< اِبْرِنَح 4 >
اَپَرَں تَدْوِشْرامَپْراپْتیح پْرَتِجْنا یَدِ تِشْٹھَتِ تَرْہْیَسْماکَں کَشْچِتْ چیتْ تَسْیاح پھَلینَ وَنْچِتو بھَویتْ وَیَمْ ایتَسْمادْ بِبھِیمَح۔ | 1 |
Therefore, let us be very careful so that none of you might seem to have failed to reach the promise left behind for you to enter God's rest.
یَتو سْماکَں سَمِیپے یَدْوَتْ تَدْوَتْ تیشاں سَمِیپےپِ سُسَںوادَح پْرَچارِتو بھَوَتْ کِنْتُ تَیح شْرُتَں واکْیَں تانْ پْرَتِ نِشْپھَلَمْ اَبھَوَتْ، یَتَسْتے شْروتارو وِشْواسینَ سارْدّھَں تَنّامِشْرَیَنْ۔ | 2 |
For we were told the good news just as they were. But that message did not benefit those who did not unite in faith with those who obeyed.
تَدْ وِشْرامَسْتھانَں وِشْواسِبھِرَسْمابھِح پْرَوِشْیَتے یَتَسْتینوکْتَں، "اَہَں کوپاتْ شَپَتھَں کرِتَوانْ اِمَں، پْرَویکْشْیَتے جَنَیریتَے رْنَ وِشْرامَسْتھَلَں مَمَ۔ " کِنْتُ تَسْیَ کَرْمّانِ جَگَتَح سرِشْٹِکالاتْ سَماپْتانِ سَنْتِ۔ | 3 |
For we who have believed enter that rest, just as he said, “As I swore in my wrath, They will never enter my rest.” Even so, his works were finished from the foundation of the world.
یَتَح کَسْمِںشْچِتْ سْتھانے سَپْتَمَں دِنَمَدھِ تینیدَمْ اُکْتَں، یَتھا، "اِیشْوَرَح سَپْتَمے دِنے سْوَکرِتیبھْیَح سَرْوَّکَرْمَّبھْیو وِشَشْرامَ۔ " | 4 |
For he has somewhere spoken about the seventh day: “And God rested on the seventh day from all his works.”
کِنْتْویتَسْمِنْ سْتھانے پُنَسْتینوچْیَتے، یَتھا، "پْرَویکْشْیَتے جَنَیریتَے رْنَ وِشْرامَسْتھَلَں مَمَ۔ " | 5 |
And again in this same passage he said, “They will never enter my rest.”
پھَلَتَسْتَتْ سْتھانَں کَیشْچِتْ پْرَویشْٹَوْیَں کِنْتُ یے پُرا سُسَںوادَں شْرُتَوَنْتَسْتَیرَوِشْواساتْ تَنَّ پْرَوِشْٹَمْ، | 6 |
Therefore, because it is still reserved for some to enter his rest, and since many Israelites who heard the good news did not enter it because of disobedience,
اِتِ ہیتوح سَ پُنَرَدْیَنامَکَں دِنَں نِرُوپْیَ دِیرْگھَکالے گَتےپِ پُورْوّوکْتاں واچَں دایُودا کَتھَیَتِ، یَتھا، "اَدْیَ یُویَں کَتھاں تَسْیَ یَدِ سَںشْروتُمِچّھَتھَ، تَرْہِ ما کُرُتیدانِیں کَٹھِنانِ مَناںسِ وَح۔ " | 7 |
God has again set a certain day calling it “Today.” After many days, he spoke through David, as it was earlier said, “Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”
اَپَرَں یِہوشُویو یَدِ تانْ وْیَشْرامَیِشْیَتْ تَرْہِ تَتَح پَرَمْ اَپَرَسْیَ دِنَسْیَ واگْ اِیشْوَرینَ ناکَتھَیِشْیَتَ۔ | 8 |
For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken about another day.
اَتَ اِیشْوَرَسْیَ پْرَجابھِح کَرْتَّوْیَ ایکو وِشْرامَسْتِشْٹھَتِ۔ | 9 |
Therefore there is still a Sabbath rest reserved for God's people.
اَپَرَمْ اِیشْوَرو یَدْوَتْ سْوَکرِتَکَرْمَّبھْیو وِشَشْرامَ تَدْوَتْ تَسْیَ وِشْرامَسْتھانَں پْرَوِشْٹو جَنوپِ سْوَکرِتَکَرْمَّبھْیو وِشْرامْیَتِ۔ | 10 |
For he who enters into God's rest has himself also rested from his deeds, just as God did from his.
اَتو وَیَں تَدْ وِشْرامَسْتھانَں پْرَویشْٹُں یَتامَہَے، تَدَوِشْواسوداہَرَنینَ کوپِ نَ پَتَتُ۔ | 11 |
Therefore let us be eager to enter that rest, so that no one will fall into the kind of disobedience that they did.
اِیشْوَرَسْیَ وادومَرَح پْرَبھاوَوِشِشْٹَشْچَ سَرْوَّسْمادْ دْوِدھارَکھَنْگادَپِ تِیکْشْنَح، اَپَرَں پْراناتْمَنو رْگْرَنْتھِمَجَّیوشْچَ پَرِبھیدایَ وِچّھیدَکارِی مَنَسَشْچَ سَنْکَلْپانامْ اَبھِپْریتانانْچَ وِچارَکَح۔ | 12 |
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. It pierces even to the division of soul from spirit, and joints from marrow. It is able to know the heart's thoughts and intentions.
اَپَرَں یَسْیَ سَمِیپے سْوِییا سْوِییا کَتھاسْمابھِح کَتھَیِتَوْیا تَسْیاگوچَرَح کوپِ پْرانِی ناسْتِ تَسْیَ درِشْٹَو سَرْوَّمیواناورِتَں پْرَکاشِتَنْچاسْتے۔ | 13 |
Nothing created is hidden before God. Instead, everything is bare and open to the eyes of the one to whom we must give account.
اَپَرَں یَ اُچَّتَمَں سْوَرْگَں پْرَوِشْٹَ ایتادرِشَ ایکو وْیَکْتِرَرْتھَتَ اِیشْوَرَسْیَ پُتْرو یِیشُرَسْماکَں مَہایاجَکوسْتِ، اَتو ہیتو رْوَیَں دھَرْمَّپْرَتِجْناں درِڈھَمْ آلَمْبامَہَے۔ | 14 |
Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us firmly hold to our beliefs.
اَسْماکَں یو مَہایاجَکو سْتِ سوسْماکَں دُحکھَے رْدُحکھِتو بھَوِتُمْ اَشَکْتو نَہِ کِنْتُ پاپَں وِنا سَرْوَّوِشَیے وَیَمِوَ پَرِیکْشِتَح۔ | 15 |
For we do not have a high priest who cannot feel sympathy for our weaknesses. Instead, we have someone who has in all ways been tempted as we are, except that he is without sin.
اَتَایوَ کرِپاں گْرَہِیتُں پْرَیوجَنِییوپَکارارْتھَمْ اَنُگْرَہَں پْراپْتُنْچَ وَیَمْ اُتْساہینانُگْرَہَسِںہاسَنَسْیَ سَمِیپَں یامَح۔ | 16 |
Let us then go with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.