< ibri.na.h 3 >

1 he svargiiyasyaahvaanasya sahabhaagina. h pavitrabhraatara. h, asmaaka. m dharmmapratij naayaa duuto. agrasara"sca yo yii"sustam aalocadhva. m|
For this reason, holy brothers, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and Chief Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus,
2 muusaa yadvat tasya sarvvaparivaaramadhye vi"svaasya aasiit, tadvat ayamapi svaniyojakasya samiipe vi"svaasyo bhavati|
being faithful to Him who appointed Him, as also Moses [was] in all His house.
3 parivaaraacca yadvat tatsthaapayituradhika. m gaurava. m bhavati tadvat muusaso. aya. m bahutaragauravasya yogyo bhavati|
For this One has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as He who builds it has more honor than the house.
4 ekaikasya nive"sanasya parijanaanaa. m sthaapayitaa ka"scid vidyate ya"sca sarvvasthaapayitaa sa ii"svara eva|
For every house is built by someone, and He who built all things [is] God,
5 muusaa"sca vak. syamaa. naanaa. m saak. sii bh. rtya iva tasya sarvvaparijanamadhye vi"svaasyo. abhavat kintu khrii. s.tastasya parijanaanaamadhyak. sa iva|
and Moses [was] indeed steadfast in all His house, as an attendant, for a testimony of those things that were to be spoken—
6 vaya. m tu yadi vi"svaasasyotsaaha. m "slaaghana nca "se. sa. m yaavad dhaarayaamastarhi tasya parijanaa bhavaama. h|
but Christ, as a Son over His house, whose house we are, if we hold fast the boldness and the rejoicing of the hope to the end.
7 ato heto. h pavitre. naatmanaa yadvat kathita. m, tadvat, "adya yuuya. m kathaa. m tasya yadi sa. m"srotumicchatha|
For this reason, as the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you may hear His voice—
8 tarhi puraa pariik. saayaa dine praantaramadhyata. h| madaaj naanigrahasthaane yu. smaabhistu k. rta. m yathaa| tathaa maa kurutedaanii. m ka. thinaani manaa. msi va. h|
you may not harden your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of the temptation in the wilderness,
9 yu. smaaka. m pitarastatra matpariik. saam akurvvata| kurvvadbhi rme. anusandhaana. m tairad. r"syanta matkriyaa. h| catvaari. m"satsamaa yaavat kruddhvaahantu tadanvaye|
in which your fathers tempted Me; they proved Me, and saw My works [for] forty years;
10 avaadi. sam ime lokaa bhraantaanta. hkara. naa. h sadaa| maamakiinaani vartmaani parijaananti no ime|
for this reason I was grieved with that generation and said, They always go astray in [their] heart, and these have not known My ways;
11 iti hetoraha. m kopaat "sapatha. m k. rtavaan ima. m| prevek. syate janairetai rna vi"sraamasthala. m mama||"
so I swore in My anger, They will [not] enter into My rest.”
12 he bhraatara. h saavadhaanaa bhavata, amare"svaraat nivarttako yo. avi"svaasastadyukta. m du. s.taanta. hkara. na. m yu. smaaka. m kasyaapi na bhavatu|
Watch out, brothers, lest there will be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in the falling away from the living God,
13 kintu yaavad adyanaamaa samayo vidyate taavad yu. smanmadhye ko. api paapasya va ncanayaa yat ka. thoriik. rto na bhavet tadartha. m pratidina. m parasparam upadi"sata|
but exhort one another every day, while [it] is called “Today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin,
14 yato vaya. m khrii. s.tasyaa. m"sino jaataa. h kintu prathamavi"svaasasya d. r.dhatvam asmaabhi. h "se. sa. m yaavad amogha. m dhaarayitavya. m|
for we have become partakers of the Christ, if we may hold fast the confidence [we had] at the beginning to the end,
15 adya yuuya. m kathaa. m tasya yadi sa. m"srotumicchatha, tarhyaaj naala"nghanasthaane yu. smaabhistu k. rta. m yathaa, tathaa maa kurutedaanii. m ka. thinaani manaa. msi va iti tena yadukta. m,
as it is said, “Today, if you may hear His voice, you may not harden your hearts, as in the provocation.”
16 tadanusaaraad ye "srutvaa tasya kathaa. m na g. rhiitavantaste ke? ki. m muusasaa misarade"saad aagataa. h sarvve lokaa nahi?
For who [were those], having heard, [that] provoked, but not all those having come out of Egypt through Moses?
17 kebhyo vaa sa catvaari. m"sadvar. saa. ni yaavad akrudhyat? paapa. m kurvvataa. m ye. saa. m ku. napaa. h praantare. apatan ki. m tebhyo nahi?
But with whom was He grieved forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?
18 pravek. syate janairetai rna vi"sraamasthala. m mameti "sapatha. h ke. saa. m viruddha. m tenaakaari? kim avi"svaasinaa. m viruddha. m nahi?
And to whom did He swear that they will not enter into His rest, except to those who did not believe?
19 ataste tat sthaana. m prave. s.tum avi"svaasaat naa"saknuvan iti vaya. m viik. saamahe|
And we see that they were not able to enter in because of unbelief.

< ibri.na.h 3 >