< gaalaatina.h 6 >
1 he bhraatara. h, yu. smaaka. m ka"scid yadi kasmi. m"scit paape patati tarhyaatmikabhaavayuktai ryu. smaabhistitik. saabhaava. m vidhaaya sa punarutthaapyataa. m yuuyamapi yathaa taad. rkpariik. saayaa. m na patatha tathaa saavadhaanaa bhavata|
Brethren, if a man be suddenly taken in any offence, ye which are spirituall, restore such one with the spirit of meekenes, considering thy selfe, least thou also be tempted.
2 yu. smaakam ekaiko jana. h parasya bhaara. m vahatvanena prakaare. na khrii. s.tasya vidhi. m paalayata|
Beare ye one anothers burden, and so fulfill the Lawe of Christ.
3 yadi ka"scana k. sudra. h san sva. m mahaanta. m manyate tarhi tasyaatmava ncanaa jaayate|
For if any man seeme to himselfe, that he is somewhat, when he is nothing, hee deceiueth himselfe in his imagination.
4 ata ekaikena janena svakiiyakarmma. na. h pariik. saa kriyataa. m tena para. m naalokya kevalam aatmaalokanaat tasya "slaghaa sambhavi. syati|
But let euery man prooue his owne worke: and then shall he haue reioycing in himselfe onely and not in another.
5 yata ekaiko jana. h svakiiya. m bhaara. m vak. syati|
For euery man shall beare his owne burden.
6 yo jano dharmmopade"sa. m labhate sa upade. s.taara. m sviiyasarvvasampatte rbhaagina. m karotu|
Let him that is taught in the worde, make him that hath taught him, partaker of all his goods.
7 yu. smaaka. m bhraanti rna bhavatu, ii"svaro nopahasitavya. h, yena yad biijam upyate tena tajjaata. m "sasya. m kartti. syate|
Be not deceiued: God is not mocked: for whatsoeuer a man soweth, that shall hee also reape.
8 sva"sariiraartha. m yena biijam upyate tena "sariiraad vinaa"saruupa. m "sasya. m lapsyate kintvaatmana. h k. rte yena biijam upyate tenaatmato. anantajiivitaruupa. m "sasya. m lapsyate| (aiōnios )
For hee that soweth to his flesh, shall of the flesh reape corruption: but hee that soweth to the spirit, shall of the spirit reape life euerlasting. (aiōnios )
9 satkarmmakara. ne. asmaabhira"sraantai rbhavitavya. m yato. aklaantausti. s.thadbhirasmaabhirupayuktasamaye tat phalaani lapsyante|
Let vs not therefore be weary of well doing: for in due season we shall reape, if we faint not.
10 ato yaavat samayasti. s.thati taavat sarvvaan prati vi"se. sato vi"svaasave"smavaasina. h pratyasmaabhi rhitaacaara. h karttavya. h|
While we haue therefore time, let vs doe good vnto all men, but specially vnto them, which are of the housholde of faith.
11 he bhraatara. h, aha. m svahastena yu. smaan prati kiyadv. rhat patra. m likhitavaan tad yu. smaabhi rd. r"syataa. m|
Ye see how large a letter I haue written vnto you with mine owne hand.
12 ye "saariirikavi. saye sud. r"syaa bhavitumicchanti te yat khrii. s.tasya kru"sasya kaara. naadupadravasya bhaagino na bhavanti kevala. m tadartha. m tvakchede yu. smaan pravarttayanti|
As many as desire to make a faire shewe in the flesh, they constraine you to be circumcised, onely because they would not suffer persecution for the crosse of Christ.
13 te tvakchedagraahi. no. api vyavasthaa. m na paalayanti kintu yu. smacchariiraat "slaaghaalaabhaartha. m yu. smaaka. m tvakchedam icchanti|
For they themselues which are circumcised keepe not the law, but desire to haue you circumcised, that they might reioyce in your flesh.
14 kintu yenaaha. m sa. msaaraaya hata. h sa. msaaro. api mahya. m hatastadasmatprabho ryii"sukhrii. s.tasya kru"sa. m vinaanyatra kutraapi mama "slaaghana. m kadaapi na bhavatu|
But God forbid that I should reioyce, but in ye crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ, whereby the world is crucified vnto me, and I vnto ye world.
15 khrii. s.te yii"sau tvakchedaatvakchedayo. h kimapi gu. na. m naasti kintu naviinaa s. r.s. tireva gu. nayuktaa|
For in Christ Iesus neither circumcision auaileth any thing, nor vncircumcision, but a newe creature.
16 apara. m yaavanto lokaa etasmin maarge caranti te. saam ii"svariiyasya k. rtsnasyesraayela"sca "saanti rdayaalaabha"sca bhuuyaat|
And as many as walke according to this rule, peace shalbe vpon them, and mercie, and vpon the Israel of God.
17 ita. h para. m ko. api maa. m na kli"snaatu yasmaad aha. m svagaatre prabho ryii"sukhrii. s.tasya cihnaani dhaaraye|
From henceforth let no man put me to busines: for I beare in my body the markes of the Lord Iesus.
18 he bhraatara. h asmaaka. m prabho ryii"sukhrii. s.tasya prasaado yu. smaakam aatmani stheyaat| tathaastu|
Brethren, the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with your spirit, Amen. ‘Vnto the Galatians written from Rome.’