< prakāśitaṁ 6 >

1 anantaraṁ mayi nirīkṣamāṇē mēṣaśāvakēna tāsāṁ saptamudrāṇām ēkā mudrā muktā tatastēṣāṁ caturṇām ēkasya prāṇina āgatya paśyētivācakō mēghagarjanatulyō ravō mayā śrutaḥ|
I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying, as with a voice of thunder, "Come."
2 tataḥ param ēkaḥ śuklāścō dr̥ṣṭaḥ, tadārūḍhō janō dhanu rdhārayati tasmai ca kirīṭamēkam adāyi tataḥ sa prabhavan prabhaviṣyaṁśca nirgatavān|
And I looked, and suddenly there was a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow. A crown was given to him, and he came forth conquering, and to conquer.
3 aparaṁ dvitīyamudrāyāṁ tēna mōcitāyāṁ dvitīyasya prāṇina āgatya paśyēti vāk mayā śrutā|
When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, "Come."
4 tatō 'ruṇavarṇō 'para ēkō 'śvō nirgatavān tadārōhiṇi pr̥thivītaḥ śāntyapaharaṇasya lōkānāṁ madhyē parasparaṁ pratighātōtpādanasya ca sāmarthyaṁ samarpitam, ēkō br̥hatkhaṅgō 'pi tasmā adāyi|
Another came forth, a fiery red horse. To him who sat on it was given power to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another. There was given to him a great sword.
5 aparaṁ tr̥tīyamudrāyāṁ tana mōcitāyāṁ tr̥tīyasya prāṇina āgatya paśyēti vāk mayā śrutā, tataḥ kālavarṇa ēkō 'śvō mayā dr̥ṣṭaḥ, tadārōhiṇō hastē tulā tiṣṭhati
When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." And I saw, and suddenly there was a black horse and he who sat on it had a balance in his hand.
6 anantaraṁ prāṇicatuṣṭayasya madhyād vāgiyaṁ śrutā gōdhūmānāmēkaḥ sēṭakō mudrāpādaikamūlyaḥ, yavānāñca sēṭakatrayaṁ mudrāpādaikamūlyaṁ tailadrākṣārasāśca tvayā mā hiṁsitavyāḥ|
I heard something like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, "A choenix of wheat for a denarius, and three choenixes of barley for a denarius. Do not damage the oil and the wine."
7 anantaraṁ caturthamudrāyāṁ tēna mōcitāyāṁ caturthasya prāṇina āgatya paśyēti vāk mayā śrutā|
When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the fourth living creature saying, "Come."
8 tataḥ pāṇḍuravarṇa ēkō 'śvō mayā dr̥ṣṭaḥ, tadārōhiṇō nāma mr̥tyuriti paralōkaśca tam anucarati khaṅgēna durbhikṣēṇa mahāmāryyā vanyapaśubhiśca lōkānāṁ badhāya pr̥thivyāścaturthāṁśasyādhipatyaṁ tasmā adāyi| (Hadēs g86)
And I looked, and suddenly there was a pale horse, and he who sat on it, his name was Death. Hell followed with him. Authority over one fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword, with famine, with death, and by the wild animals of the earth was given to him. (Hadēs g86)
9 anantaraṁ pañcamamudrāyāṁ tēna mōcitāyām īśvaravākyahētōstatra sākṣyadānācca chēditānāṁ lōkānāṁ dēhinō vēdyā adhō mayādr̥śyanta|
When he opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of people who had been killed for the Word of God, and for the testimony which they had.
10 ta uccairidaṁ gadanti, hē pavitra satyamaya prabhō asmākaṁ raktapātē pr̥thivīnivāsibhi rvivadituṁ tasya phala dātuñca kati kālaṁ vilambasē?
They called out with a loud voice, saying, "How long, Master, the holy and true, until you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?"
11 tatastēṣām ēkaikasmai śubhraḥ paricchadō 'dāyi vāgiyañcākathyata yūyamalpakālam arthatō yuṣmākaṁ yē sahādāsā bhrātarō yūyamiva ghāniṣyantē tēṣāṁ saṁkhyā yāvat sampūrṇatāṁ na gacchati tāvad viramata|
A long white robe was given to each of them. They were told that they should rest yet for a little longer, until their fellow servants and their brothers, who would also be killed even as they were, should complete their course.
12 anantaraṁ yadā sa ṣaṣṭhamudrāmamōcayat tadā mayi nirīkṣamāṇē mahān bhūkampō 'bhavat sūryyaśca uṣṭralōmajavastravat kr̥ṣṇavarṇaścandramāśca raktasaṅkāśō 'bhavat
I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake. The sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became as blood.
13 gaganasthatārāśca prabalavāyunā cālitād uḍumbaravr̥kṣāt nipātitānyapakkaphalānīva bhūtalē nyapatan|
The stars of the sky fell to the earth, like a fig tree dropping its unripe figs when it is shaken by a great wind.
14 ākāśamaṇḍalañca saṅkucyamānagrantha̮ivāntardhānam agamat giraya upadvīpāśca sarvvē sthānāntaraṁ cālitāḥ
The sky was removed like a scroll when it is rolled up. Every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
15 pr̥thivīsthā bhūpālā mahāllōkāḥ sahastrapatayō dhaninaḥ parākramiṇaśca lōkā dāsā muktāśca sarvvē 'pi guhāsu giristhaśailēṣu ca svān prācchādayan|
The kings of the earth, the princes, the commanding officers, the rich, the strong, and every slave and free person, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains.
16 tē ca girīn śailāṁśca vadanti yūyam asmadupari patitvā siṁhāsanōpaviṣṭajanasya dr̥ṣṭitō mēṣaśāvakasya kōpāccāsmān gōpāyata;
They told the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb,
17 yatastasya krōdhasya mahādinam upasthitaṁ kaḥ sthātuṁ śaknōti?
for the great day of their wrath has come; and who is able to stand?"

< prakāśitaṁ 6 >