vipak. sajanahastebhyo yathaa mocyaamahe vaya. m| yaavajjiiva nca dharmme. na saaralyena ca nirbhayaa. h|
and to arise horn salvation me in/on/among (the/this/who *k*) house: household David (the/this/who *k*) child it/s/he
70 sevaamahai tamevaikam etatkaara. nameva ca| svakiiya. m supavitra nca sa. msm. rtya niyama. m sadaa|
as/just as to speak through/because of mouth the/this/who holy (the/this/who *k*) away from an age: age prophet it/s/he (aiōn g165)
71 k. rpayaa puru. saan puurvvaan nika. saarthaattu na. h pitu. h| ibraahiima. h samiipe ya. m "sapatha. m k. rtavaan puraa|
salvation out from enemy me and out from hand all the/this/who to hate me
72 tameva saphala. m kartta. m tathaa "satruga. nasya ca|. rtiiyaakaari. na"scaiva karebhyo rak. sa. naaya na. h|
to do/make: do mercy with/after the/this/who father me and to remember covenant holy it/s/he
73 s. r.s. te. h prathamata. h sviiyai. h pavitrai rbhaavivaadibhi. h| (aiōn g165)
oath which to swear to/with Abraham the/this/who father me
74 yathoktavaan tathaa svasya daayuuda. h sevakasya tu|
the/this/who to give me fearlessly out from hand (the/this/who *k*) enemy (me *k*) to rescue to minister it/s/he
75 va. m"se traataarameka. m sa samutpaaditavaan svayam|
in/on/among holiness and righteousness before it/s/he (all the/this/who day *N(k)O*) (the/this/who life *k*) me
76 ato he baalaka tvantu sarvvebhya. h "sre. s.tha eva ya. h| tasyaiva bhaavivaadiiti pravikhyaato bhavi. syasi| asmaaka. m cara. naan k. seme maarge caalayitu. m sadaa| eva. m dhvaante. arthato m. rtyo"schaayaayaa. m ye tu maanavaa. h|
and you (then *no*) child prophet Highest to call: call to go before for (before *N(k)O*) (face *ko*) lord: God to make ready road it/s/he
77 upavi. s.taastu taaneva prakaa"sayitumeva hi| k. rtvaa mahaanukampaa. m hi yaameva parame"svara. h|
the/this/who to give knowledge salvation the/this/who a people it/s/he in/on/among forgiveness sin it/s/he
78 uurdvvaat suuryyamudaayyaivaasmabhya. m praadaattu dar"sana. m| tayaanukampayaa svasya lokaanaa. m paapamocane|
through/because of affection/entrails mercy God me in/on/among which (to visit/care for *N(k)O*) me east out from height
79 paritraa. nasya tebhyo hi j naanavi"sraa. nanaaya ca| prabho rmaarga. m pari. skarttu. m tasyaagraayii bhavi. syasi||
to appear the/this/who in/on/among darkness and shadow death to sit the/this/who to guide the/this/who foot me toward road peace
80 atha baalaka. h "sariire. na buddhyaa ca varddhitumaarebhe; apara nca sa israayelo va. m"siiyalokaanaa. m samiipe yaavanna praka. tiibhuutastaastaavat praantare nyavasat|
the/this/who then child to grow and to strengthen spirit/breath: spirit and to be in/on/among the/this/who deserted until day public appearance it/s/he to/with the/this/who Israel

< luuka.h 1 >