< ibriṇaḥ 9 >

1 sa prathamō niyama ārādhanāyā vividharītibhiraihikapavitrasthānēna ca viśiṣṭa āsīt|
Now even the first covenant had regulations for worship and an earthly sanctuary.
2 yatō dūṣyamēkaṁ niramīyata tasya prathamakōṣṭhasya nāma pavitrasthānamityāsīt tatra dīpavr̥kṣō bhōjanāsanaṁ darśanīyapūpānāṁ śrēṇī cāsīt|
For a tabernacle was prepared. In the first room were the lampstand, the table, and the bread of the Presence; this is called the Holy Place.
3 tatpaścād dvitīyāyāstiraṣkariṇyā abhyantarē 'tipavitrasthānamitināmakaṁ kōṣṭhamāsīt,
Behind the second veil was a room called the Holy of Holies.
4 tatra ca suvarṇamayō dhūpādhāraḥ paritaḥ suvarṇamaṇḍitā niyamamañjūṣā cāsīt tanmadhyē mānnāyāḥ suvarṇaghaṭō hārōṇasya mañjaritadaṇḍastakṣitau niyamaprastarau,
It had a golden censer and the ark of the covenant, which was overlaid on all sides with gold. In the ark were the golden jar containing the manna, the rod of Aaron that had budded, and the tablets of the covenant.
5 tadupari ca karuṇāsanē chāyākāriṇau tējōmayau kirūbāvāstām, ētēṣāṁ viśēṣavr̥ttāntakathanāya nāyaṁ samayaḥ|
Above the ark were the cherubim of glory, overshadowing the mercy seat. But we cannot discuss these things in detail now.
6 ētēṣvīdr̥k nirmmitēṣu yājakā īśvarasēvām anutiṣṭhanatō dūṣyasya prathamakōṣṭhaṁ nityaṁ praviśanti|
When these things were all in place, the priests regularly entered the first room of the tabernacle, performing their sacred duties.
7 kintu dvitīyaṁ kōṣṭhaṁ prativarṣam ēkakr̥tva ēkākinā mahāyājakēna praviśyatē kintvātmanimittaṁ lōkānām ajñānakr̥tapāpānāñca nimittam utsarjjanīyaṁ rudhiram anādāya tēna na praviśyatē|
But into the second room, the high priest alone entered only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the unintentional sins of the people.
8 ityanēna pavitra ātmā yat jñāpayati tadidaṁ tat prathamaṁ dūṣyaṁ yāvat tiṣṭhati tāvat mahāpavitrasthānagāmī panthā aprakāśitastiṣṭhati|
By this arrangement the Holy Spirit was showing that the way into the holy places had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still standing.
9 tacca dūṣyaṁ varttamānasamayasya dr̥ṣṭāntaḥ, yatō hētōḥ sāmprataṁ saṁśōdhanakālaṁ yāvad yannirūpitaṁ tadanusārāt sēvākāriṇō mānasikasiddhikaraṇē'samarthābhiḥ
This is a symbol for the present time, during which gifts and sacrifices are offered that cannot perfect the conscience of the worshiper,
10 kēvalaṁ khādyapēyēṣu vividhamajjanēṣu ca śārīrikarītibhi ryuktāni naivēdyāni balidānāni ca bhavanti|
but deal only with food and drink, and various washings and regulations for the flesh, imposed until the time of reformation.
11 aparaṁ bhāvimaṅgalānāṁ mahāyājakaḥ khrīṣṭa upasthāyāhastanirmmitēnārthata ētatsr̥ṣṭē rbahirbhūtēna śrēṣṭhēna siddhēna ca dūṣyēṇa gatvā
But when Christ came as high priest of the good things to come, through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands (that is, not of this creation),
12 chāgānāṁ gōvatsānāṁ vā rudhiram anādāya svīyarudhiram ādāyaikakr̥tva ēva mahāpavitrasthānaṁ praviśyānantakālikāṁ muktiṁ prāptavān| (aiōnios g166)
he entered once for all into the holy places, not by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. (aiōnios g166)
13 vr̥ṣachāgānāṁ rudhirēṇa gavībhasmanaḥ prakṣēpēṇa ca yadyaśucilōkāḥ śārīriśucitvāya pūyantē,
For if the blood of bulls and goats, and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are defiled, sanctify for the purification of the flesh,
14 tarhi kiṁ manyadhvē yaḥ sadātanēnātmanā niṣkalaṅkabalimiva svamēvēśvarāya dattavān, tasya khrīṣṭasya rudhirēṇa yuṣmākaṁ manāṁsyamarēśvarasya sēvāyai kiṁ mr̥tyujanakēbhyaḥ karmmabhyō na pavitrīkāriṣyantē? (aiōnios g166)
how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify your consciences from dead works to serve the living God? (aiōnios g166)
15 sa nūtananiyamasya madhyasthō'bhavat tasyābhiprāyō'yaṁ yat prathamaniyamalaṅghanarūpapāpēbhyō mr̥tyunā muktau jātāyām āhūtalōkā anantakālīyasampadaḥ pratijñāphalaṁ labhēran| (aiōnios g166)
That is why he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant. (aiōnios g166)
16 yatra niyamō bhavati tatra niyamasādhakasya balē rmr̥tyunā bhavitavyaṁ|
For in the case of a will, it is necessary to establish the death of the one who made it,
17 yatō hatēna balinā niyamaḥ sthirībhavati kintu niyamasādhakō bali ryāvat jīvati tāvat niyamō nirarthakastiṣṭhati|
because a will takes effect only after the person's death; it is never in force while the person who made it is alive.
18 tasmāt sa pūrvvaniyamō'pi rudhirapātaṁ vinā na sādhitaḥ|
That is why even the first covenant was not inaugurated without blood.
19 phalataḥ sarvvalōkān prati vyavasthānusārēṇa sarvvā ājñāḥ kathayitvā mūsā jalēna sindūravarṇalōmnā ēṣōvatr̥ṇēna ca sārddhaṁ gōvatsānāṁ chāgānāñca rudhiraṁ gr̥hītvā granthē sarvvalōkēṣu ca prakṣipya babhāṣē,
For when Moses had proclaimed every commandment of the law to all the people, he took the blood of calves and goats, along with water, scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled the scroll itself and all the people,
20 yuṣmān adhīśvarō yaṁ niyamaṁ nirūpitavān tasya rudhiramētat|
saying, “This is the blood of the covenant that God has ordained for you.”
21 tadvat sa dūṣyē'pi sēvārthakēṣu sarvvapātrēṣu ca rudhiraṁ prakṣiptavān|
In the same way, he sprinkled with blood the tabernacle and all the vessels used in worship.
22 aparaṁ vyavasthānusārēṇa prāyaśaḥ sarvvāṇi rudhirēṇa pariṣkriyantē rudhirapātaṁ vinā pāpamōcanaṁ na bhavati ca|
Indeed, according to the law nearly everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no remission.
23 aparaṁ yāni svargīyavastūnāṁ dr̥ṣṭāntāstēṣām ētaiḥ pāvanam āvaśyakam āsīt kintu sākṣāt svargīyavastūnām ētēbhyaḥ śrēṣṭhē rbalidānaiḥ pāvanamāvaśyakaṁ|
So it was necessary for the copies of the things in heaven to be purified with these sacrifices, but for the heavenly things themselves to be purified with better sacrifices than these.
24 yataḥ khrīṣṭaḥ satyapavitrasthānasya dr̥ṣṭāntarūpaṁ hastakr̥taṁ pavitrasthānaṁ na praviṣṭavān kintvasmannimittam idānīm īśvarasya sākṣād upasthātuṁ svargamēva praviṣṭaḥ|
For Christ did not enter holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true ones; he entered heaven itself, so that he might now appear before God on our behalf.
25 yathā ca mahāyājakaḥ prativarṣaṁ paraśōṇitamādāya mahāpavitrasthānaṁ praviśati tathā khrīṣṭēna punaḥ punarātmōtsargō na karttavyaḥ,
Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself many times, as the high priest enters the holy places year after year with blood that is not his own,
26 karttavyē sati jagataḥ sr̥ṣṭikālamārabhya bahuvāraṁ tasya mr̥tyubhōga āvaśyakō'bhavat; kintvidānīṁ sa ātmōtsargēṇa pāpanāśārtham ēkakr̥tvō jagataḥ śēṣakālē pracakāśē| (aiōn g165)
for then he would have had to suffer again and again since the foundation of the world. But as it is, he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to remove sin by the sacrifice of himself. (aiōn g165)
27 aparaṁ yathā mānuṣasyaikakr̥tvō maraṇaṁ tat paścād vicārō nirūpitō'sti,
And just as it is appointed for men to die once and then face judgment,
28 tadvat khrīṣṭō'pi bahūnāṁ pāpavahanārthaṁ balirūpēṇaikakr̥tva utsasr̥jē, aparaṁ dvitīyavāraṁ pāpād bhinnaḥ san yē taṁ pratīkṣantē tēṣāṁ paritrāṇārthaṁ darśanaṁ dāsyati|
so also Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are eagerly waiting for him.

< ibriṇaḥ 9 >