< preritAH 27 >

1 jalapathenAsmAkam itoliyAdeshaM prati yAtrAyAM nishchitAyAM satyAM te yUliyanAmno mahArAjasya saMghAtAntargatasya senApateH samIpe paulaM tadanyAn katinayajanAMshcha samArpayan|
But as it was demed hym to schippe into Ytalie, thei bitoken Poul with othere kepers to a centurien, bi name Julius, of the cumpeny of knyytis of the emperoure.
2 vayam AdrAmuttIyaM potamekam Aruhya AshiyAdeshasya taTasamIpena yAtuM matiM kR^itvA la Ngaram utthApya potam amochayAma; mAkidaniyAdeshasthathiShalanIkInivAsyAristArkhanAmA kashchid jano. asmAbhiH sArddham AsIt|
And we wenten vp in to the schip of Adrymetis, and bigunnen to seile, and weren borun aboute the placis of Asie, while Aristark of Macedonye, Tessalonycence, dwellide stille with vs.
3 parasmin divase. asmAbhiH sIdonnagare pote lAgite tatra yUliyaH senApatiH paulaM prati saujanyaM pradarthya sAntvanArthaM bandhubAndhavAn upayAtum anujaj nau|
And in the dai suynge, we camen to Sydon; and Julius tretyde curteisli Poul, and suffride to go to frendis, and do his nedis.
4 tasmAt pote mochite sati sammukhavAyoH sambhavAd vayaM kupropadvIpasya tIrasamIpena gatavantaH|
And whanne we remouede fro thennus, we vndurseiliden to Cipre, for that wyndis weren contrarie.
5 kilikiyAyAH pAmphUliyAyAshcha samudrasya pAraM gatvA lUkiyAdeshAntargataM murAnagaram upAtiShThAma|
And we seiliden in the see of Silicie and Pamfilie, and camen to Listris, that is Licie.
6 tatsthAnAd itAliyAdeshaM gachChati yaH sikandariyAnagarasya potastaM tatra prApya shatasenApatistaM potam asmAn Arohayat|
And there the centurien foond a schip of Alisaundre, seilinge in to Ytalie, and puttide vs ouer in to it.
7 tataH paraM bahUni dinAni shanaiH shanaiH rgatvA knIdapArshvopasthtiH pUrvvaM pratikUlena pavanena vayaM salmonyAH sammukham upasthAya krItyupadvIpasya tIrasamIpena gatavantaH|
And whanne in many daies we seilden slowli, and vnnethe camen ayens Guydum, for the winde lettide vs, we seiliden to Crete, bisidis Salomona.
8 kaShTena tamuttIryya lAseyAnagarasyAdhaH sundaranAmakaM khAtam upAtiShThAma|
And vnnethe we seilden bisidis, and camen into a place, that is clepid of good hauen, to whom the cite Tessala was niy.
9 itthaM bahutithaH kAlo yApita upavAsadina nchAtItaM, tatkAraNAt nauvartmani bhaya Nkare sati paulo vinayena kathitavAn,
And whanne miche time was passid, and whanne seiling thanne was not sikir, for that fasting was passid, Poul coumfortide hem,
10 he mahechChA ahaM nishchayaM jAnAmi yAtrAyAmasyAm asmAkaM kleshA bahUnAmapachayAshcha bhaviShyanti, te kevalaM potasAmagryoriti nahi, kintvasmAkaM prANAnAmapi|
and seide to hem, Men, Y se that seiling bigynneth to be with wrong and myche harm, not oonli of charge and of the schip, but also of oure lyues.
11 tadA shatasenApatiH pauloktavAkyatopi karNadhArasya potavaNijashcha vAkyaM bahumaMsta|
But the centurien bileuede more to the gouernour, and to the lord of the schip, thanne to these thingis that weren seid of Poul.
12 tat khAtaM shItakAle vAsArhasthAnaM na tasmAd avAchIpratIchordishoH krItyAH phainIkiyakhAtaM yAtuM yadi shaknuvantastarhi tatra shItakAlaM yApayituM prAyeNa sarvve mantrayAmAsuH|
And whanne the hauene was not able to dwelle in wynter, ful many ordeyneden counsel to seile fro thennus, if on ony maner thei miyten come to Fenyce, to dwelle in wynter at the hauene of Crete, which biholdith to Affrik, and to Corum.
13 tataH paraM dakShiNavAyu rmandaM vahatIti vilokya nijAbhiprAyasya siddheH suyogo bhavatIti buddhvA potaM mochayitvA krItyupadvIpasya tIrasamIpena chalitavantaH|
And whanne the south blew, thei gessiden hem to holde purpos; and whanne thei hadden removed fro Asson, thei seiliden to Crete.
14 kintvalpakShaNAt parameva urakludonnAmA pratikUlaH prachaNDo vAyu rvahan pote. alagIt
And not aftir miche, the wynde Tifonyk, that is clepid north eest, was ayens it.
15 tasyAbhimukhaM gantum potasyAshaktatvAd vayaM vAyunA svayaM nItAH|
And whanne the schip was rauyschid, and myyte not enforse ayens the wynde, whanne the schip was youun to the blowynges of the wynde, we weren borun with cours into an ile,
16 anantaraM klaudInAmna upadvIpasya kUlasamIpena potaM gamayitvA bahunA kaShTena kShudranAvam arakShAma|
that is clepid Canda; and vnethe we miyten gete a litil boot.
17 te tAmAruhya rajjchA potasyAdhobhAgam abadhnan tadanantaraM chet poto saikate lagatIti bhayAd vAtavasanAnyamochayan tataH poto vAyunA chAlitaH|
And whanne this was takun vp, thei vsiden helpis, girdinge togidere the schippe; and dredden, lest thei schulden falle into sondi placis. And whanne the vessel was vndur set, so thei weren borun.
18 kintu kramasho vAyoH prabalatvAt poto dolAyamAno. abhavat parasmin divase potasthAni katipayAni dravyANi toye nikShiptAni|
And for we weren throwun with strong tempest, in the dai suynge thei maden casting out.
19 tR^itIyadivase vayaM svahastaiH potasajjanadravyANi nikShiptavantaH|
And the thridde dai with her hoondis thei castiden awei the instrumentis of the schip.
20 tato bahudinAni yAvat sUryyanakShatrAdIni samAchChannAni tato. atIva vAtyAgamAd asmAkaM prANarakShAyAH kApi pratyAshA nAtiShThat|
And whanne the sunne nether the sterris weren seie bi many daies, and tempest not a litil neiyede, now al the hope of oure helthe was don awei.
21 bahudineShu lokairanAhAreNa yApiteShu sarvveShAM sAkShat paulastiShThan akathayat, he mahechChAH krItyupadvIpAt potaM na mochayitum ahaM pUrvvaM yad avadaM tadgrahaNaM yuShmAkam uchitam AsIt tathA kR^ite yuShmAkam eShA vipad eSho. apachayashcha nAghaTiShyetAm|
And whanne myche fasting hadde be, thanne Poul stood in the myddil of hem, and seide, A! men, it bihofte, whanne ye herden me, not to haue take awei the schip fro Crete, and gete this wronge and casting out.
22 kintu sAmprataM yuShmAn vinIya bravImyahaM, yUyaM na kShubhyata yuShmAkam ekasyApi prANino hAni rna bhaviShyati, kevalasya potasya hAni rbhaviShyati|
And now Y counsel you to be of good coumfort, for los of no persoone of you schal be, outakun of the schip.
23 yato yasyeshvarasya loko. ahaM ya nchAhaM paricharAmi tadIya eko dUto hyo rAtrau mamAntike tiShThan kathitavAn,
For an aungel of God, whos Y am, and to whom Y serue, stood niy to me in this niyt, and seide, Poul, drede thou not;
24 he paula mA bhaiShIH kaisarasya sammukhe tvayopasthAtavyaM; tavaitAn sa Ngino lokAn IshvarastubhyaM dattavAn|
it bihoueth thee to stonde bifore the emperour. And lo! God hath youun to thee alle that ben in the schip with thee.
25 ataeva he mahechChA yUyaM sthiramanaso bhavata mahyaM yA kathAkathi sAvashyaM ghaTiShyate mamaitAdR^ishI vishvAsa Ishvare vidyate,
For which thing, ye men, be ye of good coumfort; for Y bileue to my God, that so it schal be, as it is seid to me.
26 kintu kasyachid upadvIpasyopari patitavyam asmAbhiH|
And it bihoueth vs to come into sum yle.
27 tataH param AdriyAsamudre potastathaiva dolAyamAnaH san itastato gachChan chaturdashadivasasya rAtre rdvitIyapraharasamaye kasyachit sthalasya samIpamupatiShThatIti potIyalokA anvamanyanta|
But aftirward that in the fourtenthe dai the niyt cam on vs seilinge in the stony see, aboute mydniyt the schipmen supposiden sum cuntre to appere to hem.
28 tataste jalaM parimAya tatra viMshati rvyAmA jalAnIti j nAtavantaH| ki nchiddUraM gatvA punarapi jalaM parimitavantaH| tatra pa nchadasha vyAmA jalAni dR^iShTvA
And thei kesten doun a plommet, and founden twenti pasis of depnesse. And aftir a litil thei weren departid fro thennus, and foundun fiftene pasis.
29 chet pAShANe lagatIti bhayAt potasya pashchAdbhAgatashchaturo la NgarAn nikShipya divAkaram apekShya sarvve sthitavantaH|
And thei dredden, lest we schulden haue fallun in to scharp placis; and fro the last parti of the schip thei senten foure ankeris, and desiriden that the dai hadde be come.
30 kintu potIyalokAH potAgrabhAge la NgaranikShepaM ChalaM kR^itvA jaladhau kShudranAvam avarohya palAyitum acheShTanta|
And whanne the schipmen souyten to fle fro the schip, whanne thei hadden sent a litil boot in to the see, vndur colour as thei schulden bigynne to stretche forth the ankeris fro the formere part of the schip,
31 tataH paulaH senApataye sainyagaNAya cha kathitavAn, ete yadi potamadhye na tiShThanti tarhi yuShmAkaM rakShaNaM na shakyaM|
Poul seide to the centurien and to the knyytis, But these dwellen in the schip, ye moun not be maad saaf.
32 tadA senAgaNo rajjUn ChitvA nAvaM jale patitum adadAt|
Thanne knyytis kittiden awei the cordis of the litil boot, and suffriden it to falle awei.
33 prabhAtasamaye paulaH sarvvAn janAn bhojanArthaM prArthya vyAharat, adya chaturdashadinAni yAvad yUyam apekShamAnA anAhArAH kAlam ayApayata kimapi nAbhuMgdhaM|
And whanne the dai was come, Poul preiede alle men to take mete, and seide, The fourtenthe dai this dai ye `abiden, and dwellen fastinge, and taken no thing.
34 ato vinaye. ahaM bhakShyaM bhujyatAM tato yuShmAkaM ma NgalaM bhaviShyati, yuShmAkaM kasyachijjanasya shirasaH keshaikopi na naMkShyati|
Wherfor Y preie you to take mete, for youre helthe; for of noon of you the heer of the heed schal perische.
35 iti vyAhR^itya paulaM pUpaM gR^ihItveshvaraM dhanyaM bhAShamANastaM bhaMktvA bhoktum ArabdhavAn|
And whanne he hadde seid these thingis, Poul took breed, and dide thankyngis to God in the siyt of alle men; and whanne he hadde brokun, he bigan to eete.
36 anantaraM sarvve cha susthirAH santaH khAdyAni parpyagR^ihlan|
And alle weren maad of betere coumfort, and thei token mete.
37 asmAkaM pote ShaTsaptatyadhikashatadvayalokA Asan|
And we weren alle men in the schip, two hundrid seuenti and sexe.
38 sarvveShu lokeShu yatheShTaM bhuktavatsu potasthan godhUmAn jaladhau nikShipya taiH potasya bhAro laghUkR^itaH|
And thei weren fillid with mete, and dischargiden the schip, and castiden whete in to the see.
39 dine jAte. api sa ko desha iti tadA na paryyachIyata; kintu tatra samataTam ekaM khAtaM dR^iShTvA yadi shaknumastarhi vayaM tasyAbhyantaraM potaM gamayAma iti matiM kR^itvA te la NgarAn ChittvA jaladhau tyaktavantaH|
And whanne the dai was comun, thei knewen no lond; and thei bihelden an hauene that hadde a watir bank, in to which thei thouyten, if thei miyten, to bringe vp the schip.
40 tathA karNabandhanaM mochayitvA pradhAnaM vAtavasanam uttolya tIrasamIpaM gatavantaH|
And whanne thei hadden take vp the ankeris, thei bitoken hem to the see, and slakiden togidir the ioyntours of gouernails. And with a litil seil lift vp, bi blowyng of the wynde thei wenten to the bank.
41 kintu dvayoH samudrayoH sa NgamasthAne saikatopari pote nikShipte. agrabhAge bAdhite pashchAdbhAge prabalatara Ngo. alagat tena poto bhagnaH|
And whanne we felden into a place of grauel gon al aboute with the see, thei hurtliden the schip. And whanne the formere part was fitchid, it dwellide vnmouable, and the last part was brokun of strengthe of the see.
42 tasmAd bandayashched bAhubhistarantaH palAyante ityAsha NkayA senAgaNastAn hantum amantrayat;
And counsel of the kniytis was, to sle men that weren in warde, lest ony schulde ascape, whanne he hadde swymmed out.
43 kintu shatasenApatiH paulaM rakShituM prayatnaM kR^itvA tAn tachcheShTAyA nivartya ityAdiShTavAn, ye bAhutaraNaM jAnanti te. agre prollampya samudre patitvA bAhubhistIrttvA kUlaM yAntu|
But the centurien wolde kepe Poul, and forbede it to be don. And he comaundide hem that miyte swymme, to go in to the see, and scape, and go out to the loond.
44 aparam avashiShTA janAH kAShThaM potIyaM dravyaM vA yena yat prApyate tadavalambya yAntu; itthaM sarvve bhUmiM prApya prANai rjIvitAH|
And thei baren summe othere on boordis, summe on tho thingis that weren of the schip. And so it was don, that alle men ascapiden to the lond.

< preritAH 27 >