< ۱ کَرِنْتھِنَح 11 >
ہے بھْراتَرَح، یُویَں سَرْوَّسْمِنْ کارْیّے ماں سْمَرَتھَ مَیا چَ یادرِگُپَدِشْٹاسْتادرِگاچَرَتھَیتَتْکارَناتْ مَیا پْرَشَںسَنِییا آدھْبے۔ | 1 |
Be ye then imitators of me, as I also am of Christ.
تَتھاپِ مَمَیشا وانْچھا یَدْ یُویَمِدَمْ اَوَگَتا بھَوَتھَ، | 2 |
Now I commend you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.
ایکَیکَسْیَ پُرُشَسْیوتَّمانْگَسْوَرُوپَح کھْرِیشْٹَح، یوشِتَشْچوتَّمانْگَسْوَرُوپَح پُمانْ، کھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ چوتَّمانْگَسْوَرُوپَ اِیشْوَرَح۔ | 3 |
But I would have you know that Christ is the head of every man; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
اَپَرَمْ آچّھادِتوتَّمانْگینَ یینَ پُںسا پْرارْتھَنا کْرِیَتَ اِیشْوَرِییَوانِی کَتھْیَتے وا تینَ سْوِییوتَّمانْگَمْ اَوَجْنایَتے۔ | 4 |
Every man praying or prophesying, having a veil on his head, dishonoureth Him who is his head.
اَناچّھادِتوتَّمانْگَیا یَیا یوشِتا چَ پْرارْتھَنا کْرِیَتَ اِیشْوَرِییَوانِی کَتھْیَتے وا تَیاپِ سْوِییوتَّمانْگَمْ اَوَجْنایَتے یَتَح سا مُنْڈِتَشِرَحسَدرِشا۔ | 5 |
But every woman praying or prophesying with her head unveiled dishonoureth man her head; for it is even all one as if she were shaved.
اَناچّھادِتَمَسْتَکا یا یوشِتْ تَسْیاح شِرَح مُنْڈَنِییَمیوَ کِنْتُ یوشِتَح کیشَچّھیدَنَں شِرومُنْڈَنَں وا یَدِ لَجّاجَنَکَں بھَویتْ تَرْہِ تَیا سْوَشِرَ آچّھادْیَتاں۔ | 6 |
For if a woman be not covered, she may as well be shorn: but if it be shameful to a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered.
پُمانْ اِیشْوَرَسْیَ پْرَتِمُورْتِّح پْرَتِتیجَحسْوَرُوپَشْچَ تَسْماتْ تینَ شِرو ناچّھادَنِییَں کِنْتُ سِیمَنْتِنِی پُںسَح پْرَتِبِمْبَسْوَرُوپا۔ | 7 |
For a man indeed ought not to have his head covered, he being the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.
یَتو یوشاتَح پُمانْ نودَپادِ کِنْتُ پُںسو یوشِدْ اُدَپادِ۔ | 8 |
For the man was not of the woman; but the woman was taken out of the man:
اَدھِکَنْتُ یوشِتَح کرِتے پُںسَح سرِشْٹِ رْنَ بَبھُووَ کِنْتُ پُںسَح کرِتے یوشِتَح سرِشْٹِ رْبَبھُووَ۔ | 9 |
nor was the man created for the sake of the woman, but the woman for the man.
اِتِ ہیتو رْدُوتانامْ آدَرادْ یوشِتا شِرَسْیَدھِینَتاسُوچَکَمْ آوَرَنَں دھَرْتَّوْیَں۔ | 10 |
For this reason ought the woman to have power on her head, because of the angels.
تَتھاپِ پْرَبھو رْوِدھِنا پُماںسَں وِنا یوشِنَّ جایَتے یوشِتَنْچَ وِنا پُمانْ نَ جایَتے۔ | 11 |
Nevertheless, neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man, in the Lord.
یَتو یَتھا پُںسو یوشِدْ اُدَپادِ تَتھا یوشِتَح پُمانْ جایَتے، سَرْوَّوَسْتُونِ چیشْوَرادْ اُتْپَدْیَنْتے۔ | 12 |
For as the woman was originally from the man, so also is the man by the woman: but all things are from God.
یُشْمابھِریوَیتَدْ وِوِچْیَتاں، اَناورِتَیا یوشِتا پْرارْتھَنَں کِں سُدرِشْیَں بھَویتْ؟ | 13 |
Judge in yourselves, Is it decent for a woman to pray to God uncovered?
پُرُشَسْیَ دِیرْگھَکیشَتْوَں تَسْیَ لَجّاجَنَکَں، کِنْتُ یوشِتو دِیرْگھَکیشَتْوَں تَسْیا گَورَوَجَنَکَں | 14 |
Doth not even nature itself teach you, that if a man have long hair, it is a disgrace to him?
یَتَ آچّھادَنایَ تَسْیَے کیشا دَتّا اِتِ کِں یُشْمابھِح سْوَبھاوَتو نَ شِکْشْیَتے؟ | 15 |
but if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her; because the hair was given her as for a veil.
اَتْرَ یَدِ کَشْچِدْ وِوَدِتُمْ اِچّھیتْ تَرْہْیَسْماکَمْ اِیشْوَرِییَسَمِتِینانْچَ تادرِشِی رِیتِ رْنَ وِدْیَتے۔ | 16 |
But if any one is pleased to contend for the contrary, I answer, We have no such custom, nor any of the churches of God.
یُشْمابھِ رْنَ بھَدْرایَ کِنْتُ کُتْسِتایَ سَماگَمْیَتے تَسْمادْ ایتانِ بھاشَمانینَ مَیا یُویَں نَ پْرَشَںسَنِییاح۔ | 17 |
But whilst I am declaring this, I do not commend you, that ye assemble together not for the better, but for the worse.
پْرَتھَمَتَح سَمِتَو سَماگَتاناں یُشْماکَں مَدھْیے بھیداح سَنْتِیتِ وارْتّا مَیا شْرُویَتے تَنْمَدھْیے کِنْچِتْ سَتْیَں مَنْیَتے چَ۔ | 18 |
For first when ye come together in the church, I hear there are divisions among you, and I partly believe it.
یَتو ہیتو رْیُشْمَنْمَدھْیے یے پَرِیکْشِتاسْتے یَتْ پْرَکاشْیَنْتے تَدَرْتھَں بھیدَے رْبھَوِتَوْیَمیوَ۔ | 19 |
For there must be even heresies among you, that they who are approved may be made manifest among you.
ایکَتْرَ سَماگَتَے رْیُشْمابھِح پْرَبھاوَں بھےجْیَں بھُجْیَتَ اِتِ نَہِ؛ | 20 |
When therefore ye thus assemble together, this is not eating the Lord's supper:
یَتو بھوجَنَکالے یُشْماکَمیکَیکینَ سْوَکِییَں بھَکْشْیَں تُورْنَں گْرَسْیَتے تَسْمادْ ایکو جَنو بُبھُکْشِتَسْتِشْٹھَتِ، اَنْیَشْچَ پَرِترِپْتو بھَوَتِ۔ | 21 |
for in eating every one takes his own supper first; and one is hungry, and another is glutted.
بھوجَنَپانارْتھَں یُشْماکَں کِں ویشْمانِ نَ سَنْتِ؟ یُشْمابھِ رْوا کِمْ اِیشْوَرَسْیَ سَمِتِں تُچّھِیکرِتْیَ دِینا لوکا اَوَجْنایَنْتے؟ اِتْیَنینَ مَیا کِں وَکْتَوْیَں؟ یُویَں کِں مَیا پْرَشَںسَنِییاح؟ ایتَسْمِنْ یُویَں نَ پْرَشَںسَنِییاح۔ | 22 |
What! have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or do ye despise the church of God, and shame those that have not? What shall I say to you? shall I praise you in this? I praise you not.
پْرَبھُتو یَ اُپَدیشو مَیا لَبْدھو یُشْماسُ سَمَرْپِتَشْچَ سَ ایشَح۔ | 23 |
For I received from the Lord, that which I also delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which He was betrayed took bread:
پَرَکَرَسَمَرْپَنَکْشَپایاں پْرَبھُ رْیِیشُح پُوپَماداییشْوَرَں دھَنْیَں وْیاہرِتْیَ تَں بھَنْکْتْوا بھاشِتَوانْ یُشْمابھِریتَدْ گرِہْیَتاں بھُجْیَتانْچَ تَدْ یُشْمَتْکرِتے بھَگْنَں مَمَ شَرِیرَں؛ مَمَ سْمَرَنارْتھَں یُشْمابھِریتَتْ کْرِیَتاں۔ | 24 |
and gave thanks, and brake it, and said, "Take and eat; this is my body, which is going to be broken for you: this do in remembrance of me."
پُنَشْچَ بھیجَناتْ پَرَں تَتھَیوَ کَںسَمْ آدایَ تینوکْتَں کَںسویَں مَمَ شونِتینَ سْتھاپِتو نُوتَنَنِیَمَح؛ یَتِوارَں یُشْمابھِریتَتْ پِییَتے تَتِوارَں مَمَ سْمَرَنارْتھَں پِییَتاں۔ | 25 |
And in the same manner He took the cup, after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant ratified in my blood: this do, as often as ye drink of it, in remembrance of me."
یَتِوارَں یُشْمابھِریشَ پُوپو بھُجْیَتے بھاجَنینانینَ پِییَتے چَ تَتِوارَں پْرَبھوراگَمَنَں یاوَتْ تَسْیَ مرِتْیُح پْرَکاشْیَتے۔ | 26 |
As often then as ye eat of this bread, and drink of this cup, ye commemorate the Lord's death till he come.
اَپَرَنْچَ یَح کَشْچِدْ اَیوگْیَتْوینَ پْرَبھورِمَں پُوپَمْ اَشْناتِ تَسْیانینَ بھاجَنینَ پِوَتِ چَ سَ پْرَبھوح کایَرُدھِرَیو رْدَنْڈَدایِی بھَوِشْیَتِ۔ | 27 |
So that whosoever eateth this bread, or drinketh of the cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord.
تَسْماتْ مانَویناگْرَ آتْمانَ پَرِیکْشْیَ پَشْچادْ ایشَ پُوپو بھُجْیَتاں کَںسینانینَ چَ پِییَتاں۔ | 28 |
But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of this bread and drink of this cup:
یینَ چانَرْہَتْوینَ بھُجْیَتے پِییَتے چَ پْرَبھوح کایَمْ اَوِمرِشَتا تینَ دَنْڈَپْراپْتَیے بھُجْیَتے پِییَتے چَ۔ | 29 |
for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgement against himself, not distinguishing the Lord's body.
ایتَتْکارَنادْ یُشْماکَں بھُورِشو لوکا دُرْبَّلا روگِنَشْچَ سَنْتِ بَہَوَشْچَ مَہانِدْراں گَتاح۔ | 30 |
For this many among you are weak and infirm, and several are fallen asleep.
اَسْمابھِ رْیَدْیاتْمَوِچاروکارِشْیَتَ تَرْہِ دَنْڈو نالَپْسْیَتَ؛ | 31 |
If then we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged:
کِنْتُ یَداسْماکَں وِچارو بھَوَتِ تَدا وَیَں جَگَتو جَنَیح سَمَں یَدْ دَنْڈَں نَ لَبھامَہے تَدَرْتھَں پْرَبھُنا شاسْتِں بھُںجْمَہے۔ | 32 |
but when judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.
ہے مَمَ بھْراتَرَح، بھوجَنارْتھَں مِلِتاناں یُشْماکَمْ ایکینیتَرونُگرِہْیَتاں۔ | 33 |
Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, wait for one another:
یَشْچَ بُبھُکْشِتَح سَ سْوَگرِہے بھُنْکْتاں۔ دَنْڈَپْراپْتَیے یُشْمابھِ رْنَ سَماگَمْیَتاں۔ ایتَدْبھِنَّں یَدْ آدیشْٹَوْیَں تَدْ یُشْمَتْسَمِیپاگَمَنَکالے مَیادیکْشْیَتے۔ | 34 |
and if any one be hungry, let him eat at home, that ye may not come together to your condemnation. And as to other things, I will set them in order when I come.