< ۱ تِیمَتھِیَح 3 >
یَدِ کَشْچِدْ اَدھْیَکْشَپَدَمْ آکانْکْشَتے تَرْہِ سَ اُتَّمَں کَرْمَّ لِپْسَتَ اِتِ سَتْیَں۔ | 1 |
This is a faithful saying: someone who seeks to be an overseer desires a good work.
اَتودھْیَکْشینانِنْدِتینَیکَسْیا یوشِتو بھَرْتْرا پَرِمِتَبھوگینَ سَںیَتَمَنَسا سَبھْییناتِتھِسیوَکینَ شِکْشَنے نِپُنینَ | 2 |
The overseer therefore must be without reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, sensible, modest, hospitable, good at teaching;
نَ مَدْیَپینَ نَ پْرَہارَکینَ کِنْتُ مرِدُبھاوینَ نِرْوِّوادینَ نِرْلوبھینَ | 3 |
not a drinker, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous;
سْوَپَرِوارانامْ اُتَّمَشاسَکینَ پُورْنَوِنِیتَتْوادْ وَشْیاناں سَنْتاناناں نِیَنْتْرا چَ بھَوِتَوْیَں۔ | 4 |
one who rules his own house well, having children in subjection with all reverence;
یَتَ آتْمَپَرِوارانْ شاسِتُں یو نَ شَکْنوتِ تینیشْوَرَسْیَ سَمِتیسْتَتّواوَدھارَنَں کَتھَں کارِشْیَتے؟ | 5 |
(for how could someone who doesn’t know how to rule his own house take care of God’s assembly?)
اَپَرَں سَ گَرْوِّتو بھُوتْوا یَتْ شَیَتانَ اِوَ دَنْڈَیوگْیو نَ بھَویتْ تَدَرْتھَں تینَ نَوَشِشْیینَ نَ بھَوِتَوْیَں۔ | 6 |
not a new convert, lest being puffed up he fall into the same condemnation as the devil.
یَچَّ نِنْدایاں شَیَتانَسْیَ جالے چَ نَ پَتیتْ تَدَرْتھَں تینَ بَہِحسْتھَلوکانامَپِ مَدھْیے سُکھْیاتِیُکْتینَ بھَوِتَوْیَں۔ | 7 |
Moreover he must have good testimony from those who are outside, to avoid falling into reproach and the snare of the devil.
تَدْوَتْ پَرِچارَکَیرَپِ وِنِیتَے رْدْوِوِدھَواکْیَرَہِتَے رْبَہُمَدْیَپانے ناسَکْتَے رْنِرْلوبھَیشْچَ بھَوِتَوْیَں، | 8 |
Servants, in the same way, must be reverent, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for money,
نِرْمَّلَسَںویدینَ چَ وِشْواسَسْیَ نِگُوڈھَواکْیَں دھاتِوْیَنْچَ۔ | 9 |
holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.
اَگْرے تیشاں پَرِیکْشا کْرِیَتاں تَتَح پَرَمْ اَنِنْدِتا بھُوتْوا تے پَرِچَرْیّاں کُرْوَّنْتُ۔ | 10 |
Let them also first be tested; then let them serve if they are blameless.
اَپَرَں یوشِدْبھِرَپِ وِنِیتابھِرَنَپَوادِکابھِح سَتَرْکابھِح سَرْوَّتْرَ وِشْواسْیابھِشْچَ بھَوِتَوْیَں۔ | 11 |
Their wives in the same way must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, and faithful in all things.
پَرِچارَکا ایکَیکَیوشِتو بھَرْتّارو بھَوییُح، نِجَسَنْتاناناں پَرِجَنانانْچَ سُشاسَنَں کُرْیُّشْچَ۔ | 12 |
Let servants be husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.
یَتَح سا پَرِچَرْیّا یَے رْبھَدْرَرُوپینَ سادھْیَتے تے شْریشْٹھَپَدَں پْراپْنُوَنْتِ کھْرِیشْٹے یِیشَو وِشْواسینَ مَہوتْسُکا بھَوَنْتِ چَ۔ | 13 |
For those who have served well gain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.
تْواں پْرَتْییتَتْپَتْرَلیکھَنَسَمَیے شِیگھْرَں تْوَتْسَمِیپَگَمَنَسْیَ پْرَتْیاشا مَمَ وِدْیَتے۔ | 14 |
These things I write to you, hoping to come to you shortly,
یَدِ وا وِلَمْبییَ تَرْہِیشْوَرَسْیَ گرِہے رْتھَتَح سَتْیَدھَرْمَّسْیَ سْتَمْبھَبھِتِّمُولَسْوَرُوپایامْ اَمَریشْوَرَسْیَ سَمِتَو تْوَیا کِیدرِشَ آچارَح کَرْتَّوْیَسْتَتْ جْناتُں شَکْشْیَتے۔ | 15 |
but if I wait long, that you may know how men ought to behave themselves in God’s house, which is the assembly of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
اَپَرَں یَسْیَ مَہَتّوَں سَرْوَّسْوِیکرِتَمْ اِیشْوَرَبھَکْتیسْتَتْ نِگُوڈھَواکْیَمِدَمْ اِیشْوَرو مانَوَدیہے پْرَکاشِتَ آتْمَنا سَپُنْیِیکرِتو دُوتَیح سَنْدرِشْٹَح سَرْوَّجاتِییاناں نِکَٹے گھوشِتو جَگَتو وِشْواسَپاتْرِیبھُوتَسْتیجَحپْراپْتَیے سْوَرْگَں نِیتَشْچیتِ۔ | 16 |
Without controversy, the mystery of godliness is great: God was revealed in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen by angels, preached amongst the nations, believed on in the world, and received up in glory.