< ibriṇaḥ 4 >
1 aparaṁ tadviśrāmaprāpteḥ pratijñā yadi tiṣṭhati tarhyasmākaṁ kaścit cet tasyāḥ phalena vañcito bhavet vayam etasmād bibhīmaḥ|
Let vs feare therfore lest eny of vs forsakynge the promes of entrynge into his rest shulde seme to come behinde.
2 yato 'smākaṁ samīpe yadvat tadvat teṣāṁ samīpe'pi susaṁvādaḥ pracārito 'bhavat kintu taiḥ śrutaṁ vākyaṁ tān prati niṣphalam abhavat, yataste śrotāro viśvāsena sārddhaṁ tannāmiśrayan|
For vnto vs was it declared as well as vnto them. But it proffited not them that they hearde the worde because they which hearde it coupled it not with fayth.
3 tad viśrāmasthānaṁ viśvāsibhirasmābhiḥ praviśyate yatastenoktaṁ, "ahaṁ kopāt śapathaṁ kṛtavān imaṁ, pravekṣyate janairetai rna viśrāmasthalaṁ mama|" kintu tasya karmmāṇi jagataḥ sṛṣṭikālāt samāptāni santi|
But we which have beleved do enter into his rest as contrarywyse he sayde to the other: I have sworne in my wrath they shall not enter into my rest. And that spake he verely longe after that the workes were made and the foudacio of ye worlde layde.
4 yataḥ kasmiṁścit sthāne saptamaṁ dinamadhi tenedam uktaṁ, yathā, "īśvaraḥ saptame dine svakṛtebhyaḥ sarvvakarmmabhyo viśaśrāma|"
For he spake in a certayne place of ye seveth daye on this wyse: And god did rest ye seventh daye fro all his workes.
5 kintvetasmin sthāne punastenocyate, yathā, "pravekṣyate janairetai rna viśrāmasthalaṁ mama|"
And in this place agayne: They shall not come into my rest.
6 phalatastat sthānaṁ kaiścit praveṣṭavyaṁ kintu ye purā susaṁvādaṁ śrutavantastairaviśvāsāt tanna praviṣṭam,
Seynge therfore it foloweth that some muste enter therinto and they to who it was fyrst preached entred not therin for vnbeleves sake.
7 iti hetoḥ sa punaradyanāmakaṁ dinaṁ nirūpya dīrghakāle gate'pi pūrvvoktāṁ vācaṁ dāyūdā kathayati, yathā, "adya yūyaṁ kathāṁ tasya yadi saṁśrotumicchatha, tarhi mā kurutedānīṁ kaṭhināni manāṁsi vaḥ|"
Agayne he apoynteth in David a certayne present daye after so longe a tyme sayinge as it is rehearsed: this daye if ye heare his voyce be not harde herted.
8 aparaṁ yihośūyo yadi tān vyaśrāmayiṣyat tarhi tataḥ param aparasya dinasya vāg īśvareṇa nākathayiṣyata|
For if Iosue had geven them rest then wolde he not afterwarde have spoke of another daye.
9 ata īśvarasya prajābhiḥ karttavya eko viśrāmastiṣṭhati|
There remayneth therfore yet a rest to ye people of God.
10 aparam īśvaro yadvat svakṛtakarmmabhyo viśaśrāma tadvat tasya viśrāmasthānaṁ praviṣṭo jano'pi svakṛtakarmmabhyo viśrāmyati|
For he yt is is entred into his rest doth cease from his awne workes as god did from his.
11 ato vayaṁ tad viśrāmasthānaṁ praveṣṭuṁ yatāmahai, tadaviśvāsodāharaṇena ko'pi na patatu|
Let vs study therfore to entre into that rest lest eny man faule after the same ensample in to vnbelefe.
12 īśvarasya vādo'maraḥ prabhāvaviśiṣṭaśca sarvvasmād dvidhārakhaṅgādapi tīkṣṇaḥ, aparaṁ prāṇātmano rgranthimajjayośca paribhedāya vicchedakārī manasaśca saṅkalpānām abhipretānāñca vicārakaḥ|
For the worde of god is quycke and myghty in operacion and sharper then eny two edged swearde: and entreth through even vnto the dividynge asonder of the soule and the sprete and of the ioyntes and the mary: and iudgeth the thoughtes and the intentes of the herte:
13 aparaṁ yasya samīpe svīyā svīyā kathāsmābhiḥ kathayitavyā tasyāgocaraḥ ko'pi prāṇī nāsti tasya dṛṣṭau sarvvamevānāvṛtaṁ prakāśitañcāste|
nether is there eny creature invisible in the sight of it. For all thynges are naked and bare vnto the eyes of him of who we speake.
14 aparaṁ ya uccatamaṁ svargaṁ praviṣṭa etādṛśa eko vyaktirarthata īśvarasya putro yīśurasmākaṁ mahāyājako'sti, ato heto rvayaṁ dharmmapratijñāṁ dṛḍham ālambāmahai|
Seynge then that we have a great hye prest whych is entred into heven (I meane Iesus the sonne of God) let vs holde oure profession.
15 asmākaṁ yo mahāyājako 'sti so'smākaṁ duḥkhai rduḥkhito bhavitum aśakto nahi kintu pāpaṁ vinā sarvvaviṣaye vayamiva parīkṣitaḥ|
For we have not an hye prest which can not have compassion on oure infirmities: but was in all poyntes tempted lyke as we are: but yet with out synne.
16 ataeva kṛpāṁ grahītuṁ prayojanīyopakārārtham anugrahaṁ prāptuñca vayam utsāhenānugrahasiṁhāsanasya samīpaṁ yāmaḥ|
Let vs therfore goo boldely vnto the seate of grace that we maye receave mercy and fynde grace to helpe in tyme of nede.