< པྲེརིཏཱཿ 25 >

1 ཨནནྟརཾ ཕཱིཥྚོ ནིཛརཱཛྱམ྄ ཨཱགཏྱ དིནཏྲཡཱཏ྄ པརཾ ཀཻསརིཡཱཏོ ཡིརཱུཤཱལམྣགརམ྄ ཨཱགམཏ྄།
Three days after Festus entered his province, he went up from Caesarea to Jerusalem.
2 ཏདཱ མཧཱཡཱཛཀོ ཡིཧཱུདཱིཡཱནཱཾ པྲདྷཱནལོཀཱཤྩ ཏསྱ སམཀྵཾ པཽལམ྄ ཨཔཱཝདནྟ།
The high priest and the Jewish leaders laid charges against Paul before him.
3 བྷཝཱན྄ ཏཾ ཡིརཱུཤཱལམམ྄ ཨཱནེཏུམ྄ ཨཱཛྙཱཔཡཏྭིཏི ཝིནཱིཡ ཏེ ཏསྨཱད྄ ཨནུགྲཧཾ ཝཱཉྪིཏཝནྟཿ།
They urged him, asking it as a favor, to send for him to Jerusalem. They meant to lay in wait for him and kill him on the way.
4 ཡཏཿ པཐིམདྷྱེ གོཔནེན པཽལཾ ཧནྟུཾ ཏཻ རྒྷཱཏཀཱ ནིཡུཀྟཱཿ། ཕཱིཥྚ ཨུཏྟརཾ དཏྟཝཱན྄ པཽལཿ ཀཻསརིཡཱཡཱཾ སྠཱསྱཏི པུནརལྤདིནཱཏ྄ པརམ྄ ཨཧཾ ཏཏྲ ཡཱསྱཱམི།
But Festus answered that Paul was in custody at Caesarea, and that he himself was going there soon.
5 ཏཏསྟསྱ མཱནུཥསྱ ཡདི ཀཤྩིད྄ ཨཔརཱདྷསྟིཥྛཏི ཏརྷི ཡུཥྨཱཀཾ ཡེ ཤཀྣུཝནྟི ཏེ མཡཱ སཧ ཏཏྲ གཏྭཱ ཏམཔཝདནྟུ ས ཨེཏཱཾ ཀཐཱཾ ཀཐིཏཝཱན྄།
"Let those then," he said, "who are in authority among you, go down with me, and if there is anything amiss in the man, let them accuse him."
6 དཤདིཝསེབྷྱོ྅དྷིཀཾ ཝིལམྦྱ ཕཱིཥྚསྟསྨཱཏ྄ ཀཻསརིཡཱནགརཾ གཏྭཱ པརསྨིན྄ དིཝསེ ཝིཙཱརཱསན ཨུཔདིཤྱ པཽལམ྄ ཨཱནེཏུམ྄ ཨཱཛྙཱཔཡཏ྄།
After staying not more than eight or ten days among them, he went down to Caesarea, and the next day, after taking his seat upon the tribunal, he ordered Paul to be brought.
7 པཽལེ སམུཔསྠིཏེ སཏི ཡིརཱུཤཱལམྣགརཱད྄ ཨཱགཏཱ ཡིཧཱུདཱིཡལོཀཱསྟཾ ཙཏུརྡིཤི སཾཝེཥྚྱ ཏསྱ ཝིརུདྡྷཾ བཧཱུན྄ མཧཱདོཥཱན྄ ཨུཏྠཱཔིཏཝནྟཿ ཀིནྟུ ཏེཥཱཾ ཀིམཔི པྲམཱཎཾ དཱཏུཾ ན ཤཀྣུཝནྟཿ།
When he came in, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood around him and brought a number of serious charges against him, which they could not prove.
8 ཏཏཿ པཽལཿ སྭསྨིན྄ ཨུཏྟརམིདམ྄ ཨུདིཏཝཱན྄, ཡིཧཱུདཱིཡཱནཱཾ ཝྱཝསྠཱཡཱ མནྡིརསྱ ཀཻསརསྱ ཝཱ པྲཏིཀཱུལཾ ཀིམཔི ཀརྨྨ ནཱཧཾ ཀྲྀཏཝཱན྄།
Paul said in his defense, "I have committed no crime against the Law of the Jews, against the Temple, or against Caesar."
9 ཀིནྟུ ཕཱིཥྚོ ཡིཧཱུདཱིཡཱན྄ སནྟུཥྚཱན྄ ཀརྟྟུམ྄ ཨབྷིལཥན྄ པཽལམ྄ ཨབྷཱཥཏ ཏྭཾ ཀིཾ ཡིརཱུཤཱལམཾ གཏྭཱསྨིན྄ ཨབྷིཡོགེ མམ སཱཀྵཱད྄ ཝིཙཱརིཏོ བྷཝིཥྱསི?
But Festus, wishing to ingratiate himself with the Jews, answered Paul and said, "Will you go up to Jerusalem and be tried there by me upon these charges?"
10 ཏཏཿ པཽལ ཨུཏྟརཾ པྲོཀྟཝཱན྄, ཡཏྲ མམ ཝིཙཱརོ བྷཝིཏུཾ ཡོགྱཿ ཀཻསརསྱ ཏཏྲ ཝིཙཱརཱསན ཨེཝ སམུཔསྠིཏོསྨི; ཨཧཾ ཡིཧཱུདཱིཡཱནཱཾ ཀཱམཔི ཧཱནིཾ ནཱཀཱརྵམ྄ ཨིཏི བྷཝཱན྄ ཡཐཱརྠཏོ ཝིཛཱནཱཏི།
"I am standing before Caesar’s tribunal," answered Paul, "where I ought to be tried. I have done no wrong to the Jews, as you very well know.
11 ཀཉྩིདཔརཱདྷཾ ཀིཉྩན ཝདྷཱརྷཾ ཀརྨྨ ཝཱ ཡདྱཧམ྄ ཨཀརིཥྱཾ ཏརྷི པྲཱཎཧནནདཎྜམཔི བྷོཀྟུམ྄ ཨུདྱཏོ྅བྷཝིཥྱཾ, ཀིནྟུ ཏེ མམ སམཔཝཱདཾ ཀུཪྻྭནྟི ས ཡདི ཀལྤིཏམཱཏྲོ བྷཝཏི ཏརྷི ཏེཥཱཾ ཀརེཥུ མཱཾ སམརྤཡིཏུཾ ཀསྱཱཔྱདྷིཀཱརོ ནཱསྟི, ཀཻསརསྱ ནིཀཊེ མམ ཝིཙཱརོ བྷཝཏུ།
"If I am a criminal and have done anything for which I ought to die, I do not object to die. But if none of their charges is true, no man can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar."
12 ཏདཱ ཕཱིཥྚོ མནྟྲིབྷིཿ སཱརྡྡྷཾ སཾམནྟྲྱ པཽལཱཡ ཀཐིཏཝཱན྄, ཀཻསརསྱ ནིཀཊེ ཀིཾ ཏཝ ཝིཙཱརོ བྷཝིཥྱཏི? ཀཻསརསྱ སམཱིཔཾ གམིཥྱསི།
Then Festus, after conferring with the council, answered. "You have appealed to Caesar; to Caesar you shall go."
13 ཀིཡདྡིནེབྷྱཿ པརམ྄ ཨཱགྲིཔྤརཱཛཱ བརྞཱིཀཱི ཙ ཕཱིཥྚཾ སཱཀྵཱཏ྄ ཀརྟྟུཾ ཀཻསརིཡཱནགརམ྄ ཨཱགཏཝནྟཽ།
A short time after this King Agrippa and Bernice came to Caesarea to pay their respects to Festus.
14 ཏདཱ ཏཽ བཧུདིནཱནི ཏཏྲ སྠིཏཽ ཏཏཿ ཕཱིཥྚསྟཾ རཱཛཱནཾ པཽལསྱ ཀཐཱཾ ཝིཛྙཱཔྱ ཀཐཡིཏུམ྄ ཨཱརབྷཏ པཽལནཱམཱནམ྄ ཨེཀཾ བནྡི ཕཱིལིཀྵོ བདྡྷཾ སཾསྠཱཔྱ གཏཝཱན྄།
And while they tarried many days, Festus laid Paul’s case before the king. "There is a man here," he said, "whom Felix left a prisoner.
15 ཡིརཱུཤཱལམི མམ སྠིཏིཀཱལེ མཧཱཡཱཛཀོ ཡིཧཱུདཱིཡཱནཱཾ པྲཱཙཱིནལོཀཱཤྩ ཏམ྄ ཨཔོདྱ ཏམྤྲཏི དཎྜཱཛྙཱཾ པྲཱརྠཡནྟ།
"The chief priests and the elders of the Jews informed me about him, when I was at Jerusalem, demanding a sentence against him.
16 ཏཏོཧམ྄ ཨིཏྱུཏྟརམ྄ ཨཝདཾ ཡཱཝད྄ ཨཔོདིཏོ ཛནཿ སྭཱཔཝཱདཀཱན྄ སཱཀྵཱཏ྄ ཀྲྀཏྭཱ སྭསྨིན྄ ཡོ྅པརཱདྷ ཨཱརོཔིཏསྟསྱ པྲཏྱུཏྟརཾ དཱཏུཾ སུཡོགཾ ན པྲཱཔྣོཏི, ཏཱཝཏྐཱལཾ ཀསྱཱཔི མཱནུཥསྱ པྲཱཎནཱཤཱཛྙཱཔནཾ རོམིལོཀཱནཱཾ རཱིཏི རྣཧི།
I told them that it was not the custom of the Romans to give any man up for punishment, before the accused had his accusers face to face, and had opportunity of defending himself against the charges that had been brought against him.
17 ཏཏསྟེཥྭཏྲཱགཏེཥུ པརསྨིན྄ དིཝསེ྅ཧམ྄ ཨཝིལམྦཾ ཝིཙཱརཱསན ཨུཔཝིཤྱ ཏཾ མཱནུཥམ྄ ཨཱནེཏུམ྄ ཨཱཛྙཱཔཡམ྄།
"So when a number of them came together here, I made no delay, but the next day took my seat in the tribunal, and commanded the man to be brought.
18 ཏདནནྟརཾ ཏསྱཱཔཝཱདཀཱ ཨུཔསྠཱཡ ཡཱདྲྀཤམ྄ ཨཧཾ ཙིནྟིཏཝཱན྄ ཏཱདྲྀཤཾ ཀཉྩན མཧཱཔཝཱདཾ ནོཏྠཱཔྱ
"But when his accusers stood up, they did not begin charging him with any of the crimes that I was expecting,
19 སྭེཥཱཾ མཏེ ཏཐཱ པཽལོ ཡཾ སཛཱིཝཾ ཝདཏི ཏསྨིན྄ ཡཱིཤུནཱམནི མྲྀཏཛནེ ཙ ཏསྱ ཝིརུདྡྷཾ ཀཐིཏཝནྟཿ།
but they kept quarreling with him about certain matters connected with their own religion, and about one Jesus who had died, but whom Paul affirmed over and over was alive.
20 ཏཏོཧཾ ཏཱདྲྀགྭིཙཱརེ སཾཤཡཱནཿ སན྄ ཀཐིཏཝཱན྄ ཏྭཾ ཡིརཱུཤཱལམཾ གཏྭཱ ཀིཾ ཏཏྲ ཝིཙཱརིཏོ བྷཝིཏུམ྄ ཨིཙྪསི?
I was perplexed how to investigate such questions, and asked Paul whether he would go to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these matters.
21 ཏདཱ པཽལོ མཧཱརཱཛསྱ ནིཀཊེ ཝིཙཱརིཏོ བྷཝིཏུཾ པྲཱརྠཡཏ, ཏསྨཱད྄ ཡཱཝཏྐཱལཾ ཏཾ ཀཻསརསྱ སམཱིཔཾ པྲེཥཡིཏུཾ ན ཤཀྣོམི ཏཱཝཏྐཱལཾ ཏམཏྲ སྠཱཔཡིཏུམ྄ ཨཱདིཥྚཝཱན྄།
But when Paul appealed to have his case reviewed for the decision of the Emperor, I ordered him to be detained until I could send him up to Caesar."
22 ཏཏ ཨཱགྲིཔྤཿ ཕཱིཥྚམ྄ ཨུཀྟཝཱན྄, ཨཧམཔི ཏསྱ མཱནུཥསྱ ཀཐཱཾ ཤྲོཏུམ྄ ཨབྷིལཥཱམི། ཏདཱ ཕཱིཥྚོ ཝྱཱཧརཏ྄ ཤྭསྟདཱིཡཱཾ ཀཐཱཾ ཏྭཾ ཤྲོཥྱསི།
"I should like to hear the man, myself," said Agrippa to Festus. Festus answered, "You shall hear him tomorrow."
23 པརསྨིན྄ དིཝསེ ཨཱགྲིཔྤོ བརྞཱིཀཱི ཙ མཧཱསམཱགམཾ ཀྲྀཏྭཱ པྲདྷཱནཝཱཧིནཱིཔཏིབྷི རྣགརསྠཔྲདྷཱནལོཀཻཤྩ སཧ མིལིཏྭཱ རཱཛགྲྀཧམཱགཏྱ སམུཔསྠིཏཽ ཏདཱ ཕཱིཥྚསྱཱཛྙཡཱ པཽལ ཨཱནཱིཏོ྅བྷཝཏ྄།
So the next day Agrippa and Bernice came with great pomp, and took their places in the hall of audience, accompanied by the tribunes and men of high rank in the city. At the command of Festus Paul was brought in.
24 ཏདཱ ཕཱིཥྚཿ ཀཐིཏཝཱན྄ ཧེ རཱཛན྄ ཨཱགྲིཔྤ ཧེ ཨུཔསྠིཏཱཿ སཪྻྭེ ལོཀཱ ཡིརཱུཤཱལམྣགརེ ཡིཧཱུདཱིཡལོཀསམཱུཧོ ཡསྨིན྄ མཱནུཥེ མམ སམཱིཔེ ནིཝེདནཾ ཀྲྀཏྭཱ པྲོཙྩཻཿ ཀཐཱམིམཱཾ ཀཐིཏཝཱན྄ པུནརལྤཀཱལམཔི ཏསྱ ཛཱིཝནཾ ནོཙིཏཾ ཏམེཏཾ མཱནུཥཾ པཤྱཏ།
"King Agrippa," said Festus, "and all men who are present with us, you see here the man about whom the entire body of the Jews at Jerusalem, and here also, sent to me, crying out that he ought not to live any longer.
25 ཀིནྟྭེཥ ཛནཿ པྲཱཎནཱཤརྷཾ ཀིམཔི ཀརྨྨ ན ཀྲྀཏཝཱན྄ ཨིཏྱཛཱནཱཾ ཏཐཱཔི ས མཧཱརཱཛསྱ སནྣིདྷཽ ཝིཙཱརིཏོ བྷཝིཏུཾ པྲཱརྠཡཏ ཏསྨཱཏ྄ ཏསྱ སམཱིཔཾ ཏཾ པྲེཥཡིཏུཾ མཏིམཀརཝམ྄།
"I could not find that he had done anything for which he ought to die; but as he himself has appealed to the Emperor, I have determined to send him.
26 ཀིནྟུ ཤྲཱིཡུཀྟསྱ སམཱིཔམ྄ ཨེཏསྨིན྄ ཀིཾ ལེཁནཱིཡམ྄ ཨིཏྱསྱ ཀསྱཙིན྄ ནིརྞཡསྱ ན ཛཱཏཏྭཱད྄ ཨེཏསྱ ཝིཙཱརེ སཏི ཡཐཱཧཾ ལེཁིཏུཾ ཀིཉྩན ནིཤྩིཏཾ པྲཱཔྣོམི ཏདརྠཾ ཡུཥྨཱཀཾ སམཀྵཾ ཝིཤེཥཏོ ཧེ ཨཱགྲིཔྤརཱཛ བྷཝཏཿ སམཀྵམ྄ ཨེཏམ྄ ཨཱནཡེ།
"Now I have nothing very definite to tell our sovereign about him. So I have brought the man before you all, and especially before you, King Agrippa, in order that, after examination, I may have something to write.
27 ཡཏོ བནྡིཔྲེཥཎསམཡེ ཏསྱཱབྷིཡོགསྱ ཀིཉྩིདལེཁནམ྄ ཨཧམ྄ ཨཡུཀྟཾ ཛཱནཱམི།
"For it does seem to me unreasonable to send a person without signifying the charges against him."

< པྲེརིཏཱཿ 25 >