< yākūbaḥ 2 >
1 he mama bhrātaraḥ, yūyam asmākaṁ tejasvinaḥ prabho ryīśukhrīṣṭasya dharmmaṁ mukhāpekṣayā na dhārayata|
My brothers, stop holding the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Glory, with partiality!
2 yato yuṣmākaṁ sabhāyāṁ svarṇāṅgurīyakayukte bhrājiṣṇuparicchade puruṣe praviṣṭe malinavastre kasmiṁścid daridre'pi praviṣṭe
For if a man with a gold ring, in fine clothes, should enter your synagogue, and a poor man in filthy rags should also enter,
3 yūyaṁ yadi taṁ bhrājiṣṇuparicchadavasānaṁ janaṁ nirīkṣya vadeta bhavān atrottamasthāna upaviśatviti kiñca taṁ daridraṁ yadi vadeta tvam amusmin sthāne tiṣṭha yadvātra mama pādapīṭha upaviśeti,
and you pay special attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, “You sit in this special seat,” but to the poor one you say, “You stand there,” or “Sit here at my footstool,”
4 tarhi manaḥsu viśeṣya yūyaṁ kiṁ kutarkaiḥ kuvicārakā na bhavatha?
have you not been separated among yourselves and become judges with malignant thoughts?
5 he mama priyabhrātaraḥ, śṛṇuta, saṁsāre ye daridrāstān īśvaro viśvāsena dhaninaḥ svapremakāribhyaśca pratiśrutasya rājyasyādhikāriṇaḥ karttuṁ kiṁ na varītavān? kintu daridro yuṣmābhiravajñāyate|
Listen, my beloved brothers. Has not God chosen the poor of the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that He has promised to those loving Him?
6 dhanavanta eva kiṁ yuṣmān nopadravanti balācca vicārāsanānāṁ samīpaṁ na nayanti?
But you dishonored the poor one. Do not the rich oppress you and drag you into courts?
7 yuṣmadupari parikīrttitaṁ paramaṁ nāma kiṁ taireva na nindyate?
Do they not blaspheme the noble name that was called upon you?
8 kiñca tvaṁ svasamīpavāsini svātmavat prīyasva, etacchāstrīyavacanānusārato yadi yūyaṁ rājakīyavyavasthāṁ pālayatha tarhi bhadraṁ kurutha|
If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well;
9 yadi ca mukhāpekṣāṁ kurutha tarhi pāpam ācaratha vyavasthayā cājñālaṅghina iva dūṣyadhve|
but if you show partiality, you commit sin, being convicted by the law as transgressors.
10 yato yaḥ kaścit kṛtsnāṁ vyavasthāṁ pālayati sa yadyekasmin vidhau skhalati tarhi sarvveṣām aparādhī bhavati|
For whoever will keep the whole law, yet stumble in one point, has become guilty of all.
11 yato hetostvaṁ paradārān mā gaccheti yaḥ kathitavān sa eva narahatyāṁ mā kuryyā ityapi kathitavān tasmāt tvaṁ paradārān na gatvā yadi narahatyāṁ karoṣi tarhi vyavasthālaṅghī bhavasi|
Because He who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law.
12 mukte rvyavasthāto yeṣāṁ vicāreṇa bhavitavyaṁ tādṛśā lokā iva yūyaṁ kathāṁ kathayata karmma kuruta ca|
Speak and act as being those who are about to be judged by a law of liberty
13 yo dayāṁ nācarati tasya vicāro nirddayena kāriṣyate, kintu dayā vicāram abhibhaviṣyati|
(the judgment will be without mercy to the one not showing mercy). That law exalts mercy over judgment.
14 he mama bhrātaraḥ, mama pratyayo'stīti yaḥ kathayati tasya karmmāṇi yadi na vidyanta tarhi tena kiṁ phalaṁ? tena pratyayena kiṁ tasya paritrāṇaṁ bhavituṁ śaknoti?
What is the advantage, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? That faith cannot save him, can it?
15 keṣucid bhrātṛṣu bhaginīṣu vā vasanahīneṣu prātyahikāhārahīneṣu ca satsu yuṣmākaṁ ko'pi tebhyaḥ śarīrārthaṁ prayojanīyāni dravyāṇi na datvā yadi tān vadet,
If a brother or sister is actually naked, and is destitute of the daily food,
16 yūyaṁ sakuśalaṁ gatvoṣṇagātrā bhavata tṛpyata ceti tarhyetena kiṁ phalaṁ?
and someone among you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you (pl) do not give them the things needed for the body, what is the benefit?
17 tadvat pratyayo yadi karmmabhi ryukto na bhavet tarhyekākitvāt mṛta evāste|
Thus also that faith, if it does not have works, is dead, being by itself.
18 kiñca kaścid idaṁ vadiṣyati tava pratyayo vidyate mama ca karmmāṇi vidyante, tvaṁ karmmahīnaṁ svapratyayaṁ māṁ darśaya tarhyahamapi matkarmmabhyaḥ svapratyayaṁ tvāṁ darśayiṣyāmi|
(But someone will say: “You have faith and I have works. Show me your faith by your works and I, by my works will show you my faith [what he believes].”
19 eka īśvaro 'stīti tvaṁ pratyeṣi| bhadraṁ karoṣi| bhūtā api tat pratiyanti kampante ca|
You believe that God is one. You do well. The demons also believe—and shudder!)
20 kintu he nirbbodhamānava, karmmahīnaḥ pratyayo mṛta evāstyetad avagantuṁ kim icchasi?
But you need to know, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is dead!
21 asmākaṁ pūrvvapuruṣo ya ibrāhīm svaputram ishākaṁ yajñavedyām utsṛṣṭavān sa kiṁ karmmabhyo na sapuṇyīkṛtaḥ?
Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar?
22 pratyaye tasya karmmaṇāṁ sahakāriṇi jāte karmmabhiḥ pratyayaḥ siddho 'bhavat tat kiṁ paśyasi?
You can see that faith was acting together with his works, and the faith was made complete by the works.
23 itthañcedaṁ śāstrīyavacanaṁ saphalam abhavat, ibrāhīm parameśvare viśvasitavān tacca tasya puṇyāyāgaṇyata sa ceśvarasya mitra iti nāma labdhavān|
And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “So Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called ‘friend of God’.
24 paśyata mānavaḥ karmmabhyaḥ sapuṇyīkriyate na caikākinā pratyayena|
You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
25 tadvad yā rāhabnāmikā vārāṅganā cārān anugṛhyāpareṇa mārgeṇa visasarja sāpi kiṁ karmmabhyo na sapuṇyīkṛtā?
Similarly, was not Rahab the prostitute also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by a different way?
26 ataevātmahīno deho yathā mṛto'sti tathaiva karmmahīnaḥ pratyayo'pi mṛto'sti|
For just as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.