< iphiṣiṇaḥ 4 >

1 atō bandirahaṁ prabhō rnāmnā yuṣmān vinayē yūyaṁ yēnāhvānēnāhūtāstadupayuktarūpēṇa
As a prisoner in the Lord, then, I urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling you have received:
2 sarvvathā namratāṁ mr̥dutāṁ titikṣāṁ parasparaṁ pramnā sahiṣṇutāñcācarata|
with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,
3 praṇayabandhanēna cātmana ēkyaṁ rakṣituṁ yatadhvaṁ|
and with diligence to preserve the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
4 yūyam ēkaśarīrā ēkātmānaśca tadvad āhvānēna yūyam ēkapratyāśāprāptayē samāhūtāḥ|
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;
5 yuṣmākam ēkaḥ prabhurēkō viśvāsa ēkaṁ majjanaṁ, sarvvēṣāṁ tātaḥ
one Lord, one faith, one baptism;
6 sarvvōparisthaḥ sarvvavyāpī sarvvēṣāṁ yuṣmākaṁ madhyavarttī caika īśvara āstē|
one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
7 kintu khrīṣṭasya dānaparimāṇānusārād asmākam ēkaikasmai viśēṣō varō'dāyi|
Now to each one of us grace has been given according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
8 yathā likhitam āstē, "ūrddhvam āruhya jētr̥n sa vijitya bandinō'karōt| tataḥ sa manujēbhyō'pi svīyān vyaśrāṇayad varān||"
This is why it says: “When He ascended on high, He led captives away, and gave gifts to men.”
9 ūrddhvam āruhyētivākyasyāyamarthaḥ sa pūrvvaṁ pr̥thivīrūpaṁ sarvvādhaḥsthitaṁ sthānam avatīrṇavān;
What does “He ascended” mean, except that He also descended to the lower parts of the earth?
10 yaścāvatīrṇavān sa ēva svargāṇām uparyyuparyyārūḍhavān yataḥ sarvvāṇi tēna pūrayitavyāni|
He who descended is the very One who ascended above all the heavens, in order to fill all things.
11 sa ēva ca kāṁścana prēritān aparān bhaviṣyadvādinō'parān susaṁvādapracārakān aparān pālakān upadēśakāṁśca niyuktavān|
And it was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,
12 yāvad vayaṁ sarvvē viśvāsasyēśvaraputraviṣayakasya tattvajñānasya caikyaṁ sampūrṇaṁ puruṣarthañcārthataḥ khrīṣṭasya sampūrṇaparimāṇasya samaṁ parimāṇaṁ na prāpnumastāvat
to equip the saints for works of ministry and to build up the body of Christ,
13 sa paricaryyākarmmasādhanāya khrīṣṭasya śarīrasya niṣṭhāyai ca pavitralōkānāṁ siddhatāyāstādr̥śam upāyaṁ niścitavān|
until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, as we mature to the full measure of the stature of Christ.
14 ataēva mānuṣāṇāṁ cāturītō bhramakadhūrttatāyāśchalācca jātēna sarvvēṇa śikṣāvāyunā vayaṁ yad bālakā iva dōlāyamānā na bhrāmyāma ityasmābhi ryatitavyaṁ,
Then we will no longer be infants, tossed about by the waves and carried around by every wind of teaching and by the clever cunning of men in their deceitful scheming.
15 prēmnā satyatām ācaradbhiḥ sarvvaviṣayē khrīṣṭam uddiśya varddhitavyañca, yataḥ sa mūrddhā,
Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Christ Himself, who is the head.
16 tasmāccaikaikasyāṅgasya svasvaparimāṇānusārēṇa sāhāyyakaraṇād upakārakaiḥ sarvvaiḥ sandhibhiḥ kr̥tsnasya śarīrasya saṁyōgē sammilanē ca jātē prēmnā niṣṭhāṁ labhamānaṁ kr̥tsnaṁ śarīraṁ vr̥ddhiṁ prāpnōti|
From Him the whole body, fitted and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love through the work of each individual part.
17 yuṣmān ahaṁ prabhunēdaṁ bravīmyādiśāmi ca, anyē bhinnajātīyā iva yūyaṁ pūna rmācarata|
So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking.
18 yatastē svamanōmāyām ācarantyāntarikājñānāt mānasikakāṭhinyācca timirāvr̥tabuddhaya īśvarīyajīvanasya bagīrbhūtāśca bhavanti,
They are darkened in their understanding and alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardness of their hearts.
19 svān caitanyaśūnyān kr̥tvā ca lōbhēna sarvvavidhāśaucācaraṇāya lampaṭatāyāṁ svān samarpitavantaḥ|
Having lost all sense of shame, they have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity, with a craving for more.
20 kintu yūyaṁ khrīṣṭaṁ na tādr̥śaṁ paricitavantaḥ,
But this is not the way you came to know Christ.
21 yatō yūyaṁ taṁ śrutavantō yā satyā śikṣā yīśutō labhyā tadanusārāt tadīyōpadēśaṁ prāptavantaścēti manyē|
Surely you heard of Him and were taught in Him—in keeping with the truth that is in Jesus—
22 tasmāt pūrvvakālikācārakārī yaḥ purātanapuruṣō māyābhilāṣai rnaśyati taṁ tyaktvā yuṣmābhi rmānasikabhāvō nūtanīkarttavyaḥ,
to put off your former way of life, your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;
23 yō navapuruṣa īśvarānurūpēṇa puṇyēna satyatāsahitēna
to be renewed in the spirit of your minds;
24 dhārmmikatvēna ca sr̥ṣṭaḥ sa ēva paridhātavyaśca|
and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
25 atō yūyaṁ sarvvē mithyākathanaṁ parityajya samīpavāsibhiḥ saha satyālāpaṁ kuruta yatō vayaṁ parasparam aṅgapratyaṅgā bhavāmaḥ|
Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one another.
26 aparaṁ krōdhē jātē pāpaṁ mā kurudhvam, aśāntē yuṣmākaṁ rōṣēsūryyō'staṁ na gacchatu|
“Be angry, yet do not sin.” Do not let the sun set upon your anger,
27 aparaṁ śayatānē sthānaṁ mā datta|
and do not give the devil a foothold.
28 cōraḥ punaścairyyaṁ na karōtu kintu dīnāya dānē sāmarthyaṁ yajjāyatē tadarthaṁ svakarābhyāṁ sadvr̥ttyā pariśramaṁ karōtu|
He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing good with his own hands, that he may have something to share with the one in need.
29 aparaṁ yuṣmākaṁ vadanēbhyaḥ kō'pi kadālāpō na nirgacchatu, kintu yēna śrōturupakārō jāyatē tādr̥śaḥ prayōjanīyaniṣṭhāyai phaladāyaka ālāpō yuṣmākaṁ bhavatu|
Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen.
30 aparañca yūyaṁ muktidinaparyyantam īśvarasya yēna pavitrēṇātmanā mudrayāṅkitā abhavata taṁ śōkānvitaṁ mā kuruta|
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
31 aparaṁ kaṭuvākyaṁ rōṣaḥ kōṣaḥ kalahō nindā sarvvavidhadvēṣaścaitāni yuṣmākaṁ madhyād dūrībhavantu|
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, outcry and slander, along with every form of malice.
32 yūyaṁ parasparaṁ hitaiṣiṇaḥ kōmalāntaḥkaraṇāśca bhavata| aparam īśvaraḥ khrīṣṭēna yadvad yuṣmākaṁ dōṣān kṣamitavān tadvad yūyamapi parasparaṁ kṣamadhvaṁ|
Be kind and tenderhearted to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you.

< iphiṣiṇaḥ 4 >