< prakāśitaṁ 13 >
1 tataḥ paramahaṁ sāgarīyasikatāyāṁ tiṣṭhan sāgarād udgacchantam ekaṁ paśuṁ dṛṣṭavān tasya daśa śṛṅgāṇi sapta śirāṁsi ca daśa śṛṅgeṣu daśa kirīṭāni śiraḥsu ceśvaranindāsūcakāni nāmāni vidyante|
And I sawe a best rise out of the see havinge vii. heddes and x. hornes and apon hys hornes x. crownes and apon his heed the name of blasphemy.
2 mayā dṛṣṭaḥ sa paśuścitravyāghrasadṛśaḥ kintu tasya caraṇau bhallūkasyeva vadanañca siṁhavadanamiva| nāgane tasmai svīyaparākramaḥ svīyaṁ siṁhāsanaṁ mahādhipatyañcādāyi|
And the beast which I sawe was lyke a catt of the mountayne and his fete were as the fete of a bear and his mouth as the mouthe of a lyon. And the dragon gave him his power and his seate and grett auctorite:
3 mayi nirīkṣamāṇe tasya śirasām ekam antakāghātena cheditamivādṛśyata, kintu tasyāntakakṣatasya pratīkāro 'kriyata tataḥ kṛtsno naralokastaṁ paśumadhi camatkāraṁ gataḥ,
and I sawe one of his heedes as it were wouded to deth and his dedly woude was healed. And all the worlde wondred at the beast
4 yaśca nāgastasmai paśave sāmarthyaṁ dattavān sarvve taṁ prāṇaman paśumapi praṇamanto 'kathayan, ko vidyate paśostulyastena ko yoddhumarhati|
and they worshipped ye drago which gave power vnto the beest and they worshipped the beest sayinge: who is lyke vnto the beast? who is able to warre with him?
5 anantaraṁ tasmai darpavākyeśvaranindāvādi vadanaṁ dvicatvāriṁśanmāsān yāvad avasthiteḥ sāmarthyañcādāyi|
And ther was a mouth geve vnto him that spake great thinges and blasphemies and power was geve vnto him to do xlii. Monethes
6 tataḥ sa īśvaranindanārthaṁ mukhaṁ vyādāya tasya nāma tasyāvāsaṁ svarganivāsinaśca ninditum ārabhata|
And he opened his mowth vnto blasphemy agaynst God to blaspheme hys name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heven.
7 aparaṁ dhārmmikaiḥ saha yodhanasya teṣāṁ parājayasya cānumatiḥ sarvvajātīyānāṁ sarvvavaṁśīyānāṁ sarvvabhāṣāvādināṁ sarvvadeśīyānāñcādhipatyamapi tasmā adāyi|
And it was geven vnto him to make warre with the saynctes and to overcome them. And power was geven him over all kynred tonge and nacion:
8 tato jagataḥ sṛṣṭikālāt cheditasya meṣavatsasya jīvanapustake yāvatāṁ nāmāni likhitāni na vidyante te pṛthivīnivāsinaḥ sarvve taṁ paśuṁ praṇaṁsyanti|
and all that dwell apon the erth worshipt him: whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe of the lambe which was kylled from the begynnynge of the worlde.
9 yasya śrotraṁ vidyate sa śṛṇotu|
Yf eny man have an eare lett him heare.
10 yo jano 'parān vandīkṛtya nayati sa svayaṁ vandībhūya sthānāntaraṁ gamiṣyati, yaśca khaṅgena hanti sa svayaṁ khaṅgena ghāniṣyate| atra pavitralokānāṁ sahiṣṇutayā viśvāsena ca prakāśitavyaṁ|
He that leadeth into captivite shall goo into captivite: he that kylleth with a swearde must be kylled with a swearde. Heare is the pacience and the fayth of the saynctes.
11 anantaraṁ pṛthivīta udgacchan apara ekaḥ paśu rmayā dṛṣṭaḥ sa meṣaśāvakavat śṛṅgadvayaviśiṣṭa āsīt nāgavaccābhāṣata|
And I behelde another best commynge vp oute of the erth and he had two hornes like a lambe and he spake as dyd the dragon.
12 sa prathamapaśorantike tasya sarvvaṁ parākramaṁ vyavaharati viśeṣato yasya prathamapaśorantikakṣataṁ pratīkāraṁ gataṁ tasya pūjāṁ pṛthivīṁ tannivāsinaśca kārayati|
And he dyd all that the fyrste beest coulde do in his presence and he caused the erth and them which dwell therin to worshippe the fyrst beest whose dedly woude was healed.
13 aparaṁ mānavānāṁ sākṣād ākāśato bhuvi vahnivarṣaṇādīni mahācitrāṇi karoti|
And he dyd grett wonders so that he made fyre come doune from heven in the syght of men.
14 tasya paśoḥ sākṣād yeṣāṁ citrakarmmaṇāṁ sādhanāya sāmarthyaṁ tasmai dattaṁ taiḥ sa pṛthivīnivāsino bhrāmayati, viśeṣato yaḥ paśuḥ khaṅgena kṣatayukto bhūtvāpyajīvat tasya pratimānirmmāṇaṁ pṛthivīnivāsina ādiśati|
And deceaved them that dwelt on the erth by the meanes of those signes which he had power to doo in the sight of the beest sayinge to the that dwelt on the erth: that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beest which had the woude of a swearde and dyd lyve.
15 aparaṁ tasya paśoḥ pratimā yathā bhāṣate yāvantaśca mānavāstāṁ paśupratimāṁ na pūjayanti te yathā hanyante tathā paśupratimāyāḥ prāṇapratiṣṭhārthaṁ sāmarthyaṁ tasmā adāyi|
And he had power to geve a sprete vnto the ymage of the beest and that the ymage of the beest shuld speake and shuld cause that as many as wolde not worshyppe the ymage of the beest shuld be kylled.
16 aparaṁ kṣudramahaddhanidaridramuktadāsān sarvvān dakṣiṇakare bhāle vā kalaṅkaṁ grāhayati|
And he made all bothe smale and grett ryche and poore fre and bond to receave a marke in their right hondes or in their forheddes.
17 tasmād ye taṁ kalaṅkamarthataḥ paśo rnāma tasya nāmnaḥ saṁkhyāṅkaṁ vā dhārayanti tān vinā pareṇa kenāpi krayavikraye karttuṁ na śakyete|
And that no ma myght by or sell save he that had the marke or the name of the beest other the nombre of his name.
18 atra jñānena prakāśitavyaṁ| yo buddhiviśiṣṭaḥ sa paśoḥ saṁkhyāṁ gaṇayatu yataḥ sā mānavasya saṁkhyā bhavati| sā ca saṁkhyā ṣaṭṣaṣṭyadhikaṣaṭśatāni|
Here is wisdome. Let him that hath wytt count the nombre of the beest. For it is the nombre of a man and his nombre is sixe hondred threscore and sixe.