< lūkaḥ 23 >

1 tataḥ sabhāsthāḥ sarvvalokā utthāya taṁ pīlātasammukhaṁ nītvāprodya vaktumārebhire,
Then the whole multitude of them arose, and led him vnto Pilate.
2 svamabhiṣiktaṁ rājānaṁ vadantaṁ kaimararājāya karadānaṁ niṣedhantaṁ rājyaviparyyayaṁ kurttuṁ pravarttamānam ena prāptā vayaṁ|
And they began to accuse him, saying, We haue found this man peruerting the nation, and forbidding to pay tribute to Cesar, saying, That he is Christ a King.
3 tadā pīlātastaṁ pṛṣṭavān tvaṁ kiṁ yihūdīyānāṁ rājā? sa pratyuvāca tvaṁ satyamuktavān|
And Pilate asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Iewes? And hee answered him, and sayd, Thou sayest it.
4 tadā pīlātaḥ pradhānayājakādilokān jagād, ahametasya kamapyaparādhaṁ nāptavān|
Then sayd Pilate to the hie Priests, and to the people, I finde no fault in this man.
5 tataste punaḥ sāhamino bhūtvāvadan, eṣa gālīla etatsthānaparyyante sarvvasmin yihūdādeśe sarvvāllokānupadiśya kupravṛttiṁ grāhītavān|
But they were the more fierce, saying, He moueth the people, teaching throughout all Iudea, beginning at Galile, euen to this place.
6 tadā pīlāto gālīlapradeśasya nāma śrutvā papraccha, kimayaṁ gālīlīyo lokaḥ?
Nowe when Pilate heard of Galile, he asked whether the man were a Galilean.
7 tataḥ sa gālīlpradeśīyaherodrājasya tadā sthitestasya samīpe yīśuṁ preṣayāmāsa|
And when he knewe that he was of Herods iurisdiction, he sent him to Herod, which was also at Hierusalem in those dayes.
8 tadā herod yīśuṁ vilokya santutoṣa, yataḥ sa tasya bahuvṛttāntaśravaṇāt tasya kiñicadāścaryyakarmma paśyati ityāśāṁ kṛtvā bahukālamārabhya taṁ draṣṭuṁ prayāsaṁ kṛtavān|
And when Herod sawe Iesus, hee was exceedingly glad: for he was desirous to see him of a long season, because he had heard many things of him, and trusted to haue seene some signe done by him.
9 tasmāt taṁ bahukathāḥ papraccha kintu sa tasya kasyāpi vākyasya pratyuttaraṁ novāca|
Then questioned hee with him of many things: but he answered him nothing.
10 atha pradhānayājakā adhyāpakāśca prottiṣṭhantaḥ sāhasena tamapavadituṁ prārebhire|
The hie Priests also and Scribes stood forth, and accused him vehemently.
11 herod tasya senāgaṇaśca tamavajñāya upahāsatvena rājavastraṁ paridhāpya punaḥ pīlātaṁ prati taṁ prāhiṇot|
And Herod with his men of warre, despised him, and mocked him, and arayed him in white, and sent him againe to Pilate.
12 pūrvvaṁ herodpīlātayoḥ parasparaṁ vairabhāva āsīt kintu taddine dvayo rmelanaṁ jātam|
And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together: for before they were enemies one to another.
13 paścāt pīlātaḥ pradhānayājakān śāsakān lokāṁśca yugapadāhūya babhāṣe,
Then Pilate called together the hie Priests and the rulers, and the people,
14 rājyaviparyyayakārakoyam ityuktvā manuṣyamenaṁ mama nikaṭamānaiṣṭa kintu paśyata yuṣmākaṁ samakṣam asya vicāraṁ kṛtvāpi proktāpavādānurūpeṇāsya kopyaparādhaḥ sapramāṇo na jātaḥ,
And sayd vnto them, Ye haue brought this man vnto me, as one that peruerted the people: and beholde, I haue examined him before you, and haue found no fault in this man, of those things whereof ye accuse him:
15 yūyañca herodaḥ sannidhau preṣitā mayā tatrāsya kopyaparādhastenāpi na prāptaḥ|paśyatānena vadhahetukaṁ kimapi nāparāddhaṁ|
No, nor yet Herod: for I sent you to him: and loe, nothing worthy of death is done of him.
16 tasmādenaṁ tāḍayitvā vihāsyāmi|
I will therefore chastise him, and let him loose.
17 tatrotsave teṣāmeko mocayitavyaḥ|
(For of necessitie hee must haue let one loose vnto them at the feast.)
18 iti hetoste proccairekadā procuḥ, enaṁ dūrīkṛtya barabbānāmānaṁ mocaya|
Then all ye multitude cried at once, saying, Away with him, and deliuer vnto vs Barabbas:
19 sa barabbā nagara upaplavavadhāparādhābhyāṁ kārāyāṁ baddha āsīt|
Which for a certaine insurrection made in the citie, and murder, was cast in prison.
20 kintu pīlāto yīśuṁ mocayituṁ vāñchan punastānuvāca|
Then Pilate spake againe to them, willing to let Iesus loose.
21 tathāpyenaṁ kruśe vyadha kruśe vyadheti vadantaste ruruvuḥ|
But they cried, saying, Crucifie, crucifie him.
22 tataḥ sa tṛtīyavāraṁ jagāda kutaḥ? sa kiṁ karmma kṛtavān? nāhamasya kamapi vadhāparādhaṁ prāptaḥ kevalaṁ tāḍayitvāmuṁ tyajāmi|
And he sayd vnto them the third time, But what euill hath he done? I finde no cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise him, and let him loose.
23 tathāpi te punarenaṁ kruśe vyadha ityuktvā proccairdṛḍhaṁ prārthayāñcakrire;
But they were instant with loude voyces, and required that he might be crucified: and the voyces of them and of the hie Priests preuailed.
24 tataḥ pradhānayājakādīnāṁ kalarave prabale sati teṣāṁ prārthanārūpaṁ karttuṁ pīlāta ādideśa|
So Pilate gaue sentence, that it should be as they required.
25 rājadrohavadhayoraparādhena kārāsthaṁ yaṁ janaṁ te yayācire taṁ mocayitvā yīśuṁ teṣāmicchāyāṁ samārpayat|
And he let loose vnto them him that for insurrection and murder was cast into prison, whome they desired, and deliuered Iesus to doe with him what they would.
26 atha te yīśuṁ gṛhītvā yānti, etarhi grāmādāgataṁ śimonanāmānaṁ kurīṇīyaṁ janaṁ dhṛtvā yīśoḥ paścānnetuṁ tasya skandhe kruśamarpayāmāsuḥ|
And as they led him away, they caught one Simon of Cyrene, comming out of the fielde, and on him they layde the crosse, to beare it after Iesus.
27 tato lokāraṇyamadhye bahustriyo rudatyo vilapantyaśca yīśoḥ paścād yayuḥ|
And there followed him a great multitude of people, and of women, which women bewailed and lamented him.
28 kintu sa vyāghuṭya tā uvāca, he yirūśālamo nāryyo yuyaṁ madarthaṁ na ruditvā svārthaṁ svāpatyārthañca ruditi;
But Iesus turned backe vnto them, and said, Daughters of Hierusalem, weepe not for me, but weepe for your selues, and for your children.
29 paśyata yaḥ kadāpi garbhavatyo nābhavan stanyañca nāpāyayan tādṛśī rvandhyā yadā dhanyā vakṣyanti sa kāla āyāti|
For behold, the dayes wil come, when men shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombes that neuer bare, and the pappes which neuer gaue sucke.
30 tadā he śailā asmākamupari patata, he upaśailā asmānācchādayata kathāmīdṛśīṁ lokā vakṣyanti|
Then shall they begin to say to the mountaines, Fall on vs: and to the hilles, Couer vs.
31 yataḥ satejasi śākhini cedetad ghaṭate tarhi śuṣkaśākhini kiṁ na ghaṭiṣyate?
For if they doe these things to a greene tree, what shalbe done to the drie?
32 tadā te hantuṁ dvāvaparādhinau tena sārddhaṁ ninyuḥ|
And there were two others, which were euill doers, led with him to be slaine.
33 aparaṁ śiraḥkapālanāmakasthānaṁ prāpya taṁ kruśe vividhuḥ; taddvayoraparādhinorekaṁ tasya dakṣiṇo tadanyaṁ vāme kruśe vividhuḥ|
And when they were come to the place, which is called Caluarie, there they crucified him, and the euill doers: one at the right hand, and the other at the left.
34 tadā yīśurakathayat, he pitaretān kṣamasva yata ete yat karmma kurvvanti tan na viduḥ; paścātte guṭikāpātaṁ kṛtvā tasya vastrāṇi vibhajya jagṛhuḥ|
Then sayd Iesus, Father, forgiue them: for they know not what they doe. And they parted his raiment, and cast lottes.
35 tatra lokasaṁghastiṣṭhan dadarśa; te teṣāṁ śāsakāśca tamupahasya jagaduḥ, eṣa itarān rakṣitavān yadīśvareṇābhirucito 'bhiṣiktastrātā bhavati tarhi svamadhunā rakṣatu|
And the people stoode, and behelde: and the rulers mocked him with them, saying, He saued others: let him saue himselfe, if hee be that Christ, the Chosen of God.
36 tadanyaḥ senāgaṇā etya tasmai amlarasaṁ datvā parihasya provāca,
The souldiers also mocked him, and came and offered him vineger,
37 cettvaṁ yihūdīyānāṁ rājāsi tarhi svaṁ rakṣa|
And said, If thou be the King of the Iewes, saue thy selfe.
38 yihūdīyānāṁ rājeti vākyaṁ yūnānīyaromīyebrīyākṣarai rlikhitaṁ tacchirasa ūrddhve'sthāpyata|
And a superscription was also written ouer him, in Greeke letters, and in Latin, and in Hebrewe, THIS IS THAT KING OF THE JEWES.
39 tadobhayapārśvayo rviddhau yāvaparādhinau tayorekastaṁ vinindya babhāṣe, cettvam abhiṣiktosi tarhi svamāvāñca rakṣa|
And one of the euill doers, which were hanged, railed on him, saying, If thou be that Christ, saue thy selfe and vs.
40 kintvanyastaṁ tarjayitvāvadat, īśvarāttava kiñcidapi bhayaṁ nāsti kiṁ? tvamapi samānadaṇḍosi,
But the other answered, and rebuked him, saying, Fearest thou not God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
41 yogyapātre āvāṁ svasvakarmmaṇāṁ samucitaphalaṁ prāpnuvaḥ kintvanena kimapi nāparāddhaṁ|
We are in deede righteously here: for we receiue things worthy of that we haue done: but this man hath done nothing amisse.
42 atha sa yīśuṁ jagāda he prabhe bhavān svarājyapraveśakāle māṁ smaratu|
And he sayd vnto Iesus, Lord, remember me, when thou commest into thy kingdome.
43 tadā yīśuḥ kathitavān tvāṁ yathārthaṁ vadāmi tvamadyaiva mayā sārddhaṁ paralokasya sukhasthānaṁ prāpsyasi|
Then Iesus said vnto him, Verely I say vnto thee, to day shalt thou be with me in Paradise.
44 aparañca dvitīyayāmāt tṛtīyayāmaparyyantaṁ ravestejasontarhitatvāt sarvvadeśo'ndhakāreṇāvṛto
And it was about the sixt houre: and there was a darkenes ouer all the land, vntill the ninth houre.
45 mandirasya yavanikā ca chidyamānā dvidhā babhūva|
And the Sunne was darkened, and the vaile of the Temple rent through the middes.
46 tato yīśuruccairuvāca, he pita rmamātmānaṁ tava kare samarpaye, ityuktvā sa prāṇān jahau|
And Iesus cryed with a loude voyce, and sayd, Father, into thine hands I commend my spirit. And when hee thus had sayd, hee gaue vp the ghost.
47 tadaitā ghaṭanā dṛṣṭvā śatasenāpatirīśvaraṁ dhanyamuktvā kathitavān ayaṁ nitāntaṁ sādhumanuṣya āsīt|
Nowe when the Centurion saw what was done, he glorified God, saying, Of a suretie this man was iust.
48 atha yāvanto lokā draṣṭum āgatāste tā ghaṭanā dṛṣṭvā vakṣaḥsu karāghātaṁ kṛtvā vyācuṭya gatāḥ|
And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things, which were done, smote their brestes, and returned.
49 yīśo rjñātayo yā yā yoṣitaśca gālīlastena sārddhamāyātāstā api dūre sthitvā tat sarvvaṁ dadṛśuḥ|
And all his acquaintance stood a farre off, and the women that followed him from Galile, beholding these things.
50 tadā yihūdīyānāṁ mantraṇāṁ kriyāñcāsammanyamāna īśvarasya rājatvam apekṣamāṇo
And beholde, there was a man named Ioseph, which was a counseller, a good man and a iust.
51 yihūdideśīyo 'rimathīyanagarīyo yūṣaphnāmā mantrī bhadro dhārmmikaśca pumān
Hee did not consent to the counsell and deede of them, which was of Arimathea, a citie of the Iewes: who also himselfe waited for the kingdome of God.
52 pīlātāntikaṁ gatvā yīśo rdehaṁ yayāce|
He went vnto Pilate, and asked the body of Iesus,
53 paścād vapuravarohya vāsasā saṁveṣṭya yatra kopi mānuṣo nāsthāpyata tasmin śaile svāte śmaśāne tadasthāpayat|
And tooke it downe, and wrapped it in a linnen cloth, and laide it in a tombe hewen out of a rocke, wherein was neuer man yet laide.
54 taddinamāyojanīyaṁ dinaṁ viśrāmavāraśca samīpaḥ|
And that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drewe on.
55 aparaṁ yīśunā sārddhaṁ gālīla āgatā yoṣitaḥ paścāditvā śmaśāne tatra yathā vapuḥ sthāpitaṁ tacca dṛṣṭvā
And the women also that followed after, which came with him from Galile, behelde the sepulchre, and how his body was layd.
56 vyāghuṭya sugandhidravyatailāni kṛtvā vidhivad viśrāmavāre viśrāmaṁ cakruḥ|
And they returned and prepared odours, and ointments, and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandement.

< lūkaḥ 23 >