< yōhanaḥ 10 >

1 ahaṁ yuṣmānatiyathārthaṁ vadāmi, yō janō dvārēṇa na praviśya kēnāpyanyēna mēṣagr̥haṁ praviśati sa ēva stēnō dasyuśca|
Verily, verily, I say unto you: —He that entereth not, through the door, into the fold of the sheep, but goeth up from another place, that man, is, a thief, and, a robber.
2 yō dvārēṇa praviśati sa ēva mēṣapālakaḥ|
But, he that entereth through the door, is, shepherd, of the sheep:
3 dauvārikastasmai dvāraṁ mōcayati mēṣagaṇaśca tasya vākyaṁ śr̥ṇōti sa nijān mēṣān svasvanāmnāhūya bahiḥ kr̥tvā nayati|
To him, the porter openeth, and, the sheep, unto his voice, hearken: and, his own sheep, he calleth by name, and leadeth them forth.
4 tathā nijān mēṣān bahiḥ kr̥tvā svayaṁ tēṣām agrē gacchati, tatō mēṣāstasya śabdaṁ budhyantē, tasmāt tasya paścād vrajanti|
As soon as, all his own, he hath put forth, before them, he moveth on, and, the sheep, follow him, because they know his voice;
5 kintu parasya śabdaṁ na budhyantē tasmāt tasya paścād vrajiṣyanti varaṁ tasya samīpāt palāyiṣyantē|
But, a stranger, will they in nowise follow, but will flee from him, because they know not the voice, of strangers.
6 yīśustēbhya imāṁ dr̥ṣṭāntakathām akathayat kintu tēna kathitakathāyāstātparyyaṁ tē nābudhyanta|
This similitude, spake Jesus unto them; but, those men, understood not what the things were which he was speaking unto them.
7 atō yīśuḥ punarakathayat, yuṣmānāhaṁ yathārthataraṁ vyāharāmi, mēṣagr̥hasya dvāram ahamēva|
Jesus, therefore, said, again—Verily, verily, I say unto you: —I, am the door of the sheep:
8 mayā na praviśya ya āgacchan tē stēnā dasyavaśca kintu mēṣāstēṣāṁ kathā nāśr̥ṇvan|
All, as many as came before me, are thieves, and, robbers: but the sheep hearkened nor unto them.
9 ahamēva dvārasvarūpaḥ, mayā yaḥ kaścita praviśati sa rakṣāṁ prāpsyati tathā bahirantaśca gamanāgamanē kr̥tvā caraṇasthānaṁ prāpsyati|
I, am the door: through me, if anyone enter, he shall be saved, and shall come in and go out, and, pasture, shall find.
10 yō janastēnaḥ sa kēvalaṁ stainyabadhavināśān karttumēva samāyāti kintvaham āyu rdātum arthāt bāhūlyēna tadēva dātum āgaccham|
The thief, cometh not, save that he may thieve and slay and destroy: I, came, that, life, they might have, and, above measure, might have.
11 ahamēva satyamēṣapālakō yastu satyō mēṣapālakaḥ sa mēṣārthaṁ prāṇatyāgaṁ karōti;
I, am the good shepherd: The good shepherd, his life, layeth down, for the sheep.
12 kintu yō janō mēṣapālakō na, arthād yasya mēṣā nijā na bhavanti, ya ētādr̥śō vaitanikaḥ sa vr̥kam āgacchantaṁ dr̥ṣṭvā mējavrajaṁ vihāya palāyatē, tasmād vr̥kastaṁ vrajaṁ dhr̥tvā vikirati|
The hireling, even because he is no shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, vieweth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth, —and, the wolf, seizeth them and scattereth, —
13 vaitanikaḥ palāyatē yataḥ sa vētanārthī mēṣārthaṁ na cintayati|
Because, a hireling, he is, and hath no care for the sheep.
14 ahamēva satyō mēṣapālakaḥ, pitā māṁ yathā jānāti, ahañca yathā pitaraṁ jānāmi,
I, am the good shepherd, and know my own, and, my own, know me, —
15 tathā nijān mēṣānapi jānāmi, mēṣāśca māṁ jānānti, ahañca mēṣārthaṁ prāṇatyāgaṁ karōmi|
Just as, the Father, knoweth me, and, I, know, the Father; and, my life, I lay down for the sheep.
16 aparañca ētad gr̥hīya mēṣēbhyō bhinnā api mēṣā mama santi tē sakalā ānayitavyāḥ; tē mama śabdaṁ śrōṣyanti tata ēkō vraja ēkō rakṣakō bhaviṣyati|
And, other sheep, have I, which are not of this fold: those also, I must needs bring, and, unto my voice, will they hearken, and there shall come to be, One flock, One shepherd.
17 prāṇānahaṁ tyaktvā punaḥ prāṇān grahīṣyāmi, tasmāt pitā mayi snēhaṁ karōti|
Therefore, doth the Father, love, me, because, I, lay down my life, that, again, I may receive it: —
18 kaścijjanō mama prāṇān hantuṁ na śaknōti kintu svayaṁ tān samarpayāmi tān samarpayituṁ punargrahītuñca mama śaktirāstē bhāramimaṁ svapituḥ sakāśāt prāptōham|
No one, forced it from me, but, I, lay it down, of myself, —Authority, have I, to lay it down, and, authority, have I, again, to receive it: This commandment, received I, from my Father.
19 asmādupadēśāt punaśca yihūdīyānāṁ madhyē bhinnavākyatā jātā|
A division, again, took place among the Jews, because of these words.
20 tatō bahavō vyāharan ēṣa bhūtagrasta unmattaśca, kuta ētasya kathāṁ śr̥ṇutha?
But many from among them were saying—A demon, he hath, and is raving, —Why, unto him, do ye hearken?
21 kēcid avadan ētasya kathā bhūtagrastasya kathāvanna bhavanti, bhūtaḥ kim andhāya cakṣuṣī dātuṁ śaknōti?
Others, said—These sayings, are not those of one demonized, —Can, a demon, open the eyes of, the blind?
22 śītakālē yirūśālami mandirōtsargaparvvaṇyupasthitē
The feast of dedication took place at that time, in Jerusalem: it was, winter,
23 yīśuḥ sulēmānō niḥsārēṇa gamanāgamanē karōti,
and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the porch of Solomon.
24 ētasmin samayē yihūdīyāstaṁ vēṣṭayitvā vyāharan kati kālān asmākaṁ vicikitsāṁ sthāpayiṣyāmi? yadyabhiṣiktō bhavati tarhi tat spaṣṭaṁ vada|
The Jews, therefore, surrounded him, and were saying unto him—How long, holdest thou, our lives, in suspense? If, thou, art the Christ, tell us, plainly.
25 tadā yīśuḥ pratyavadad aham acakathaṁ kintu yūyaṁ na pratītha, nijapitu rnāmnā yāṁ yāṁ kriyāṁ karōmi sā kriyaiva mama sākṣisvarūpā|
Jesus answered them—I told you, and ye believe not: The works which, I, am doing in the name of my Father, the same, bear witness concerning me.
26 kintvahaṁ pūrvvamakathayaṁ yūyaṁ mama mēṣā na bhavatha, kāraṇādasmān na viśvasitha|
But, ye, believe not, because ye are not of my sheep.
27 mama mēṣā mama śabdaṁ śr̥ṇvanti tānahaṁ jānāmi tē ca mama paścād gacchanti|
My sheep, unto my voice, hearken, —and, I, know, them, and they follow me, —
28 ahaṁ tēbhyō'nantāyu rdadāmi, tē kadāpi na naṁkṣyanti kōpi mama karāt tān harttuṁ na śakṣyati| (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
And, I, give unto them life age-abiding, and in nowise shall they perish, unto times age-abiding; and no one shall carry them off out of my hand. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
29 yō mama pitā tān mahyaṁ dattavān sa sarvvasmāt mahān, kōpi mama pituḥ karāt tān harttuṁ na śakṣyati|
What, my Father, hath given me, is, something greater than all, and, no one, can carry off out of the hand of my Father: —
30 ahaṁ pitā ca dvayōrēkatvam|
I and the Father, are, one.
31 tatō yihūdīyāḥ punarapi taṁ hantuṁ pāṣāṇān udatōlayan|
The Jews again lifted up stones, that they might stone him.
32 yīśuḥ kathitavān pituḥ sakāśād bahūnyuttamakarmmāṇi yuṣmākaṁ prākāśayaṁ tēṣāṁ kasya karmmaṇaḥ kāraṇān māṁ pāṣāṇairāhantum udyatāḥ stha?
Jesus answered them—Many works, have I showed you, noble ones, from my Father: For which of those works are ye stoning me?
33 yihūdīyāḥ pratyavadan praśastakarmmahētō rna kintu tvaṁ mānuṣaḥ svamīśvaram uktvēśvaraṁ nindasi kāraṇādasmāt tvāṁ pāṣāṇairhanmaḥ|
The Jews answered him—Concerning a noble work, are we not stoning thee; but concerning profane speech, —and because, thou, being, a man, art making thyself, God.
34 tadā yīśuḥ pratyuktavān mayā kathitaṁ yūyam īśvarā ētadvacanaṁ yuṣmākaṁ śāstrē likhitaṁ nāsti kiṁ?
Jesus answered them—Is it not written in your law: I, said, Ye are, gods?
35 tasmād yēṣām uddēśē īśvarasya kathā kathitā tē yadīśvaragaṇā ucyantē dharmmagranthasyāpyanyathā bhavituṁ na śakyaṁ,
If, those, he called gods, unto whom, the word of God, came—and the Scripture cannot be broken—
36 tarhyāham īśvarasya putra iti vākyasya kathanāt yūyaṁ pitrābhiṣiktaṁ jagati prēritañca pumāṁsaṁ katham īśvaranindakaṁ vādaya?
Of him whom, the Father, hallowed and sent forth into the world, are, ye, saying—Thou speakest profanely, because I said, Son of God, I am?
37 yadyahaṁ pituḥ karmma na karōmi tarhi māṁ na pratīta;
If I am not doing the works of my Father, do not believe in me;
38 kintu yadi karōmi tarhi mayi yuṣmābhiḥ pratyayē na kr̥tē'pi kāryyē pratyayaḥ kriyatāṁ, tatō mayi pitāstīti pitaryyaham asmīti ca kṣātvā viśvasiṣyatha|
But, if I am doing them, even though, in me, ye believe not, in the works, believe, —that ye may get to know and go on to know, that the Father is, in me, and, I, am, in the Father.
39 tadā tē punarapi taṁ dharttum acēṣṭanta kintu sa tēṣāṁ karēbhyō nistīryya
They were [therefore] again seeking to take him; and he went forth out of their hand.
40 puna ryarddan adyāstaṭē yatra purvvaṁ yōhan amajjayat tatrāgatya nyavasat|
And he went away again, beyond the Jordan, unto the place where John was at the first, immersing; and he abode there.
41 tatō bahavō lōkāstatsamīpam āgatya vyāharan yōhan kimapyāścaryyaṁ karmma nākarōt kintvasmin manuṣyē yā yaḥ kathā akathayat tāḥ sarvvāḥ satyāḥ;
And, many, came unto him, and were saying—John, indeed, did not so much as, one sign; but, all things, whatsoever John said concerning this one, were, true.
42 tatra ca bahavō lōkāstasmin vyaśvasan|
And, many, believed on him there.

< yōhanaḥ 10 >