< lūkaḥ 24 >
1 atha saptāhaprathamadine'tipratyūṣe tā yoṣitaḥ sampāditaṁ sugandhidravyaṁ gṛhītvā tadanyābhiḥ kiyatībhiḥ strībhiḥ saha śmaśānaṁ yayuḥ|
And on the first of the Sabbath, at the depth of the dawn, they came to the sepulcher, bearing the aromatics which they had prepared,
2 kintu śmaśānadvārāt pāṣāṇamapasāritaṁ dṛṣṭvā
And they found the stone, having been rolled away from the sepulcher.
3 tāḥ praviśya prabho rdehamaprāpya
And coming in they found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
4 vyākulā bhavanti etarhi tejomayavastrānvitau dvau puruṣau tāsāṁ samīpe samupasthitau
And it came to pass, while they were at a loss concerning this, and behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
5 tasmāttāḥ śaṅkāyuktā bhūmāvadhomukhyasyasthuḥ| tadā tau tā ūcatu rmṛtānāṁ madhye jīvantaṁ kuto mṛgayatha?
and they being afraid, and turning their face towards the ground, they said to them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
6 sotra nāsti sa udasthāt|
He is not here, but He is risen. Remember how He spoke to you, being with you in Galilee,
7 pāpināṁ kareṣu samarpitena kruśe hatena ca manuṣyaputreṇa tṛtīyadivase śmaśānādutthātavyam iti kathāṁ sa galīli tiṣṭhan yuṣmabhyaṁ kathitavān tāṁ smarata|
Saying That it behooveth the Son of man to be delivered into the hands of sinners, and to be crucified, and to rise again on the third day.
8 tadā tasya sā kathā tāsāṁ manaḥsu jātā|
And they remembered His words.
9 anantaraṁ śmaśānād gatvā tā ekādaśaśiṣyādibhyaḥ sarvvebhyastāṁ vārttāṁ kathayāmāsuḥ|
And having returned from the sepulcher, they proclaimed all these things to the eleven, and all the rest.
10 magdalīnīmariyam, yohanā, yākūbo mātā mariyam tadanyāḥ saṅginyo yoṣitaśca preritebhya etāḥ sarvvā vārttāḥ kathayāmāsuḥ
And Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James: and the other women with them spoke these things to the apostles.
11 kintu tāsāṁ kathām anarthakākhyānamātraṁ buddhvā kopi na pratyait|
And their words appeared before them like a dream; and they doubted them.
12 tadā pitara utthāya śmaśānāntikaṁ dadhāva, tatra ca prahvo bhūtvā pārśvaikasthāpitaṁ kevalaṁ vastraṁ dadarśa; tasmādāścaryyaṁ manyamāno yadaghaṭata tanmanasi vicārayan pratasthe|
13 tasminneva dine dvau śiyyau yirūśālamaścatuṣkrośāntaritam immāyugrāmaṁ gacchantau
And behold, two of them on that day were journeying to a village, distant from Jerusalem sixty furlongs, to which was the name Emmaus:
14 tāsāṁ ghaṭanānāṁ kathāmakathayatāṁ
and they were conversing with one another concerning all those things which had transpired.
15 tayorālāpavicārayoḥ kāle yīśurāgatya tābhyāṁ saha jagāma
And it came to pass, while they are talking and making inquiry, Jesus Himself also having come nigh, journeyed along with them:
16 kintu yathā tau taṁ na paricinutastadarthaṁ tayo rdṛṣṭiḥ saṁruddhā|
and their eyes were held so as not to recognize Him.
17 sa tau pṛṣṭavān yuvāṁ viṣaṇṇau kiṁ vicārayantau gacchathaḥ?
And He said to them, What speeches are these which you are interchanging to one another, walking along? And they stood still, looking sad.
18 tatastayoḥ kliyapānāmā pratyuvāca yirūśālamapure'dhunā yānyaghaṭanta tvaṁ kevalavideśī kiṁ tadvṛttāntaṁ na jānāsi?
And one, whose name was Cleopas, said to Him, Dost thou only sojourn at Jerusalem and not know the things which have taken place in it in these days?
19 sa papraccha kā ghaṭanāḥ? tadā tau vaktumārebhāte yīśunāmā yo nāsaratīyo bhaviṣyadvādī īśvarasya mānuṣāṇāñca sākṣāt vākye karmmaṇi ca śaktimānāsīt
And He said to them, What? And they said to Him, The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet-man mighty in work and word before God and all the people.
20 tam asmākaṁ pradhānayājakā vicārakāśca kenāpi prakāreṇa kruśe viddhvā tasya prāṇānanāśayan tadīyā ghaṭanāḥ;
How the chief priests and our rulers indeed delivered Him up to the condemnation of death, and they crucified Him.
21 kintu ya isrāyelīyalokān uddhārayiṣyati sa evāyam ityāśāsmābhiḥ kṛtā|tadyathā tathāstu tasyā ghaṭanāyā adya dinatrayaṁ gataṁ|
But we were hoping that He is the one about to redeem Israel: but truly in addition to all these things, this is the third day from which these things took place.
22 adhikantvasmākaṁ saṅginīnāṁ kiyatstrīṇāṁ mukhebhyo'sambhavavākyamidaṁ śrutaṁ;
But certain women from us truly surprised us, being early at the sepulcher;
23 tāḥ pratyūṣe śmaśānaṁ gatvā tatra tasya deham aprāpya vyāghuṭyetvā proktavatyaḥ svargīsadūtau dṛṣṭāvasmābhistau cāvādiṣṭāṁ sa jīvitavān|
and not seeing His body, came, saying, they had also seen a vision of angels, who say that He is alive.
24 tatosmākaṁ kaiścit śmaśānamagamyata te'pi strīṇāṁ vākyānurūpaṁ dṛṣṭavantaḥ kintu taṁ nāpaśyan|
And certain ones of those with us went away to the sepulcher, and found as the women also said: and they saw Him not.
25 tadā sa tāvuvāca, he abodhau he bhaviṣyadvādibhiruktavākyaṁ pratyetuṁ vilambamānau;
And He said to them, O ye foolish, and slow in heart to believe in all those things which the prophet spoke!
26 etatsarvvaduḥkhaṁ bhuktvā svabhūtiprāptiḥ kiṁ khrīṣṭasya na nyāyyā?
Did it not behoove Christ to suffer, and to enter into His glory?
27 tataḥ sa mūsāgranthamārabhya sarvvabhaviṣyadvādināṁ sarvvaśāstre svasmin likhitākhyānābhiprāyaṁ bodhayāmāsa|
And beginning from Moses and all the prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures, the things concerning Himself.
28 atha gamyagrāmābhyarṇaṁ prāpya tenāgre gamanalakṣaṇe darśite
And they drew nigh to the village, whither they were going: and He made as though He would go further:
29 tau sādhayitvāvadatāṁ sahāvābhyāṁ tiṣṭha dine gate sati rātrirabhūt; tataḥ sa tābhyāṁ sārddhaṁ sthātuṁ gṛhaṁ yayau|
and they constrained Him, saying, Abide with us: because it is at the evening, and the day has already declined. And He came in to abide with them.
30 paścādbhojanopaveśakāle sa pūpaṁ gṛhītvā īśvaraguṇān jagāda tañca bhaṁktvā tābhyāṁ dadau|
And it came to pass, while He was reclining with them at the table, taking bread, He blessed it, and breaking it, He gave it to them:
31 tadā tayo rdṛṣṭau prasannāyāṁ taṁ pratyabhijñatuḥ kintu sa tayoḥ sākṣādantardadhe|
and their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him; and He vanished from them.
32 tatastau mithobhidhātum ārabdhavantau gamanakāle yadā kathāmakathayat śāstrārthañcabodhayat tadāvayo rbuddhiḥ kiṁ na prājvalat?
And they said to one another, Did not our heart bum within us, while He was talking to us on the way, as He was expounding the Scriptures to us?
33 tau tatkṣaṇādutthāya yirūśālamapuraṁ pratyāyayatuḥ, tatsthāne śiṣyāṇām ekādaśānāṁ saṅgināñca darśanaṁ jātaṁ|
And rising up the same hour, they returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven and those with them gathered together,
34 te procuḥ prabhurudatiṣṭhad iti satyaṁ śimone darśanamadācca|
saying, The Lord indeed is risen, and was seen by Simon.
35 tataḥ pathaḥ sarvvaghaṭanāyāḥ pūpabhañjanena tatparicayasya ca sarvvavṛttāntaṁ tau vaktumārebhāte|
And they expounded those things on the way, and bow He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.
36 itthaṁ te parasparaṁ vadanti tatkāle yīśuḥ svayaṁ teṣāṁ madhya protthaya yuṣmākaṁ kalyāṇaṁ bhūyād ityuvāca,
And they speaking these things, He stood in their midst,
37 kintu bhūtaṁ paśyāma ityanumāya te samudvivijire treṣuśca|
and they being affrighted and filled with fear, thought they saw a spirit.
38 sa uvāca, kuto duḥkhitā bhavatha? yuṣmākaṁ manaḥsu sandeha udeti ca kutaḥ?
And He said to them, Why are you excited, and why do reasonings arise in your heart?
39 eṣohaṁ, mama karau paśyata varaṁ spṛṣṭvā paśyata, mama yādṛśāni paśyatha tādṛśāni bhūtasya māṁsāsthīni na santi|
See my hands and my feet, that I am He: feel me; and see, because a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me having.
40 ityuktvā sa hastapādān darśayāmāsa|
41 te'sambhavaṁ jñātvā sānandā na pratyayan| tataḥ sa tān papraccha, atra yuṣmākaṁ samīpe khādyaṁ kiñcidasti?
And they still disbelieving from joy, and wondering, He said to them, Have you here any edible?
42 tataste kiyaddagdhamatsyaṁ madhu ca daduḥ
And they gave Him a piece of baked fish:
43 sa tadādāya teṣāṁ sākṣād bubhuje
and taking it, He did eat in their presence.
44 kathayāmāsa ca mūsāvyavasthāyāṁ bhaviṣyadvādināṁ grantheṣu gītapustake ca mayi yāni sarvvāṇi vacanāni likhitāni tadanurūpāṇi ghaṭiṣyante yuṣmābhiḥ sārddhaṁ sthitvāhaṁ yadetadvākyam avadaṁ tadidānīṁ pratyakṣamabhūt|
And He said to them, These are my words which I spoke to you, being still with you, that it behooves all things which have been written concerning me in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and the Psalms, to be fulfilled.
45 atha tebhyaḥ śāstrabodhādhikāraṁ datvāvadat,
Then He opened their mind, that they might understand the Scriptures.
46 khrīṣṭenetthaṁ mṛtiyātanā bhoktavyā tṛtīyadine ca śmaśānādutthātavyañceti lipirasti;
And He said to them, As it has been written, That Christ must suffer, and rise from the dead on the third day;
47 tannāmnā yirūśālamamārabhya sarvvadeśe manaḥparāvarttanasya pāpamocanasya ca susaṁvādaḥ pracārayitavyaḥ,
and repentance unto remission of sins is to be preached in His name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
48 eṣu sarvveṣu yūyaṁ sākṣiṇaḥ|
You are witnesses of these things.
49 aparañca paśyata pitrā yat pratijñātaṁ tat preṣayiṣyāmi, ataeva yāvatkālaṁ yūyaṁ svargīyāṁ śaktiṁ na prāpsyatha tāvatkālaṁ yirūśālamnagare tiṣṭhata|
And I send the promise of the Father upon you: and you tarry in the city, until you may be endued with power from on high.
50 atha sa tān baithanīyāparyyantaṁ nītvā hastāvuttolya āśiṣa vaktumārebhe
And He led them out even unto Bethany; and having lifted up His hands, He blessed them.
51 āśiṣaṁ vadanneva ca tebhyaḥ pṛthag bhūtvā svargāya nīto'bhavat|
And it came to pass, while He was blessing them, He departed from them, and was carried up into heaven.
52 tadā te taṁ bhajamānā mahānandena yirūśālamaṁ pratyājagmuḥ|
And they returned to Jerusalem with great joy:
53 tato nirantaraṁ mandire tiṣṭhanta īśvarasya praśaṁsāṁ dhanyavādañca karttam ārebhire| iti||
and were constantly in the temple, praising God.