< yohana.h 3 >
1 nikadimanaamaa yihuudiiyaanaam adhipati. h phiruu"sii k. sa. nadaayaa. m
There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.
2 yii"saurabhyar. nam aavrajya vyaahaar. siit, he guro bhavaan ii"svaraad aagat eka upade. s.taa, etad asmaabhirj naayate; yato bhavataa yaanyaa"scaryyakarmmaa. ni kriyante parame"svarasya saahaayya. m vinaa kenaapi tattatkarmmaa. ni karttu. m na "sakyante|
This man came to Jesus by night, and said to him: Rabbi, we know that thou hast come as a teacher from God; for no man can do these signs which thou doest, unless God be with him.
3 tadaa yii"suruttara. m dattavaan tavaaha. m yathaarthatara. m vyaaharaami punarjanmani na sati kopi maanava ii"svarasya raajya. m dra. s.tu. m na "saknoti|
Jesus answered and said to him: Verily, verily I say to you, unless a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God.
4 tato nikadiima. h pratyavocat manujo v. rddho bhuutvaa katha. m jani. syate? sa ki. m puna rmaat. rrja. thara. m pravi"sya janitu. m "saknoti?
Nicodemus said to him: How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter his mother’s womb the second time, and be born?
5 yii"suravaadiid yathaarthataram aha. m kathayaami manuje toyaatmabhyaa. m puna rna jaate sa ii"svarasya raajya. m prave. s.tu. m na "saknoti|
Jesus answered: Verily, verily I say to you, unless a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom of God.
6 maa. msaad yat jaayate tan maa. msameva tathaatmano yo jaayate sa aatmaiva|
That which is begotten of the flesh, is flesh; and that which is begotten of the Spirit, is spirit.
7 yu. smaabhi. h puna rjanitavya. m mamaitasyaa. m kathaayaam aa"scarya. m maa ma. msthaa. h|
Wonder not that I said to you, you must all be born again,
8 sadaagatiryaa. m di"samicchati tasyaameva di"si vaati, tva. m tasya svana. m "su. no. si kintu sa kuta aayaati kutra yaati vaa kimapi na jaanaasi tadvaad aatmana. h sakaa"saat sarvve. saa. m manujaanaa. m janma bhavati|
The Spirit breathes where he pleases, and you hear his voice, but you know not whence he comes, and whither he goes; so is every one that is begotten of the Spirit.
9 tadaa nikadiima. h p. r.s. tavaan etat katha. m bhavitu. m "saknoti?
Nicodemus answered and said to him: How can these things be?
10 yii"su. h pratyaktavaan tvamisraayelo gururbhuutvaapi kimetaa. m kathaa. m na vetsi?
Jesus answered and said to him: Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not understand these things?
11 tubhya. m yathaartha. m kathayaami, vaya. m yad vidmastad vacma. h ya. mcca pa"syaamastasyaiva saak. sya. m dadma. h kintu yu. smaabhirasmaaka. m saak. sitva. m na g. rhyate|
Verily, verily, I say to you, we speak that which we know, and testify to that which we have seen; and you receive not our testimony.
12 etasya sa. msaarasya kathaayaa. m kathitaayaa. m yadi yuuya. m na vi"svasitha tarhi svargiiyaayaa. m kathaayaa. m katha. m vi"svasi. syatha?
If I have told you of earthly things, and you believe not, how will you believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
13 ya. h svarge. asti ya. m ca svargaad avaarohat ta. m maanavatanaya. m vinaa kopi svarga. m naarohat|
And no man has ascended into heaven, but he who came down from heaven, the Son of man, who is in heaven.
14 apara nca muusaa yathaa praantare sarpa. m protthaapitavaan manu. syaputro. api tathaivotthaapitavya. h;
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up;
15 tasmaad ya. h ka"scit tasmin vi"svasi. syati so. avinaa"sya. h san anantaayu. h praapsyati| (aiōnios )
that whoever believes on him may not perish, but have eternal life. (aiōnios )
16 ii"svara ittha. m jagadadayata yat svamadvitiiya. m tanaya. m praadadaat tato ya. h ka"scit tasmin vi"svasi. syati so. avinaa"sya. h san anantaayu. h praapsyati| (aiōnios )
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes on him should not perish, but have eternal life. (aiōnios )
17 ii"svaro jagato lokaan da. n.dayitu. m svaputra. m na pre. sya taan paritraatu. m pre. sitavaan|
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world, through him, might be saved.
18 ataeva ya. h ka"scit tasmin vi"svasiti sa da. n.daarho na bhavati kintu ya. h ka"scit tasmin na vi"svasiti sa idaaniimeva da. n.daarho bhavati, yata. h sa ii"svarasyaadvitiiyaputrasya naamani pratyaya. m na karoti|
He that believes on him is not condemned; but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 jagato madhye jyoti. h praakaa"sata kintu manu. syaa. naa. m karmma. naa. m d. r.s. tatvaat te jyoti. sopi timire priiyante etadeva da. n.dasya kaara. naa. m bhavati|
And this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men have loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 ya. h kukarmma karoti tasyaacaarasya d. r.s. tatvaat sa jyotir. rrtiiyitvaa tannika. ta. m naayaati;
For every one that does evil, hates the light, and comes not to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
21 kintu ya. h satkarmma karoti tasya sarvvaa. ni karmmaa. nii"svare. na k. rtaaniiti sathaa prakaa"sate tadabhipraaye. na sa jyoti. sa. h sannidhim aayaati|
But he that does the truth, comes to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest that they are done in God.
22 tata. h param yii"su. h "si. syai. h saarddha. m yihuudiiyade"sa. m gatvaa tatra sthitvaa majjayitum aarabhata|
After these things, Jesus and his disciples came into the land of Judea, and he remained there with them, and immersed.
23 tadaa "saalam nagarasya samiipasthaayini ainan graame bahutaratoyasthitestatra yohan amajjayat tathaa ca lokaa aagatya tena majjitaa abhavan|
And John also was immersing in Ænon, near Salim, because there was much water there. And they came and were immersed;
24 tadaa yohan kaaraayaa. m na baddha. h|
for John had not yet been thrown into prison.
25 apara nca "saacakarmma. ni yohaana. h "si. syai. h saha yihuudiiyalokaanaa. m vivaade jaate, te yohana. h sa. mnnidhi. m gatvaakathayan,
There arose, therefore, a dispute between some of John’s disciples and a Jew, about purification.
26 he guro yarddananadyaa. h paare bhavataa saarddha. m ya aasiit yasmi. m"sca bhavaan saak. sya. m pradadaat pa"syatu sopi majjayati sarvve tasya samiipa. m yaanti ca|
And they came to John, and said to him: Rabbi, he who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you bore testimony, behold, he immerses, and all are going to him.
27 tadaa yohan pratyavocad ii"svare. na na datte kopi manuja. h kimapi praaptu. m na "saknoti|
John answered and said: A man can receive nothing unless it be given to him from heaven.
28 aha. m abhi. sikto na bhavaami kintu tadagre pre. sitosmi yaamimaa. m kathaa. m kathitavaanaaha. m tatra yuuya. m sarvve saak. si. na. h stha|
You yourselves will testify for me, that I said, I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before him.
29 yo jana. h kanyaa. m labhate sa eva vara. h kintu varasya sannidhau da. n.daayamaana. m tasya yanmitra. m tena varasya "sabde "srute. atiivaahlaadyate mamaapi tadvad aanandasiddhirjaataa|
He that has the bride, is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly on account of the voice of the bridegroom. This, my joy, is therefore complete.
30 tena krama"so varddhitavya. m kintu mayaa hsitavya. m|
He must increase, but I must decrease.
31 ya uurdhvaadaagacchat sa sarvve. saa. m mukhyo ya"sca sa. msaaraad udapadyata sa saa. msaarika. h sa. msaariiyaa. m kathaa nca kathayati yastu svargaadaagacchat sa sarvve. saa. m mukhya. h|
He that comes from above, is over all. He that is from the earth, is from the earth, and speaks from the earth. He that comes from heaven, is over all;
32 sa yadapa"syada"s. r.nocca tasminneva saak. sya. m dadaati tathaapi praaya"sa. h ka"scit tasya saak. sya. m na g. rhlaati;
and what he has seen and heard, this he testifies; and no one receives his testimony.
33 kintu yo g. rhlaati sa ii"svarasya satyavaaditva. m mudraa"ngita. m karoti|
He that has received his testimony has solemnly declared that God is true.
34 ii"svare. na ya. h prerita. h saeva ii"svariiyakathaa. m kathayati yata ii"svara aatmaana. m tasmai aparimitam adadaat|
For he whom God has sent, speaks the words of God; for God gives not the Spirit by measure to him.
35 pitaa putre sneha. m k. rtvaa tasya haste sarvvaa. ni samarpitavaan|
The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into his hand.
36 ya. h ka"scit putre vi"svasiti sa evaanantam paramaayu. h praapnoti kintu ya. h ka"scit putre na vi"svasiti sa paramaayu. so dar"sana. m na praapnoti kintvii"svarasya kopabhaajana. m bhuutvaa ti. s.thati| (aiōnios )
He that believes on the Son has eternal life. But he that believes not the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (aiōnios )