< رومِنَح 6 >
پْرَبھُوتَرُوپینَ یَدْ اَنُگْرَہَح پْرَکاشَتے تَدَرْتھَں پاپے تِشْٹھامَ اِتِ واکْیَں کِں وَیَں وَدِشْیامَح؟ تَنَّ بھَوَتُ۔ | 1 |
What do we say, then? Shall we continue in sin, that favor may abound?
پاپَں پْرَتِ مرِتا وَیَں پُنَسْتَسْمِنْ کَتھَمْ جِیوِشْیامَح؟ | 2 |
By no means. How shall we, who have died to sin, continue to live in it?
وَیَں یاوَنْتو لوکا یِیشُکھْرِیشْٹے مَجِّتا اَبھَوامَ تاوَنْتَ ایوَ تَسْیَ مَرَنے مَجِّتا اِتِ کِں یُویَں نَ جانِیتھَ؟ | 3 |
Do you not know, that as many as have been immersed into Jesus Christ, have been immersed into his death?
تَتو یَتھا پِتُح پَراکْرَمینَ شْمَشاناتْ کھْرِیشْٹَ اُتّھاپِتَسْتَتھا وَیَمَپِ یَتْ نُوتَنَجِیوِنَ اِواچَرامَسْتَدَرْتھَں مَجَّنینَ تینَ سارْدّھَں مرِتْیُرُوپے شْمَشانے سَںسْتھاپِتاح۔ | 4 |
We have been buried, then, together with him, by the immersion into death: that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father; so we also shall walk in newness of life.
اَپَرَں وَیَں یَدِ تینَ سَںیُکْتاح سَنْتَح سَ اِوَ مَرَنَبھاگِنو جاتاسْتَرْہِ سَ اِووتّھانَبھاگِنوپِ بھَوِشْیامَح۔ | 5 |
For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death; we shall then, also, certainly be in the likeness of his resurrection.
وَیَں یَتْ پاپَسْیَ داساح پُنَ رْنَ بھَوامَسْتَدَرْتھَمْ اَسْماکَں پاپَرُوپَشَرِیرَسْیَ وِناشارْتھَمْ اَسْماکَں پُراتَنَپُرُشَسْتینَ ساکَں کْرُشےہَنْیَتیتِ وَیَں جانِیمَح۔ | 6 |
Knowing this, that our old man has been crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that we should not any longer serve sin:
یو ہَتَح سَ پاپاتْ مُکْتَ ایوَ۔ | 7 |
for he that has died is released from sin.
اَتَایوَ یَدِ وَیَں کھْرِیشْٹینَ سارْدّھَمْ اَہَنْیامَہِ تَرْہِ پُنَرَپِ تینَ سَہِتا جِیوِشْیامَ اِتْیَتْراسْماکَں وِشْواسو وِدْیَتے۔ | 8 |
Moreover, if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him.
یَتَح شْمَشانادْ اُتّھاپِتَح کھْرِیشْٹو پُنَ رْنَ مْرِیَتَ اِتِ وَیَں جانِیمَح۔ تَسْمِنْ کوپْیَدھِکارو مرِتْیو رْناسْتِ۔ | 9 |
Knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies not again; death has no longer dominion over him:
اَپَرَنْچَ سَ یَدْ اَمْرِیَتَ تینَیکَدا پاپَمْ اُدِّشْیامْرِیَتَ، یَچَّ جِیوَتِ تینیشْوَرَمْ اُدِّشْیَ جِیوَتِ؛ | 10 |
for that he has died, he has died for sin once: but that he lives, he lives for God.
تَدْوَدْ یُویَمَپِ سْوانْ پاپَمْ اُدِّشْیَ مرِتانْ اَسْماکَں پْرَبھُنا یِیشُکھْرِیشْٹینیشْوَرَمْ اُدِّشْیَ جِیوَنْتو جانِیتَ۔ | 11 |
So reckon yourselves also dead, indeed, to sin; but alive to God, by Jesus Christ.
اَپَرَنْچَ کُتْسِتابھِلاشانْ پُورَیِتُں یُشْماکَں مَرْتْیَدیہیشُ پاپَمْ آدھِپَتْیَں نَ کَروتُ۔ | 12 |
Let not sin, therefore, reign in your mortal body, by obeying it.
اَپَرَں سْوَں سْوَمْ اَنْگَمْ اَدھَرْمَّسْیاسْتْرَں کرِتْوا پاپَسیوایاں نَ سَمَرْپَیَتَ، کِنْتُ شْمَشانادْ اُتّھِتانِوَ سْوانْ اِیشْوَرے سَمَرْپَیَتَ سْوانْیَنْگانِ چَ دھَرْمّاسْتْرَسْوَرُوپانِیشْوَرَمْ اُدِّشْیَ سَمَرْپَیَتَ۔ | 13 |
Neither present your members as instruments of unrighteousness, to sin; but present yourselves to God, as alive from the dead; and your members as instruments of righteousness, to God.
یُشْماکَمْ اُپَرِ پاپَسْیادھِپَتْیَں پُنَ رْنَ بھَوِشْیَتِ، یَسْمادْ یُویَں وْیَوَسْتھایا اَنایَتّا اَنُگْرَہَسْیَ چایَتّا اَبھَوَتَ۔ | 14 |
Besides, sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not under law, but under favor.
کِنْتُ وَیَں وْیَوَسْتھایا اَنایَتّا اَنُگْرَہَسْیَ چایَتّا اَبھَوامَ، اِتِ کارَناتْ کِں پاپَں کَرِشْیامَح؟ تَنَّ بھَوَتُ۔ | 15 |
What then do we say? Shall we sin, because we are not under law, but under favor?
یَتو مرِتِجَنَکَں پاپَں پُنْیَجَنَکَں نِدیشاچَرَنَنْچَیتَیورْدْوَیو رْیَسْمِنْ آجْناپالَنارْتھَں بھرِتْیانِوَ سْوانْ سَمَرْپَیَتھَ، تَسْیَیوَ بھرِتْیا بھَوَتھَ، ایتَتْ کِں یُویَں نَ جانِیتھَ؟ | 16 |
Do you not know, that to whom you present yourselves servants, by obedience; his servants you are whom you thus obey; whether of sin into death, or of obedience into righteousness?
اَپَرَنْچَ پُورْوَّں یُویَں پاپَسْیَ بھرِتْیا آسْتیتِ سَتْیَں کِنْتُ یَسْیاں شِکْشارُوپایاں مُوشایاں نِکْشِپْتا اَبھَوَتَ تَسْیا آکرِتِں مَنوبھِ رْلَبْدھَوَنْتَ اِتِ کارَنادْ اِیشْوَرَسْیَ دھَنْیَوادو بھَوَتُ۔ | 17 |
But, thanks to God, that though you were the servants of sin; yet you have heartily obeyed that model of doctrine to which you have been given up.
اِتّھَں یُویَں پاپَسیواتو مُکْتاح سَنْتو دھَرْمَّسْیَ بھرِتْیا جاتاح۔ | 18 |
And being made free from sin, you have become the servants of righteousness.
یُشْماکَں شارِیرِکْیا دُرْبَّلَتایا ہیتو رْمانَوَوَدْ اَہَمْ ایتَدْ بْرَوِیمِ؛ پُنَح پُنَرَدھَرْمَّکَرَنارْتھَں یَدْوَتْ پُورْوَّں پاپامیدھْیَیو رْبھرِتْیَتْوے نِجانْگانِ سَمارْپَیَتَ تَدْوَدْ اِدانِیں سادھُکَرْمَّکَرَنارْتھَں دھَرْمَّسْیَ بھرِتْیَتْوے نِجانْگانِ سَمَرْپَیَتَ۔ | 19 |
(I speak after the manner of men, because of the infirmity of your flesh.) Wherefore, as you have presented your members servants to uncleanness, and to iniquity, to work iniquity; so present now your members, servants to righteousness, to work holiness.
یَدا یُویَں پاپَسْیَ بھرِتْیا آسْتَ تَدا دھَرْمَّسْیَ نایَتّا آسْتَ۔ | 20 |
For when you were servants of sin, you were free from righteousness.
تَرْہِ یانِ کَرْمّانِ یُویَمْ اِدانِیں لَجّاجَنَکانِ بُدھْیَدھْوے پُورْوَّں تَے رْیُشْماکَں کو لابھَ آسِیتْ؟ تیشاں کَرْمَّناں پھَلَں مَرَنَمیوَ۔ | 21 |
And what fruit had you, then, from these things of which you are now ashamed? for the reward of these things is death.
کِنْتُ سامْپْرَتَں یُویَں پاپَسیواتو مُکْتاح سَنْتَ اِیشْوَرَسْیَ بھرِتْیابھَوَتَ تَسْمادْ یُشْماکَں پَوِتْرَتْوَرُوپَں لَبھْیَمْ اَنَنْتَجِیوَنَرُوپَنْچَ پھَلَمْ آسْتے۔ (aiōnios ) | 22 |
But now, being set free from sin, and having become servants of God, you have your fruit to holiness: and the end, everlasting life. (aiōnios )
یَتَح پاپَسْیَ ویتَنَں مَرَنَں کِنْتْوَسْماکَں پْرَبھُنا یِیشُکھْرِیشْٹینانَنْتَجِیوَنَمْ اِیشْوَرَدَتَّں پارِتوشِکَمْ آسْتے۔ (aiōnios ) | 23 |
For the wages of sin is death: but the gracious gift of God is everlasting life, by Christ Jesus our Lord. (aiōnios )