< mathiḥ 19 >
1 anantaram etāsu kathāsu samāptāsu yīśu rgālīlapradeśāt prasthāya yardantīrasthaṁ yihūdāpradeśaṁ prāptaḥ|
It happened when Yeshua had finished these words, he departed from Galila, and came into the borders of Yehuda beyond the Yurdinan.
2 tadā tatpaścāt jananivahe gate sa tatra tān nirāmayān akarot|
Great crowds followed him, and he healed them there.
3 tadanantaraṁ phirūśinastatsamīpamāgatya pārīkṣituṁ taṁ papracchuḥ, kasmādapi kāraṇāt nareṇa svajāyā parityājyā na vā?
And Pharisees came to him, testing him, and saying to him, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce a wife for any reason?"
4 sa pratyuvāca, prathamam īśvaro naratvena nārītvena ca manujān sasarja, tasmāt kathitavān,
He answered, and said, "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female,
5 mānuṣaḥ svapitarau parityajya svapatnyām āsakṣyate, tau dvau janāvekāṅgau bhaviṣyataḥ, kimetad yuṣmābhi rna paṭhitam?
and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife; and the two will become one flesh?'
6 atastau puna rna dvau tayorekāṅgatvaṁ jātaṁ, īśvareṇa yacca samayujyata, manujo na tad bhindyāt|
So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no one separate."
7 tadānīṁ te taṁ pratyavadan, tathātve tyājyapatraṁ dattvā svāṁ svāṁ jāyāṁ tyaktuṁ vyavasthāṁ mūsāḥ kathaṁ lilekha?
They asked him, "Why then did Mushe command us to give her a certificate of divorce, and divorce her?"
8 tataḥ sa kathitavān, yuṣmākaṁ manasāṁ kāṭhinyād yuṣmān svāṁ svāṁ jāyāṁ tyaktum anvamanyata kintu prathamād eṣo vidhirnāsīt|
He said to them, "Mushe, because of the hardness of your hearts, allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it has not been so.
9 ato yuṣmānahaṁ vadāmi, vyabhicāraṁ vinā yo nijajāyāṁ tyajet anyāñca vivahet, sa paradārān gacchati; yaśca tyaktāṁ nārīṁ vivahati sopi paradāreṣu ramate|
I tell you that whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery. And he who marries her when she is divorced commits adultery."
10 tadā tasya śiṣyāstaṁ babhāṣire, yadi svajāyayā sākaṁ puṁsa etādṛk sambandho jāyate, tarhi vivahanameva na bhadraṁ|
The disciples said to him, "If this is the case of a husband with a wife, it is not expedient to marry."
11 tataḥ sa uktavān, yebhyastatsāmarthyaṁ ādāyi, tān vinānyaḥ kopi manuja etanmataṁ grahītuṁ na śaknoti|
But he said to them, "Not everyone can receive this saying, but those to whom it is given.
12 katipayā jananaklībaḥ katipayā narakṛtaklībaḥ svargarājyāya katipayāḥ svakṛtaklībāśca santi, ye grahītuṁ śaknuvanti te gṛhlantu|
For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother's womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He who is able to receive it, let him receive it."
13 aparam yathā sa śiśūnāṁ gātreṣu hastaṁ datvā prārthayate, tadarthaṁ tatsamīṁpaṁ śiśava ānīyanta, tata ānayitṛn śiṣyāstiraskṛtavantaḥ|
Then little children were brought to him, that he should lay his hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them.
14 kintu yīśuruvāca, śiśavo madantikam āgacchantu, tān mā vārayata, etādṛśāṁ śiśūnāmeva svargarājyaṁ|
But Yeshua said, "Allow the little children, and do not forbid them to come to me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to ones like these."
15 tataḥ sa teṣāṁ gātreṣu hastaṁ datvā tasmāt sthānāt pratasthe|
He placed his hands on them, and departed from there.
16 aparam eka āgatya taṁ papraccha, he paramaguro, anantāyuḥ prāptuṁ mayā kiṁ kiṁ satkarmma karttavyaṁ? (aiōnios )
And look, someone came to him and said, "Teacher, what good thing must I do, that I may have everlasting life?" (aiōnios )
17 tataḥ sa uvāca, māṁ paramaṁ kuto vadasi? vineścaraṁ na kopi paramaḥ, kintu yadyanantāyuḥ prāptuṁ vāñchasi, tarhyājñāḥ pālaya|
He said to him, "Why do you ask me about what is good? No one is good but one. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments."
18 tadā sa pṛṣṭavān, kāḥ kā ājñāḥ? tato yīśuḥ kathitavān, naraṁ mā hanyāḥ, paradārān mā gaccheḥ, mā corayeḥ, mṛṣāsākṣyaṁ mā dadyāḥ,
He said to him, "Which ones?" And Yeshua said, "'Do not murder.' 'Do not commit adultery.' 'Do not steal.' 'Do not offer false testimony.'
19 nijapitarau saṁmanyasva, svasamīpavāsini svavat prema kuru|
'Honor your father and mother.' And, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
20 sa yuvā kathitavān, ā bālyād etāḥ pālayāmi, idānīṁ kiṁ nyūnamāste?
The young man said to him, "All these things I have kept. What do I still lack?"
21 tato yīśuravadat, yadi siddho bhavituṁ vāñchasi, tarhi gatvā nijasarvvasvaṁ vikrīya daridrebhyo vitara, tataḥ svarge vittaṁ lapsyase; āgaccha, matpaścādvarttī ca bhava|
Yeshua said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me."
22 etāṁ vācaṁ śrutvā sa yuvā svīyabahusampatte rviṣaṇaḥ san calitavān|
But when the young man heard the saying, he went away sad, for he was one who had great possessions.
23 tadā yīśuḥ svaśiṣyān avadat, dhanināṁ svargarājyapraveśo mahāduṣkara iti yuṣmānahaṁ tathyaṁ vadāmi|
Yeshua said to his disciples, "Truly I say to you, it is difficult for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven.
24 punarapi yuṣmānahaṁ vadāmi, dhanināṁ svargarājyapraveśāt sūcīchidreṇa mahāṅgagamanaṁ sukaraṁ|
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich person to enter into the Kingdom of God."
25 iti vākyaṁ niśamya śiṣyā aticamatkṛtya kathayāmāsuḥ; tarhi kasya paritrāṇaṁ bhavituṁ śaknoti?
When the disciples heard it, they were exceedingly astonished, saying, "Who then can be saved?"
26 tadā sa tān dṛṣdvā kathayāmāsa, tat mānuṣāṇāmaśakyaṁ bhavati, kintvīśvarasya sarvvaṁ śakyam|
Looking at them, Yeshua said, "With humans this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
27 tadā pitarastaṁ gaditavān, paśya, vayaṁ sarvvaṁ parityajya bhavataḥ paścādvarttino 'bhavāma; vayaṁ kiṁ prāpsyāmaḥ?
Then Kipha answered, "Look, we have left everything, and followed you. What then will we have?"
28 tato yīśuḥ kathitavān, yuṣmānahaṁ tathyaṁ vadāmi, yūyaṁ mama paścādvarttino jātā iti kāraṇāt navīnasṛṣṭikāle yadā manujasutaḥ svīyaiścaryyasiṁhāsana upavekṣyati, tadā yūyamapi dvādaśasiṁhāsaneṣūpaviśya isrāyelīyadvādaśavaṁśānāṁ vicāraṁ kariṣyatha|
Yeshua said to them, "Truly I tell you that you who have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on the throne of his glory, you also will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israyel.
29 anyacca yaḥ kaścit mama nāmakāraṇāt gṛhaṁ vā bhrātaraṁ vā bhaginīṁ vā pitaraṁ vā mātaraṁ vā jāyāṁ vā bālakaṁ vā bhūmiṁ parityajati, sa teṣāṁ śataguṇaṁ lapsyate, anantāyumo'dhikāritvañca prāpsyati| (aiōnios )
Everyone who has left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, will receive one hundred times, and will inherit everlasting life. (aiōnios )
30 kintu agrīyā aneke janāḥ paścāt, paścātīyāścāneke lokā agre bhaviṣyanti|
But many will be last who are first; and first who are last.