< mathiḥ 13 >

1 aparañca tasmin dinē yīśuḥ sadmanō gatvā saritpatē rōdhasi samupavivēśa|
On that day, Jesus, going out of the house, was sitting near the sea:
2 tatra tatsannidhau bahujanānāṁ nivahōpasthitēḥ sa taraṇimāruhya samupāviśat, tēna mānavā rōdhasi sthitavantaḥ|
and there were gathered unto him, large multitudes, so that, he, into a boat, entered, and was sitting, and, all the multitude, on the beach was standing.
3 tadānīṁ sa dr̥ṣṭāntaistān itthaṁ bahuśa upadiṣṭavān| paśyata, kaścit kr̥ṣīvalō bījāni vaptuṁ bahirjagāma,
And he spake unto them many things, in parables, saying: Lo! the sower went forth to sow, —
4 tasya vapanakālē katipayabījēṣu mārgapārśvē patitēṣu vihagāstāni bhakṣitavantaḥ|
and, as he sowed, some, indeed, fell by the pathway, and, the birds, came, and devoured it;
5 aparaṁ katipayabījēṣu stōkamr̥dyuktapāṣāṇē patitēṣu mr̥dalpatvāt tatkṣaṇāt tānyaṅkuritāni,
And, some, fell on the rocky places, where it had not much earth, —and, straightway, it sprang up, because if had no depth of earth;
6 kintu ravāvuditē dagdhāni tēṣāṁ mūlāpraviṣṭatvāt śuṣkatāṁ gatāni ca|
and, the sun arising, it was scorched, and, because it had no root, it withered away;
7 aparaṁ katipayabījēṣu kaṇṭakānāṁ madhyē patitēṣu kaṇṭakānyēdhitvā tāni jagrasuḥ|
And, some, fell upon the thorns, and the thorns came up, and choked it;
8 aparañca katipayabījāni urvvarāyāṁ patitāni; tēṣāṁ madhyē kānicit śataguṇāni kānicit ṣaṣṭiguṇāni kānicit triṁśaguṁṇāni phalāni phalitavanti|
But, some, fell upon the good ground, and did yield fruit, —this, indeed a hundred fold, and, that, sixty, and, the other, thirty.
9 śrōtuṁ yasya śrutī āsātē sa śr̥ṇuyāt|
He that hath ears, let him hear.
10 anantaraṁ śiṣyairāgatya sō'pr̥cchyata, bhavatā tēbhyaḥ kutō dr̥ṣṭāntakathā kathyatē?
And the disciples, coming near, said to him, Wherefore, in parables, art thou speaking to them?
11 tataḥ sa pratyavadat, svargarājyasya nigūḍhāṁ kathāṁ vēdituṁ yuṣmabhyaṁ sāmarthyamadāyi, kintu tēbhyō nādāyi|
And, he, answering, said, Because, unto you, hath it been given, to get to know the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, —whereas, unto them, hath it not been given.
12 yasmād yasyāntikē varddhatē, tasmāyēva dāyiṣyatē, tasmāt tasya bāhulyaṁ bhaviṣyati, kintu yasyāntikē na varddhatē, tasya yat kiñcanāstē, tadapi tasmād ādāyiṣyatē|
For, whosoever hath, it shall be given, to him, and he shall be made to abound, —but, whoever hath not, even what he hath, shall be taken from him?
13 tē paśyantōpi na paśyanti, śr̥ṇvantōpi na śr̥ṇvanti, budhyamānā api na budhyantē ca, tasmāt tēbhyō dr̥ṣṭāntakathā kathyatē|
For this reason, in parables, unto them, do I speak, —because, seeing, they see not, and, hearing, they hear not, —neither do they understand.
14 yathā karṇaiḥ śrōṣyatha yūyaṁ vai kintu yūyaṁ na bhōtsyatha| nētrairdrakṣyatha yūyañca parijñātuṁ na śakṣyatha| tē mānuṣā yathā naiva paripaśyanti lōcanaiḥ| karṇai ryathā na śr̥ṇvanti na budhyantē ca mānasaiḥ| vyāvarttitēṣu cittēṣu kālē kutrāpi tairjanaiḥ| mattastē manujāḥ svasthā yathā naiva bhavanti ca| tathā tēṣāṁ manuṣyāṇāṁ kriyantē sthūlabuddhayaḥ| badhirībhūtakarṇāśca jātāśca mudritā dr̥śaḥ|
And, again is being fulfilled in them, the prophecy of Isaiah, which saith, —They shall, surely hear, and yet will not understand, and, surely see, and yet not perceive;
15 yadētāni vacanāni yiśayiyabhaviṣyadvādinā prōktāni tēṣu tāni phalanti|
For the heart of this people hath become dense, and, with their ears, heavily have they heard, and, their eyes, have they closed, —lest, once they should see with their eyes, and, with their ears, should hear, and, with their hearts, should understand, and return; when I would certainly heal them.
16 kintu yuṣmākaṁ nayanāni dhanyāni, yasmāt tāni vīkṣantē; dhanyāśca yuṣmākaṁ śabdagrahāḥ, yasmāt tairākarṇyatē|
But happy are, your, eyes, that they see, and your ears, that they hear;
17 mayā yūyaṁ tathyaṁ vacāmi yuṣmābhi ryadyad vīkṣyatē, tad bahavō bhaviṣyadvādinō dhārmmikāśca mānavā didr̥kṣantōpi draṣṭuṁ nālabhanta, punaśca yūyaṁ yadyat śr̥ṇutha, tat tē śuśrūṣamāṇā api śrōtuṁ nālabhanta|
For, verily, I say unto you—Many prophets and righteous men, have coveted to see what ye see, and have not seen, and to hear what ye hear, and have not heard.
18 kr̥ṣīvalīyadr̥ṣṭāntasyārthaṁ śr̥ṇuta|
Hear, ye, then, the parable of him that sowed: —
19 mārgapārśvē bījānyuptāni tasyārtha ēṣaḥ, yadā kaścit rājyasya kathāṁ niśamya na budhyatē, tadā pāpātmāgatya tadīyamanasa uptāṁ kathāṁ haran nayati|
When anyone heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, the wicked one cometh, and catcheth up that which hath been sown in his heart, —this, is he, by the pathway, sown.
20 aparaṁ pāṣāṇasthalē bījānyuptāni tasyārtha ēṣaḥ; kaścit kathāṁ śrutvaiva harṣacittēna gr̥hlāti,
And, he on the rocky places sown, the same, is he that, heareth the word, and, straightway, with joy, receiveth it;
21 kintu tasya manasi mūlāpraviṣṭatvāt sa kiñcitkālamātraṁ sthirastiṣṭhati; paścāta tatkathākāraṇāt kōpi klēstāḍanā vā cēt jāyatē, tarhi sa tatkṣaṇād vighnamēti|
yet hath he no root in himself, but is, only for a season, —and, there arising, tribulation or persecution because of the word, straightway, he findeth cause of stumbling.
22 aparaṁ kaṇṭakānāṁ madhyē bījānyuptāni tadartha ēṣaḥ; kēnacit kathāyāṁ śrutāyāṁ sāṁsārikacintābhi rbhrāntibhiśca sā grasyatē, tēna sā mā viphalā bhavati| (aiōn g165)
And, he among the thorns sown, the same, is he that, heareth the word, —and, the anxiety of the age and the deceit of riches, choke up the word, and, unfruitful, it becometh. (aiōn g165)
23 aparam urvvarāyāṁ bījānyuptāni tadartha ēṣaḥ; yē tāṁ kathāṁ śrutvā vudhyantē, tē phalitāḥ santaḥ kēcit śataguṇāni kēcita ṣaṣṭiguṇāni kēcicca triṁśadguṇāni phalāni janayanti|
But, he on the good ground sown, the same, is he who doth hear and understand the word, who, indeed, beareth fruit and produceth, —this, a hundred, and, that, sixty, and, the other, thirty.
24 anantaraṁ sōparāmēkāṁ dr̥ṣṭāntakathāmupasthāpya tēbhyaḥ kathayāmāsa; svargīyarājyaṁ tādr̥śēna kēnacid gr̥hasthēnōpamīyatē, yēna svīyakṣētrē praśastabījānyaupyanta|
Another parable, put he before them, saying—The kingdom of the heavens hath become like a man sowing good seed in his field;
25 kintu kṣaṇadāyāṁ sakalalōkēṣu suptēṣu tasya ripurāgatya tēṣāṁ gōdhūmabījānāṁ madhyē vanyayavamabījānyuptvā vavrāja|
and, while men were sleeping, his enemy came, and sowed over darnel, in among the wheat, —and away he went.
26 tatō yadā bījēbhyō'ṅkarā jāyamānāḥ kaṇiśāni ghr̥tavantaḥ; tadā vanyayavasānyapi dr̥śyamānānyabhavan|
And, when the blade shot up, and brought forth, fruit, then, appeared, the darnel also.
27 tatō gr̥hasthasya dāsēyā āgamya tasmai kathayāñcakruḥ, hē mahēccha, bhavatā kiṁ kṣētrē bhadrabījāni naupyanta? tathātvē vanyayavasāni kr̥ta āyan?
And the servants of the householder, coming near, said to him, —Sir! was it not, good seed, thou didst sow in thy field? Whence then hath it, darnel?
28 tadānīṁ tēna tē pratigaditāḥ, kēnacit ripuṇā karmmadamakāri| dāsēyāḥ kathayāmāsuḥ, vayaṁ gatvā tānyutpāyya kṣipāmō bhavataḥ kīdr̥śīcchā jāyatē?
And he said unto them—An enemy, hath, done this. And they say, unto him—Wilt thou, then, that we go and collect it?
29 tēnāvādi, nahi, śaṅkē'haṁ vanyayavasōtpāṭanakālē yuṣmābhistaiḥ sākaṁ gōdhūmā apyutpāṭiṣyantē|
And, he, saith—Nay! lest, at any time, while collecting the darnel, ye uproot, along with it, the wheat:
30 ataḥ śsyakarttanakālaṁ yāvad ubhayānyapi saha varddhantāṁ, paścāt karttanakālē karttakān vakṣyāmi, yūyamādau vanyayavasāni saṁgr̥hya dāhayituṁ vīṭikā badvvā sthāpayata; kintu sarvvē gōdhūmā yuṣmābhi rbhāṇḍāgāraṁ nītvā sthāpyantām|
Suffer both to grow together until the harvest, and at, harvest time, I will say unto the reapers, —Collect ye first, the darnel, and bind it into bundles, with a view to the burning it up; but, the wheat, be gathering it into my barn.
31 anantaraṁ sōparāmēkāṁ dr̥ṣṭāntakathāmutthāpya tēbhyaḥ kathitavān kaścinmanujaḥ sarṣapabījamēkaṁ nītvā svakṣētra uvāpa|
Another parable, put he before them, saying—The kingdom of the heavens is like unto, a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field;
32 sarṣapabījaṁ sarvvasmād bījāt kṣudramapi sadaṅkuritaṁ sarvvasmāt śākāt br̥had bhavati; sa tādr̥śastaru rbhavati, yasya śākhāsu nabhasaḥ khagā āgatya nivasanti; svargīyarājyaṁ tādr̥śasya sarṣapaikasya samam|
which, indeed, is, less, than all seeds, but, when grown, is greater than garden-plants, and becometh a tree, —so that the birds of heaven come, and lodge among its branches.
33 punarapi sa upamākathāmēkāṁ tēbhyaḥ kathayāñcakāra; kācana yōṣit yat kiṇvamādāya drōṇatrayamitagōdhūmacūrṇānāṁ madhyē sarvvēṣāṁ miśrībhavanaparyyantaṁ samācchādya nidhattavatī, tatkiṇvamiva svargarājyaṁ|
Another parable, [spake he unto them]: —The kingdom of the heavens is like, unto leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour until, the whole, was leavened.
34 itthaṁ yīśu rmanujanivahānāṁ sannidhāvupamākathābhirētānyākhyānāni kathitavān upamāṁ vinā tēbhyaḥ kimapi kathāṁ nākathayat|
All these things, spake Jesus in parables, unto the multitudes, and, without a parable, was he speaking, nothing, unto them:
35 ētēna dr̥ṣṭāntīyēna vākyēna vyādāya vadanaṁ nijaṁ| ahaṁ prakāśayiṣyāmi guptavākyaṁ purābhavaṁ| yadētadvacanaṁ bhaviṣyadvādinā prōktamāsīt, tat siddhamabhavat|
that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through the prophet, saying—I will open, in parables, my mouth, I will bring up things hidden from the foundation!
36 sarvvān manujān visr̥jya yīśau gr̥haṁ praviṣṭē tacchiṣyā āgatya yīśavē kathitavantaḥ, kṣētrasya vanyayavasīyadr̥ṣṭāntakathām bhavāna asmān spaṣṭīkr̥tya vadatu|
Then, dismissing the multitudes, he went into the house, and his disciples came near to him, saying—Make quite plain to us the parable of the darnel of the field.
37 tataḥ sa pratyuvāca, yēna bhadrabījānyupyantē sa manujaputraḥ,
And, he, answering, said—He that soweth the good seed, is the Son of Man;
38 kṣētraṁ jagat, bhadrabījānī rājyasya santānāḥ,
And, the field, is the world, and, the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom, —and, the darnel seeds, are the sons of the evil one;
39 vanyayavasāni pāpātmanaḥ santānāḥ| yēna ripuṇā tānyuptāni sa śayatānaḥ, karttanasamayaśca jagataḥ śēṣaḥ, karttakāḥ svargīyadūtāḥ| (aiōn g165)
And, the enemy that sowed them, is the adversary, and, the harvest, is, the conclusion of an age, and, the reapers, are, messengers. (aiōn g165)
40 yathā vanyayavasāni saṁgr̥hya dāhyantē, tathā jagataḥ śēṣē bhaviṣyati; (aiōn g165)
Just, therefore, as collected is the darnel, and, with fire is burned, so, will it be in the conclusion of the age: — (aiōn g165)
41 arthāt manujasutaḥ svāṁyadūtān prēṣayiṣyati, tēna tē ca tasya rājyāt sarvvān vighnakāriṇō'dhārmmikalōkāṁśca saṁgr̥hya
The Son of Man will send forth his messengers, and they will collect, out of his kingdom, all the causes of stumbling, and the doers of lawlessness,
42 yatra rōdanaṁ dantagharṣaṇañca bhavati, tatrāgnikuṇḍē nikṣēpsyanti|
and will cast them into the furnace of fire: there, will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 tadānīṁ dhārmmikalōkāḥ svēṣāṁ pitū rājyē bhāskara̮iva tējasvinō bhaviṣyanti| śrōtuṁ yasya śrutī āsātē, ma śr̥ṇuyāt|
Then, the righteous, will shine forth as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear!
44 aparañca kṣētramadhyē nidhiṁ paśyan yō gōpayati, tataḥ paraṁ sānandō gatvā svīyasarvvasvaṁ vikrīya ttakṣētraṁ krīṇāti, sa iva svargarājyaṁ|
The kingdom of the heavens is like unto, a treasure hid in the field, which a man, finding, hid, —and, by reason of his joy, withdraweth and selleth whatsoever he hath, and buyeth that field.
45 anyañca yō vaṇik uttamāṁ muktāṁ gavēṣayan
Again, the kingdom of the heavens is, like, unto, a merchant, seeking beautiful pearls, —
46 mahārghāṁ muktāṁ vilōkya nijasarvvasvaṁ vikrīya tāṁ krīṇāti, sa iva svargarājyaṁ|
and, finding one very precious pearl, departing, he at once sold all things, whatsoever he had, and bought it.
47 punaśca samudrō nikṣiptaḥ sarvvaprakāramīnasaṁgrāhyānāya̮iva svargarājyaṁ|
Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like unto, a large drag-net, cast into the sea and gathering of every kind, —
48 tasmin ānāyē pūrṇē janā yathā rōdhasyuttōlya samupaviśya praśastamīnān saṁgrahya bhājanēṣu nidadhatē, kutsitān nikṣipanti;
which, when it was filled, they dragged up on the beach, and, sitting down, collected the good into vessels, but, the worthless, forth they cast.
49 tathaiva jagataḥ śēṣē bhaviṣyati, phalataḥ svargīyadūtā āgatya puṇyavajjanānāṁ madhyāt pāpinaḥ pr̥thak kr̥tvā vahnikuṇḍē nikṣēpsyanti, (aiōn g165)
So, will it be in the conclusion of the age: The messengers will come forth, and separate the wicked from among the righteous; (aiōn g165)
50 tatra rōdanaṁ dantai rdantagharṣaṇañca bhaviṣyataḥ|
and will cast them into the furnace of fire: there, will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
51 yīśunā tē pr̥ṣṭā yuṣmābhiḥ kimētānyākhyānānyabudhyanta? tadā tē pratyavadan, satyaṁ prabhō|
Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea!
52 tadānīṁ sa kathitavān, nijabhāṇḍāgārāt navīnapurātanāni vastūni nirgamayati yō gr̥hasthaḥ sa iva svargarājyamadhi śikṣitāḥ svarva upadēṣṭāraḥ|
And, he, said unto them—Wherefore, every scribe, discipled unto the kingdom of the heavens, is like unto a householder, who putteth forth out of his treasure, things new and old.
53 anantaraṁ yīśurētāḥ sarvvā dr̥ṣṭāntakathāḥ samāpya tasmāt sthānāt pratasthē| aparaṁ svadēśamāgatya janān bhajanabhavana upadiṣṭavān;
And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these parables, he removed from thence;
54 tē vismayaṁ gatvā kathitavanta ētasyaitādr̥śaṁ jñānam āścaryyaṁ karmma ca kasmād ajāyata?
and, coming into his own city, began teaching them in their synagogue, so that with astonishment were they being struck, and were saying—Whence, hath, this one, this wisdom, and the mighty works?
55 kimayaṁ sūtradhārasya putrō nahi? ētasya mātu rnāma ca kiṁ mariyam nahi? yākub-yūṣaph-śimōn-yihūdāśca kimētasya bhrātarō nahi?
Is not, this one, the carpenter’s, son? Is not, his mother, called Mary, and are not his brethren—James and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas?
56 ētasya bhaginyaśca kimasmākaṁ madhyē na santi? tarhi kasmādayamētāni labdhavān? itthaṁ sa tēṣāṁ vighnarūpō babhūva;
and, his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence, then hath, this one, all these things?
57 tatō yīśunā nigaditaṁ svadēśīyajanānāṁ madhyaṁ vinā bhaviṣyadvādī kutrāpyanyatra nāsammānyō bhavatī|
And they began to find cause of stumbling in him. But, Jesus, said unto them—A prophet is not without honour, save in his city, and in his house.
58 tēṣāmaviśvāsahētōḥ sa tatra sthānē bahvāścaryyakarmmāṇi na kr̥tavān|
And he did not, there, many mighty works, because of their unbelief.

< mathiḥ 13 >