< romiṇaḥ 14 >

1 yo jano'dṛḍhaviśvāsastaṁ yuṣmākaṁ saṅginaṁ kuruta kintu sandehavicārārthaṁ nahi|
Him that is weak in the faith, receive kindly, but not to judge his reasonings.
2 yato niṣiddhaṁ kimapi khādyadravyaṁ nāsti, kasyacijjanasya pratyaya etādṛśo vidyate kintvadṛḍhaviśvāsaḥ kaścidaparo janaḥ kevalaṁ śākaṁ bhuṅktaṁ|
One believes that he may eat all things; another, who is weak, eats herbs.
3 tarhi yo janaḥ sādhāraṇaṁ dravyaṁ bhuṅkte sa viśeṣadravyabhoktāraṁ nāvajānīyāt tathā viśeṣadravyabhoktāpi sādhāraṇadravyabhoktāraṁ doṣiṇaṁ na kuryyāt, yasmād īśvarastam agṛhlāt|
Let not him that eats, despise him that eats not; and let not him that eats not, judge him that eats: for God has received him.
4 he paradāsasya dūṣayitastvaṁ kaḥ? nijaprabhoḥ samīpe tena padasthena padacyutena vā bhavitavyaṁ sa ca padastha eva bhaviṣyati yata īśvarastaṁ padasthaṁ karttuṁ śaknoti|
Who are you that judge another man’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls; indeed, he shall stand, for God is able to make him stand.
5 aparañca kaścijjano dinād dinaṁ viśeṣaṁ manyate kaścittu sarvvāṇi dināni samānāni manyate, ekaiko janaḥ svīyamanasi vivicya niścinotu|
One man thinks that one day is better than another; another thinks that every day is alike. Let each be fully assured in his own mind.
6 yo janaḥ kiñcana dinaṁ viśeṣaṁ manyate sa prabhubhaktyā tan manyate, yaśca janaḥ kimapi dinaṁ viśeṣaṁ na manyate so'pi prabhubhaktyā tanna manyate; aparañca yaḥ sarvvāṇi bhakṣyadravyāṇi bhuṅkte sa prabhubhaktayā tāni bhuṅkte yataḥ sa īśvaraṁ dhanyaṁ vakti, yaśca na bhuṅkte so'pi prabhubhaktyaiva na bhuñjāna īśvaraṁ dhanyaṁ brūte|
He that regards the day, to the Lord he regards it; and he that does not regard the day, to the Lord he does not regard it. He that eats, eats to the Lord; for he gives God thanks: and he that eats not, to the Lord he eats not, and gives God thanks.
7 aparam asmākaṁ kaścit nijanimittaṁ prāṇān dhārayati nijanimittaṁ mriyate vā tanna;
For no one lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.
8 kintu yadi vayaṁ prāṇān dhārayāmastarhi prabhunimittaṁ dhārayāmaḥ, yadi ca prāṇān tyajāmastarhyapi prabhunimittaṁ tyajāmaḥ, ataeva jīvane maraṇe vā vayaṁ prabhorevāsmahe|
For if we live, we live to the Lord; or if we die, we die to the Lord. Whether, therefore, we live or die, we are the Lord’s.
9 yato jīvanto mṛtāścetyubhayeṣāṁ lokānāṁ prabhutvaprāptyarthaṁ khrīṣṭo mṛta utthitaḥ punarjīvitaśca|
For this very purpose, Christ both died and rose, and lived again, that he might have dominion over the dead and the living.
10 kintu tvaṁ nijaṁ bhrātaraṁ kuto dūṣayasi? tathā tvaṁ nijaṁ bhrātaraṁ kutastucchaṁ jānāsi? khrīṣṭasya vicārasiṁhāsanasya sammukhe sarvvairasmābhirupasthātavyaṁ;
But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you despise your brother? For we all shall stand before the judgment-seat of the Christ.
11 yādṛśaṁ likhitam āste, pareśaḥ śapathaṁ kurvvan vākyametat purāvadat| sarvvo janaḥ samīpe me jānupātaṁ kariṣyati| jihvaikaikā tatheśasya nighnatvaṁ svīkariṣyati|
For it is written: As I live, says the Lord, to me every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess to God.
12 ataeva īśvarasamīpe'smākam ekaikajanena nijā kathā kathayitavyā|
Therefore, every one of us shall give an account of himself to God.
13 itthaṁ sati vayam adyārabhya parasparaṁ na dūṣayantaḥ svabhrātu rvighno vyāghāto vā yanna jāyeta tādṛśīmīhāṁ kurmmahe|
Let us, therefore, no longer judge one another: but rather decide to put no stumbling-block or snare in your brother’s way.
14 kimapi vastu svabhāvato nāśuci bhavatītyahaṁ jāne tathā prabhunā yīśukhrīṣṭenāpi niścitaṁ jāne, kintu yo jano yad dravyam apavitraṁ jānīte tasya kṛte tad apavitram āste|
I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself; but if any one thinks that any thing is unclean, to him it is unclean.
15 ataeva tava bhakṣyadravyeṇa tava bhrātā śokānvito bhavati tarhi tvaṁ bhrātaraṁ prati premnā nācarasi| khrīṣṭo yasya kṛte svaprāṇān vyayitavān tvaṁ nijena bhakṣyadravyeṇa taṁ na nāśaya|
But if your brother is grieved on account of your food, you no longer walk according to love. Do not, with your food, destroy him, for whom Christ died.
16 aparaṁ yuṣmākam uttamaṁ karmma ninditaṁ na bhavatu|
Therefore, let not that which is your good be evil spoken of.
17 bhakṣyaṁ peyañceśvararājyasya sāro nahi, kintu puṇyaṁ śāntiśca pavitreṇātmanā jāta ānandaśca|
For the kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
18 etai ryo janaḥ khrīṣṭaṁ sevate, sa eveśvarasya tuṣṭikaro manuṣyaiśca sukhyātaḥ|
For he who serves the Christ in these things is acceptable to God, and approved by men.
19 ataeva yenāsmākaṁ sarvveṣāṁ parasparam aikyaṁ niṣṭhā ca jāyate tadevāsmābhi ryatitavyaṁ|
Therefore, let us seek those things which belong to peace, and those which tend to mutual edification.
20 bhakṣyārtham īśvarasya karmmaṇo hāniṁ mā janayata; sarvvaṁ vastu pavitramiti satyaṁ tathāpi yo jano yad bhuktvā vighnaṁ labhate tadarthaṁ tad bhadraṁ nahi|
Destroy not the work of God on account of food. All meats, indeed, are clean; but meat is an evil to that man who, by eating, causes another to stumble.
21 tava māṁsabhakṣaṇasurāpānādibhiḥ kriyābhi ryadi tava bhrātuḥ pādaskhalanaṁ vighno vā cāñcalyaṁ vā jāyate tarhi tadbhojanapānayostyāgo bhadraḥ|
It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor to do any thing by which your brother stumbles, or is ensnared, or is made weak.
22 yadi tava pratyayastiṣṭhati tarhīśvarasya gocare svāntare taṁ gopaya; yo janaḥ svamatena svaṁ doṣiṇaṁ na karoti sa eva dhanyaḥ|
Have you faith? Have it to yourself before God. Blessed is he who condemns not himself in that which he approves.
23 kintu yaḥ kaścit saṁśayya bhuṅkte'rthāt na pratītya bhuṅkte, sa evāvaśyaṁ daṇḍārho bhaviṣyati, yato yat pratyayajaṁ nahi tadeva pāpamayaṁ bhavati|
But he that doubts is condemned, if he eat, because he eats not with faith. Every thing that is not of faith, is sin.

< romiṇaḥ 14 >