< prakāśitaṁ 14 >
1 tataḥ paraṁ nirīkṣamāṇena mayā meṣaśāvako dṛṣṭaḥ sa siyonaparvvatasyoparyyatiṣṭhat, aparaṁ yeṣāṁ bhāleṣu tasya nāma tatpituśca nāma likhitamāste tādṛśāścatuścatvāriṁśatsahasrādhikā lakṣalokāstena sārddham āsan|
And I looked and behold the Lamb (standing *N(k)O*) upon Mount Zion and with Him (number *O*) one hundred forty four thousand having (the name of Him and *NO*) the name of the Father of Him written on the foreheads of them.
2 anantaraṁ bahutoyānāṁ rava iva gurutarastanitasya ca rava iva eko ravaḥ svargāt mayāśrāvi| mayā śrutaḥ sa ravo vīṇāvādakānāṁ vīṇāvādanasya sadṛśaḥ|
And I heard a voice out of heaven as [the] sound of waters many and as [the] sound of thunder loud, And the (voice *N(k)O*) that I heard ([was] like that *NO*) of harpists harping with the harps of them.
3 siṁhasanasyāntike prāṇicatuṣṭayasya prācīnavargasya cāntike 'pi te navīnamekaṁ gītam agāyan kintu dharaṇītaḥ parikrītān tān catuścatvāriṁśatyahasrādhikalakṣalokān vinā nāpareṇa kenāpi tad gītaṁ śikṣituṁ śakyate|
And they are singing as a song new before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders, And no [one] was able to learn the song only except the one hundred forty four thousand who redeemed from the earth.
4 ime yoṣitāṁ saṅgena na kalaṅkitā yataste 'maithunā meṣaśāvako yat kimapi sthānaṁ gacchet tatsarvvasmin sthāne tam anugacchanti yataste manuṣyāṇāṁ madhyataḥ prathamaphalānīveśvarasya meṣaśāvakasya ca kṛte parikrītāḥ|
These are they who with women not was defiled, pure for they are; these (are *k*) those following after the Lamb wherever maybe (He may go; *NK(o)*) These (by Jesus *O*) were redeemed out from men [as] firstfruits to God and to the Lamb;
5 teṣāṁ vadaneṣu cānṛtaṁ kimapi na vidyate yataste nirddoṣā īśvarasiṁhāsanasyāntike tiṣṭhanti|
And in the mouth of them not was found (a lie, *N(k)O*) blameless (for *ko*) they are (before the throne of the God. *K*)
6 anantaram ākāśamadhyenoḍḍīyamāno 'para eko dūto mayā dṛṣṭaḥ so 'nantakālīyaṁ susaṁvādaṁ dhārayati sa ca susaṁvādaḥ sarvvajātīyān sarvvavaṁśīyān sarvvabhāṣāvādinaḥ sarvvadeśīyāṁśca pṛthivīnivāsinaḥ prati tena ghoṣitavyaḥ| (aiōnios )
And I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven having [the] glad tidings everlasting to evangelise (upon *no*) those (residing *N(k)O*) on the earth and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people (aiōnios )
7 sa uccaiḥsvareṇedaṁ gadati yūyamīśvarād bibhīta tasya stavaṁ kuruta ca yatastadīyavicārasya daṇḍa upātiṣṭhat tasmād ākāśamaṇḍalasya pṛthivyāḥ samudrasya toyaprasravaṇānāñca sraṣṭā yuṣmābhiḥ praṇamyatāṁ|
(saying *N(k)O*) in a voice loud; do fear (God *NK(O)*) and do give to Him glory, because has come the hour of the judgment of Him, And do worship (the [One] *NK(o)*) (him [who] *o*) (having made *NK(o)*) heaven and the earth and (*o*) sea and springs of waters.
8 tatpaścād dvitīya eko dūta upasthāyāvadat patitā patitā sā mahābābil yā sarvvajātīyān svakīyaṁ vyabhicārarūpaṁ krodhamadam apāyayat|
And another angel (a second *NO*) followed saying; Fallen Fallen is Babylon (the city *K*) the great (who *N(k)O*) of the wine of wrath for the immorality of her she has given to drink all the Gentiles.
9 tatpaścād tṛtīyo dūta upasthāyoccairavadat, yaḥ kaścita taṁ śaśuṁ tasya pratimāñca praṇamati svabhāle svakare vā kalaṅkaṁ gṛhlāti ca
And (another *no*) angel a third followed after them saying in a voice loud; If anyone worships the beast and the image of it and receives a mark on the forehead of him or upon the hand of him,
10 so 'pīśvarasya krodhapātre sthitam amiśritaṁ madat arthata īśvarasya krodhamadaṁ pāsyati pavitradūtānāṁ meṣaśāvakasya ca sākṣād vahnigandhakayo ryātanāṁ lapsyate ca|
also he himself will drink of the wine of the anger of God which mixed undiluted in the cup of the wrath of Him and he will be tormented in fire and brimstone before (of the *k*) angels holy and before the Lamb.
11 teṣāṁ yātanāyā dhūmo 'nantakālaṁ yāvad udgamiṣyati ye ca paśuṁ tasya pratimāñca pūjayanti tasya nāmno 'ṅkaṁ vā gṛhlanti te divāniśaṁ kañcana virāmaṁ na prāpsyanti| (aiōn )
And the smoke of the torment of them to ages of ages goes up, and not have rest by day and night those worshiping the beast and the image of it and if anyone receives the mark of the name of it. (aiōn )
12 ye mānavā īśvarasyājñā yīśau viśvāsañca pālayanti teṣāṁ pavitralokānāṁ sahiṣṇutayātra prakāśitavyaṁ|
Here the endurance of the saints is (here *k*) those keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
13 aparaṁ svargāt mayā saha sambhāṣamāṇa eko ravo mayāśrāvi tenoktaṁ tvaṁ likha, idānīmārabhya ye prabhau mriyante te mṛtā dhanyā iti; ātmā bhāṣate satyaṁ svaśramebhyastai rvirāmaḥ prāptavyaḥ teṣāṁ karmmāṇi ca tān anugacchanti|
And I heard a voice out of heaven saying (to me: *K*) do write; Blessed [are] the dead in the Lord dying from now. Yes, says the Spirit, so that (they will rest *N(k)O*) from the labors of them, (for *N(k)O*) the works of them follow with them.
14 tadanantaraṁ nirīkṣamāṇena mayā śvetavarṇa eko megho dṛṣṭastanmeghārūḍho jano mānavaputrākṛtirasti tasya śirasi suvarṇakirīṭaṁ kare ca tīkṣṇaṁ dātraṁ tiṣṭhati|
And I looked and behold a cloud white, and upon the cloud (is sitting [One] like [the] Son *N(k)O*) of Man, having on the head of Him a crown golden and in the hand of Him a sickle sharp.
15 tataḥ param anya eko dūto mandirāt nirgatyoccaiḥsvareṇa taṁ meghārūḍhaṁ sambhāṣyāvadat tvayā dātraṁ prasāryya śasyacchedanaṁ kriyatāṁ śasyacchedanasya samaya upasthito yato medinyāḥ śasyāni paripakkāni|
And another angel came out of the temple crying in a voice loud to the [One] sitting on the cloud; do put forth the sickle of You and do reap, because has come (to you *K*) the hour (of the *k*) to reap, because has ripened the harvest of the earth.
16 tatastena meghārūḍhena pṛthivyāṁ dātraṁ prasāryya pṛthivyāḥ śasyacchedanaṁ kṛtaṁ|
And swung the [One] sitting upon (the cloud *N(k)O*) the sickle of Him upon the earth, and was harvested the earth.
17 anantaram apara eko dūtaḥ svargasthamandirāt nirgataḥ so 'pi tīkṣṇaṁ dātraṁ dhārayati|
And another angel came out of the temple in heaven having also he himself a sickle sharp.
18 aparam anya eko dūto vedito nirgataḥ sa vahneradhipatiḥ sa uccaiḥsvareṇa taṁ tīkṣṇadātradhāriṇaṁ sambhāṣyāvadat tvayā svaṁ tīkṣṇaṁ dātraṁ prasāryya medinyā drākṣāgucchacchedanaṁ kriyatāṁ yatastatphalāni pariṇatāni|
And another angel came out of the altar who is having authority over the fire and he called (in a voice *N(k)O*) loud to the [one] having the sickle sharp saying; do put forth your sickle sharp and do gather the clusters from the vine of the earth, because fully ripened the grapes of it.
19 tataḥ sa dūtaḥ pṛthivyāṁ svadātraṁ prasāryya pṛthivyā drākṣāphalacchedanam akarot tatphalāni ceśvarasya krodhasvarūpasya mahākuṇḍasya madhyaṁ nirakṣipat|
And put forth the angel the sickle of him to the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast [them] into the winepress of the wrath of God (great. *N(k)O*)
20 tatkuṇḍasthaphalāni ca bahi rmardditāni tataḥ kuṇḍamadhyāt nirgataṁ raktaṁ krośaśataparyyantam aśvānāṁ khalīnān yāvad vyāpnot|
And was trodden the winepress outside the city, and flowed blood out of the winepress as high as the bridles of the horses to the distance of stadia one thousand six hundred.