< lūkaḥ 19 >
1 yadā yīśu ryirīhopuraṁ praviśya tanmadhyena gacchaṁstadā
He entered and started passing through Jericho.
2 sakkeyanāmā karasañcāyināṁ pradhāno dhanavāneko
A man named Zacchaeus was there—he was a chief tax collector, and he was wealthy!
3 yīśuḥ kīdṛgiti draṣṭuṁ ceṣṭitavān kintu kharvvatvāllokasaṁghamadhye taddarśanamaprāpya
He was trying to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd, because he was short.
4 yena pathā sa yāsyati tatpathe'gre dhāvitvā taṁ draṣṭum uḍumbaratarumāruroha|
And running on ahead he climbed up into a sycamore tree, in order to see Him, since He was about to pass by there.
5 paścād yīśustatsthānam itvā ūrddhvaṁ vilokya taṁ dṛṣṭvāvādīt, he sakkeya tvaṁ śīghramavaroha mayādya tvadgehe vastavyaṁ|
And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down quickly, because today I must stay at your house.”
6 tataḥ sa śīghramavaruhya sāhlādaṁ taṁ jagrāha|
So he came down quickly, and received Him joyfully.
7 tad dṛṣṭvā sarvve vivadamānā vaktumārebhire, sotithitvena duṣṭalokagṛhaṁ gacchati|
But when they saw it, they all started complaining, saying, “He has entered to lodge with a sinful man!”
8 kintu sakkeyo daṇḍāyamāno vaktumārebhe, he prabho paśya mama yā sampattirasti tadarddhaṁ daridrebhyo dade, aparam anyāyaṁ kṛtvā kasmādapi yadi kadāpi kiñcit mayā gṛhītaṁ tarhi taccaturguṇaṁ dadāmi|
Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Indeed, Lord, I herewith give half of my goods to the poor, and if I have extorted anything from anyone, I restore fourfold.”
9 tadā yīśustamuktavān ayamapi ibrāhīmaḥ santāno'taḥ kāraṇād adyāsya gṛhe trāṇamupasthitaṁ|
So Jesus said about him, “Today salvation has happened in this house, in that he also is a son of Abraham;
10 yad hāritaṁ tat mṛgayituṁ rakṣituñca manuṣyaputra āgatavān|
because the Son of the Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
11 atha sa yirūśālamaḥ samīpa upātiṣṭhad īśvararājatvasyānuṣṭhānaṁ tadaiva bhaviṣyatīti lokairanvabhūyata, tasmāt sa śrotṛbhyaḥ punardṛṣṭāntakathām utthāpya kathayāmāsa|
Now as they heard these things, He continued with a parable, because He was near Jerusalem and they were supposing that the Kingdom of God was on the verge of being revealed.
12 kopi mahālloko nijārthaṁ rājatvapadaṁ gṛhītvā punarāgantuṁ dūradeśaṁ jagāma|
So He said: “A certain nobleman went to a distant country to receive for himself a kingdom and return.
13 yātrākāle nijān daśadāsān āhūya daśasvarṇamudrā dattvā mamāgamanaparyyantaṁ vāṇijyaṁ kurutetyādideśa|
He called ten of his slaves, gave them ten ‘minas’, and said to them, ‘Conduct business until I come.’
14 kintu tasya prajāstamavajñāya manuṣyamenam asmākamupari rājatvaṁ na kārayivyāma imāṁ vārttāṁ tannikaṭe prerayāmāsuḥ|
But his citizens hated him and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We do not want this man to reign over us.’
15 atha sa rājatvapadaṁ prāpyāgatavān ekaiko jano bāṇijyena kiṁ labdhavān iti jñātuṁ yeṣu dāseṣu mudrā arpayat tān āhūyānetum ādideśa|
It happened that he did receive the kingdom, and upon returning he ordered that those slaves to whom he had given the money be called to him, to know who had gained what by trading.
16 tadā prathama āgatya kathitavān, he prabho tava tayaikayā mudrayā daśamudrā labdhāḥ|
So the first one came and said, ‘Master, your mina earned ten minas!’
17 tataḥ sa uvāca tvamuttamo dāsaḥ svalpena viśvāsyo jāta itaḥ kāraṇāt tvaṁ daśanagarāṇām adhipo bhava|
He said to him: ‘Super, you good slave! Because you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities!’
18 dvitīya āgatya kathitavān, he prabho tavaikayā mudrayā pañcamudrā labdhāḥ|
And the second one came and said, ‘Master, your mina made five minas.’
19 tataḥ sa uvāca, tvaṁ pañcānāṁ nagarāṇāmadhipati rbhava|
Likewise he said to him, ‘You also be over five cities.’
20 tatonya āgatya kathayāmāsa, he prabho paśya tava yā mudrā ahaṁ vastre baddhvāsthāpayaṁ seyaṁ|
Then a different one came, saying: ‘Master, here is your mina, that I kept laid away in a piece of cloth
21 tvaṁ kṛpaṇo yannāsthāpayastadapi gṛhlāsi, yannāvapastadeva ca chinatsi tatohaṁ tvatto bhītaḥ|
—I feared you because you are a hard man, removing what you did not place, and reaping what you did not sow.’
22 tadā sa jagāda, re duṣṭadāsa tava vākyena tvāṁ doṣiṇaṁ kariṣyāmi, yadahaṁ nāsthāpayaṁ tadeva gṛhlāmi, yadahaṁ nāvapañca tadeva chinadmi, etādṛśaḥ kṛpaṇohamiti yadi tvaṁ jānāsi,
So he said to him: ‘I will judge you out of your own mouth, you wicked slave! You knew that I am a hard man, removing what I did not place, and reaping what I did not sow.
23 tarhi mama mudrā baṇijāṁ nikaṭe kuto nāsthāpayaḥ? tayā kṛte'ham āgatya kusīdena sārddhaṁ nijamudrā aprāpsyam|
Why then didn't you put my money on deposit, and upon coming I would have collected it with interest?’
24 paścāt sa samīpasthān janān ājñāpayat asmāt mudrā ānīya yasya daśamudrāḥ santi tasmai datta|
And to those standing by he said, ‘Take the mina from him and give it to him who has the ten minas.’
25 te procuḥ prabho'sya daśamudrāḥ santi|
(They even said to him, ‘Master, he already has ten minas!’)
26 yuṣmānahaṁ vadāmi yasyāśraye vaddhate 'dhikaṁ tasmai dāyiṣyate, kintu yasyāśraye na varddhate tasya yadyadasti tadapi tasmān nāyiṣyate|
‘Indeed I tell you, to everyone who has, more will be given; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.
27 kintu mamādhipatitvasya vaśatve sthātum asammanyamānā ye mama ripavastānānīya mama samakṣaṁ saṁharata|
But as for those enemies of mine who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them in front of me!’”
28 ityupadeśakathāṁ kathayitvā sogragaḥ san yirūśālamapuraṁ yayau|
Having said these things, He went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.
29 tato baitphagībaithanīyāgrāmayoḥ samīpe jaitunādrerantikam itvā śiṣyadvayam ityuktvā preṣayāmāsa,
When He drew near to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mountain called ‘of Olives’, it happened like this: He sent two of His disciples,
30 yuvāmamuṁ sammukhasthagrāmaṁ praviśyaiva yaṁ kopi mānuṣaḥ kadāpi nārohat taṁ garddabhaśāvakaṁ baddhaṁ drakṣyathastaṁ mocayitvānayataṁ|
saying: “Go to the village opposite you, where as you enter you will find a colt tied, on which no man ever yet sat. Untie and bring it.
31 tatra kuto mocayathaḥ? iti cet kopi vakṣyati tarhi vakṣyathaḥ prabheratra prayojanam āste|
And if anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ just say this to him: ‘The Lord needs it.’”
32 tadā tau praritau gatvā tatkathānusāreṇa sarvvaṁ prāptau|
So those who were sent went and found it just like He told them.
33 gardabhaśāvakamocanakāle tatvāmina ūcuḥ, gardabhaśāvakaṁ kuto mocayathaḥ?
As they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying the colt?”
34 tāvūcatuḥ prabhoratra prayojanam āste|
So they said, “The Lord needs it.”
35 paścāt tau taṁ gardabhaśāvakaṁ yīśorantikamānīya tatpṛṣṭhe nijavasanāni pātayitvā tadupari yīśumārohayāmāsatuḥ|
Then they brought it to Jesus; and throwing their own clothes on the colt, they placed Jesus on it.
36 atha yātrākāle lokāḥ pathi svavastrāṇi pātayitum ārebhire|
And as He went along people were spreading their clothes on the road.
37 aparaṁ jaitunādrerupatyakām itvā śiṣyasaṁghaḥ pūrvvadṛṣṭāni mahākarmmāṇi smṛtvā,
Then, as He was approaching the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen,
38 yo rājā prabho rnāmnāyāti sa dhanyaḥ svarge kuśalaṁ sarvvocce jayadhvani rbhavatu, kathāmetāṁ kathayitvā sānandam ucairīśvaraṁ dhanyaṁ vaktumārebhe|
saying: “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
39 tadā lokāraṇyamadhyasthāḥ kiyantaḥ phirūśinastat śrutvā yīśuṁ procuḥ, he upadeśaka svaśiṣyān tarjaya|
Some of the Pharisees said to Him from the crowd, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”
40 sa uvāca, yuṣmānahaṁ vadāmi yadyamī nīravāstiṣṭhanti tarhi pāṣāṇā ucaiḥ kathāḥ kathayiṣyanti|
In answer He said to them, “I tell you that if these should keep silent, the very stones would cry out!”
41 paścāt tatpurāntikametya tadavalokya sāśrupātaṁ jagāda,
Now as He approached, observing the city He wept over it,
42 hā hā cet tvamagre'jñāsyathāḥ, tavāsminneva dine vā yadi svamaṅgalam upālapsyathāḥ, tarhyuttamam abhaviṣyat, kintu kṣaṇesmin tattava dṛṣṭeragocaram bhavati|
saying: “If you, yes you, especially in this your day, had known the things pertaining to your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.
43 tvaṁ svatrāṇakāle na mano nyadhatthā iti heto ryatkāle tava ripavastvāṁ caturdikṣu prācīreṇa veṣṭayitvā rotsyanti
Yes, the days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you; indeed they will surround you and hem you in on every side.
44 bālakaiḥ sārddhaṁ bhūmisāt kariṣyanti ca tvanmadhye pāṣāṇaikopi pāṣāṇopari na sthāsyati ca, kāla īdṛśa upasthāsyati|
And they will raze you, and your children within you, to the ground—they will not leave in you one stone upon another—all because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.”
45 atha madhyemandiraṁ praviśya tatratyān krayivikrayiṇo bahiṣkurvvan
And upon entering the temple He began to drive out those who were selling and buying in it,
46 avadat madgṛhaṁ prārthanāgṛhamiti lipirāste kintu yūyaṁ tadeva cairāṇāṁ gahvaraṁ kurutha|
saying to them, “It is written: ‘My house is a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of robbers’!”
47 paścāt sa pratyahaṁ madhyemandiram upadideśa; tataḥ pradhānayājakā adhyāpakāḥ prācīnāśca taṁ nāśayituṁ ciceṣṭire;
And He was teaching daily in the temple; but the chief priests and the scribes, as also the leaders of the people, were trying to destroy Him,
48 kintu tadupadeśe sarvve lokā niviṣṭacittāḥ sthitāstasmāt te tatkarttuṁ nāvakāśaṁ prāpuḥ|
but could not figure out how to do it, because all the people were hanging on His words.