< mathiḥ 23 >
1 anantaraṁ yīśu rjananivahaṁ śiṣyāṁścāvadat,
Then, Jesus spake unto the multitudes and unto his disciples,
2 adhyāpakāḥ phirūśinaśca mūsāsanē upaviśanti,
saying—Upon Moses’ seat, have sat down, the Scribes and the Pharisees:
3 atastē yuṣmān yadyat mantum ājñāpayanti, tat manyadhvaṁ pālayadhvañca, kintu tēṣāṁ karmmānurūpaṁ karmma na kurudhvaṁ; yatastēṣāṁ vākyamātraṁ sāraṁ kāryyē kimapi nāsti|
All things, therefore, whatsoever they tell you, do and observe, —but, according to their works, do ye not, for they, say, and do not, perform.
4 tē durvvahān gurutarān bhārān badvvā manuṣyāṇāṁ skandhēpari samarpayanti, kintu svayamaṅgulyaikayāpi na cālayanti|
But they bind together heavy burdens, and lay upon men’s shoulders, whereas, they, with their finger, are not willing to move them.
5 kēvalaṁ lōkadarśanāya sarvvakarmmāṇi kurvvanti; phalataḥ paṭṭabandhān prasāryya dhārayanti, svavastrēṣu ca dīrghagranthīn dhārayanti;
But, all their works, they do, to be gazed at, by men, —for they make broad their amulets, and make large their fringes,
6 bhōjanabhavana uccasthānaṁ, bhajanabhavanē pradhānamāsanaṁ,
And dearly love the first couch in the chief meals, and the first seats in the synagogues,
7 haṭṭhē namaskāraṁ gururiti sambōdhanañcaitāni sarvvāṇi vāñchanti|
And the salutations in the market-places, and to be called by men, Rabbi.
8 kintu yūyaṁ gurava iti sambōdhanīyā mā bhavata, yatō yuṣmākam ēkaḥ khrīṣṭaēva guru
But, ye, —do not be called Rabbi, —for, one, is your Teacher, and, all ye, are brethren;
9 ryūyaṁ sarvvē mithō bhrātaraśca| punaḥ pr̥thivyāṁ kamapi pitēti mā sambudhyadhvaṁ, yatō yuṣmākamēkaḥ svargasthaēva pitā|
And, father, be none of you called, upon the earth, for, one, is your Father, the Heavenly;
10 yūyaṁ nāyakēti sambhāṣitā mā bhavata, yatō yuṣmākamēkaḥ khrīṣṭaēva nāyakaḥ|
Neither be called leaders, for, your leader, is one, the Christ;
11 aparaṁ yuṣmākaṁ madhyē yaḥ pumān śrēṣṭhaḥ sa yuṣmān sēviṣyatē|
And, the greatest of you, shall be to you, a minister;
12 yatō yaḥ svamunnamati, sa nataḥ kariṣyatē; kintu yaḥ kaścit svamavanataṁ karōti, sa unnataḥ kariṣyatē|
And, whoever shall exalt himself, shall be, abased, and, whoever shall abase himself, shall be, exalted,
13 hanta kapaṭina upādhyāyāḥ phirūśinaśca, yūyaṁ manujānāṁ samakṣaṁ svargadvāraṁ rundha, yūyaṁ svayaṁ tēna na praviśatha, pravivikṣūnapi vārayatha| vata kapaṭina upādhyāyāḥ phirūśinaśca yūyaṁ chalād dīrghaṁ prārthya vidhavānāṁ sarvvasvaṁ grasatha, yuṣmākaṁ ghōrataradaṇḍō bhaviṣyati|
But alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because ye are locking up the kingdom of the heavens before men, —for, ye, are not entering, neither, them who are entering, suffer ye to enter.
14 hanta kapaṭina upādhyāyāḥ phirūśinaśca, yūyamēkaṁ svadharmmāvalambinaṁ karttuṁ sāgaraṁ bhūmaṇḍalañca pradakṣiṇīkurutha,
15 kañcana prāpya svatō dviguṇanarakabhājanaṁ taṁ kurutha| (Geenna )
Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites: because ye compass sea and dry land, to make one convert—and, when it is done, ye make him a son of gehenna, twofold more than ye. (Geenna )
16 vata andhapathadarśakāḥ sarvvē, yūyaṁ vadatha, mandirasya śapathakaraṇāt kimapi na dēyaṁ; kintu mandirasthasuvarṇasya śapathakaraṇād dēyaṁ|
Alas for you, blind guides! that say—Whosoever shall swear by the Temple, it is, nothing, but, whosoever shall swear by the gold of the Temple, is bound:
17 hē mūḍhā hē andhāḥ suvarṇaṁ tatsuvarṇapāvakamandiram ētayōrubhayō rmadhyē kiṁ śrēyaḥ?
Foolish and blind! for which is, greater, The gold, or the Temple that hath hallowed the gold?
18 anyacca vadatha, yajñavēdyāḥ śapathakaraṇāt kimapi na dēyaṁ, kintu taduparisthitasya naivēdyasya śapathakaraṇād dēyaṁ|
And, whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is, nothing, but, whosoever shall swear by the gift that is upon it, is bound:
19 hē mūḍhā hē andhāḥ, naivēdyaṁ tannaivēdyapāvakavēdirētayōrubhayō rmadhyē kiṁ śrēyaḥ?
Blind! for which is greater, The gift, or the altar that halloweth the gift?
20 ataḥ kēnacid yajñavēdyāḥ śapathē kr̥tē taduparisthasya sarvvasya śapathaḥ kriyatē|
He therefore that hath sworn by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all that is upon it;
21 kēnacit mandirasya śapathē kr̥tē mandiratannivāsinōḥ śapathaḥ kriyatē|
And, he that hath sworn by the Temple, sweareth by it, and by him who dwelleth therein;
22 kēnacit svargasya śapathē kr̥tē īśvarīyasiṁhāsanataduparyyupaviṣṭayōḥ śapathaḥ kriyatē|
And, he that hath sworn by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him who sitteth thereupon.
23 hanta kapaṭina upādhyāyāḥ phirūśinaśca, yūyaṁ pōdināyāḥ sitacchatrāyā jīrakasya ca daśamāṁśān dattha, kintu vyavasthāyā gurutarān nyāyadayāviśvāsān parityajatha; imē yuṣmābhirācaraṇīyā amī ca na laṁghanīyāḥ|
Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because ye tithe the mint and the anise and the cummin, —and have dismissed the weightier matters of the law—the justice, the mercy, and the faith; whereas, these, it was binding, to do, and, those, not to, dismiss.
24 hē andhapathadarśakā yūyaṁ maśakān apasārayatha, kintu mahāṅgān grasatha|
Blind guides! Straining out the gnat, but, the camel, swallowing.
25 hanta kapaṭina upādhyāyāḥ phirūśinaśca, yūyaṁ pānapātrāṇāṁ bhōjanapātrāṇāñca bahiḥ pariṣkurutha; kintu tadabhyantaraṁ durātmatayā kaluṣēṇa ca paripūrṇamāstē|
Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because ye cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, —while, within, they are full of plunder and intemperance.
26 hē andhāḥ phirūśilōkā ādau pānapātrāṇāṁ bhōjanapātrāṇāñcābhyantaraṁ pariṣkuruta, tēna tēṣāṁ bahirapi pariṣkāriṣyatē|
Blind Pharisee! cleanse, first, the inside, of the cup [and of the dish], that, the outside thereof, may become, clean.
27 hanta kapaṭina upādhyāyāḥ phirūśinaśca, yūyaṁ śuklīkr̥taśmaśānasvarūpā bhavatha, yathā śmaśānabhavanasya bahiścāru, kintvabhyantaraṁ mr̥talōkānāṁ kīkaśaiḥ sarvvaprakāramalēna ca paripūrṇam;
Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because ye make yourselves like sepulchres whitewashed, which, outside, indeed, appear, beautiful, but, within, are full, of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness, —
28 tathaiva yūyamapi lōkānāṁ samakṣaṁ bahirdhārmmikāḥ kintvantaḥkaraṇēṣu kēvalakāpaṭyādharmmābhyāṁ paripūrṇāḥ|
Thus, ye also, outside, indeed, appear to men, righteous, but, within, are full, of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
29 hā hā kapaṭina upādhyāyāḥ phirūśinaśca, yūyaṁ bhaviṣyadvādināṁ śmaśānagēhaṁ nirmmātha, sādhūnāṁ śmaśānanikētanaṁ śōbhayatha
Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and adorn the monuments of the righteous,
30 vadatha ca yadi vayaṁ svēṣāṁ pūrvvapuruṣāṇāṁ kāla asthāsyāma, tarhi bhaviṣyadvādināṁ śōṇitapātanē tēṣāṁ sahabhāginō nābhaviṣyāma|
and say—If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been their partners in the blood of the prophets:
31 atō yūyaṁ bhaviṣyadvādighātakānāṁ santānā iti svayamēva svēṣāṁ sākṣyaṁ dattha|
So that ye bear witness against yourselves, that ye are, sons, of them who murdered the prophets.
32 atō yūyaṁ nijapūrvvapuruṣāṇāṁ parimāṇapātraṁ paripūrayata|
And, ye, fill ye up the measure of your fathers!
33 rē bhujagāḥ kr̥ṣṇabhujagavaṁśāḥ, yūyaṁ kathaṁ narakadaṇḍād rakṣiṣyadhvē| (Geenna )
Serpents! broods of vipers! how should ye flee from the judgment of gehenna? (Geenna )
34 paśyata, yuṣmākamantikam ahaṁ bhaviṣyadvādinō buddhimata upādhyāyāṁśca prēṣayiṣyāmi, kintu tēṣāṁ katipayā yuṣmābhi rghāniṣyantē, kruśē ca ghāniṣyantē, kēcid bhajanabhavanē kaṣābhirāghāniṣyantē, nagarē nagarē tāḍiṣyantē ca;
For this cause, lo! I, send unto you, prophets and wise men and scribes, —some from among them, ye will slay and crucify, And some from among them ye will—scourge in your synagogues, and pursue from city to city:
35 tēna satpuruṣasya hābilō raktapātamārabhya bērikhiyaḥ putraṁ yaṁ sikhariyaṁ yūyaṁ mandirayajñavēdyō rmadhyē hatavantaḥ, tadīyaśōṇitapātaṁ yāvad asmin dēśē yāvatāṁ sādhupuruṣāṇāṁ śōṇitapātō 'bhavat tat sarvvēṣāmāgasāṁ daṇḍā yuṣmāsu varttiṣyantē|
That there may come upon you—all righteous blood poured out upon the earth, from the blood of Abel the righteous, unto the blood of Zachariah, son of Barachiah, whom ye murdered between the Temple and the altar.
36 ahaṁ yuṣmānta tathyaṁ vadāmi, vidyamānē'smin puruṣē sarvvē varttiṣyantē|
Verily, I say unto you—All these things, will have come, upon this generation.
37 hē yirūśālam hē yirūśālam nagari tvaṁ bhaviṣyadvādinō hatavatī, tava samīpaṁ prēritāṁśca pāṣāṇairāhatavatī, yathā kukkuṭī śāvakān pakṣādhaḥ saṁgr̥hlāti, tathā tava santānān saṁgrahītuṁ ahaṁ bahuvāram aicchaṁ; kintu tvaṁ na samamanyathāḥ|
Jerusalem! Jerusalem! that slayeth the prophets, and stoneth them that have been sent unto her, —how often, would I have gathered thy children, like as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, —and ye would not!
38 paśyata yaṣmākaṁ vāsasthānam ucchinnaṁ tyakṣyatē|
Lo! your house is left to you;
39 ahaṁ yuṣmān tathyaṁ vadāmi, yaḥ paramēśvarasya nāmnāgacchati, sa dhanya iti vāṇīṁ yāvanna vadiṣyatha, tāvat māṁ puna rna drakṣyatha|
For I say unto you—in no wise, may ye see me, henceforth, until ye say, Blessed, is he that cometh, in the name of the Lord!